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lioi- e, I-
Printed by Niciiots, Son, and Bintlly,
Ued Lion Passage, Fleet Street, London.
- /
. PAAW (Pjstpr), or in Latin Pavius, a physician an4
anatomist, born at Amsterdi^in in 1564, was ^ducate4 iti
medical studies at Leyden^ whence be prqceeaed to Pari^'
for farther improvement. He afterwards spent some tini^
in Denmark, apd at Rostock, where, be receiv^ed the degr^
of doctor in 1587, and at Padua. Q^his return, to Leydein
Ike was appoint^J professor of medi.qniB in l'5S9j in which
oflSce be acquired the approbation^alid' esteem both 6f th^
public 'and bis colleagues, and dieft' Universally regretted,
in August 1617, at the ^ge of fifty-foun. .Anatomy flin4
botany were the departments which he most ardently cul-
tivated ; and he was the founder of the botanic garden of
Leyden. His works are, 1. ** Tractatus 4e Exercitii^, Lac-
ticiniis, et Bellafiis."' Rost. 2. '^ Notae ia Q^Ienum, de
pibis boni et noall succi,'* ibid. These two pieces appear
to have been his inaugural exercises. 3. ** Hortus publi-
cu8 AcadeiitisB Lugduho-Batavse, ejus Icbnographi^, de-
scriptio, usus, &c/' Lugd. Bat. 1601. 4. " Primitias Ana*
tomicae de hurpani corporis Ossibus,*' ibid* 1615. 5. ^' Sue-
benturiatus Anatomicus, continens Commentdria in Hip-
pocratem de Capitis Vulneribus. Additas sun^t Anuotatio-
pes in aliquot Capita Librioctavi C. Celsi," ibid. 1616. 6,
^' Notsp et Commentarii in Epitomen Anatpmicum Andreq^
Vesalii, ibid. 1616^ To these we may add spipq work^
which appeared after his death. 7. ** De Valvule Intestini
Epistplae dusB.^' Oppenheim, 1619, together with the firsf
century of the Epistles of Fabricius Hildanus. 8. " D«
l^este Tractatus, cum Henrici Florentii additamentis.'' Lug.
Bat. 1636. 9. << Anatomical Observationes selectiores."
Vol. XXIV. B
a P A A w.
Hafiiise, 1657, in^rted In the third and fourth centiirte^
of the anatomical and medical hrstories of T.Barthoiiiif. He
also left in MS. a ^^ Methodus Anatomica," which was in
the library of M. de Vick of Amsterdam J -
PACATUS (Latinos Drepanius), a poet and orator,
was born in the fourth century, at Drepanum in Aquitania,
but) according to others, at Bourdeaux ; or, according t0,
Sidpnius,' at AgeUk He disQOvered a remarkable taste for
poetry, from his youth; and Ausoniu^ informs us, ivrote.
love Terses. Ausonius adds, that he was equal to Catuliusj
>aiid surpassed all the Latin poets, except Virgil. Ausoniut
probably thought all this ; for he certainly had a very high,
opinion of |)im, dedicated some of his own works to him,:
and paid the greatest deference to his judgment, Paoattuir
was sent to Rome in the year S88, to congratulate Thepdo^
sius the Great on his victory oyer the tyrant Maximus ; and,
on this occasion he delivered it panegyric on the emperor
in the' senate house, for which he was rewarded, in tb^
year390, with theproconsulship of a province in Africa, ahd>:
in the year 393, with the office of superintendant of th^:;
imperial domain. We have no farther particulars of his
life. None of his pioems are extant, and the only proof o£
his talents to which we can appeal is his panegyric on;
Theodosius, the second part of which is the most interest^^
ing, and gives some curious historical facts. In style and:
manner he is thought to resemble Seneca or Pliny rather;
thain Cicero. The best edition is that by ArntzeoiuSy:.
Arost. 1753, 4to.* i ^
PACE (Richard), a learned Englishman, was born about
14S2, at or near Winchester^ as is generally supposed, and
was educated at the charge of Thomas Langton, bishop
of that diocese, who employed him, while a youth, as his
amanuensis.* The bishop, pleased with his proficiency,,
and particularly delighted with his early turn for music,
which he thought an earnest of greater attainments, hew
stowed a, pension on him sufficietit to defray the expences^
of his education at Padua, at that time one of the mpst
flourishing universities in Europe. Accordingly he studied
there for some time, and uiet with Cuthbert T<)nstaU^
afterwards bishop of Durham, and William Latimer, whoni
he called his preceptors. On. his return, he studied for
f^ ' . ■ ,
.1 Floy Diet. Hist de Medicine.
*^^ %\o%. Upir. et Moreri in art. Drepanius.— Ftbric. Bibl. Lat.
9m^ title at QVieen's-cOlI^ge^^ Oxford/ of wbtch His pitraif
Lalrgt€y6 had be^n proVo'st ; and was' soon after 'taken into
tbe service of Dr. Christbpber Batobridge, who aucceedi^d :
Langton in' the oiBce of prbvost, and became afterwards
a 4;ard{i»'alV-^ He attended him to Rome, about the begin«^
nitig'Of the sixteenth century, and continued ther^e until tb€^
dardi^al^s death in 1514. He appears/ before thi^, to bav&
entered into h6lyk!>rders, for in the beginning of tbiryear/
atfd' while abroad, ^he waamade prebendary of Bugtborp,^
in4be 6hur6h of York, in the room of \V<ylsey,' afterwards
the celebrated cardinal ; and In May df the same year, wUs^
pri^motedto the an^hdf^cdnry pf Dorset,- on the resigna-'
tiM^df his friend Langton, • at which time, flil- Willis sup-
p&^eky he reaigil(9d*<h6 prebenld of Bugthorp. ' ' / •
Ohliis returii to England, h'e was sent for to court, pro-
bably in consequence of the chai^acter given of him by hi$^
deceased patron, cardinal Biimbridge ; and became such a
favourite with Henry V 111. thatlie appointed bim, as'some
say, secretary of state, which Mr. Lodge doubts ; but it
seems certain, thi^t be either held ihat) or the office of pri-
vate sedretary, or sotne corifidcTnfctiil ^tuation, under Henry,
wiio elnployed him in afikir^-of high political importance.'
In 1515,' he' wa^ sent* to tbfe cdtirt of Vienna, where the'
object of bis embassy wislsto erigagethe emperor Maximi-
lian to dispossess the' BVencb king Francis I.^of th^ duchy
oi( Milan, bis royal master being alarmed at the progress
o# the French arms in Italy. Pace succeeded in his nego-
ciation, so far as to persuade the emperor to undertake*
tbh -expeditieTi ; ^'and he also* engaged aome of ^ the Swiss*
cantons- to 'fifrni^h him with troops; but the scheme was
ultimately so unsuebessfiiHbat-Maximiliaty was obliged ta
make peace with France. Pafce, however, profited so tnucb
by his acquaintance with this^mperor, as ta acquire a very^
useful knowledge of his' chard^cter ; and when- he after-*
w«tfd»tiffemd to resign- his crown itt fiiVour^ Henry VIII.
li9'W»^ enabled 'to give bis sovereign the best advice^ and
to a^ure htm, that Maximilian had no 6ther design,' by tbis'
apparently liberal offer, than to obtain another subsidy,
and- that, 111 bther respects, very little credit was due to faiil^
word. In this opiifion cardinal WoUey^ at bome^ seems to'
have concurred. '
In 1319, Maximiliati died, and the kings of France andv
Spain immediately declared themsetves candidates for tba:
^oiperial throne. Henry, encouraged by the pope, was
B 2
Qrdff^ tQ s^itund ibe diel of tb« einpur^t fotiM Uif #pi^
eipp» 0f tb# el.eeton^ and endrnfouf M> f^ffli Ik |vds*r
IDI9IU of |b^ liMihpod 9f Iw sqcx^W^ Pwe» h»p^ff»
AQQii di^QovQTQd ibiit bif rqy»( «pa^«Mr bnd sisrted loo kn^
«ii4 ib9& evf n ibD ^to&ioni of Ment9» Cologp^ wd Tri?9%
wba i»ei:e dWpMftd In foiH^ar bi? prftenfioiMf pW«d^»
^jf(^ a, »bevi 9f nrgH^li ibAt ihfryt w#rr pre^engigfd Tbt
^ciiw fell on Cii«rl<i9 V* In l^l#9 Pm» w«f innin
(qt^d ireft9Q/cHr of Liebfield, wbkb b« le^tgo^ ia I.JSS»
^p Wwg^ 9mAi^ d^fi of Cijfter. Initi^t ^ wcQMd«d
Gakt M iwn of iii«, P^uF^;, gnd ioim 9aqr» Md ^lao tb«
d(M|^ry of Suraiipi, bul tbi» k noi auM clear, allbongli ba
U called dean of gylUbory by H^bcr^ ii> bit ^ tife «od
ReJf a Qf iienty VUL'^ In 1$9 It be w4& iiiiid« pr^bf nditfj
^f Cfwb^ iui4 lbnihMi» Julb^ church of 8«ni«it wd wo
ind OHsiiim «f tom^ Qib^ fibvidi pr^ftrnMolf ba bftid
iffim Ui$ IP i<>»a^ bm ^jr nie. hq dubkniiiy f^lai^d tbfl
k is difficult ^ g^v« liiew In doff ordon
On the d«^b <tf pope Lm Hi, wbM eaidmiJ WoliK^y^a
4«bilioii idm^d «4 IM ptpal Afope» bm iwi P^^^o le IKqm
%» pffwuHn bit if|l«r9st } bill btAnrt U«riinriv»l thera^ AdaM»
^bop of T«rti99$» l«id boM abosm : md on bit deiiib, ia
i&aSf Pa<9e wiM i^gwi emploj^ to negoliaia for Woltej*
bia nitb no l^cttef tnc^w^ Clem^P^ VIL baing alecti^d.
iSt obminod* iB^vnmsr^ irofQ ifae pope» in enkutgwie^i of
Wobfi)!*a powfuri M l»K»¥r» vbicb ibe bitftor w^^ at ibit tiioc
ifsmto/w t0 obiaipf Paw vra« noon aftisrwilrda «»it on an
•fDb«?9y lo Vaiuce^ where be einrried wiib him ibe le«niad
t»fm% M bi» H)cretiry« WimkI deolaret, tbM on tUU ec*<
cdsion <^ it it bard to aay wb/etb^r be ptocured more «oiq-«
•endalipe er adtoifaliofi anoeg ibe V^netMUit ; both for
ibft dmejyty el bis wit^ead etpecially for bk tiogeier
proiepuiess m tbe lullafi toog u?; wbarein be ncemed p^V
d^ieg inCeripr, neilber te P. Vauoes bore ia CegU»d». ^
iiof^ ie^et«y foff »ha li^lian .toagu^, qor Jfeet Iq. »t^
iitb^r^ yfbifih ivere tibe beat, for that toogee ifi jiIl Voel<^*V
, li was ai^ tjiis uiee» bewefor, th^t PacefeUi^iidor cairdi^
ea] WokeyVdifiiiieasuce.^ tb^ ^^m^ts o| vhi^b are iNi^d!t»
Jiava bee n, v^yy.9firipiis. TbecardiDal i^ tboiigbt ^ ^bii^
been enrageU against bimy fii&t, because b4 bAds^ewnii
ifMeliMsa u> aaiwtCbftrlesdul^e ;of.B<>urbon mont^j
Inrwhoai ibe ieatdiaid Jml dq. great a6F0^ion ; aod^ a^r
jiei)d)y« b(;c»iiiio ba Jto4 a^ forwsiirde^ tbe (wdiiiarik^^Ufy*
» Ad & »
<^f 9btfeibtAg t1i6 pftpul chftir withsb oiwh «Mit at Woisej
ii^p&tt^'A. SiAvh are tfae re^s^nt ft«iigne'd by somt faisi-
vpHatiiEi t&t Walsey'b dispieasuri^i who is said tb have ori-
tiefed fBa^di^ Id ^ueh a manner^ that for nearly thie ipace
t>f tm y^iirS, Pace recidit^d no iiistrtctitms firotn his ooMrt
3^ toliift pt^e^ddiitp at Veilicl^ V hi* allowance for »fi^ac^
w^al^p withdrawn, and no answer returned to his len«fl^
^li orf^ C)^ whteir the YeAetian bMbaSisadtir resitfiner
iil tdn3on lfek<sd W4ist>]r wlMither he tM any vom'mandb
for th<6 English atfnWsssatiiSf at Vetaice^ hit answered FMcem
t^t4pit Segtm: aifd tiiu siiigular ti!Wtitieiit, we are t^ld^
^1^ affi^ted Pae(6 that h(s became titsaiiA As soofi as tlie
:'lci»g:!#as1fefQVm^ of this^ Paee was iard^red iioiue ; am^
J^ri)^;eafeftiUy atl%hd<$d by pbysitians at «lid l^ing*^ tnsi^
jdiaftdj, wtf^ V^teired in a shori time to his sensi^ aa^
Hitiused himself by ^tiadying the Hebrew iaii||i;uat^, witK
fhe aisiistanW dff ftobe^t Wak^lieldi 1st t^ iif^er^^ ^
Wilb iwtrdddeisd fo the kittg sft Ricli^ttinid, wbt> isapressdl
Inech s^t^foejtio^ iX Ms t^ov^ry; sti^ aditiil«eid bim to i
JM^i^ir^ audli^ni^e^ id ^k;ll'h<e tdmtMl«frat^d «fainfft tlie<ca;r«'
^^iiaty bfddty 16 hVsL ; Bat Uii c^rdinfal ^»^s too |iow«rM
'alli^is |i^t, iiid wh^ urgied 1>y tbe kii^ «<» sinssiri&r ^
ii!hi^(^: against hbfi^ b^ iuniitibii^d Faee befons trio^ «ift4
i^^in judgtn^^ with the dttke of Nol^Mt atid^ethers^ wh^
JbJbhdetrmed Pa^b, and s^nt Mm ti^ tbet^ci^^ Lofidofi^;
#h^t^ H^ VIM 43onfi06d fOfT twb yearsi tilt disisliffr^^ it
l^a^W>y \h^ king>^^^ #a^e» th*s ^gtaded^ «iit
1!d|fe^lf m %x[|y^ tftbd ^hd> jNeirrgiied ki^ deaivri^ii ^ ^
i^#^E^<^cif^^W fitti^^dTdl^ Ms ^ai:hi ani, miHa^
b Ste^fiely fbr %# healthy dii^d there, ifll m, WheU liidit
ijtiite fifty yefefft of agfef .,
lii^He 4s M et%ant ahd jQsft «lmiiB^(«f i^llith by ExsflttHitfi
fiMtt^ >tt^ ]h^ recartt iV6iri 1f(S<^dev ^ayhfa>e t^ettiaiMy %^
i«r T^itiii^ Moi^ Md Si^ itkt^ tatter aid^{)<ea
Pfibe ft>r hk candour and Sweetness of temper; ail4'#iiS'tie»
teo^ilfflktdd ktbfti rtMmttbdS,t6s(t'he ^enld Vi^^A/rg^vii
^r&aif '^at'^aMi^ ihe^ ^c^ Styles hitn «miy^^Ae»^
ltt^teib»Mi^ I abd Wr&letiffdfe lenders t^ \^ «h«in m
Ihy^obfe ^ liis lehTMd iti«s!nN»^ iilid t<^ ^^
wmkkm^ d)ai<ai!ter dfit rtgkc wt)ii^tby iMn,%i^d^»%^4ftM
ave in council faithful adyice : learned he was also, savk
^iati^^qiury,j^^^d enddwi^d «dt^ inany extiStent parti
and ^hk ot nature ; oocirfeou^ fJieois^iiiy: ft^H d^^^ iti^
4 t ACE'
music ( higbly in th^ khig^s favour, and well. beard in mai«
4er4 ^f iveight.'* There it extant a remarkable^ letter of
his to the king> written in .1527, in which, he very honestly
'gives his' opinion concerning the divorce ; and Fiddes oh*
.B0tredj that he always used a faithful liberty to the car<^
4tinal, which brought him at last to confittemeut and di%^
He wrote, 1=. *^ De fructu qui ex doctrina percipitur
liber/* Basil, 1517, dedicated to Dr. Colet. This was
written by our author at Constance, while be was ambas*
^ador in Helvetia ; but, inveighing muqh against drunken*
uess as a great obstacle to the attaining of knowledge^ the
people there supposing him to reflect »upon them, wrote ;a
4»b&fp dnswer to it^ and even Erdsmus calls it: an indiscreet
performance ; in which Pace had, between je&t and e^rnej^t^
Irepresenied him as a beggar^ and a beggar hated by the
•elergy. He bids sir Thomas More exhort Pace, since be
had so little judgment^ rather to Gon6ne himself to ,the
jtranslatton of Greek writers^ than tp ventiire u|x»n: works
i>f his own, and to publish such m^n. and -coiKeaifMibJie
stuff. (Erasm. epist. 275, and Ep^ 287). .2*; ' - Oratio nor
perrime composita de fc^dere percusso inter Henricuni ^nr
gU«e regemf et Francorum reg, Christianiss. in aede PauU
.Load; babita,*' 1518. 3. ^' Epistolse ad Erasmuro;'* &c
*1520^ These Epistles ais part of the, ^^ Epistol® altqqot
6raditorumvirorum«-V 4. vExeqnplum literarum^adr^g^
:Hen. YllL an. 1526,** inserted in a piece entitted, "Syd^
tagmade Hebrsorum codicum interpretatioiie,*' by Robert
Wakefield. « Pace also wrote a book against the unlawfulr
ness.of the king's. marriage with Katharine, in 1527, apd
made several translations : among others, one from English
into Latin, ^^ Bishop Fisher's Sermon,'' preached at Lon-
4on on the day upon which the writings of M.J^uther were
publicly burnt, Camb. 1521, and a translation, from, Grefk
into Latin of Plutarch's piece,, '^ De commodo ex inimi^s
capiendo.'' *• . • c ^
r PACtiECO (Francis), a Spanish artist,, supposed to
have been born in 1571, at Seville, is said by.lMir.Fusell,
to owe his> reputation more to theory,, writing, and t^
celebrity of bis scholars Cano and Velazquez, tb^ to t^e
superiority of his, works. He was a. pupil of Lui« Fern^nr
} Ath. Ox. Tol. I.— Dodd'u Ch. Hist.— Lodge's Illuitriitions, vol. I.--Fid<}6S
kod OroveVXivet pt Cardinal WoUey. — Knight and Jortio'tf LiFesof Eraunus.'
. FA CH:EC O. 9
idleis,-bot, ^bough partial to the great style, doea not ap«>
pear tp have atudied it in Italy. With sufficient correct*
Aess of oQtlip^f judgment in composition^ dignity of cba**
nuMrs, propriety of costume, observance of chiaroscuro
^^ud perspective, Paoheco displeases by want of colour^
timidity of exeoution, and dryness of style. Seville pos-
sesses the best of his historic performances; of his numer^
ous portraits, those of his wife and Miguel de Cervantes
\were the most praised. He possesses considerable erudi-
tion, and there is much wit and humour in. bis epigrams.
He died io 1654. Of . bis works we know only one, en-
titled ^' Arte de . la Piutura, su antiguedad y graodezas,**
Seville, 1649, 4to.' -
c PACHOMIUS (StO, a celebrated abbot of Tabenna in
£gypt, was .born about the year 292, of heathen parents.
He bore arms at the age of twenty, and was «o touched
with the charitable works of some Christians, that he re-
turned to Thebais when the war ended, and embraced
: Christianity. He afterwards placed himself under the di-
^^rection of a solitary named Palemon, and made so astonish-
ing a progress an religion with this exicellent master, that
-be became founder of the monastery of Tabenna, on tl)e
banks of the Nile, peopled Thebais with holy solit^-ie^,
-and had above 5000 monks under his care. His aister
"founded a consent of nuns on the other side of the Nile^
' ivho lived in a community, and practised great austerities^
St;;Pacbomius died May 3, 348. We have some of bia
'^ Epistles^* remaining, a '^ Kule,'V and some other pieces
in the library of the fathers. M. Arnauld D' Andilly has
translated a life of him in^o French, which may be fpiind
ampng those of the fathers of the desert *
PACHYMERA (George), an eminent Greek, flourished
about- 1280, under the reign of Michael Paleologus^ and
Andrqnicus bis successor. He was a person of high birt^b,,
^^and bad acquired no less knowledge in cburch*af&irs in the
great.posts he had among the clergy of Constantinople,
' tbaa of state-matters in the high employ mei^its he held in
the court of the emperor ;. so that his ^ Hisytory of Michael
' Paleologps and Andron^^us^' is the more esteemed, as bo
^was not' only an eye-witness of the.afiairs of which be^
writes, but bad also a great share in them. This histc^'y
wa9 published by Poussines, a Jesuit, Gr. et Lat. ^'ex in<^
t puioiigtoDj by Faseli ^ QafC) toI I«— Jtf oreri» ia PacoBi«%
* TJlC tl V M E R'A.
mrpri ^i *ttrt not F; Pos^lni," Bdnfic, !156#^6^, ^ f^Ui
Pkcliy'tiplera ootupoied also sdtne Greek ^^fses; but tk^
v^6 lktl6 ^stliemed, md tli^V^r )3ftiilted. Bhltik^t men^
tton^ a e^mp^niliuiii of Hie A^ist^eltM ))hUosopb]r pobi
Ksfaed 'from iii^ maniist^Hpts ; alid Tilknan pabthitiiM bii
paraphrase on 4be eptsrli^ 6f Didhy&m ^Mi Attsdpagice*^
^ Gticrgii Patbymeri^ fyarapfarasis iti detefid epteli^l&» beili
IModysii AreopagitdBi" Paris^ 1 538. *
•FACIAUM (Paul MAftU)^ antiqaiiry arid Itbt^riatii t6
tbe tlyke of Paroria, and bistoriogtapbef Of tb^ O^def* oF
Mirita; ifra^ borh at Turing NoV. IS, llriO. Afrei- &tiidyin|r
m tfee univertity of Turing he look ibe r^giotrs habit iA
the order of the Tbeatins^ at Venice, aiid tbelY wetit tb
BolOgha to stody tnatbetfaaties and natural philosophy under
%b& eetebf-nted Beccari. - It appears that he begttiv hk sub«-
^e^iiebt' litetttry oia^eer triih the lUst-ibentiotied pnf6iiit;
aiid that as soOti as be had kttdined the bigheir Orders^ be
1fa!l ilppcddted -ptbfessoi^ 6f philoiopby in the eeliejf^e of
GeiMMt ; and ivas One of tbo^e vrbo -first dai*ed to es^plode^
fvom tb0^ scbook of Italy^ the did ixxM-ed prejudices Of f^n^
lastic^ystetfis'i afad to sitbatitiite for theirt the etetfiill tl^ulbl
discovered by Newton. H« did hot^ bbttever^ Ibhg re«
maift in tbe professorship Of- phiioibpby, at bevfo^^ bbt
Quitted philoiophy for divitiity^ atid delated ten yetvi t&
l^rbacbitig md the cottipositioii of 'sertnbbi»^ by heithettX
yifhksh he ftcquiired much reputation; bett^tbiil thid period
be publisbed ^k^tine orations, bis ^' Tireati^b ob^ the Atitiqtii^
tied et Ripa TransOne^'' the afreienl Cdpf^ i lind three Jteiifi
ifter, bis ^* Expi^&tion of ati ancient engfaVed ^fte.''
The pret!is»e date o# Flsfeibei' P^ci^Udi^^ diroet IxieHtotidtt^
labours may be pYdperiy fixed at ITi'T, the thlrty-isl:ttb of
^is life ; Undi frOiti that time to 1?6&^ be w^ «eeO al^st
kt a state of continta^tl preregirihatidn at^Na|»Ie&, At Flor^e^
at ¥eni<:ei itod at fionfte; In ttife #r»t of ibe^ eitiesv
Amittg the years 1747, 49, ftnd 4$^ he puMi^faed it lOflrbed
^^ssertatfen On^A Stetbe Of Mercbi-y,'^ ih 4«o; « Ob^Oir^
fictions oil sMie foreign a^ odd Odios/'' fifkeWifs^k 4t<>;
And, << A fieries ol Medals ^eprdsi^htin^ tbe teO^t fetitaVki
ible Events of the Gorei'nlhent of Malta,^' in fblio. At
Florence >ppesri*ed jhi 175^) in 4tO, bis <' Treittb^e oft the
ancient Grosses ttlld Hbly Monunsetlts tirbich itr6 fovtld «Kt
Kivenna^^V ik Venice, ui the sflme yeftr/Ml titkitliited
tif&m itSl (6 175k, ha teM than aghi ToliltbeB in 4t^» c^oni^
IttiHiKg «9 itiiiay difl^rettt iH>rftB, isftued ftooi bi§ pen ; tli6
hesn df viFhi(*h wfts lU^boimted tb6 titeatise. *< De Aditeuttittk
Cabheefti.'' Hid {temtkihj iti thn disquiMilon, mta, that
the Gi^eks^ though thi^y plfteed danciilg^ ifi the same tknk
tetbe inilft^.iti«rcb> eon^ideti^ it as «n art tending t6
li^aiate^ adjust, and beautify the monpeinents of the body^
Md divide it into fbiii* geoei-a according to its various ap«*
plication to religious ceremobies, warlike exercises, theiM-
tribal p^rfoiraiancetiy and ddtnesfic enjoytneAts; yet the
enbistic tut, whose object is to ti^acK joinpihg atid ukteothi-
ibon corporeal exertions^ although ^erfebtly known, W«b
net^ held in great estimation iti ancient Greee^.
I'he yeiir 1757 is perhaps th6 mbftt refneirkable iii Pa^
6hindi'8 literary life; that being the perickl in Which hh
entered ihto a corresfiondfehce with ct^iint dayto!^, lind
tiegan to inpplj him with mlrtiberless heads of valuable i^
formation for his << Reoueil d'Atitiqiiit^s/' Paciaudi inay,
ill fact^ be considered if not one of the Authors, at teast ak
k contributor to that work. And his letters, which werb
^nblisbed in 1S02 at PliHs, are a proof of the ample share
6f fame tb which he is entitled in this respect. This cor^
tespondence wa4 carried on ^t eight years, firom 1757 16
1765. But neither were Paciaudi*^ powers confined tb it
alone, tilor Wsks he without further eto^foyments dutitig that
j^eriod. jtwastbetl (iti 1761) that fare published his capi*
t^^ot)c •♦Mondmenta Peloponnesia," ih 2 vols.*4to, con-
tainidg a complete illustration df those ^dlebrated statues',
busts, bas-V^eliefs, ahd isepulchral stOnes, - whidhj from tbi^
Continent arid the islands bf Peioponhebus, had b^^n re^
moired to y«Hiee, ^d which fcnrfaned a part of {he numeVouft
eoll^ctiaii of antiquities pos^si^^ by ibb illustrtpiek^ family
k Nai)f^ 10 that meti'opolis. Thbh to6 it ¥rtts that he re^
c^ved from the celebrated PkHi^esan minister Tlllot, the
iiMtatiOn to go to Pamia to !tupeHnteiid[ the erection of th^
hbt^y whidi had bi^fen projetfed by his hJystl teghhess the
»ilafat Dbn t>hHip.
^ From id donfideritifel de<^U*tifion to cdtiAt Caylus, it tp^
pears, that Mi^. P^cmudi was highly sMislieci with hi^ em^
^ymfettt. H^ cotisid^ed it ''in M dp[l6rtohity of render-
^ tii^ftil Ms Jifxt^nsivi Erudition, Withi^t thoW tncoow
ttnkanAei which littend the necessary intercontte with th^
world. He therefore engaged in the business with a seal
10 > A q I A u D t
jbos^daring ofV;efitbiism8m. . QesMes the acquisirion^ which
li^jpajd€^.of tbe excellent library p£ count Per^usatiat Rome^
4fi;17625 be went to Paris in search of other books ; and
^cb was his exei;tion9 that, inf less than six years, he col-
lected jnor^i; than sixty thousand volumes of the best worki
of eivery kind, and thus erected one of the most copious
libraries in I|aly. He also compiled such an excelljent
y Catalogue raisonn^e*' of its articles as deserves to be
jadopt^d as. a mpdel by alljsbiO are at the head of large
. W^bilst be was thus, active in the organization of .. the
Jibrary, he received additional honours and cooimisftions
.from the royal court of Parma. In 1763 he was appointed
antiquary to bis royal highness, and director of the exca*-
.vations which, under the authority, of government, bad
.been undertaken in the aucieiit toirnof Velleja, situated
in the Parmesan dominions; and in 17^7, on the expul-
jBion. of the Jesuits, be was declared ^' presid^itof stiidies,^^
with the power 'of new modelling as he thought profi^r,
the whole system of public instruction throughout the state.
In this new organization of studies be displayed tbe saoipe
.spirit of order by which he had been already distinguished
in the formation of the library. He endeavoured to arrange
,tbe different subjects in the minds of his pupils as hebad
formerly classified the books upon the different shrives* -^
Notwithstanding so many signal services to the court of
Parma, Paciaudi fell a victim to mean intrigues, and lost
the favour 'Of ;his sovereign. , He bad been intimately con-
nected with the i;ninister who then happened to be dis-
graqed, and was ia some measure involved in the same
misfprtu|ie« "tie forfeited bis places. But, conscious of
hi9 own integrity, .be did not choose to leave Parma, and
patiently waited for thetransitvof the storm; . His inno-
cence beiDg..80on ascertained, he was restored to his several
/unctions, and to rtbe good opinion of the prince. . He
l&ade, , however^ of this fovourable event, the best use that
a prudent man could do; he endeavoured to secure him-v
self against a similar misfortune in future, by soliciting
permission to retire to his native country; and this >' vo-
luntary exile,*' says M. Dacier,.in'tbe eulogy of Paciaudi,
^' banished .the last remains of suspicion against hioi.
Nothing was now remembered but bis merit and bis zeal \
bis loss was severely felt; and the most engaging solicita^
^Ds were made to bim to resame bis fonctioDs. In vain
did he plead in -excuse bis advanced age, and the necessity
of repose; bis excuses were not admitted, and be was
finally obliged to return to Farms.**
. Tbe literary establishments which had been formed by
him in that place, did not then require so much of his at-
tention and care, as to prevent him from indulging himself
in other pursuits. . He therefore conceived the plan of a
general biography of the grand masters of the order of
Malta. In 1749, wbeo be published, at Naples, the series
of medals cunc^roiiig the government of Malta, he bad
received from the grand master, Pinto, the place of bisto*-
riograpber of tbe order; but his uninterrupted labours in
<»tber pursuits had prevented him, for nearly thirty years,
from direi^iiig bis atiention to that great object, the most
inieiesttng, pefhaps, in the religious and military history
of the oMddle mgen. At last he devoted to it some of bis
latler years, oind, in 1780, published from the unrivalled
fvess of Bodoni, of Parma, his *' Memorie de Gran Mae-
at9,** &c. or ^ Memoirs. of the Grand Masters of the Holy
Military Order of Jerusalem,**: in 3 vols. 4to. Tliis pub-
licatipn. contains only tbe history of the first century of the
order, and consequently, not more than the lives of its
founder and of th<e first ten. grand masters. It would have
been continued, if tbe author had not, soon after its ap-
pearance, fallen into that languor, which generally attends
long labours andold age, and which accompanied him till
his death, which took place. on the 3d *of -February 1785,
in the 75th year of his age.
Mr. Paciaudi was an • .excellent man: religious, disin-
.terested,' and cordial ;^aQd* although not without personal
vanity, and often cbarge^ible wi(h severity of criticism oh
-bis antagonists, w^s always kind and polite, beloved by the
great, consulted by the learned, and esteemed by people
'i/it every description. He was intimately connected with
the ' greatest literary ^en of his age, among whom, be-
sides'Gay lus, it is ' sufficient to mention the illustrious
*Winkehnann, and tbe aujtbor of tbe Travels of Anacbarsis,
to whom he stood indebted for the academical honoun
. iWbiobf hre received at Paris«^
1 Ess^y on hh Life prefixed to bit -Letters, pobliabed at Paris in 1802.<^Bal<l*
win*!' Literary Jouraalj vol. IF.— Fabroni Vitie Italoruinj toI. XIV.
It ■ p kc iv $, 1
I I* '
/ PA€IU6 (JciiidsH an ettiinent lawyet ahd pbitosophiB)*^
tilted PACitIs D£ Bcfi(GA) frdm ihe iiam« of acbiiiotry se4t
beiodging to hi» father's femiJy, near Vicemsa, was bomitt
the latter city in 1550. ' His [xLridnts bestowed $vtfy paiai
vri Ilk Bdut^tbnj and he is said to have made such pro*
g^es^ (li hib first studies as to hate composed ^ tjr0atii[e qii
arithttii^tid at the age 6f tbineen. Fi^r farther profj^^ie^y
he wais sent t<^ Padua^ with his ford ther Fabius^ vfhov^ii*
tmrds tecattkie a phyMCsian of emiii^tx^e, and is ifiiebtioViejl
with gn^at/hbnour by tbe medical foibgraphers* Jultdi^
4ft^r tsUng his degree df do<:tor in ijaw^ returned to liii
own trduntr^^y where, in the lioiirsi of his extensile read'*
iti^) be be^athe at^quaibteB #t<:h the senri^nts of the ri^V
fytm^n^'^hA c^tktieAled hi& attachment tjo tti^iA Witb«]^iitUi
bam^ thlt lie Wats inedatted by the horrors of tb^ inquishiok^
Arotti ^bi^ he ibtaped to Getievtt^^ Tbi^ step bj^mg at^
tend^ with thie lOsa of hta properly, he gainefl a Ht^liboo^
Jhr isome iimb ty te^ehing ;^t)ut^, dntiU £id ^h'^fAti^he^
CMItug knb«(b/he was eribouraged 15' gt^d l^ttCites on cit^
%w^ wbitck be did foif tefi y^r^>i^itb gi'eal^'^iesaandir^^^
pirt atidtii At Geneva libo be Ih^r^ed k lady Wbi^sd, fami%
had fled fr^ib Lucc^^r the i^iniist of Mligi^o, ^itd hijA i
fetiiUy of ten tbildreri by h(&r. ]
^ 'Ifi 1^85 h^ acd^pt^d the ^(kt of ifaif law pn}tetB6tMp ii
H^ideiber^^ which* b€r held foi- tefi yeirs^ itid th^ri rei
ftnio^d to Sethiii, Where he taughi logic foraomb d«io ; 4)Ut
H)b'war wUcb took p1ac« iAdtk^ed kib tbi^tilrfft again t4
^l^hfei"^^ ttnd thtM^ to NittneB) wbfere h^ Wa^ a)>^ihte4
principal of the college. HisHett cietileii9etitv Whiob bi$
bi]^d would have %eed fibal^ wag nt Monipellielv wiiere
N wiUf tnbde ^egitiir pro^fetiior of kw^ iind where hig teri
mainly acqttin^d A high ^e^ttttt^n^ Mil bmngfat logeibe!^
it^m «U jparhi a litlttlerOUs «>bb«MfM ^ stttdOdii^ itblot^
whoitti w^s the telebrbted P^i)«ks<?^ wh^ iodbe^d hihi tn
ft^turn to Ih^ lioMM^il tatlMlie rdi^iM« A^t mitbui
change Of |ilac«^ bdwev^if^ h^ fitted at ken at Vatenco iA
eaB^fain«, WbefO hO^died iil 16B9^ at tbte agOi)f bigh^
five. Hii pfititiftA Wbtkd #ere, t . *^ iibtpVih Jiirb tdiyilis,^
<jiieirteva, 'Iijpso, roU 2. ^^t^bnaliet^i^ell FMdofuIti^** !bid.
1580, fol. 3. " Justiniam Iitipbr^t^ris fA«Atttitii^tttti LUkfH
ijuatuor^" &c. ibid. fol. 4. ^< Ariatotelis Or^atiuin, hjoc.
est nbri oQines licl l^gicabi j)eiii^ntea^ Gri et tiu.^ M
giis, 1584, 8vo, reprinted in 15dS(,aud;at^Francfort in 1598,
which is the best editioQ of what is reckoned » verjr
P A 0 t tr ST. u
lmi> et «flktU mafQ^ owlewii UJbellM«f Gr. atXM.'' Uei«'
ddbtif^ l^MBj 8110. Tbif vhm pqblUbed bjr Codioufe
IHiciiM mIjf inpplied the MS. ftom hu libfftvy. ' fi. ^' Aruk
toufo Mlonik tntoulmtigoU Ubri oot#/* Giv and Lfttp
JMtefor^ ICS69 8vo. f. ^^ Arimolelif de winm libri tres,
dr. irt Lai.'* ibid. Ud«, &▼«. a. «' Amiotalb die Cceb
libri qaatoor," ke. On et Lat ibid. 1601, Svo. 9. << Doc^
|nki« Perfprntetka twii llres/' Aoreim A^tobraguiB (Ge-
neva) 'I4M> 4IQC NJMfon enuvierates yarimis oiher worU
ilbiob be publitfiedy iene of a lemporary Vie^ ud som*
fiimpiied faff the vse ef atudepts ; but ibe above appear te
h»fe oentriStoted aaoafc tft the reputatioa he enjeyeo.*
PACK (&iC]ui98i)kN), an English poetical, and mieceU
h^tom vriier» ibf ion of JabQ Paek» of Sutolfs^Aah, in
SuBoikf eibp, in 1^91 waa high sheriff of that daunt;^ vaa
bern about t€80* |ie waa edocaled at Merchant Taylem^
icbool, wfience, at the age of stxte^ he removed to St.
iobn's eplli^;e» Qx&rd> and remained there. Iwo yoar% «l
ibe eiid of wbieb bia father entered htm of fcbe Middle
Tefupley iniendingbioD for the professbn of the kiar. Hie
ti>rp6ciency» at a bier atadent, vaust have appeared in a verjp
{jivourabie light to the beoohers ef ibis ^nourable aoeiety^
I9 be wei at eigbt Urmi atandin|; admtttpd barrister^ Wfaea
be fvaa not nuidb above twenty years pf age. But habile of
Ittt^^ ancjl appiicatioH to businesa not agreeing either with
Mn health lor inclinatioii, be went into thearmyt and his
irst eoomiand, wbidb h» obtained in- Match 1705, iwaa
that oi ia company of foot He served afterirards abroad
under general S^anhopoi end the duke of Argyle, who fiM
his distingMisHed bravery proipofted him to the rank taS
fO^f and; ever after bbnomred him with ^is patronap^e
^d frkindtbip. Some of the best of aiigor Piusk^s mii
^11119 were in celebra^n of )»s grace's charaeter, at a time
f%en iibere was ,:a jealousy between him and the duke of
'jtbe.inajpc died aft Aberdeen io Sept/17^
his, iegfinatH hiq^^^ to bi^ quartered. 'He
[isbed Mr$t a «4ia!p^buijr of pOMas in 1? iS, dedicate to
^olflpdi; ^tAohope, . whidli sold ^apidll*^ abd when it 4;ane
^j^ la
1^^9.1^ j^^ t^f^jOff pQ^ponius Atticus/' witft
H P A C K. i
r^tni^rks stddresied to the diike of Aygyfe ; in 1720, **^ttri
ligion atid Philosophy^ a Tale ;" and inl725," a *^* Neit
Collection" of poetical miscellanies, to which be jWefixed
the " Lives of Mi^tiades and Cymon," fr6m Coi'nejius Ne*
pos. His " ^yhole Works" were afterwards coHec ted an 4
published jn onevol. 8iro, 1729. In. all be discotefs eonsi^
derable taste, vivacity, and teaming. ■ His connection^' afe'
Well as his principles, appear to have been of the superior
cast*-'' ■ . .''■■•:■, f ■
PACUVIUS (Marcus), a Latin trs^icpoet^ wasa^nsitivife
of BoTidisi, the ancient Brundusium, and nephew to En-^
nius. He flourished at Romc^ about 1543. C. Ac^cojrd-
ing to bis last biographer, he was held in 'high esteem' by
C, Lelius,-and particularly by Citero, who affirmed hihi
t6 be superior to Sophocles in "'his tragedy of ^ViiNiptra,^*-
and classed hini in the first rank of' tragic poets. They
are said likewise to have looked u^6n every one as an
enemy td Roman literature who had 'tenierity enough' to
despise his tragedies, particularly his " Antiope.'? We
have nothing, however, of^fais works left, except isome*
fragments in Maittaife's *^Corpus PotBtarum,'' ^Pacuvins
was apainter alsp) as well asa poet; and Pliny speaks of one
of his pictures which was placed in the temple of Hercule's,'
and was admired by the connoisseurs of those times. 'He
<tied at Tarentum, when .bey^ynd' bis* ninetieth year. ' He
vrrote his own epitaph^ which is preserved in Auids Gelltus.
Annibale^di. Leo, twbo was also born at Brhtdisi,' publisheiih
in 1764 a dissertation on bis life and writing^ in order to
do honour to bis native place, which certainly would not
have been. less honoured if he. had omitted to tell us that
among the eminent men of Brindisi, was M.' Lenius Strabo,'
the first inventor of bird-cages. ^
PAGAN (Blaise* Fjrancis Coimr pe)> an leminient
Ffench mathemiatician, .was born. at 'Avignon, in Provfencei^
March 3, ,1^04, and entered the army at fourteen; ^fiw
which he h^d been educated with extraordinary care; rln-
1620 he was engaged at the siege of Caen,, in the battle 6f
the bridge of Ce, and ntber exploits, in which he signialized'
himself, and ^cjqulred a reputation above vbis years. ' He
was present, in 1624, at the siegeof St. Jbbn d'Angeli, as'
also at that of Clerac and Montauban,' where he lost ;his(
> Life prefixed to bis works.— Gibber's LiTes.— Jacobus Lives. ' ,
* Vossius de Poet, ttt.— Saxii Qaoma8t.«-Leo*t Disseftation Ib Month; lUf.
left eye by a musket-shot. At this siege he had another
loss, which he felt with no less sensibility, viz^ that of the
constable of Luynes, who died there of a scarlet fever.
The constable was a near. relation to him, and. had been
his patron at court. He did not, however, sink under his
misfortune, but on the contrary seemed to acquire fresh
energy from the reflection that he must now trust solely
to himself. Accordingly, there was after this time, no
siege, battle, or any other occasion, in which be did not
ftignalize himself by some effort of courage and conduct.
At the passage of the Alps, and the barricade of Suza, he
put himself at the head, of the forlorn hope, * consisting' of
the bravest youths among the guards;. and undelrto6k to
ailrive the first at the attack by a private way which wa&
extremely dangerous ; but, having gained the top of a very
steep mountain, he cried out to his followers, ".See the
way to glory I" and sliding down the mountain, his com-
panions followed him, and coming first to the -attacki as
they wished to do, immediately began a furious assault f
and when the army came up to their support, forced the
barrigades. He had afterwards the pleasure of standing-
OB the left hand of the king when hia majesty related this
heroic action to the duke of Savoy, with . extraordinary
commendations, in the presence of a very full court. - Whea
the king laid siege to Nancy in 1633, ; our. hero bad the
honour to attend his sovereign in drawing the lines aii4
forts of eircumvallation. In 1642 his majeaty sent him Uy
the aervice in Portugal, in the post of field-marshal ; but ,
that year be had the misfortune to Jose bis eye-sight. ;
Disabled now from public service, he re-assumed, with
greater'^igour than ever, the study of the mathematics
and fortification; and, in- 1645, gave to the public hisv
'^ Treatise of Fortific^ion.'' It was allowed by all who
underatood the science, that nothing . superior had^thear
appieafed on that subject; and, whatever, improvements
have been made since, they have been.dedivedin a manner
fi;pm, 'thia treatise, as conclusions from their principles.*
la! 651 he published his f^ Geometrical Theorems,", which
tkeyf a perfect knowledge of all parts of the mathematics.'
In 1635 he printed a paraphrase^ in French, of the" Ac-;
count," in Spanish, ** of the River of the Amazons," by ,
father de Rennes, a Jesuit ; and we are aissured, that blind;
as he was, yet he. drew the chart of that river, and the
^tu adjacent,' which }s seen in thi^ work. Of tbi^ work
•a Ett^ruh traosii^kiPi was pybli^i^ \>j W* Pnn^ilf^ii i«
16«1, 8vo.
. In 1657 he pubUAed^'Th^ Tk^^ry of the PUim$^
cleared from that jaauUiplkUy <)f ^cc^ntvip ^irf^t^ib 4.nd
^piQj^oIes, wbiqh the a^t^^ontoneieFs iiftd i.Qy^D|e4 \Q PKpI^in
Ibeif flaotioas.'^ This distiiiguisb^d hm amopg tbq ^^tf^r
nomersy as much as bis woirk .on fprtificatioi) did ap^Qrig
the engineers; and he printed, in l^^9, bi^ ^' AstronomiT
cal Tables/^ which are very succinct and plain. Bp(, a«
few great men are witboot their foible^ that of P^gan W9«
a pr/sjudice iti favour of judicial astrology j apd> though b^
is nid'C reserved than most others, yet what be wrqt^ ppoH
that subject most not be classed among those prod^ptiQUf
which do honour to bis understanding. He was b^leyed
and visited by all persons illustrious for rank, as w^U «»
science ; and his bouse was the rendezv<ras of all the poi^
lite and wprtby both in city and ^ourt. He died at Paris^
Nov. 18, 1665, having never been i^arried. Tlie king or-*
^ered bis first physician to attend him in his illness, and
gavei severskl marks of the extraordinary esteem which be
Sad for his merit.
His efaaracter i^ that of an universal genius ; and, having
turned . lumself entirely to, the art of war, 4ind partioularly
to the branch bf fpFti&cation» be made extraordinary pro-*
gross in it. He updisrstood mathematics, not only bettet
than is usu^ for a gentleman whose view is t^ ri^e ia tbe
aimy, but even to a degree of perfection above that of the
ordin^iry masters who teach that sci^nqe. He bad ao p^r-r
ttcular a geuius for this kind of learning, : that he ^^tain^d
a mor/s readily by meditation than by readings and accord^
isigly spent less time on mathematical boobs than he did tQ
those of history and gepgrapby. Hjt bad also mad^ mon
irfity -afid politics his particular study ; so that he .may .be
and to have drawn his own character in bis <^ Hi)mme He-*
le'ique,*' and ta have been one of the completest gentle*
men of his lime. Louis XUI. was heard to /say several
times, that the count de Pagan wsas one q( the most worthy,
most adtoit, and most valiant men in his kingdom. Thai
branch of bi& family which removed from Naples to Fransit
in 1552, beoame extinct ip his person. '
PAGE (WiLiOAM }, an English divine, was born in .14^90,
at Harroar on the Hill, Middlesex, and entered of Saliot
■ : . , . •' '. ^ • • ,
P A G 5. IT
tolUge^ OicFord, in 1606. Here be took bis AegreH Itt
arts, and in 1619 was csbosen fellow of All Souli. In 1629|
hy tbe interest of Laud, be succeeded Dr. Denlsoo» as
master of the free scbool of Reading. lit 1 634 be was ad*'
mitted D. D. but ten years aftef was deprived of bis school
by the parliamentary commissioners for Berkshire* He
held, however, the rectory of East Locking in that county^
to which he bad been presented by his college, until his
deathy which happened Feb. 14, 1663, at the rectory-bouse*
He was buried in the chancel of his own church. At the
restoration he had obtained a writ of restitution to the
school^ which was publicly read, he being present, as ap«
pears by the diary of the corporation ; but, after some de^
bate it was carried that Mr. Singleton, the then mftster^
should have notice hefore an answer was resolved,upon ;
and it appears that Mr. Singleton was confirmed in the
place, being the sixth person who held it after Page.
Dr. Page was thought well versed in the Greek fathers^
an able disputant, and a. good preacher. He wrote *^ A
Treatise of justification of Bowing at the name of Jesus, by
way of answer to an appendix against it,'' Oxford, 1631^
4to ; and an *^ Examination of such considerable reasons as>
are made by Mr. Prynne ina reply to Mr. Widdowes con«
cerning %he same argument," printed with the former.
The fate of this publication was somewhat singular. The
point in dispute was at this time eagerly contested. Arch^ ,
bishop Abbot did not think it oT sufficient importat^^^ to
be allowed to disturb the peace of the church, and, by bis
^secretary, advised Dr. Page to withdraw his work from the
press^ if already in it. Laud, on the contrary, who was ,
then bishop of London, ordered it to be printed, viewing^
the question as a matter of, importance, it being a defence
of a canon of the church ; and it accordingly appeared%
Dr. Page wi^ also the author of ^* (Certain animadversions
upon some passages in a Tract concerning Schism and
Schismatics,*' by Mr. Hales of Eton, Oxon. 1642, 4to;
^^ The Peace Maker, or a brief motive to unity and charity
in Religion,'V Loud. 1652, 16mo; a single sermon, and a
translation of Thomas a Kempis, 1639, 12mo, With a large
epistle to the reader. Wood mentions '^ Jus Fratrum, or
the Law of Brethren,*' but is doubtful whether this belongs
to our Dr. Page, or to Dr. Samuel Page, vicar of Dept-
ford, who died in 1630, and was the author of some pious
trac,ts. It belongs, however, ^ to neither, but to a John
Vol. XXIV. G
18 P A G I.
Page, probably a lawyer, as' the subject is the pcwrer of
parents in .disposing of their estates to their children. '
PAGI (Anthony), a famous Cordelier, and one of the
ablest critics of hii time, was bom at Rognes, a small town
in Provence, March 31, 1624. He took the monk^s habit
in the convent of the Cordeliers at Aries, and professed
himself there in 1641. After he had finished the usual
course of studies in philosophy and divinity, he preached
some time, and was at length made four times provincial
of his order. These occupations did not hinder him from
applying to chronology«and ecclesiastical history, in which
he excelled. He printed in the Journal des Savans, Nov*
11, 1686, a learned <' Dissertation upon the Consular Of*-
fice/' in which he pretends to have discovered the rules,
according to which the Roman emperors took the dignity
of consul at some certain times more than others, but in
this he is not thought to have been successful. His most
considerable work is ^* A Critique upon the Annals of Ba-
ronius;*' in which he has rectified an infinite number of
mistakes, both in chronology and in facts. He published
the first volume of this work, containing the first four cen«
turies, at Paris, in 1689 ; with a dedication to the clergy
of France, who allowed him a pension: The whole work
was printed after his death, in four volumes, folio, at Ge«
neva, in 1705, by the care of his nephew, fdther Francis
Pagi; of the same order. It is^ carried to the year 1198,
where Baronius ends. Pagi was greatly assisted in it by
the di>h6 Longuerue, who also wrote the eloge of our
author, which is prefixed to the Geneva edition. Another
edition was published at Geneva in 1727, It is a work of
great utility, but the author's chronology of the popes of
the first three centuries is not approved by the learnedi
He has also prefixed a piece concerning a new chronolo-^
gical period, which he calls ^^ Graeco-Romana," and uses
for adjusting all the different epochas, whiph is not with*
out its inconveniences. Our author wrote some other -
works of inferior note before his death, at Aix, in Provence,
J^ne 7, 1699. His character is that of a very able bisto-
. rian, and a learned and candid critic. His style has all the
simplicity and plainness which suits a chronological narra--
tion. He held a correspondence with several learned men,
as Stillingfleet, Spanheim, Cuper, Dodwell, the cardinal
Noris, &c. • '
1 Ath. Ox.-^Coate8'8 Hist, of Reading.
£. ^ Chaufepie,-^i«eroD, toU I. — Moreri.— Dupia.
P A G t 19
. t^AOl (FltAKcis)^ nephew of the pretledtdgi was born
ftl Lambeso in Pravenice Sept. 7, 1654. The Extraordinary
inclination that appeared in his infancy for polite learning
induced bis parents to send him tostudy^ among the priests
of the oratory, at Toulon ; where he soon made so great a
proficiency, that his uncle^ Anthony Pagi, sent for him to
Aix, where he then resided. The conversation of his uncle ia->
spired him with a desire of devoting himself to the churchy
and accordingly he enteredanto the order of the Cordeliers,
and made bis profession. After having taught philosophy
in several convents, he desired to return to his uncle at
Aix; and, having obtained leave, remained studying under
bis directions for several years; and assisted him in his
^* Critique upon Baronius's Annal» ;'* of which^ as w^ have
mehtioned in' the preceding article, he became the editor.
Father Francis afterwards Ifiid the plan of another work,
which he published under the title *^ Breviarium Historico*
cbronologico-criticum, illustriora pontiBcum Romanorum
gesta, conciliorum genemlium acta,- nee non complura turn
sacrorum rituum^ turn antiquae ecclesis disciplinse, capita
compiectens,'' 4 vols. 4to, 1717, &c. In this be discovers
the most bigoted zeal for the Ultramontane theology, and
every thing which exalts the authority of the pope. A long
illness, brought on by a fall, prevented his finishing the
last volume, which was not published Until 1727, six years
after hia death, which took placd Jan. 21, 1721'. ^
• PAGIT, or rather' PAGET (Eusebius), a Puritan di-
vine^ was bom at Cranford in Northamptonshire, about
1542, and at the age of twelve years came to Oxford,
where he was first choirister, and afterwards student of
Christ Church. He made, according to Wood, a coush
derable progress in logic and philosophy, but^ although -a
noted sopbister, left the university without taking a degree.
As Wood passes immediately to his being presented to the
rectory of St Anne^s, Aldersgate-str^etj that biographer
seems to have known nothing of the intermediate events*
On his leaving Oxford, he became vicar of Oundle, and
rector of Langton in his native county, where, in 1573, he
was first prosecuted for nonconformity. He was afterwards
preferred to the rectory of Kilkhampton in Cornwall, and
althou^ 1m bad acquainted both his? patron and ordinary
that there were some things in the book of Common Prayer
> Cbanfepie.— -Bibl. Gemumlqae, vol, m.-^Niceron, toI. V!.
C 2
so P A G r T.
wttb which he could not comply, aod they had proflii^ed,
that if he would accept the cure, he should not be mo*
tested on that account, yet a prosecution was commenced
against him, which ended in his losing all his prefermrents^
and even a school which he attempted to establish for his
maintenance. This appeared particularly hard in his case,
as, according to every authority, he was ^* a learned, peace-
able, and good divine, who had formerly complied with
the customs and devotionsT of the church, and had been in-
defatigable in the ministry.*' He appears to have remained
some years under ecclesiastical censure ; but at last, in
September 1604, was promoted to the rectory of St^Anne
and St. Agnes, Aldersgate-street, which he held till his
death in May 1617, in the seventy- fifth year of bis age.
His remains were interred in this church. An account of
his prosecution may be seen in the Harleian MSS. 813, fo(*
14, b. and an abridgment of it iit NeaPs '^ History of the
Puritans." He was the author of a sermon ** on Tithes ;!V
another '^ of Election ;^' a Latin ^' Catechism," Lond,
1591, 8vo ; a translation of Calvin's *' Harmony of the
Gospels," ibid. 1584, 4to; and <' The History of the Bible,
briefly collected, by way of question and answer." It does
not appear when this first appeared, but it was afterwarda
printed at the end of several of tbe old editions of the
He had a son Eprraim, who was bom in 1575, and
educated also at Christ Church, where he became, so un-
common a proficient in languages, that at the age of twen-
ty-six, he is said to have understood and written fifteen of
sixteen, ancient and modern. His only preferment was to^
tbe church of St. Edmund the King, Lombard-street,
London, from which he was driven by tbe usurping party,
for bis loyalty. In religious sentiments he does not appear
to have diflPered from his father; but he adhered to the
king and constitution, which was then an unpardonable
crime. He retired to Deptford in Kent, where be died in
April 1647, aged seventy- twa In addition to the other
causes of his sufferings, he wrote much against the Inde-
liendents, baptists, and other sectaries, as appears by his
*' Heresiograpby ;" yet, in 1645, two years before his
death, he united with his brethren in London, in petitioh«
ing^parliament for the establishment of the Presbytieriaii^
discipline, which, be thought better than none. He wrote
some books di^t are still valued as curiosities, particularly
I* A G I T. «l
liig ** Christianographia, or a description of the inultttudes
and sundry sorts of Christians in the world, not subject to
the pope," &c. Lond. 1635, 4to, often reprinted, witli
(in soaie of the editions) a ^^ Treatise of the religion of
the ancient Christians in Britany ;*^ and his '* Hseresio**
graphia, or a description of the Heresies of later times,**
ibid. 1645, &c. 4to. Of this there have been at least four
PAGNINUS (Sanctbs), an Italian of great iikill in
Oriental languages and biblical learning, was born at Lucca
in 1466, and afterwards became an ecclesiastic of the order
of St. Dominic, and resided for the greater part of his life
ai Lyons. He was deeply and accurately skilled in the
Latin, Greek, Hebrew, Chaldee, and Ailabic tongues, but
especially in the Hebrew. In the course of his studies he
was led to conceive that the Vulgate translation of the
Scriptures was either not by Jerome, or greatly corrupted ;.'
and he therefore undertook to make a new one, following
Jerom only where he conceived that his version corre*^
sponded with the original. This design, so very soon aftiet
the restoration of letters, is calculated to give us a very
high opinion of Pagninus^s courage and learning, and ap»
pieared in so favourable a light to pope Leo X. that be
promised to furnish him with all necessary expences for
completing the work ; and he was likewise encouraged in
his labours by the succeeding popes, Hadrian VI. and
Clement VII. who licensed the printing of it. It appears,
by a letter of Picus Mirandula to Pagninus, that he had
spent twenty-pve years upon this translation. It is the
first modern translation of the Bible from the Hebrew
tfext; and the Jews who read it affirmed, that it agreed
entirely with the Hebrew, and was as faithful, and more
exact than the ancient translations. The .great fault of
Pagninus was, that he adhered too closely and servilely to
the original text ; and this scrupulous attachment made
his translation, says father Simon, ^^ obscure, barbarous,
and full of solecisms. He imagined, that, to make a faith-
ful translation of the Scriptures, it was necessary to follow
exactly the letter, according to the strictness of grammar.
This, however, is quite contrary to his pretended exact-
ness, because two languages seldom agree in their waj^s of
• Ath. Ox. vol. I. and II.— Brook's Lives of the Pttritans.<^Faller*8 Wor-
Uaies.— Lloyd's Worthies, foiio, jp. 5lO..*Strype>i Life of Wtuf gift, p, STT.
* .'..
.V *
J2« P A G N I N U S.
speaking ; and therefore, instead ojF expressing the origi-
nal in its proper purity, he defaces iindxobs it of its oraa^
ments." Father Simon, nevertheless, allows the great
abilities and learning. of Pagninus; and all the later eoni*
mentatorsi and translators of the Scriptures have agreed in
giving him his just coamiendation. Huetius, though he
e^epis to think father r Simon's criticism of him well
grounded, yet makes no^ scruple to propose his manner
ds a model for all translators of the sacred books : ^^ Scrip-t
turpa interpretandaB rationibus utile nobis exemplar propo«
suit.Sanctus Pagninus."
. Pe afterwards translated the " New Testament" from
the Qreek, and dedicated it to pope Clement VII. It was
printed with the former at Lyon^ in 1528. He w^s also
the author of an ^* Hebrew Lexicon and an Hebrew Grapi'*
inar ; . which Buxtorf,. who calls him ^^ Vir linguarum Ori-*-
eiitalium peritissimus," made great use of in compiling
bis. He died in 1536, aged seventy. Saxius places hi$
bjirthjn.I47J, and his death in 1541. Though he appears
to have lived and died a bigoted Catholic, Luther spoke
o^ him, and his translations^ in term3 of the highest ap^r
pjause. *
PAJDN (Claude), a French Protestant divine, was born
in 16^,6, and studii^d, with great, success and approbation,
at Saumur; after which he becaine minister of a place
C;alled .Marcheiloir in the province of Dunois. He was,an
able advocate against tb^ popish party, as appears by bis
best. work, against father. Nicole, entitled " Examen du
Livre qui porte pour titre, Prejugez legitimes contre les
Calvinistes," 2 vols. 1673, 12mo. Mosheim therefore very
improperly places him in the class of those who explained
the. doctrines of Christianity in such a manner as to dimi^
nish the 4ifference between the doctrines of the reformed
aitd papal churches ; since this work shews that few men
l^rote at that time with more learnings zeal, and judgment
against popery, Pajon, however, created so;ne disturbance
in the x:hurch, and became very unpopular, by explaining
certain, doctrines, concerning the influence of the Holy
Spirit, in the j^i'niinian way, and had a controversy with
Jmrieu on. this subject. The consequence was, that Pajoo,
who had been elected pjrofes^or of divinity at Saumur>
found it necessary to resign that oiBce ; after which he
1 Moreri in Sanctes.— Le Long Bibl. Sacra.
•''■••* "• '^. ■'
v. 7 ..•■':.
, 1» A J O N. ti
resided at Orleann^^s^pastor, and died there Sept. 27, 1685,
in tbe sixtieth jrenr of his age. He left a great many works
in manuscript ; none of which have been printed, owing
partly to^his unp^ularity, bat, perhaps, principally to his
two sons becoming Roman Catholics. A full aecount of his
opinions may be seen in Mosheim, or in the first of ouf
authorities. '
PAJOT (LEWis-tEO), Count d'Ansembray, a French
nobleman, was bom at Pariit in 1678. During his education
he discovered an inclination for mathematical pursuits^
and was instructed in the philosophy of Des Cartes.
After this he increased his knowledge by an acquaint^
ance with Hirygens, Kuysh, Boerhaave, and other eminent
men of tbe time. On his return from his travels he wa^
apfiointed director»general of the posts in France; but^
coming into possession of a country-seat at Bercy, by the
death of his father, be collected a museum there furnished
with philosophical and mechanical, instruments, and. ma-
chines of every description, which attracted the attention
of the learned, and was visited by Peter the Great, the
emperor of Germany, and other princes. In the Trans^
actions of the Academy of Sciences, of which he was a
member, ^there are several of his papers ; among which is
a description of an ^^ Instrument for the Measurement of
Liquids ;" -^of " An Areometer, or Wind Gage ;*' and of a
<f Machine for beating regular Time in Music/' He died
in 1753, bequeathing his valuable museum to tbe .aca-
demy. * '
PAINE (Thomas), a political, and infidel writer of great
notoriety, was born in 1737, ^t.Thetford, in Norfolk.
His father was- a staymaker, a business which he hinmelf
carried on during his early years at. London, Dover, and
Sandwich. He afterwards became an exciseman and gro*-
cer, at Lewes in Sussex ; and, upon the occasion of an
election at Shoreham, in 17T1, is said to have written an
election song. In the following year he wrote a pamphlet^,
recommending an application to parliament for the in-
crease qf the salaries of excisemen; butj for some misde"
meanours, was himself dismissed from his office in 1774,
In the mean time, the ability ; displayed in his pamphlet
attracted the notice of one of the commissioners; of excise,
1 Chanfepie. — Moreri.-^Blpunt's Censura-.— -Saxii. OiiQEQask
* Dicr. Hist.
who sent him to America, with a strong recoannendation
to Dr. Franklfn, as a person who could be serviceable at
tb4t time in America. What services were expected from
faimi we know not, but he arrived at a time when the
Americans were prepared for the revolution which followed^
und which he is supposed to have promoted, by scatterinpr
among the discontented his memorable pamphlet, entitled
^* Common Sense.'*
His first engagement in Philadelphia was with a book-
Mler, who employed him aa editor of the Philadelphia
«M&ga!aine, for.which he had an annual salary of fifty pounds
currency. When Dr. Rush of that city suggested to Paine
the propriety of preparing the Americans for a separation
from Great Britain, he. seized with avidity the idea, and
immediately began the above mentioned pamphlet, which^
when finished, was shewn in manuscript to Dr. Franklin
and Mr. Samuel Adams, and entitled, after some discus-
sion, ^^ Common Sense,'' at the suggestion of Dr. Rush;
For this he received from the legislature of Pennsylvania,
the sum of 500/.; and soon after this, although devoid of
€very. thing that could be called literature, he was honoured
with a degree of M.^A. from the university of. Pennsylva-
Dia, and was chosen a member ojf the American Philoso*
phical Society. . In the title-page of his l< Rights of Man,*'
be styled himself .'^ Secretary for foreign aflairs to tb^
Congress of the United States, in theJate war.*' To this
title, however, he had no pretensions, and so thorough a
Republican ought at least to have avoided assuming what he
condemned so vehemently in others. He was merely a
clerk, at a very low salary, to a committee of the congress ;
and h>s business was to copy papers, and number and file
them. Froni this office, however^ insignificant as it was,
he was dismissed for a scandalous breach of trust, and then
hired himself as a clerk to Mr. Owen Biddle of PbiladeU
pbia; and early in 1780, the assembly of Pennsylvania
chose him as clerk. In 1782 he printed at Philadelphia^
a. letter to the abb^ Raynal on the affairs of North Ame-
r ca, in which he undertook to clear up the mistakes in
Baynal's account of the revolution ; and in the same year
he ailso printed a letter to the earl of Shelburne, on his
^peeph in parliament, July 10, 1782, in which that noble<«'
man bad piophesied that, << When Great Britain shall ac-
knowledipfK American independence,' the sun of Britain^s
glory is set for evc^r." It could not be difllcult to answer
•ocfa a prediction a$ this/ which affords indeed a humilia«
ting instance of want of poKtieal foresight. Grfeat Britaia
did acknowledge American independence, and what is
Great Brimn now? Inl7S5y as a compensation for his
revolutionary writings, congress granted him three thou«
jsand dollars, after having rejected with great indignation
a motion for appointing him historiographer to the United
Sutes, with a salary. Two only of the states noticed by
gratuities his revolutionary writings. Pennsylvania gave
him, as we have mentioned, SOOL currency; and N^ew*
York gave him an estate of more than three hundred acres^ I
in high cultivation, which was perhaps the more agreeable
to him, as it was the conBscated property of a royalist. In
1787 he came to London, and before the end of that year
published a pamphlet on the recent transactions between
Great Britain and Holland, entitled *' Prospects. on tb^
Hubicoti.'* In this, as may be eicpected, he censured the
measures of the English administration.
He had long cherished in his mind a most cordial hatred
against his native country, and was now prepared in some
measure for that systematic attack on her happiness which
he carried on, at interVaU, during the remainder of hit
life. Being released, iu November 1789, from a spong-
ing-house where he was confined for debt, heheheld with
delight the proceedings of the French, and hastened to that
country, but made no long stay at this time; and finding,
on his return to London in 1790, Mr. Burke^s celebrated
work on the French revolution, he produced, within a few
months, the first part of his ^^ Rights of Man," and in 1792,
the second part. Had these been left to the natural de-
mand of the public, it is probable they might have passed
unnoticed by government, but the industry with which
they were circulated by the democratic societies of that
period, among the lower classes of society, betrayed inten-
tions which it would have been criminal to overlook ; and
prosecutions were accordingly instituted against the author
and publishers. The author made his escape to France,
and never returned to this country more. His inveteracy
against her establishments, however, continued unabated,
and perhaps was aggravated by the verdict whicli expelled
him- from the only nation where he wished to propagate
his disorganizing doctrines, and where he had at that
time many abettors. When the proceedings of the latr
ter had roused the loyal part of the nation to address the
Ibrone in behalf of pur constitiition, Paine published ^^ A
Letter to the Addressers/' the object of wbkh was to pror
cure a natk>Qal coxivention in conteoipt of die parliaments
This. likewise was circulated by his partizans with no small
industry. In the mean trnoe, although ignorant of the
French langiiege, b.e was chosen a member of the French
conventipn, and in consistency with his avowed malignity^
gave his vote for a declaration of war against Great Britain^
His adopted country, however, was not very grateful for
his services, for when Robespierre gained the ascendancy,
he sent Paine, with that mad enthusiast Anacharsts Cloots,
to prison at the Luxemburgb,. and Paine narrowly escaped
hieing guillotined, amidst the hundreds whof' then under*
went tbf^t fate, or were murdered in other ways.
During his confinsement, which lasted eleven months, he
certainly merited the praise .of his friends^ for his calm
unconcern, and bis philosophy ; a^d they no doubt would
rejoice to hear that he passed those hours of danger in
^' defying the armies of the living God,'' by his blasphe-
mous composition called >^ The Age of Reason,*' the first
part of which was published at London in 1794, and the
jsecoud the year following. . If any thing can exceed the
Biischievous intention of this attack on revealed religion,
and which certainly produced very alarming effects^ on the
minds of many of the lower classes, among whom it was
liberally circulated, it was the ignorance of which his an<^
swerers have convicted him in every species of knowledge
pecessary for .a discussion of the kind *.
His subsequent publications were ^^The Decline and
Fall of the; English system of Finance;" a most impudent
letter to general Washington, whom he had the ingratitude
■., . . . ■ '• . ' . .■'-..
'* Should our language in speaking writer. His excess of folly will be la-
6^ Paine's ignorance and arrogance^ mented by all his friends, not estrang-
appear too barsh> the reader who is of ed, like himself, from shame and mo-
that opinion, may exchange it for what desty ; and his enemies will re^d bif
Mr. GHbert Wakefield has said of the outrageous Taunts, united to such an
tecond part of his " Age of Reason :" excess of ignorance and stupor, with
" Every man who feels himself .solicit that pleasure, which results from a just
tous for the dignity of human nature, expression of mingled abhorrence, de-
who glories in the prerogative of ra- rislon, and contempt. For my part,
tiooality, or is charmed by tbe loveli- his unprecedented ii^fatnatioii almost
ness of virtue, will observe, with hu- strikes me dumb with amazement. I
miliating sympathy, a debasement' of am not acquainted with such a corn-
bis species, in the most asfonishing, pound of vanity and Ignorance as
Qjnprincipled, and unparalleleii arro- Thomas Paine, in the records of lite-
gance, to the last, of such a cobtemp- rary history.''
tuous, self-opinionated, ' ill-i&fbrmed
to revile as an apostate and impostor. ^^ Ag^rarian Justfee
opposed to Agrarian law, and to Agrarian Monopoly;*'
^f Letter to Mr.* Erskine on the prosecution of T. Williamfly
for publishing the Age* of Reason." He cimtinued in
France till 1803, << drunk," as his biographer informs us,
^^evety day, imxiiig with the lowest company,' and ito
61tfay in his person, as to he avoided by all men of decency.
JEiifl habitoal drunkenness seems to have commenced with
the delirium of the French revolution, and. the practice
gained upon- him while in London." Tired at length with .
£rance, which now had nothing of a republic left, be
wished to return to America, but knew not well what to do
with himsel£ He could not return to England, where he
had. been outlawed, and tie was aware that he was odious in
the United States, where Washington had justly considered
bim as an anarchist in government, and an infidel in religion.
fie had no country in the world, and it nay be truly said
he had not a friend. He was obliged, however, to return
to the United States, where bis farm, no^ greatly in-
creased in value, would supply all bis waifts.
In Oct. 1802, accordingly, be arrived at Baltimore, under
the protectionof the president Jefferson, but was no longer
an object of curiosity, unless among the lower classes di
emigrants from England, Scotland, or Ireland. With them,
it appears, *^ he drank grog in the tap^room, morning,
noon, and night, admired and praised, strutting and istag-
gering about, showing himself to all, and shaking hands
with all; but the leaders of the party to which he had' at-
tached himself paid him no attention.^' He had brought
ivith him to America a woman, named madaine Bonneville,
whom he had seduced from her husband, with her twb
sons; and whom he seems to have treated with the utmost
meanness and tyranny. By what charms he had seduced
this lady, we are not told. He was now sixty-five years
old, diseased in body from habitual drunkenness, and gross
in manners; It would be too disgusting to follow bis bio-
grapher in his description of the personal viced of this man.
It may sufice that he appeared for many months before his
death to be sunk to the lowest state of brutality.
The closing scene of his life, as related by his medical
attendant. Dr. Manley, is too instructive and adinonitory
to be omitted. *^ During the latter part of his life," says
this physician, *' though his conversation was equivocal^ his
conduct was singulaTi, He would- not bie left alone night
28 .? A I N E.
or day. He not only required to have som^ penon with
hiniy but be must see that be or she was there, and would
not allow .bis curtain to be closed at any time; and if, i^
it would sometimes unavoidably happen, he was left alone,
be would scream and holla, until some person came to him.
When relief from pain would admit, he seemed thougfatful
and contemplative, his eyes being generally closed, anA
bi$, hands folded upon his breast, although be never slept
without the aa»stance of an anodyne. There was some^
thing remarkable in bis conduct about this period (which
coqnprises about two weeks immediately preceding his
death), particularly when we reflect, that Thomas Paine was
author of the /' Age of Reason.'* He would call out durins
his^ paroxysms of distress, without intermission, < O Lord
help me, God help me, Jesus Christ help me, O Lord help
ine/ &c. repeating the same expression without any the
least variation, in a tone of voice that would alarm the
bouse. It was this conduct which induced. me to think
that be had 'abandoned his former opinions ; and I was
more inclined to that belief, when I understood from his
nurse (who is a very serious, and, I believe, pious wo-
man,) that be would occasionally inquire, when be saw her
engaged with a book, what she was reading, and being
answered, and at the same time asked whether she should
read aloud^ he assented, and would appear to give parti-
cular attention. The book she usually read was * Hobart's
Companion for the Altar.^
^* I took occasion, during the night of the 5th and 6th
of June, to test the strength of his opinions respecting re-
velation, I. purposely made him a very late visit; it was
a time which seemed to sort exactly with my errand ; it
was midnight ; be was in great distress, constantly ex-
claiming in the words above mentioned ; when, after a
considerable preface, I addressed him in the following
manner, the nurse being present :
** Mr. Paine, your opinions, by a large portion of ike com*
munity, have been treated with deference : you have never
been in the habit of mixing in your conversation words of
course : you have never indulged in the practice of pro-
fane swearing : you must be sensible that we are acquainted
with your religious opinions as they are given to the world.
What must we think of your present conduct ? Why do
you call upon Jesus Christ to help you ? Do you believe
that he can help you ? Do you believe in the divinity of
Jesos Christ ? Come now, answer me honestly; I want
ao aoswer as from the lips of a dying man, for I verily be-
lieve that you will not live twenty-four hours.' I waited
some time at the. end of every question ; he did not answe)*,
but ceased to exclaim in the above manner. Again I ad-
dressed him : ^ Mr. Paine, you have not answered my
questions ; will you answer them ? Allow me to ask again,
do you believe? or let roe qualify the question, do you
wish to believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God ?' After
a pause of some minutes, he answered, * I have no wish
to believe on that subject.' I then left him, and know not
wliether he afterwards s|)oke to any person, on any subject,
though he lived, as I before observed, till the morning of
the 8 th.
^<. Such conduct, under usual circumstances, I conceive
absolutely unaccountable, though with diffidence I would
remark, not so much -so in the present instance; for
though the fir$t necessary and general result of conviction
be a sincere wish to atone for evil committed, yet it may
be a question worthy of (U>le consideration whether exces-
sive pride of opinion, consummate vanity, and inordinate
self-love, might not prevent or retard that otherwise natu-
ral consequence ?"
On the 8tb of June, 1809, about nine in the morning,
died this memorable man, aged seventy-two years and five
months ; who at the < close of the eighteenth century had
wefl nigh persuaded the common people of England to
thinky that all was wrong in that government and that re-
ligion which their forefathers had transmitted to them, and
und^r which they had enjoyed so many blessings. He had
the merit of discovering, that the best way of diffusing dis-
content and revolutionary fanaticism was by a broad dis-
play, in their naked and barbarous forms, of those infidel
and anarchical elements, which sophistry had, till bis time,
refined above the perceptions of the vulgar. By stripping
the mischief of the dress, though still covering it with the
name and boast of philosophy, he rendered it as familiar
to the (Capacity as it was flattering to the passions of the
mob; and easy to be understood in proportion to the
ascendancy of the baser qualities of the mind.
To this mmt, and in' a- literary point of view, it is a
merit, he seems justly entitled. He was familiar with those
artifiqes. of writing: which very much promoted his objects.
Things that are great are easily travestied. It is only to
30 P A 1 N E.
c^xpress t)>em in a. vulgar idioai„ and mcorporate them ^kh
low ideas. This is always very gratifying to the mean, th#
little, and the envious ; and perhaps this was one of Ym
ipost successful tricks upon the multitude. He had, be-
sides^ 9 sort of, plebeian simplicity of style; ahnost border-*
ing.upon naivet6, which clothed his imposture with the-
semblance 4>f 'honesty; while the arrogance with which he
treated great names was^ with the base and contumelious^
an argutpent of his conscious pride and independence of
. What he calls <^ the principles of society,^ acting nplon*
the nature and conduct of man,*' are sufficient of them*
selves, according to his simple theory, to produce and per-*
petuate all the happiness and order of civilized life. Go-^'
vernment.i^ only imposition disguising oppression, and
protecting wrongful .accumulation. The dignity of bumair
nature, in its lowest forms, is thus- flattered by the disco-
i^ery that the beggar and the felon have justice on their
i^e while the one petitions for, and the other enforces,
the restitution of bis original rights. What hungry repro-
bate does not relish the proposition, that it is government*
which debauches the purity of our iporals, and brings in
passion over reason, by a sort of usurpation, to perplex
the siinplioity of God's appointments ? Philosophy must
not be insulted by opposing her polished weapons to thi»
beggarly sophistry. There is one short and simple aphorism
of common sense by which the whole of his theory is
abundantly answered; and it is this, ^^ Government is not
made for men as they ought to be, but for men as they
are ; not for their possible perfection, but for their prae->
tical indigence*'' This answer is co«extensive with the
whole work of Mr. Paine upon the rights of man. It de-
i|)olishes the whole fabric of his treacherous system. It
dispels at once the clumsy fiction of his barbarous Utopia.
In perusing a man^s writings, a picture] of the author
himself is sometimes insensibly drawn in the imagination of
the reader. By the perusal of the works of Thomas Taiue,
a most disgusting idea is presented to our thoughts both of
the man and his manners. This idea is completely verified
by the account which Mr. Cheetham has given us of his>
person and deportment. The paintings of Zeuxis attained
a sort of ideal perfection by combining the scattered ex-
cellencies of the human countenance: to conbeive the
countenance, or the mind, of Mr. Thomas Paine, now that
P A I N £. SI
dealh'bas withdrawn the living models we must jcondenae
into an imaginary foeui all the ofFensiveness and malignity
that are dispersed throughout actual existence. Mr*
Cheetbam seems to have no hostility towards the man, and
to be disposed to draw no inferences against him but what
fEiirly arise frcna the facts. We may add too, that bis facts
appear to be collected from very credible sources of inceU
tigence; from persons with whom Paine passed great part
of i|is existence ; and who, though not appearing to have
much intercourse together^ agree in the substance of their
communications on this subject.'
- PALiEMON (QuiNTUs Rhemnius Fannius)j a cele-
brated grammarian at Rome,- in the reign of Tiberius, was
born of a slave at Vicen^a. It is said he was first brought
up in a mechanical business, but while attending his
master's son to school, be discovered so much taste for
learning, and made so much progress in it, that he was
thought worthy of his freedom, and became a teacher or
preceptor at Rx>me. With his learning he joined an ex*
cellent memory, and a^ ready elocution ; and made extem-^
pore verses, then a very popular qualiiication. With all
this merit, his manners were very dissolute, and he was so
arrogant as to assert, that learning was born when he was
born, and would die when he died ; and that Virgil had
inserted bis name in his '^ Eclogues*' by a certain prophe-
* tic spirit; for that he, Pal8emon> would infallibly become
one day sole judge and arbiter of all poetry. He was ex-'
eessively prodigal and lavish, and continually poor, not^
withstanding the great sums he gained by- teaching, andi-
the profit he made, both by cultivating his lands, and m
the way of traffic. There is an " Ars Grammatica" as-
i^ribed to him in the edition of the " Grammatici Antiqui,''^
and separately printed ; and a work " De Ponderibus et
Mensuris," which is more doubtful.'
, PALiEPHATUS was a Greek philosopher, of whom a
treatise in explication of ancient fables has been several
tinoies reprinted in Greek and Latin ; the best edition is
ibat of Fischer, Lips. 1761. But little is known of him,
and ^here are several ancient writers Oif this name ; one an
Athenianf placed by the poets before the time of Homier ;
^ Cfaeetham'i Life of Paine, 1809, reviewed in the « British Review," for
June 1811, an arttete from which' the best pairt of the abore sketch has been
borcawed. > Moreri.—Fabric. Bibl. Lat.^-Sazii Onomast.
, 32 TALMPUAtVii.
one a native of Parbs, who lived under Artaxerxeft Idtfe^
mon ; and one, a grainoiarian and philosopher, bornr a^
Athens or in Egypt^ posterior to Aristotle. Which of
these is author of the work already noticed, is not at all
. PALAFOX (John de), natural son of James de Paia-«
fox, marquis de Hariza, in the kingdom of Arragon, wa»
bornin 1600. His mother^ it is said, atteihpted to drowti
bim at ins birth, but one of hia father^s vassals drew him
out of the water, and took care of him till the age at which
he was acknowledged by hrs parents. Philip IV. appointed
Palafox nlember of the council of war; then that of the
Indies. Having afterwards chosen the ecclesiastical pro*
fession, he was made bishop of Los Angelos, *^ Angelo^
polis," in New Spain, in 1639, with the title of visitor of the
courts of chancery and courts of audience, and judge of the
administratioQ of. the three viceroys of the Indies. Palafox
employed his authority in softening the servitude of the
Indians, checking robbery in the higher ranks, and vice in
the lower. He had also great contentions with the Jesuits
concerning., episcopal rights. He was made bishop of
Osina or Osma, in Old Castille, in 1653, which diocese be
governed with much prudence and regularity, and died,
in great reputation for sanctity, September 30, 1659, aged
59. This prelate left some religious books, of which the
principal are, *^ Homilies on the Passion of Christ,*' trans-*
lated into French by Amelot de la Houssaye, 16 to ; seve-^
ral tracts on the ^' Spiritual Life," translated by the abb6
le Roi ; ^^ The Shepherd of Christmas-night,'' &c« but he
is best known by his ** History of the Siege of Fontarabia;'*
and '< History of the Conquest of China by tbei Tartars,'^'
8vo. There is a collection of bis works printed at Madrid
in 13vols. fol. 1762, and a life by Dinouart in Frenob,
1767, 8vo.» /
PALAI^RAT (John), seigneur de Bigot^ a French poet^
waa born in May. 1650, at Toulouse, of a noble family^
He was a member of tbe academy of the Jeux Floraux^.
became chief magistrate of Toulouse in 1675, when scarcely'
twenty-five years of age ; and was made bead of tbe con«
sistory 1684, in which office he acquitted himself with great
integrity. He went to Rome two years after, and- at
1 Vottioi de Hist, Grec.— ^Fischer*! edition, bat etpeciaUy Ims **Tnlivi$l6am/^
1771. t Ant<^iiio Bibl. Hisp.^Moreri.--Dict. Hist,
• /
length to Paris, in which city he chiefly resided from that
time, and where M. de Vend6me fixed him in his service
in 1691, as one of his secretaries. He died October 23,
1721, at Paris, aged 71, leaving some *^ Comedies," and
a small collection of miscellaneous '' Poem^,*' most of
them addressed to M. de Venddme. M. Palaprat wrote for
the stage with his friend Brueis, and their works have been
collected in five small volumes 12mb, of which his is the'
least part His style is gay and lively, but he discovers
little genius or fancy, and he seems to have been indebted
for his literary reputation to his private character, which
was that of a man of great candour and simplicity. *
PALEARIUS (AONlus), an excellent writer in the six-
teenth century, was' born at Veroli, in the Campagha di
Roma, and descended of noble and ancient families by
both his parents/ He wa^ baptised by the name of An-
thony, which according to the custom of the times, he al-
tered to the classical form of Aonius. He applied himself
early to the Greek and Latin languages, in which he made'
great progress, and then proceeded to philosophy and dl-*
vinity. The desire he had of knowledge, prompted him*
to travel through the greatest part of Italy ; and to listen
to the instructions of the most famous professors in every
place he visited. His longest residence was at Roine,
where he continued for six years, till that city was taken
by Charles V. when the disorders committed by the troops
of that prince leaving no hopes of enjoying tranquillity, he
resolved to depart, and retire to Tuscany. He had at this
time a great inclination to travel into France, Germany,
and even as far as Greece ; but the narrowness of his for-
tune would not admit of this. Oh his arrival in Tuscany,
he chose Sienna for his abode, to which he was induced by
the pleasantness of the situation, and the sprightliness and
sagacity of the inhabitants : and accordingly he sold his
estate at> Veroli, with the determination never to see a place
aoy morer, where, though he was born, yet he was not be-
loved. He purchased a country-house in the neighbour-
hood o( Sienna, called Ceciniano, and pleased himself
with the fancy of its having formerly belonged to Cecina,
one of Cicero's clients. Here he proposed to' retire on his
leisure* days, and accordingly embellished it as much as
possible* At Sienna he married a young woman, of whom
« Moreri.— Diet. Hist.
Vol. XXIV. D
34 P A L E A R t U S.
he w^; P^sionately fond, and who brought him four chil*
dren, two boys and two girls. He was also professor of
polite letters, and had a great number of pupils.
But his career was disturbed by a quarrel he had with
one of his colleagues, who was enraged to see his own
reputation eclipsed by the superior lustre of Palearius.
We are not told the particular point upon which the con-
test commenced ; but it is certain that otir professor was
defended by Peter Aretin, who, perhaps more to revenge
his own ca^use, or eratify a detracting humour, than from
any respecffor Palearius, composed, against his envious
rival, an Italian comedy or farce, which was acted upon
the stage at Venice; and so poignant was the ridicule,
that the subject of it thought proper to quit Sienna, and
retire to Lucca. Hither he was followed some time after^
th6ugh with much reluctance, by Palearius, concerning^
lyhich we have the following account : Anthony Bellantes,
a nobleman of Sienna, being ioipeacbed of several mis-
demeanors, employed Palearius to plead his cause, who
ixiade so excellent a speech before the senate of that city
in his defence, that he was acquitted and dismissed ; but,
the same nobleman having some time after accused certain
monks of robbing h^ grandmother, employed his advocate
again to support the charge. The monks accused, making
qath of their innocence, were cleared by the court, but
were incensed at the prosecution, and aspersed Palearius
both in their sermons, and on all other occasions, as an
impious wretch, unfit to be harboured in a Christian coun-
try< They also declared him a heretic, because he disap*
proved several superstitious practices; neither didi they
approve of the book he had written on the ** Death of
Christ.'* Palearius, however, defended himself with so
much strength of reason and eloquence, that the accussi-
tions were dropped. Yet finding himself still exposed to
vexatious persecutions, bethought proper to a.ccept of an
invitation to teach polite literature at Lucca.
. Although he had here a handsome gratuity, and was
only to attend his scholars one hour in the twenty*four,
yet it was entirely owing to the expences of his family that
he engaged in this employment, which was otherwise irk-
some to^ini. He passed, however, some years at Lucca,
before he obtained the pffer of several immunities, and a
handsome stipend from the magistrates of Milan, where he
hoped that he was now-settled iii peace for life, but the event
, P A L E A R J U S- 35
.{Proved otherwise. Paul V. who had been a. Dominican
monk^ coming to the pontificate in 1566, determined to
show bis bigotry against every thing that had the appear-
lance of heresy, and therefore ordered the cause of Pa-^.
learius to . be re-heard. On which Palearius was suddenly
arrested at Milan, and. carried to Rome, where they found
^t not difficult' to convict him of having said '^ That the
German doctors who followed Luther were to be com-
mended in respect to some points ;< and that the court of
the inquisition was erected for the destruction of men of
learning.'^ He was then condemned to be: burnt, which
sentence was executed the same year, 1566.. He was
greatly respected by the most eminent scholars of his time,
such as Bembus, Sadoletus, Sfondratus, Philonardus, car-^
dinals ; Benedictus Lampridius, Anthony Flaminius, and
Andreas Alciatus; besides others, whose names may be
seen in the catalogue to the last edition of his ^< Letters,^*
Contaiuing the names of his literary correspondents. -
He was. the author of several works. In the piece on
the immort^Llity of the soul, 1. *^ De immortalitate ahim»,
libri tres,^' which: is reckoned his mkster-piece, he esta-
blishes the doctrine of the souPs immortahty, against Lu-
cretius ; for. which reiison Daniel Parens annexed it to his
edition of that poet at Frahcfort, 16S1, ^o. Sadolet be-
stows high encomiums upon this poem, in a letter to Pa-
lesprius. It was printed by Gryphius in F5S6, in 1.6mo;
and is inserted in our author's works. 2. '^ Epistol^rum,
Uliri 4,!' " Orationum, lib. 3,*? 1552. 3. " Actio in pon-
tifices Romanos et eorum asseclas, ad imperatorem Rom.
reges et pcincipes Christians^ reipublicee summos Oecu-
ipenici concilii prsesides conscripta cum de consilio Tri-
dentino habeodo deliberaretur." He drew up this piece
with a design to get it presented by the emperor's agibas-
sadors Xo the council of Trent. . It is a regular plan in de-
fence of the. protestants, and was published at Leipsic in
1606. 4. .^^ Poemata;" these are some poems printed at
Paris in 1576. His works came out under this title, ^' Aonii
Palearii opera," Amst. 1696, 8vo. In the preface is given
s^ pircjum$tantial. account of. the author's life. They were
reprjiitcsd^ Jens, 1728, 8vo.. There is also a piece extant,
with the following title : /^Dialogo intitulato il grammatico
oy^Q delle false Esercitationi, delle scuele (da Aonio Pa«*
leario)," Perugia, 1717. He also wrote a ^* Discourse upon
the Passion of 'Christ," in Italian, which is lost ; but the
D 2
plan of it is in his ^^ Orations,^* p. 90, 91. In Schelhorn's
^^: Amcsnitates/' Leipstc, 1737, is ^^ Aonii Palearii ad Lut-
therum, Calvinum, altosque de concilio Tridentino epis-
toU ;'' a letter, in which he adrises the . Lutherans and
Calvinists to unite, as the best means of resisting the at*
tack made by the council of Trent on both.' ^
PALEOTTI (Gabriel), a learned Itoltan ^cardinal^
descended from an illustrioos family, was born at Bologna,
Oct 4, 1524. He was intended for the profession of the
civil and canoii law, in which some of his family had ac-
quired fame, and he made great progress in that and other
studies. His talents very early procured him a canonry of
Bologna ; after which he was appointed professor of civil
law, and obtained the title of the new Alciatus from his
emulating the judgment and taste of that learned writer.
Some business requiring bis presence at Rome, he was ap-
pointed by cardinal Alexander Farnese, who had been his
fellow-student at Bologna, and who was then perpetual
legate of Avignon, governor of Vaisson, in the county of
yenaissin, but hearing of the death of his mother, he made
that a pretence for declining the office, and therefore re-
turned to his professorship at Bologna. The Farnese family
were, however, determined to serve him in spite of his
modesty, and in 1557 obtained for him the post of auditor
of the rota. When Pope Pius IV. opened the council of
Trent, Paleotti was made proctor and counsellor to his le-^
gates, who, in truth, did nothing of importance without
his advice. Of this council Paleotti wrote a history, which
atill remains in MS. and of which Pallavicini is said to have
availed himself in his history. After this council broke up
be resumed his functions at Rome, where in 1565 he was;
liaised to the dignity of the purple by Pius IV. and by
Pius V. he was created bishop of Bologna, but the see
upon this occasion was erected into an arcfafadshopric to do
honour both to Paleotti and his native country. Being a
conscientious man, he was always so assiduous in the duttetf
of his diocese, that it was with the greatest reluctance
the popes summoned him to atteiftd the consistories and
other business at Rome. He died at Rome, July 23, 1597^
a,ged seventy- three. He was author of several vwtkn of
Qonsiderable merit, on subjects in antiquities, jurispru-^
dence, and morals. Of these the most conidderable are
» . ■ ■
* NiceroD, toI. XVI.— G<n. Diet— Moreri»
PALE O T T I. »7
the following: ^^Ai^cbiepiscopale Bonnoniense ;^' ^^Deima'*
ginibus SacriSi et Profanis/' 1582, 4to, io Italian; and in
Latin, 1594; *^ De Sacri Ccmsistorii Consulutionibus ;^!
^'DeNotbis, Spuriisque Filiis," FraDcfort,1573, 8vo; ^<D«
Bono Senectutis ;" Pastoral Letters, 8lc^
PALESTRINA (John Peter Loui^, called by Dr.
Barney tbe Homer of the most ancient music that has been
preserved, was, as bis name imports, a native of tbe ancient
Prseneste, now corruptly called Palestrina, and is supposed
to have been born some time in 1529. All tbe Italian
writers who have mentioned him, say he was tbe scholar of
Graodio MelK Flamingo, by which name they have been
generally understood to mean Claude Goudimel, of whom
ve have given some account in vol. XVI. ; but this seems
doubtful, nor is there any account of his life on which
reliance can be placed. AH that we know with certainty
is, that about 1555, when he had distinguished himself as
a composer, he was admitted into the Pope^s chapel, at
Rome; in 1562^ at the age of thirty-three, he was elected
maestro di capella of Santa Maria Maggiore, in tbe same
^ity; in 1571 was honoured with a similar appointment
at St. Peter's ; and lastly, having brought choral harmony
to a degree of perfection that has never since been ex«
ceeded, he died in 1594, at the age of sixty-five. Upon
his coffin was- this inscription, ^^ Johannes Petrus Aloysius
Pr^nestinus Musics Princeps.''
By the assistance of signor Santarelli, Dr. Burney pro*
cured at Rome a complete catalogue of all the genuine
productions of Palestrina, which may be classed in the
following manner: masses in four, five, and six parts,
twelve books ; of which lib. i. appeared at Rome in folio,
1554, when the author was in the twenty-6fth year of his
age; and in that city only went through tbree several
editions during his life. - Lib. ii. of his masses, which in<«
dudes the celebrated composition entitled ^' Missa Papas
Marcelli,'' was published likewise at Rome, in 1567. Of
this production it has been related by Antimo Liberati,
and after him by Adami; Berardi, and other musical wri-
ters, that the pope and conclave having been offended and
scandalized at the light and injudicious manner in which
the mass had been long set and performed, determined to
banish music in parts entirely from the church ; but that
1 Moreri.— Undi HisU de la liUeratare D'ltalie, toI. IV.— Diet. Hi«t.
Palestrina, at the age of twenty-sixy during the short pon^^
tificate of Marcellus CerviouSy' intreated bis holiness to
suspend the execution of his design till 'he had iheard a
mass comgpsed in what, according to his id^as, waathe
true ecclesiastical style. Hi's request being granted, the
dooipiDsitioh,' in six parts, was performed at Easter 155 5,
before the pope and college of cardinals, who found it b6
grave, noble, elegant, learned, and pleasing, that music
was restored to favour, and again established in the' cele-
bration of sacred rites. This mass was afterwards printed,
and dedicated to the successor of Marcellus, pope Paul IV.
by whom Palestrina was appointed chapel-master.
The rest of his massies appeared in the following order :
Lib. iii. Romas per Valerium Doricum, 1570, in folio, Ven*
1599 ; Lib. iv. Venet. p|er Ang. Gardanum, 1582, quarto ;
Lib. V. Romie, 1590; Lib. vi. Ven. 1596; Lib. vii. 1594;
Lib. viii. atfd ix. Ven. 1599 ; Lib. x. and xi. Ven. 16O0t;
and lib. xii. without date, or name of the printer. Besides
this regular * order of publication, these masses were re-
printed in different fprms and collections, during the six«
teenth and seventeenth centuries, in most of tb6 principal
cities of Italy. The next division of Palestrina^s works,
consists of Motets for five, six, seven, and eight voices,^
five books, at Rome and Venice, 1569, 1588, 15&9,'1596„
and 1601. Motets for four voices, lib. i. Romae, 1590;
Lw, ii. Venet. 1604- ; Two books of OfFertorij, a 5 and a 6
voc. Romse, 1593 ; Lamentationi, a 4 yoc. Roms, 1588;
Hymns for five voices, Ven. 1598 ; Litanie, a 4, Ven. 1600;
Magniiicat, 8 tomum. Romsei, 1591; Madrigali Spirituali^
t^wo books, Rome' and Venice, 1594.
To the above ample list of the works of this great and
fertile composer, are to be added ^' La Cantica di Salo^
ibone,'' a 5 ; two other books of " Magnificats,*' a 4, 5,
and 6 voc. One of '^ Lamentationi," a 5 ; sind another jof
secular Madrigals. These have been printed in miscel-
laneous publications after the author^s death; and there
still remain in the papal chapel, inedited, another mass,
with his ^' Missa Defunc^^orum,^^ and upwards of. twenty
motets, chiefly for eight voices, a due cori. Nothing more
interesting remains to be related of Palestrina,: than that
most of his adtnirable productions still subsist. . Few of his
admirers are indeed possessed of the first editions, or of
all his works complete, in printer manuscript ; yet curious
ajad diligent collectors in Italy can still, with little difficulty]^
P A L E S T R I N A. ?§
fomish- themselves with a considerable number of. these
models of counterpoint and ecclesiastical gravity. The
befst church compositions since his time have been pro-
vcjrbially called alia Palestrina. '
. PA LEY (WiLLiAM)y a very celebrated English divine,
and one of the most successful writers of his time, was
born at Peterborough in July 1 743, and was educated by his
father, . who was the head master of Giggleswick school, in
Yorkshire, vicar of Helpstone in Northamptonshire, and a
minor cieinon of Peterborough. In his earliest days he ma-
nifested a taste for solid knowledge, and a peculiar activity
of mind. In Nov« 1758 he was admitted a sizar of Christ's
college, Cambridge, and before he went to reside there
was taught the mathematics by Mr. William Howarth, a
master of some eminence at Dishworth, near Rippon. In
December 1759, soon after be took up his residence in the
university, he obtained a scholarship, and applied to his
studies with such diligence as to make a distinguished'
figure in the public schools, particularly when he took his
bachelor's degree in 1763. He was afterwards employed
for about three years as assistant at an academy at Green-
wich ; in 1765 he obtained the first prize for a prose Latin
dissertation ; the subject proposed was *^ A comparison
between the Stoic and Epicurean philosophy, with respect
to the influence of each on the morals of a people,'* in
which he took the Epicurean side.
Having received deacon's orders, he became curate to
Dr. HincblifFe, then vicar of Greenwich, and afterwards
bishop of Peterborough ; and when he left the academy
above-mentioned, continued to officiate in the church. In
June 1766 he was elected a fellow on the foundation of
Christ's college, and at the ensuing commencement took
his degree of M. A. He did' not, however, return to his
residence in college until Oct. 1767, when he engaged in
the business of private tuition, which was soon followed by
bis appointment to the office of one of the college tutors.
On the 21st of December 1767, he was ordained a priest
by bishop Terrick,
The duties of college tutor Mr. Paley discharged with
uncommon assiduity and zeal ; and the whole of his system
of tuition, as given by his biographer, appears to have been "
eminently calculated to render instruction easy, pleasant,
and of permanent effect. It is somewhat remarkable, that
.i . . i
^ Ha«lMDt*s and Baraey's fiigtoriet of Musick. — and Buroey in Reet'iCyclopttd.
40 PAL E Y.
T^hile thus employed in improving others, he was laying the
foundation of his future fame ; for his lectures on moral
philosophy, and on the Greek Testament, contained the
outlines of the very popular works which he afterwards
published. He maintained an intimate acquaintance with
almost every person of celebrity in the university ; but his
particular friends were Dr. Waring, and Dr. John Jebb,
well known for his zeal in religious and political contro-
yersy, and with whom, in some points, Mr. Paley was
thought to have coincided more closely than afterwards
;ippeared to be the case. Even now they could not per-
suade him to sign the petition for relief in the matter of
subscription to the thirty-nine articles, although he was"
prevailed on to contribute to the cause, by an anonymous
pamphlet, ehtitled " A Defence of the Considerations on
the propriety of requiring a subscription to Articles of
Faith," in answer to Dr. Randolph's masterly pamphlet
against the " Considerations.'* After he had spent about
ten years as college-tutor, he quitted the university io
1776, 'and married. His first benefice in the church was
the rectory of Musgrove, in Westmoreland, worth only
about eighty pounds a-year, which he obtained in th^
month of May 1775, and in December 1776 he was in^
ducted into the vicarage of Dalston, in Cumberland ; and
not long after to the living of Appleby, in Westmoreland,
worth sibout 300/. per annum.
In 1776, a new edition of bishop Law's *' Reflections on
the Life and Character of Christ," originally published ia
the " Consideration on the Theory of Religion," was given
in a separate form at Cambridge, for the use of the stu-
dents. To this treatise some brief " Observations on the
character and example of Christ" were added, with an
[** Appendix on the Morality of the Gospel;" both from
Mr. Paley's pen. From a passage in this little essay it ap-
pears, that his theory of morals was not then altogether firmly
fixed on the basis which supports it now.
While at Appleby, he published a small volume selected
?rorn the Book of Common Prayer, and the writings of
some eminent divines, entitled ** The Clergyman's Com-
panion in visiting the Sick." This useful work at first ap-r
peared without his name, but it has passed through nine
editions, and is now printed among his works. In June
1780, he was collated to the fourth prebendal stall in th^
cathedral church of Carlisle, and thus became coadjutor ia
P A L E Y.
the chapter to his friend Mr. Law, who was now arch*-
deacon; but in 1782, upon Dr. Law^s being created an
Irish bishop, Mr. Paley was made archdeacon of the
diocese, and in 1735, he succeeded Dr. Burn, author
of "The Justice of Peace," in the chancellorship. For
these different preferments he was indebted either to th^
venerable bishop of Carlisle, Dr. Law, or to the dean and
chapter of the cathedral church. While his residence was
divided between Carlisle and Dalston, Mr. Paley engaged
in the composition of his celebrated work, ^' The Element^
of ]VIoral and Political Philosophy ;** but hesitated long ai
.to tb6 publication, imagining there would be but few
readers for such a work ; and he was the more determined
on this point after he had entered on the married state^
thinking it a duty that he owed his family to avoid risking
any extraordinary expense. To remove this last objection.
Dr. John Law presented a living then in his gift to Mr. Paley^
on the promise that he would consider it as a compen8a«»
tion for the hazard of printing, and he immediately set
about preparing his work for the press, which appeared
in 1785, in quarto. Of a work * so generally known an4
admired, and so extensively circulated, it would be un«^
necessary to say much. Although the many editions whiph
came rapidly from the press stamped no ordinary merit on
it, yet some of his friends appear to have not been com-
pletely gratified. They expected, that from his intimacy
with Jebb, and the latitudinarian party at Cambridge, he
would have brought forward those sentiments which Jebb
in vain endeavoured to disseminate while at the university ;
and they were surprized to find that his reasoning on sub-
scription to articles of religion, and on the British con-
stitution, in which he not only disputes the expediency
of reform in the House of Commons, but vihdicatf^s the
influence of the crown in that branch of parliament^ wap
diametrically opposite to their opinions and wishes.
. When at Dalston, in addition to his ordinary duties, hei
gave a course of lectures on the New Testament, pn the
* In this work there are some opi-
nions equivocally expressed, without
the characteristic decision which be-
eomes A public teacher; and the
foundation of bis system has also been
thought liable to objection. In 1789,
Mr. Gisbome published strictures on it,
3nder the title of " l*be Principles of
loral Philosophy investigated.*' His
system was also attacked by Mr. Pear->
son, tutor of Sidney college, Cam-
bridge, in ** Remarks on the Theory
of Morals," 1800, and *< Annotations
on the practical part of Df. Paley'a
Principles of Moral ynd Political Ptii^
losophy," 1801. ^11 these desenr*
the attention of the readen of Paley. ,
42. P A L E Y.
Sunday afternoons. There i& no part of bis character more
just]y entitled to respect than the active and zealous db«
charge of his professional duties, and his ,eyen enlarging
them, as in thi^ instance, when he thought it would be for
the ^benefit of his flock. While officiating as examining
chaplain to the bishop of Carlisle, he caused a new edi*
tion to be pubjished of CoUyer's " Sacred Interpreter,"
a work which he recommended to candidates for deacon's
orders. In 1788, he joined to his other meritorious la-
bours, an effort in favour of the abolition of the slave
trade, and corresponded with Mr. Glarkson and the com*
nittee whose endeavours have been since crowned with
On the death of the venerable bis|iop of Carlisle in 1787^
Mr. Paley drew up- a short memoir of him. (See Lawj
£dmukd). His next work places him in a high rank among
the advocated for the truth and authenticity of the Christian
Scriptures. It is enthled " Horse Paulinae ; or, the Truth of
the Scripture History of St. Paul evinced, by a comparisoii
of the Epistles which bear his name with the Acts of the
Apostles, and with one another," which he dedicated to
bis friend Dr. John Law, at that time bishop of Killala.
The principal object of this work is to shew, that by a com-
parison of several indirect allusions and references in the
Acts and Epistles, independently of all collateral testimony^
their undesigned coincidence affords the strongest proof oif
their genuineness, and of the reality of *^e transactions to
which they relate. . Instead of requiring the truth of any
£ art of -the apostolic history to be taken for granted, he
.'aves the reader at liberty to suppose the writings to have
been lately discovered, and to have come to our hands des*
titute of any extrinsic or collateral evidence whatever. The
design was original, and the execution admirable. Soon
after ^ he compiled a small work, entitled ^^ The Young
Christian instructed in Reading, and the Principles of Re«
Ugion.'' ' This having brought upon him a charge of pla-
giarism, be defended himself in a good-humoured letter
in the Gentleman^s Magazine. Previously to the appear-
ance of these work$ he was offered by Dr. Yorke, bishop o(
Ely, the mastership of Jesus college, Canobridge, which,
after due deliberation, he declined. In May 1792, he was
instituted to the vicarage of .Addingham, near Great SaU
keldy on the presentation of the dean and chapter of Car*
lisle. During the {political ferment excited b^ the French
P A L B Y. 4»
fevolatibhy be published *^ Reasons for Contentment, ad-
dressed to the labouring classes,'^ ^^^ ^^^ chapter in bis
"Moral Philosophy," on the British Constitution. In 1793,
he vacated Dalston, on being collated by the/bishop of Car-
lisle (Dr. Vernon) to the vicarage of Stanwix. His bio-
grapher informs us that, "being afterwards asked, by a
clerical friend, why he quitted Dalston, he answered with
afrankness pecnliar to him, for he knew no deceit, * Why,
Sir, I bad two or three reasons for taking Stanwix in ex-'
change : first, it saved 'me double house-keeping, as Stan-
wix was within a twenty minutes walk of 'my house in Car-
lisle : secondly, it was fifty pounds a-year more in value r
and, thirdly, I began to find my stock of sermons coming
over ag^in too fast'."
In 1794, he published " A View of the Evidences of
Christianity, in three parts: L Of the direct historical
Evidence of Christianity, and wherein it is distinguished
from 'the Evidence alleged for other Miracles. II. Of the
Auxiliary Evidences of Christianity ; and, I'll. A brief
Conitideration of some popular Objections." This work
was first published in three volumes, 12mo, but in a few
months it was republished in two volumes, 8vo, and has*
been continued in this form through many successive edi*'
tions. It is perhaps thie most complete summary of the
evidences of our holy religion that has ever appeared. In
August of the same year the bishop of London, Dr. Por-
teus, instituted him to the prebend of St. Pancras, in feh^
Cathedral of St. PauPs,< and in a very short time* he was
promoted to the subdeanery of Lincoln, a preferment of
700/. per stpnum, by 'Dr. Pretyman, bishop of that dio-
cese. ^ In January 1795, be proceeded to Cambridge to
take his degree of D. D. ; and before be left that place,
he was surprized by a letter from the bishop of Durham,
Dr.Barringtbn, with whom he had not the smallest acquaint-
ance, offering him the valuable rectory of Bishop- Wear**
mouth, estimated at twelve hundred pounds a-year; When
he waited otk his new patron to express his' gratitude, his
lordship instantly interrupted his acknowledgments : '* Not
a word," said he, ** you cannot have greater pleasure in
accepting the living' of Bishop-Wearmouth, than I have in
offering it to you." After reading himsetf in, as a pre-
bendary, at St. Paul's cathedral, March 8th, Dr. Paley, for he
noi^ assumed that title, imniediately proceeded to Bishop-
Wearmouth, took possession bf his valuable cure, and then
44 PA LEY.
returned to Cambridge against the commencement, t^
cpmplete the Doctor's degree, and on Sunday July Sth,
j)reac^ed before the university his sermon ** On the dan-
gers incidental to the Clerical character.*' He now re-
signed the prebend of Carlisle, and the living of Stanwix,
and divided his residence principally between Lincoln and
Bishop- Wearmouth, spending his summers at the latter^
tod bis winters at the former of those places. He next un*
dertook the composition of his last work, entitled *' Natu-;
xal Theology ; or Evidences of the Existence and Attri-t
hutes of the Deity, collected from the appearances of Na-
ture." In this he proceeded very slowly, and was much in-
terrupted by ill-health ; but the work was published in
the summer of 1802. It was dedicated to the bishop of
Durham, for the purpose of making the most acceptable
return he was able for a great and important benefit con-
ferred upon him. In this work he has traced the marks of
wi$dom and design in v^irious parts of the creation ; but.
l^as dwelt principally on those which may be discovered in
t\ip constitution of the human body. It is replete with in-
struction, and from its style and manner peculiarly calcu-*
l^ted to fix the reader's attention.
In 1804, Dn Paley's health was much upon the decline,
and having experieiiqed a severe attack in May 1805, it
was evident that the powers of nature were exhausted, and
medicine of no avail. He died on the 25th, under the ac-
cumulated influence of debility and disease, and was in-
terred in the cathedral of Carlisle by the side of his first
wife, by whom he had eight children, viz. four sons and
four daughters. His second wife survived him. Since his
<^th a volMme of his ^^ Sermons" has been published, and
received by the public with nearly the same avidity as bis
other work^.
la private life, Dr. Paley is said to have had nothing
of the philosopher. He entered into little amusements
with a degree of ardour which formed a singular con-
tjBSt with the superiority of his mind. He was fond of
cpnipany, which he had extraordinary powers of eiuer-
tfiining ; nor was he at any time more happy, than wheq-
qommunicating,the pleasure he co.uld give by exerting bis.
tdlepts of wit s^nd humour. No man was ever more be-
Ipyed by his particular friends, or returned their ^fFectjoii
with greater sincerity and ardour. That such a man^^ and^
fifich a writer, should 09t have been promoted to the bencb
P A L E Y. 4S
of bislao^s^ has been considered as not very creditable to
the times in which we live. It is generally understood
that Mr. Pitt recommended him to bis majesty some years
ago for a vacant bishopric, and that an Opposition waj
made from a very high quarter of the church, which ren*
dered the recommendation ineffectual. If this be true, it
is a striking proof of Mr. Pitt's Kberality ; for, according
to his biographer, Dr« Paley frequently indi'ilg^d in sar-
castic and disrespectful notice of that celebrated staites-^
man. What truth may be in this, or what justice in the
complaints of his friends, we shall not inquire, jfudging^
from his writings, we should be inclined to regret, witK
them, that he had not higher preferment; but, (iontem*
plating his character, as given in the " Memoirs of Wil-
liam Paiey, D. D. by George Wilson Meadltey,*' we mustf
rather wonder .that he had so much. It will, hovv^ever^ be
universally acknowledged, that no author ever Wrote moM
pleasingly on the subjects he has treated than Dr.* Pal^y.
The force and terseness of his expressions kr6 ndt less'
admirable than the strength of his conceptions ; antt there
is both in his language and his notions a peculiarity of man-
ner^ stamped by the vigour of his mind, which will per"-
petuate the reputation of his works.*
PALFIN (John), a surgeon of eminence, was Bbrh ar
Ghent in Flanders in 1649; and, being m^de anatotnist
and reader in surgery in that city, was much distitigiiished
liy his lectbres as well as practice, and wrote upon several
subjects with learning and judgment. He died at Ohent^
about eighty years old, in 1730. He paid various visits
to London, Paris, and Leyden, where he formed an ac-
quaintance with' the most eminent surgeon's of his time^*
profited by their discoveries, and was himself the inventor
of some instruments. His first publication was a ^' Systeni
of Osteology,'* in Flemish, which be afterwards translated
into French, and which was often reprinted. In 1708,' he
published his *^ Description Anatomique des Parties de la .
Femme qui servent a la Generation,'* together with Li-
cetus' treatise on monsters, and a description of one bora
at Ghent in 1703. In 1710, he printed his ^^Anatomie
Cbirurgicale, ou description exacte des Parties du Corps
humaih, avec des remarques utiles aux^ Chirurgiens dans
« Uf^ by Meadley.— 6«at. Ma;, vol. hVlh LVIII. LXII. LXXV. aad
LXXVL «6C. ,
46 I? A L F 1*1.
la pratique 6e leur art,** in French; and in 1718;; fe*
printed it in Flemish. It was regarded as a vaiaabte work,
anjd was republished after bis death, in Franpe, It$ily, and
Germany. Palfin also translated the treatise . of Anthony
Petit on .'< Diseases of the Eyes," into Flemish, adding
several other tracts on the same subject. '
PALINGENIUS (Marcellus), an Italian poet, who
fioorished in the sixteenth century, was born at Stellada^
in Ferrara, upon the bank of the Po. We are told by
$ome, that his true name was Pietro Angelo Manzolij, of
which " Marcello Palingenio" is the anagram *. He is
chiefly known by his ^' Zodiacus Vitae," a poem in twelve
books, dedicated to Hercules II. of Este, duke of Feirara.,'
Some say he was physician to that prince, but this will ad-
mit of a doubt; at least it is certain be was not so when he
wrote the dedication to bis *^ Zodiac." This poem, oiv
which he had en^ployed several, years, brought hi.m into
trouble, as it contained many sarcastic atti^cks on mqnka
and church-abuses ; and his name therefore appears in the
5^ Index librorum prohibitorum," as a Lutheran heretic of
the first class, and as an impious author. It is thought, he;
<;arries too far the objections of libertines 4nd scoffers at
religion ; otherwise his work is interspersed with judicious-
maxima, and some have considered it as a truly philo$o-
phical satire against immorality and prejudice. In the
close of the dedication^ he declares himself a good catholic,
so far as to submit all bis opinions to the censure of the
church ; and this declaration might perhaps have secured
hjm against the inquisition, had the affair related only la
some, particular tenet; but it could not acquit him of that
impiety, which Palingenius was, not without reason^ sus«
pected to teach. . In his third book, for instance, he in-
eulcates Jthe doctrine of Epicurus without the least reserve.
He. published this book in 1536, and again at Basil, ia
1537 t/ and seems not to have lived long after that date*.^
Qyraldus, who wrote about 1543, relates, that, after bis
burial, his body was ordered to be dug up, in order to be
* Perhaps Palingenius is not Ibe a French translation, by M. de la Moti-
name of his facniiy, but that name nerie, was printed in Holland in 1731 j;
turned into, Greek, according to the. and again with notes in 1733. An
custom of those times, , imitation of it was written by Barthiusa,
•f It wag also published under this and entitled, <* Zodiacus viti» Chrifti^ '
title, ** Palingenii Marcelii Zodiacus anae," fce. Francf. 1623, 8vo, and anOk^
Tjt« emendattts et aactus, Rott. 1 722 ;V ther in, French by M. de RiTiere*
^ Moreri.— Eloy. Diet. Hist, de Medicine.
P A L I N G E N I U S. 47
fahurnt ;, which execution was prevented by the dtichest of
Ferrara, who, it is thought, had received him at her court
among the Lutherans. '
PALISSY (Bernard de), an ingenious artist, was bora
at Agen in France, about 1524. He was brought up as a
common labourer, and was also employed in surveying*
Though destitute of education, he was a very accurate ob«
server of nature ; and in the course of his surveys, v he con<-
ceived the notion that France had been formerly covered
by the sea^ and propagated his opinion at Paris, against a
ho$t of opponents, with the greatest boldniess. It was con-
sidered as a species of heresy. For several years after, he
employed himself in trying different experiments, in order
to discover the methpd of painting in enamel* But some
person presenting him with a beautiful cup of that kind of
stone-ware called by the French faience^ because it was
first manufactured in a city of Italy called Faenz^^ the
' sight of this cup inflamed him with an insurmouatable de-
sire to discover the method of applying enamel to stone-
ware. At this time he was ignorant of even the first rudi-
ments of the art of pottery, nor was there any person withia
his reach from whom he could procure information. His
experiments were, therefore, unsuccessful, and he wasted
his whole fortune,' and even injured his health, without
gaining his object Still he gave it up only for a time,
and when a few years of industry and frugality had put it
in his power, he returned to bis project with more ardour
than ever. The same fatigues, the same sacrifices, the
same expences were incurred a second time, but the re«
suit was different. He discovered, one after another, the
whole serie9 of operations, and ascertained the method of
applying enamel to stone-ware, and of niaking earthen*
ware superior to the best . of the Italian manufacture. He
was now treated with respect, and considered as a man of <
genius. The court of France took him under its protect
tion, and enabled him to establish a manufactdry, where
the manufacture of the species of stone-ware which he had.
invented was brought to a state of perfection. The only
i)Dprovement which was made upon it afterwards in France,
was the application of different colours upon the enamel,,
and imitating the paintings which had been executed long
before on porcelain vessels* This improvement scarcely
- ^ Qen. Dict-^Moreri. .
48 P A L I S S Y.
dates farther back than thirty or forty years. It was first
put in practice by Joseph Hanon, a native of Strasbourg,
and was suggested by a German, who sold to Hanon the
method of composing the colours applied upon the por-
celain of Saxony. These vessels were soon after super-
sededby the Qxieeri*s wdre of the cdebrated Wedgewood,
Mrhich both in cheapness, beauty, and elegance of form,
far surpassed any thing of the kind that had appeared in'*
' After Palissy had thus succeeded in his favourite object,'
he pursued the science of chjemistry, and applied hiskndw*^
Icidge to the improvement of agriculture. * He was the first.'
person who formed a collection of natural history at Paris,*
upon which he gave lectures at the rate of half a crown'
each person, a hrge sum for that period, but he eriterefl '.
into an obligation to return the money four-fold,' provided'
it vrete found that he taught any thing that proved false.'
In Ii?6^3 he printed at Rochelle " Recepte veriliable par'
I&quelfe tons les hommes de la France pourrbnt apprendre
a augmenter leur tresors,'' &c. which, after hiil dejgitB,"
v^as reprinted under the title of **^Moyen de devenir riche,'*'
iti i vols. 8vo. In 1:580 he published " Discours admira-
ble de la Nature des Eaux, et'Fontaines, de Metaux, des'
Sols, des Saline, des Pierres, des Terres," &c. This work '
was exceedingly valuable in the then existing state bf
koowliedge, and in it he first taught the true theory of ,
springs, and asserted that fossil-shells were real sea- shells
deposited by the v^aters of the ocean. He also pointed out
the u^e of marie a'nd of lime in agricultui'e.
Palissy is supposed to have died about 1590 : he^was of
tbfe protestant Religion, and was sometimes threatened on
that'account. His reply to Henry the flld. deserves to be
commemorated. " If," says the king, " you do not change*
yobV reWgiorty I shall be compelled to give you lip to the'
power of your enemies.'* ^* Sire," said Pal issy, ** yoii»
have often said that you pitied me, but I must now pStyT
yoii, for your expression of ^ I shall be compelled f giVe^
me leave tp tell yotir majesty, that it is not in youf powei^* '
to compel a potter to bend bis knee before the images^
which he fabricates.'* His memory 'is still respected ' iti' '
, France', and a complete edition of his works, with a life,*
vvay published at Paris' in 1777, by Fadjas de St. FoT)d,'#tor.*'
} Moreri.— Diet Hiit.— Baldwin's Literary Jouroa), vol. I. •
P A L L A D I N 0.
PALLADINO (James)^ known aim by tb6 hwie of
James de Teramo^ from the city where he was .born in
1449, chose the ecclemastical . profession, was sucoes*
sively archbishop of Tareuto, Florence, and Spoletto, had
the administration of the duchy for pope Alexander Y. and
lohn XXIII. and was sent as legate into Poland in 14 17,
vriier^ he died the same year. He wrote some forgotten
works eniunerated by Marchand, bat is most known by bis
xeligioiis romance, entitled ^^ J. de Teramo compendium
perbreve, consolatio Peccatorum nuncupatum, et apud non-
pnllos Belial Tooitatuns i id est, . Processus Luciferi contra
Jesum,*' Attsb. 1479, fol. but it seems doubtful whether
the first edition is not in German, and published without a
date. Mr. Dibdin has amply described both in the ^ Bib-
Uotheca Spenceriaoa,V and Marchand has discussed the
history of the work at great l^igth. It was . reprinted se«
▼eral times since io the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries,
and in a'colleclioa entitled. *' Processus juris joco'^serii,"
Hanovis, 1611, 8vo, which contains likewise ^^ the Pro-
cess of Satan against the Virgin," . by Barthole, and ^^ Les
Arr^ d' Amour.'* Peter Farget, an Augustine, has trans*
lated ^< Belial's triar* into French, Lyo^ns, 14S5, 4to, printed
often since, in the saine form. It has also been .published
■nder the name of James d'Aooharano; and has i^^onsi
ferm or other been translated into most of .the European
langiniges. ^
PALLADIO (AMZ>a£W),. a celebrated Italian architect^
ia» born in 15 IS at Vicenza in Lombardy. As soon as he
had learned the principles of art from Trissino, the cele-
brated poet, who was his townsman, he went to Hornet
wnd applying himseif with gp^at diligence to study the an*
dent monameats, h^ entered.intothe spirit of their. arcbi-
tMts, and formed his taste upoa tihem* On bis return he
was employed^ construct various edifices, and obiaiped
great reputatioQ tbMMigheut Italy, which abounds in nuinu-
qients of his dull^ particulsurJy the palace Foscari, at Ve-
nice, and tbe Olypipic theatre at Vicenza, where he died
io 1580. He excelled likewise in the theory of his art,
«L appears by his publications, which are still in the highest
mpntation. .His ^rst was bis treatise oa arobsteetare, << I
qaattfo libri deli' Arcbitettara,'* Venice, 1570.. This haa
been often reprinted, and our country has the merit of a
< Mardiuid.— L'Avocat't Diet. Hiit'-BiM. Spcneerimnt, irel. HI.?; .Hl->-3.
Vot. XXIV. E
4» . 1>;A'L*L/AT)II O.i
irery splendid edittbn, published at Lonfdoti in* fTVS'ji. in
iKnglisby Italian, and French, 2 or 3 vol^., faL . Tbis^ ediW
tion, published by Leotfi, is enriched with .the most.Valoi-
able of the notes which Inigo Jones wrote on bis copy of
the original, now in the library of Worcester college^ Ox-i
i^ord. A French edition of the.Landoo one was publisbed
by Nic. da Bois, at the Hague in^ 1726, 2 voh. fol. ; andrin
1740, one oiuch enlarge in Italian and Freacby at Veaicei'
i5 vols, foh This 'bos been mone recently followed by
Scaniozzi's fine edition in Italian and French, printed ait
Vicenza, 1776^—83, 4 vok. fol. In 1730, our countryman^
lord Burlington, printed an elegant work, entitled ^^ Fa-»%
briche anticbe designate da Andrea Palladio, e dale iaWe
da Riceardo Conte de Burli^gton,.'^ foL This colleciiaib
of Palladio's designs is very scarce, as > the noble editor
printed only a liiaited nnmber of copies for hiis frieudki
Palladio also composed a small work, entitled ,^^ Le Antiv
cbita di Roma," not printed till after bis death;' He a)ius*<
trated CsDsar^s ^^Commentaries,"' by annexinig to.BadelHIa
translation pf that work, ^ prefafce on the military systeoii
of the Romans, with copper-plates, designed, for the most
|>art, by bis t^vo sonsy Leooida and Qrazio, who bpth diedi
soon aften Palladio Was modest in regard to bis owii>
merits but be was the friend to all jnen of talents.^ hiy
memory is bigUy faonoui^ed ^by the votaries of the finer
arts.^ and the simplicity and purity of bis taste 'have gi.veE^
bim the appelliitiiob of the Raphael of architects. * . ' . i
:■ PA LLA Dies, bishop of Helenopolis inBitbynia, aiifdr
afterwards x>fAspona^ Galatia;n^ and bom*
^bout the year. 368 at Gappadoeia. He. became an ao«)
cboret in tbe mountain of Nebriarin the year. 388, and. was
made a.bisfaop in the year 4<aL. This prelate was a steady »
friend to St, John Chryso^tom, whom be neirer forsooki
during the tiiQe of bis persecution, nor even in bis.£xiie«r
Ue went to Rome, sometime after the deatl^of that saint }'
at)d at tbe request, of Lausus, governor of Cappadocia^i
«;€Mnposed the history of the Anohorets, or* Herioits, ,ancb
^titled it ^^ Laitsiaca,'? after the name of fthat lord^.ttx
whom he tdedicated it in tbe year4209 w.ben it was ivritt^n^
being tben. id the 20tb year of bis episcopacy, and>53dpfT
his age. Paliadius was 'aCQused of being aa Origentstjt
i' . ' ■ '• . ■ ' ' ' ' ' -
1 tandi Hist. Litt dMtalle, vol. IV.— Hutton's Pkt.'-Dicti HisU^Reet't'
^^c]ope!dia.-^Bruaet*s Manuel (la Libraire. '.,.,.' -,.. ' ■■- '■
PALLAbltJi. it
t>4cause he ctoes not sp^ak very farburably of St. Jerome^
lind was intimaitely connected • with Ruffinud $ but pertfaps
no good proof can be drawn thence of his Origenism. He
isad been the disciple of Evagrias of Pontud, and was even
suspected to adhere to the sentiments of Pelagius. He
died in the' fifth centtiry^ but what year is- not known;
His *< History" was published ill Greek by Meursiiis, at
Amsterdam/ in 1619, aiid in Latin in the '^ Bibliotheca
Patrum t'V but he seems not to have beeii the writer of the
'^ Life of St. John Chrysostom, in Greek and Latin^ by
M» Bigot/' printed in 168a. ^
PALLAS (Peter Simon), a ceiebrated naturalist, th^
son of Simon Pallas, professor of surgery at Berlin, was
b^m in that city, Sept. 22, 1741,. and educated at first
under private tuto^, who spokewith astonishment of the
progress he made. . So early as the fifteenth year of hi^
age, he entered upon a course of lectures on medicine and
the branches connected with it ; and two years afterwards
was enabled to read a course of public lectures on anatomy.
Yet while thus occupied in his professional labours, he^
found leisure to prosecute the study of insects, and other
classes of zoology, for which he seems to have very early
conceived a predilection, and in which he particularly ex«
ceiled. In the autumn of 175S he went to the university
of Halle, and in 1759 to Gottingen; and during his resi« the letter, among other ingenious researches, hit
attention was drawn to the worms w^ich breed in the in«^
festines. This produced a treatise entitled <^ De itifesti^
Viventibus intra vivientia,'' in which he has with sihgdiar
Accuracy described thdae wbtnls which are found in th^
human body,
lit July 1760 he went to Leyden, and studied under Al^
binus, Gaubius, and Miisehenbroeck ; and in Decetbbef^
took his 'doctoir^s degree, on which occasion his inaugural
dissertation had for its sxibject his dissertation on worms;
with new experiments; During his stay at Leyden, hatti'i
ml ^istorry became his predbmifnant passion.^ H« employed
all the time^ he could steal from his professional studies in'
lisitrng'the -public and private eabtnets of natural history,^
with which Leyden abounded, and was particularly charmed
with the collection of Gronovius, which h^ repeatedly exa^*
. • . L . (
■■ ^ Depiik— Moreri.— Lardoer's Works^-r-Ca^e, vol* I«-^Saxii Onojnaat nhen
are atbrnn of th« Qan^,
« 2
a^:rived at London, is July 1761, Th^ pni^^pai ipteniibn
jof: bis journey tp f^PglaQd was to improvf his I^DpwIfKigf ifl
i^edi^ii^p and surgeiyt and to inspect t|^e ho6|>!iutls> Uit
was noiy, hofifever, ^O n]^ucb.ahsofb^d ii^ hiBp^^^ipq tojr n^r
tural b^is^ory, that be neglected eyery other pmnsuit, ^tid
gav^ hin(iself taul}y Mp to this favourite branch of loieqcj?*
At this jiiitckuret b^ zeal was so ardent» fbat i^fte^ having
pafsfi^d the ^ay in cuf iously ^xMoining the vsMrious cpUecf
(\oi)s ID iia^r^l bistPTyt ^^>^ pisrusiQ^g t\k^ principal books
he could procure on that subject* he vfould frequently emf
plqy tb^ greater part of tbf niglitf &H<1 qcc^ionaJly eten
ivt^ple nights together) wtienever he iBet with neyr pubii?
Rations tba^ either awakened his cMriosity of int^epted fai^
rese^cbiBs. With a vi^w : oC €ixt0nding ^is: infprfttatioci in
|bis departjment) be took sev^rfl Journeys to the 9e<t-coast^
fnd particularly in Sussex*
Being at length sqi^dpqned by his fatbef to, ri^tu^m to
Berlii^ be quitted London lyitb reigret jq t^ iMiisr end of
April 1762, and repaired to Harwich ii| or^er to ^mWI:
for Hqll^d. Peingtb^re fortuua^elj detauiod 9000 day»
by cpcv^^ry. winds^ b^ embraced \h§x opportiiQJty of e%$^
oijnipg the spa-cpaft, fi^d collecting a yarifity of ttiArino
productions. Qp the 13th pf ^^y i^ ^pd«4 w H(4lii;Dd^
smdp^ssiag throflgb th^.%g<Wt lijdw, ^n4 Aqs^r(i»Qi^
l|^e CQutiou^ bis route thiroiigh the Circlei <9f Wiestphftlif^
aud arriv^ at BMin o;i the i^th pf Jiuiif^
; Previously* to, h|^ comoifncipg pr^^fotic^^ ^ father Wit
faim to HaaiQver for ^bo pHrpQ^ of prop^ri^g tho. p9»% Of
surgeon ia the allied ^TfPJi but ^ uppif b<f ^rrital in tb#l
city, in the month of July, peace was on the point x>f being
conciudied, 1^ rciiurnfd 40 %r{i9tt !vb^e he pa^edvCI. y^ar,
chiefly in preparing m^t^risAf^.^of § f^C^aunA lQ$^cta(uM
Marchica," or «i descriptiop pf tbe insects 19 tbei9ftrcb<)|f
Braiid^n^urg. Having at length pr/sva^lod upop his fath^
to let biflot settle in ^loll^nd;, be took pp bis r«sidoni^at thf»
^%ue, and his reputatiop a^ a pian oJP science wa^, by*
thi; timet &o well established) that b^ iya9> the ^apie yntp
elected fellow of thp Royal iSocioty pf Loodoo ; atid in the
. following ye^r ipeaiber of the Acad^piie d^ Cprieuo^df^ la
iKature ; to both of which soci^ti(^s ho bad previously aetit
▼ery interesting and ingenious papers.
' The intimacy be now «ontra6ted with the most celebrated
naturalists in Holland^ and particularly with "those oflLfie
r A L L A a M
tiagii«, Wbb'had jbst 4>egoft b forth « lilii^ftfy so&ietjr ^'ibcj
fre^ ac(^5» ^bhsh he hitd to tte uvuifeiibi of ihe pririob 6f
Ofiitfge, sind dftbe'r cUrioui esbinetf ; the systetnatie cata-I
loguesDf thOfit cblhieiiMs'ifait be Hew tip, and sbreral of
which bl$ gat^e ltd dlb pubiki; coit^ihiited td 4Hrahce hib
of the g&te^ Irtfd enabled him to colleot web inat»riais i^
pLT^ h'mh tt> fifbie aMbFa«e eobi^ositiotia 4n ^cologyn
which httt^ d6sbrtediyd)ftitfg|bhhed bim^s the fihst zoold^
gist of £tiW)3^« OM' o)F bis «i^li(Mt works 'in Ibis bratH^b of
Sbiett^e, which Hindered -him emimntly b(if»picQ0<i;i3, w«i
hii ** EkMhtii fiS<tt)i^by|[otiiti^." U a dedication piMiod
to bii ^< MisC^Uatiea fiootogkm/* pubibihed iii tbe «amb
^ear, tta6 ttbthdf }aj^s befc^rbtbb pritide of Orange a plan
for d vdyage t6 fbe Cap^ of Qood ilope, tod to the other
Doteb aettiedients in the Eb'^t Indies^ and which, impelled
by his Wonted ard^oir fer seil^iitiiic knowtedge, lie'ofFered
to undertake and inperintend. Ttiils prcgeet was strongtj
Fecdmflieiided by Gaubips, > and approy^ by dib prmce }
but wad pirevented from bein^ earned into esiiccilioh bjt
the authop^i father ; Who not otHy refuted his consent td
hvi taking ^tich a'disiatit eKpeditioni but even recalled bhit
to Berlin : in i^bedlefi<d^ ko bis fittfaer-s wisbes, but witb
great rehelsanc^, he qtfhted Hollahd in Noveniber 1^66.
On his rbtniiii^e Sertiii (^BODtiimes Mr. Coxb, from whose
ingenro^ tap^^U tbeise pariioolars ai^ ettti^od), bis only
couMiatiw in being separaited from bis ^iefada in Holland,
and in baftiAg Idst so niAny oppdrtunities nf improving him-
setif in natural biitefy^ consisted in paKing into order ibw
numerous materials be bad collected^ and the obteri^ationa
be was ineediahtlj^ rit^akingj aod ih giving tbbm to the pnb-
Ke. He bad, l^everi fcabrcely begun to poblfish bfi»
<' Spicilegia Zoologica/' before he was intited by tbe^m^-
press Oai:barine tt. to accept of tbe profeasc/rship of natural
history in the Imperial Academy of Seteneea 'at Si. Peters*:
burghl Although in thtl instance his fa^hfer |ind relatione
again refused their assent ; yet ibe au%6f*s ardent ze^l f^r
bifi favourite sdien^ee, jbinefd to an irresistible desire to visit
regions so littteeitplorefd, indueedbi^^ without a niomeiitfi
ttestutibn, to aicoede to the invitatioh, and to hasten his de-^'
partare fo^ a Country v^bere bis ouriority was so likely tta
be amply gratified. H^ accordingly quitted Berlin iii June
i[76ty and arrived at Pe'teisbnt^giontike loth bf Aogust.
taade^hid ^p<ea#an«ii amoug tb^ Raasiafis at a drittcal
M P A L L A %
period. The empress had already brder^ the Academfjf
of Sciences to send astronomers into varioiis parts of the
Russian empire, to observe the transit of Venus over tbo
^un-s disk in 1769. Being* just returned ffom a voyage
4lown the Volga, and from visiting the interior provinces
of European Russia, she bad perceived the deficiencies of
ihe topographical and geographical accounts, and antici-*
pated the advantage of deputing- learned and skilful men to
visit the distant provinces of her extensive dominions. For
this purpose Catharine had directed the academy to send^
jn company with the astronomers, the most s^ble naturalists
and philosophers. Pallas instantly offered to accompany
this expedition; and was as /eagerly accepted. He^ was
immediately charged with drawing put general instructions
for the naturalists,, and wias gratified with the choice of hia
associates. To him.was submitted, at hjis own request, tb^
conduct of the expedition to the east of the^ Volga, and to-<
wards the extreme parts of Siberia ; and be was the most
calculated for tliat expedition, . as the elder Gmelin, who
bad been bis precursor in those regions, bad almqst en^
tirely neglected the zoology of r those remote . districts.
Pallas employed the winter previous to his departure in
fiH'ming a systematic catalogue of the animals in the cabi-^
net of the Academy of Sciences ; in putting into order the
celebrated collection of professor Breyn of Dantzic, latiely
purchased by prince Orlof; in preparing for the press six
numbers of his '^ Spicilegia Zoologica,'- which were printed
during his absence, under the direction of Dr. Martin ; and
in forming the necessary arrangements and notices for bi&
intended, expedition.
At lengthy in June 1768, he quitted Petersburg, itt
company with Messrs. Falk, Lepekin, and Guldenstadt, as
bis associates ; passed through Moscow, Vlodimir, Kasi-^
mof, Murom, Arsamas, to Casan ; and having examined
great part of that province, wintered at Simbirsk. From
thence he departed, in March of the following year ; and
penetrated through Samara and Orenburg, as farasGurief,
)a small Russian fortress, situated at the mouth of the river
Yaik or Ural. There he examined the confines of Kalmuo
Tartary, and the neighbouring shores of the Caspian, and
xeturning through the province of Orenburg^ passed the
second winter at Ufa. After several expeditions in the ad<r
jaceqt parts of that province, be left Ufa on the I6tb of
May 1770; prosecuted hia route ibroogb the Uralian
9 K tL t A S. #«
ivbiinitm8.'to'C^tban«(e^b«K^b; \i3]t^d'lhtf tfiines of \hat
jdistrict; ':pi^oc^dedtb'Teb4Uabihik^ a small fohressin the
goirernment of Ontubnrg* ; and in Deeember made itii ex-^
cuYsion M far-as Tobolsk. The nextj^ear he^was employed
in traTttrsing the Altai mouolains, and in tracing tbe course
«f/tbeIftisbtip'toOinskand Koly van f where having in'^
apected the ceiobtaiced' siltKer raines^ b^- made for Tomsk^
and finished tkac yeav'scfsptiditioti^a); t^rdsnoyarsk/ a tfowii
upon tbe¥enisei< ^In^'thstt place^ Mtuated only in 56"* nortH
latitude^ the ooldwas.^ tnt^ns^,* that the learned prbfessoi^
WAS ^Mficness to tbe natural freezing iof '(jiiteksilver ; whicii
0ui»obs f>h4nofliiehoni;be has ^mtnotely' described. Froiri
Krasnoyarsk be liaiied> On tbe 7tb of Marcb^ i772 ;^ afnd
proceed«d ^by Irkutsk^ And aaroissr the lake Baikal/ td
Udinsk^ Selenginsk^ arMi.KiaktayMvfaere the trade between
iltiS9ia.and China' is^piinoipally carried on.^ ' Having pen^^
tcated litito that poet ot Dauria^ nd^eh is situated in' t^e
soutb-easternniostztpaipt? erf iMberia^ he Journeyed* between
tberiveralngoda ami Argoon^^iae no great/distanoe frOnr
tbe Amoor; thence tracing the linea 'wbicb separate' the
Russian enspvOifrcpn £kei Mongul bovdea dependent lipion
Cfaina^ be rensmed io iSelenginsk, and a^aiti^ idt^inteFed a^
KcaanoyajTsk. ill! tbe aununer of 1 7 7»S^ her visited Ttkt^^
¥aitak^<«iDd ^atracaii^^and ooDcbided 'bis.roote for tb^tr
}sear at Tdsariixinr^ a txmu upon* tbe :Vei|^ai:;''from» whence-h<?
eoatinued^bis joarney :ip the ensoingi spring ;« 'and ' arrived^
at^Petec^burg on the 30tb of Jjuly, 1.374^ aftei^ anabeericef
of'sixyiearsi •'---'' -< ;■■ i'--"- '.^ * • '-
• The account ofi^tbis extenstv^'^nd interesUngtour was
published by Dr. PaUais in (itfr^vol nines, 4tt)> wtiich greatly
extepded bis ' fame, and eitablisbed bis cbaracter; ^^be*
author,, in this: valuable work^ bas^enaetfed intp a ge^ra^
phical and topograpbical description: of tbe px'ovin^i^Syi
towjis, and vjfilages, wbicb* he visited in- bis ton i", adcotn-;
panied with an accurate detail of their antiqoitie^ history,'
prodactions, and cot»meroe« He has discrimihatfed- man/*
0f tbe tribes who wander over the various districtfi^and near
tbe.confines of Siberia; and. specified with ^peiiuttar pHre0«
sioR their costoma, manners, and languages > .be* has also*
rendered* his trav^s invaluable to the naturali$ty by -the
maay.iiBportant discoveries ill the animai,- vegecUble^ and
mifier'al kingdoms, ^witb bas eanched the science
of natural faistory. ^ -
; ;Xwqp y«ara afterwai'ds,. ia 177&, tbe pcofessor published
H P A £. t A 8.
^i9l?9vy of tbe Mongul tribiei ; is vfjnch. be throws mlr
li|^ t on ihe ftnudls ol a people^ wbosa^ aBceslors. oonqveeid
BiMisia, Cbina, Persia, a«d Hiildoi>sUO) and, alwoiotbaa
ooq periodi 0sliablisbed pechaps a latter empife tban over
m9fi possessed bj any single-Aaliioiu Mr. Pallassbeci proTbs
luique^tionably ibal tbe Mongiil iribei aie a distiriot^tafie
Iromr tbe Tartavs ; IbnbJtbejr di&r ffoca tbofe in tbeiK £aa»
loresi language^ aad 'geirernaient ; and resemble them ia
MtbiQg except iti ^a siaiilar propebsiiy to a roving life. M4
iiueoded a secoiidi v^ne^ deacribiog tbeir rcligiow esta^
blisbmeml, oofisistiQ^ int tbe wdrsbip of Ibe Dsdbu^ijtmoi
]t is tbe raligiofti>f Thibet aad of the Maacbbur sofemtgiy^
wbo.iKm sit upon tbe fcbmne of Cbtoa. ' << A vaarhi^' as
]tfr. Tooke, ia his BqssMk Ilfasttafc% latrodi p^ exU justly
observes^ <^ that, will ^hinob the stoobof human knowledge
wkfa disQov^ies, the malest part entirely new, aad wfaich
no persOQ but Mr. Palla&is able lo ceoKinNHeate.'* Wbe<^
tber, boKiTeYer, this seeood , irokiBie ever ibade its appeaa^
9iifie, we have oiirdoobts*
lo the leme )war ia wbieh Sis. PaUaa ptlnied fats ** Ekm
fbiis iSoophytoi^iMii^''^ ha tdso jmUbhed atrealise nhder th#
t^H^e of <^ Miacetianea .Zoologiew qoifaus ncnrss impnmioakir
fM^/obsieunsf anianalimtaapeciea descnbuDtal^ el^ obaarea^
liooibiiaiioofiibuiqueilki^saQtM.'^ This work is ia angtwat
fsgwqye ineorpoiiatwd inlir asnbaeqaettt wiiblioitiooi sbade
^ neiit'yeac on bis return to Berlin, eotitied ^'Sfxiciiegaa
Zoologica,'' and was continued in numbers, wt/mcuuti^
till hl^. Tbe vdrka of ooontt Buiffon^ the ilbislrious
Fireocb 2MX)lQgist^ wipfy ^Ulest the Isboiirs cf PaUas y and
9ar.coi}otfymao;Mr6 Pennant makes frequent adkiiowledg«i
ments of bis QbligatioBs. to^the same sowreoi paiiidaul^riy foa
bis hiiitory of qnadsupeds and arctic aoology* b ^Inne ITf^jj
the learaed' professQfi read be&oe tbe academy of Pcilora>«
burgb^u) a meeting at which thelungof SwedcawaS'piesmit^
a dwerfcation qa the forulKatidn of raoniitains^ aad Jhe dbaageii
which this gtobe has undergone^ more* partionlarly asi i^
appeara in the Ruasian empire. Tbia treatise^ appeared^ acn
c^rtoua to Mip,.Todkev who was also^ as^a member of .^e^
academy, present at thatt sitting, tfaafthe bas.tgirenfttrMSM
buion of it in bis.^< Russia Ulustrata.'' In 1778; the doe^nsr
p«ibtisbed *^ Nov»' species quadrupedum e Glirinmoiditi^'*'
describing numbers of the. rat genus and their fuialonoy^
In^nai hebcooght oiit <^ Snuctif folio fj^eiltariiai/ q!^^
9 A h L A 9. 5f
hiM0 Proeopil i Dtmldof Moteiift Tigmt;*' w Mldttgoe of
the plaoM HI M* Bimid^f't gafdetta at Moaeom His bmt
tunthent ^roUadiMls os vtiaDua a«ibj4eti^ is gtogimpbjs ii*>
ittlai biatoiy^ md «gpficilkiii^» oa«t fbrtii tbe smm year $
te wluali #ere 4fMrwaMla sddild Mq aiMa. TotttaMfl;
In I7M be pvklovtb twofaaaieiritortiuinkQrf of ^itsonea
ittsectarom praBseitibr Rassm Stbferteqoe pdcnltanmii/' M
»«« ha puUitlteit tbar first ovttber of bii <' Elbra BJdsaica;**
at-qrfftoiid m6tki esMOtited/ an «hn €it>pteia GatbalricM^a ost^
pateOi Abmt tbi» period her ma|eiff c^iceived- iho ikfelt
^ eoHeeiifif froaa ait ^nairtera <lf Jkte gtobeio vttihroraal to^
mkmlmty, Ihe fcoperilueQdaBca wfaet*^ she oommtttad 14
e«# Mtbor^ Ubich secksaarily iar a tiflko tetirded his aoo^
logical leaoarchos* fixoliiaivo of ih^o aopdrato ptrirlica^
tioQsj be pnotod in the acta of die ianiicaial acotiemy of
iKuenoei> varioln toolejgioal and bottmieal diiiertations. v
Not long- aftdr tbia he> woa diattngiriaiied by ftpeouiiar
mtaik of iaiperial 'CisNNir^ in being appointed member of
ibo'boiLrd of mthosi vitb ao additionai salary qf 960l. per
aanaiti,. and b^nbured with the order of St. Vlodiioin Thd
eanpveas albo poitcbaaed Ida aoiplefcellectton of naitiiiral fai««
tory^ inonmanorbigMy flottoring to* themuthor, and boi
noliri^ble to berael£ 8faa not only goeebtm five thoosand
mbiba aaore than he bad valued it at^bm infiofnied btas than
itabo^ reibain in his posscasioAdoring bis 'life. lo 1784
the eore-of pnkting in order and publMhiag' ther papers of
Gaietia and profeaftor Gnltenstaodt, vatf consigned to Dri
Palboy vbi^ii h« eaecated Mth^great diligence ami aeeo^
HM^; bat^ for aome reasDo^-ibe finit voioaae orfly of Oulten^
stttda*a remaiasbkt'appeafed. In i7e4» Dr. Pallas trareiked
to the Giimeb^ tad oa hi^ return 'ptithtiafaed his << Physieot
and Tepagia|iliiefd: pteturs of Twkide.** Oe hss return^
fioduig his hi9altb^ by long and iilceasai^ laboiirs^ upon ttie
deoiiiie^'So^a t0ttefMler>iineoesaary for him toremoae ta^
naarii oltonie, bt pitehednpon Taurtda, aad faia mnnigeooa
peaaottoss^ the enspiesil, granted hioi-an estate in*<-
vioc^ ea^ ^i^e him « poesent of lO^OOa rubles towarda
bis^esfeablisiMaea^- Here in i^eoo; be ^saa visited by I^.>
Clarhei sriKiiD his taie ttavela^ baa given some Interesting
paftaaahrs of bis; InteHnasrs . vttb him. It does not appeal^
thaa Dr. PaUaa was >udioiott& in selecting this place iaa onac
in which liealtb could be promotei^ nor was he in oth^r
re^pectb Irttbont disappointments wfaieb embittered his de«»
cliai^ days* He survived Dr. Clarke's departure, bow^
ts 1^ A L L A S.
ever, n^Mgards 6£ ten years, wfaen-detevtmnihg oiTcf^ mtst^
to see bis brother and his native city,' b^ took a jdurney td
JBerlin, wfaerebedied Sept. S, 1811, in the 71sti ye^kf- of
his age;*-^The' collection of dried plants, fnade* by Pblia^
for hts own use, was purehased of him by Mr j CripfM; th«
companion of Dr. Clarke, and now form» a part of the va-
liiabie mnseam of. >A. B, Lambert, esq.* * . . i
' : PALLAVICINO (Ferrantb), one of the wits: of ftaty;
the aon of JerbmePallavicinoy was bom at Placentiei about
il6l5, or from that- to 16201 Less front iildfnlation;' than
fcom'some family reasons, he entered tfaw congregation Of
Ahe.regoiar oanons of Latran, and took the habit, .mib'tbe
name of Mark Anthony, in their house at Milan;; AAiev
GonbBiencing his stadies here with much- success, he went
te Padaa for f»rtber profieiency. He then set^led^at Ve-^
nice, where be waa cbo^n a. memb^ of the academy of
ibe Ifieogniti. Here he became captttated by a courtezan,
ivboae cliorms proved- irresistible fiand, in order to Jitfva
the fait enjoyment of them wttbont. restraint, be.obtainect
}ea\'e from:his.'g.enel^abto<iiiak0 tbe^'toorof Fvance, botM
fact oominued privately >at Yeniee, .whiiefaefaad thear^««»
impose upon his friefitls,' by sendifug them frequently, iti
letters, feigned accsountS'Of his travels throirgh France^ -Vte
aftenKatds went txy Germany, about 1639, with "duko
Amalfi in. the cfajaracter of his diapiain^ During thii(
residence inGomany^ which lasted about sixteen months^
be .addicted himself to, every species of debauchery; and .
having a turn for satire, employed hispen in repeated
attacks on the court laf Rome* iti.generaly.and on tbe^Ifar^
barini family in particular. The chief vehicle of his ^tirer
was a publication called ^^Tbe Courier robbed of his matlf^^
aad this as well as hisi other worka contained' sq many |)as6
oeosiires of the abuses of die court of Rome, that he mighv
have* been ranked, among those honourable nsen who batA
eontributed to enlighten: bis coonttymcn,. *had henot beeir
as remarkable for his indec^icies/ wbtcb were so gross that
many of his works were obliged to be published trader con-^
cealed names. His personal attacks on the pope, and^tbe^
Barbarini family, naturally rouaed their ittdignation ;. ancit
after much search, foe him, one Charles Morfu, a-French-^
man of a vile character, engaged to ensnare him, and-hav^
1 Rees's Cyclopaedia, from Coxe's and Clarke's Trareb,— Toa^e^'f Vipw oC .
Ore Russian Empire.
f.ALttAYlClNO: $♦
$Ag iniumaled bi«i«elf . into bis frieadship, at lengtff ek^
iHurted'biai to. go with, him to France. He ftattered hinv
with ibe extraordinary encouragement which was given to^
men of letters by cardinal Richelieu ; anJ,- to deceive hinr
the mor^, even produced feigned letters frpna the cardinal^
inviting our author to France, andexpressihg a desire be^
had to esta1;>lish in Paris an aci^eniy for tbe Italian tongue,*
under the direqiioo of Pallavioind Pallavicino, young,'
thoughtless^ aud densperate, and uow fascinated by tbei
prospect of gain, left Venjce much against the advice of
{lis friends, aod went first to Bergamo, where he spent a;
few days with spine of. bis relations, who entertaiaed his
betrayer. Theyi tb^n set out ior Geneva, to the -great
satisfaction of our author, who proposed to get somJe if hit
works printed there, which be bad notbeenable to doii^
Italy. But Morfa, jr»stead of conducting him to Paris,
took the road to Avig>noi> ; where, cros^ng^ the bridge of
Horaces, in the county of Veinai:ssia.(in the pope's tern*
Tories), they were, seized by pffieets on pretence of carrya.
ing contraband, goods, and confined. Morfu was soon dis-:
charged, and liberally rewadrded;. butrPaHaTicini, being^
^ Avignon, waa thrown into prison; and, afte<*
being kepti. there, for some months, was'brought to trial,-
and was beheaded in 1 643. or 1^44. Those who are de-*
sirous of farther information respecting, this young man^*
unfortunate lustory, may be amply gratified in .the prolix'
articles drawa up by Bayle, aod particularly Marchand.'
(iis \yorks were first published collectively at Venice, in^
1655, 4 vols. 12mo. This ^edition, according to Marchand,
contains only such of bis works as had hetn permitted to
be printed in bis life-time. Those which had been pro-
hibited were afterwards printed in 2 vols. i2mOy ac Villa*
/ranca„ a Bctitious name for .Geneva, 1 660: Among these
is a piece called ^^ U divortio Celeste/' which some deny^
to be his* It is a very coarse satire on<the abuses of thei
Romish church, and was translated aud 4>ubUsheduinEng*
lish in 1679, under the title of '* Christ divorced from the*
church of Rome because of their lewdness,** Lond. 8vo. ^
PALLAVICINO (Sforza), an eminent cardinal, was^
the son of the Qiarquis Alexander Pallavicini and Frances
^fprza, and born at Rome in 1607. Although the eldest
ion of his family, yet he diose the ecclesiastical life, and
I •
I Marcband.— Bayle.^*-Morffri.
VM y^rytMj mtddabishopby fbpe Urimh VtH. Hiirh^iA
ki« eondnci wds so «cceptablr, thiit be ^s kpp^ititksA
Me of those [icelb«e« who assist in tbe aiH^ikibli^ idled
congregations at Rome. Re Was alw) received iiilb lb§
fi^DftOHs tcademj df the Haroortstii amon^ #b6tti k<E^ dftea
sal in quality of president* He wai iike#iie 'gioveiinbt 6f
•|ei»i, and aftek-wards bf Orvietto and Camerino, trbd^ tbi^
above pomiiF* Bat all these bonours and prefermi^hts wertt
in9uffieient to divert him from a design be b^d for s^ttilei'
ISime forkned 6f renonncing the woiid, and enttting into tfili
aoeielry of the Jesuits, where he was admkted in 1699. Ai
s<K>n' aa be bad cbmpieted bis noviciate be taught i^bilo*
at^b^y atid then theology. At length Innocent X. bb<<
vriliued lum to examine into divers matterii reladti^ to thift
peaKi6catd ; and Atexabder VII. credited him a caHihal in
1657. Tbis pbpe was an old friend of Pallavicinb, who had
been lerticeable to bttn when be caane to Rbtti^ wilh the
n^nne of Fabio Cbsgi. Pattavicino had even ebrfttibuted to
advance his temporal fovtime, and bad received him into
tbe academy of tb^ Hbmoristt ; in gratitude fbir whicli^
Chigi addressed to bim sotne verses, printed in liis bbol^
entitled <^ Phiiomathi Musai jtrrenites/' Wb^n PaU^idtib
obtained a plaee in" tbe saered college, be Wa^ ;^1so ap^
pointed at the same tim^ examiner of. tbe biftbop^ ; and b^
wsis afterwards a member of the congregation of tbe holy
o€Bce, r. e. the inqnimion, and of that of tbe cobncil, &c
His prcMnotioh to the cardiMUte wrought no cbat^ge in bla
m^aaner of life, which was devoted to study or tb tbe duAe^
of bis office. He died in 1667, in bis sixtieibj^ear.
He composed a *^ History of tbe Couticit of^^TVcnt,'* ih
opposition to that by father Paul. The history is' w^
written, and contains many facts given with imptirtialitj,
but the general design is a laboured defence bf the pitie
cecdinga of that council. It was originally publisbed m
ItaKan, IGS^j 2 vols, fol.; but tbe Lutbi edition by Ota^
tino, in 3) vols. 4to, is preferred. He Was th^ abthbir bf
vajrioos other works that are now in littte estifbaiion, e^c^plt
pdrbaps bis <^ Letters,'* which contain s^e partlbulars of
literary Instory and criticism, Imd seoie critical treatises. '
the same family with the preceding cardinal, and mf^rits k
brief notice here, as being in soiA^ Aegtt^ cbMect^ ^ii^
ear history, although tbe figure he makes .in it has not been
i Fabroni ViUe lUloranif vol. XVII.— Landi Hbt de Litt d'ltsiM, Vol. V. .
P A Lt^yiC IVt O. SI
tlK>i|ght tbQ jsmt reputable. TheFatOiil; of Pallavibilvo, or,
d$ spn(ietiine& spelt, Paiavioini, is on« of tbe most nobltt and
ftncient in Jtaly^ and its branches have extended to RooMe,
{ienoa, and Looabardy. Many, of them appeat to have at-^
tained tbe highest ranlts in churcb, state, and €pqinierce. Sir
fioratiQ, the subject of this article, belonged to the Ge-i-
tiQese branch, and was born in that city, but leaving Itaiyi
>re9t to reside in tbe Low Countries, whence, after mar<*
ryiog two wives, one a person of low birtb, whom be did
iiQt acknowledge, ajid ibe other a lady of distinction, ha
c^me over to England, with a recommendation to queen
^Iary, probably from a relation, one Rango PalktvicinOi
who belonged to Edward Vlth^s hottsehold. Miiry, who
\id4 then i?estored the Roman catholic religion, appointed
jSorittio collector of the papal taxes to be gathered in thia
iiingdoaiv but at her death, having a largf sum of money
in his bands, he abjured the religion of Rome, apd thougbl
it no batm to keep (he money* This transaction, howev^r^
does^ not appear to have much injured bis cbayaoter> or
pierh^Mi time bad efiaced the remembrance of it;, for in
i5S6 queen Elizabedi gave him a patent of deniBMien^
lind in tb^ following year honoured nim willi knighthiood«
He ' appears to have been a man of courage, and wartnly
i^poused the interests of th6 nation at a most critical pe«
Tied. In 1538 he fitted out and commanded a ship agaii^i
ibe Sjianisb armada, and must have rendered himself con-
spicaous on that occasion, as his portrait is given in th^
tapestry iii the Hottse of Lords, among the patriots and
fkiifttl commanders who assisted in defieatii^ that me*
morable attack on the liberty of England. The queen also
employed him in negociations with tbe German prineeHi
and in raising loans, by which he very opportunely assisted
ber, and improved bis own fortune. Be died immcnseljl
ficb, July 6, 16Q0, and was buried in tbe church of Ba-*
beiWn, in Cambridgeshire, near which, at Litde Sbelfordy
be had built a seat, in tbe Italiain style, with piazzas* Ue
bad likewise t^Q considerable miLnors in Essex, aod pro-"
bably landed property in other counties* His wioow;
abont a yeair after his death, married sir Oliver Cromwell,
VLB. and bis only dangbter, Baptina, was mamed to
Henry Cromwell, esq. son to this sir Oliver, who was uiicle
tsk the usurper.: H^ left three sons> but the family is no¥^
unknown tn England.*
* Noble's Memoin of the CromwelU.— ^Lodge's lUustrations, toI^ III.— Wal-
pole'f Anocdolet.
^t IP A L L J O T.
. PALLtOT (Pet^r), htstoriograpber, printer, ih&'h(uM^
Heller to the Icing, and genealogist of the duchy of Bur-«
gundy, was born at Paris, March 19, 1608. In his youth
he sho)ved a taste for genealogy, and beraldtc stadies, ift
^faich be appears to have been instructed and encouraged
by his relation, Louvaiis Gelliot, who published a work oti
iirinarial bearings.. In his twenty-fifth year he settled at
Dijon, where he married Vivanda Spirinx, the daughter of
a printer and bookseller, with whom he entered into busi-«
ness. At bis leisure*, hours, however^ he still continiled
his heraldic researches, and laboured with so much per-*
severance in this s^tudy as to produce the following works 5
J,. *^ Le parlemeut de Bourgogne, avec lesrarmoiries,*VA.Ci
3660, fol. . 2. ** Genealogie dcs comte&'d'Amansfe,*' fol;
3* ^^La.vraie et p^rfatte science des Armoiries de Gelliot)
avec de plus^ de 600O ecussons," 1660, fol. 4* *^^Hisfarrd
^eneajogique de comtes de Chamilli.'* 5. '^ Extraits d^
}a chambre des comptes de Bourgogne, foL He left also
thirteen volumes of MS collections respecting the families
of Biirgundy. It is an additional and remarkable proof of
his industry and ingenuity, that be engraved the whole of
the plates in ibese volumes with bis own hand. His bistor^p
pf the parliament of Burgundy was continued by Peticoti
and published in 17S3. Palliot died at Bijon in 1698, at
Ihe age of eighty-nine.* .
, PALMA (Jacob), an eminent artist, born at Serinalto, \ti
the territory of Bergamo, about the middle of the sixteenth
century, was a disciple of Titian. Heemulated bis master'^
manner, but, according, to Fuseli^ v^as more anxious to attaint
the colour and breadth of Giorgioni. This appears chiefiy
in his ** St. Barbara." : His colouring had extraordinary
strength und brightness, and his pictuves are wrought to great
perfection) yet with freedom, and withoiit the appearance
of labour. Yasari describes, with great fqrvbur, a compos
sition of the elder Palma^ at Venice, representing tbe shif^
in which the body of St. Mark was brought from Alexan-
dria tp Venice, *' In, that grand design," he says, ^* tbe
vessel was struggling agaiust the fury oT an impetuous tem^
pest, and is expressed with tbe utinost judgment ; the dis*
tress of the maripers, tbe violent bursting of the wAvM
agaiiist the sides of tbe ship, the horrid gloom, only eit^
Uvened with flashes of lightoihg^ and every part of the
1 MQreri.--2)ict. Hitt
$cetie filled with iinag:«s of terror^ sfre- ^iir^ng^ sa lively,
and naturally represented, that it seema impossible for ih6
2>ower of colour or pencil to rise to a higher pitch, of- truth
and perfection; and that performance very deservedly
gained him the highest applfkqse/' Notwithstanding this
deserved praise^ his pictures in general are not correct in
design, and his latter^ works did not maintain his early re*<»
putation. He died,, according to Vasari, at the age of
forty- eight, but in what year is not absolutely kuown, aU
though some (ix it in 1588. '
PALMA (Jacob)} the Young, so called in contradis*
tinction of the preceding Jacob, his great-uncle, may he
considered as the last master of the good, and the first of
the bad period of art at Venice. Born in. 1544, he left the
ficanty rudiments of his father Antonio, a weak painter, to
ftudy the works of Titian, apd particularly those. of Titii^
^oretto, whose spirit and slender disengaged forms were
congenial to his own taste. At the age of fifteen be was
iaken under the protection of the duke of Urbino, carried
to that capital, and for eight years maintained at Rome,
where, by copying the antique, Michael Angelo^ Raphael^
^nd more than all, Polidoro, he acquired ideas of correct-
ness, style, and effect: these he endeavoured to embody
if) .the first worli^s which he produced after his return to
Venice, and there are who have discovered in them ait
union of the best maxims of the Romau and Yenetiaa
schools : *they are all executed with a certain facility which.*
i^ tbe<great talent of this master, but a talent a9 dangerous
in painting as in poetry. He was. not, however, success-
ful in his endeavours to procure adequate eiuployment ;
the posts of honour and emolument were occupied by Tin-
toretto and Paul Veronese, and he owed his consideration
as the third in rank to the patronage of Vittoria, a fa-,
shionable architect, sculptor, and at that time supreme
umpire of commissions : he, piqued at the slights o£ Paul
and Robusti, took it into his bead to, favour Palma, ta
assist him with his advice, and to establish his name. Ber-
sini is said to have done the same at Rome, in favour of
Fietro da Cortona and others, against Sacchi, to the de-.
struction of the art; and, adds Mr. Fuseli, as men and
passions, resemble each other in all ages, the same will
probably be related of some fashionable architect of our;
* PlIkiDgton.— -D'ArjeQTHIe, vol. I. '
M P A L M A.
. Pafada, orerwbekned hy coiiraihsionS} soon relaxed flrom
hisvvonted dtligeilK^e; and bis carelessness increased when;
at ibe dealb of bis former competitors, and of Leonard<>
Corona, bis nevr rival, he found himself alone and in pos^
session of the field. His pictures, as Cesare d*Arpino told
]bim, were seldom more than sketches ; sometimes, indeed^
wben time a«^d pride were iefk to bis own discre^n, in
which he did not abornid^ b^ prodnced some work worthy
ef bh former fame ; snob as the aliar-piece st 8. Cosmo
and Damiano ; the celebrated Naval Battle of Francesco
Bembo in tbe pdi)li^,p«lae^ ; the S. Apolkmiaat Cremona j
18c Ubaldo and the Nunziata at Pesaro ; the Ffndmg of tbe
Cross at Urblno : works partly unknown to Ridoifi, but of
rich compo3itiofi, fall of beauties, variety, and expression,
Hia tints ffesb, sweet, and transparent, less gay than those
•f Paul, but livelier than those of Tintoretto, though
aiigfatly laid on, sjtili preserve ^eir bloom. In vivacity of
expression he is not much inferior to either of those masters;
and his Plague of the Bdrp^nts at 8t. Bartolomeo may vit
for features, gestures, and bnes of horror, with the same
gnfa^e^t by Tintoretto in the school of St Rocco : t>ot none
ef his pictures are without some commendable part; and
it surprises that a man, from whom the depravation of iftyle
may be dated in Venieo, as from Vasari at Florence, and
Zttccari at Rome, should still preserve so many chatms of
aatuf e and art to attract the eyeand interest the heart. Re
died in 1628, in the eighty«-fourlh year of his age.'^-
• PALMER (HERfiBRT), a learneHil and pious divine, was
tbe second son of sir Thomas Palmer, knt. Of Wiiigham, in
Kent, where be was bbrn in 1601. He was educated at
St. John^s college, Can^bridge, but was afterwards chosen
fisllow of Queen^s. In 1626 arehbisbop Abbot licensed
bim to preach a lecture at Stv Alphage'^ church in Can-
terbury, every Sunday aftei»nQOn ; but three years after, he
was silenced, on a charge of noheORformity, fOratime, but
was again restored,' the accusation being fpund trffling.
Although a puritan, bis character appeared so amiabte that
bishop Laud presented him in 16S2^ with tbe vicafage bf
Asbw«U) in Hertfordshire, and when the unfortunate prelate
was brought ta bis trial, he cited this asan instance of bh
impartiality. -At Ashwell Mr. Pdmer became no less po-
[Mar than be bad been at Canterbury. In the same year
; » PilkingtQu.— jp'Ar|ot^Tim» TfU I-
be was chosen one of the prctachers to the nniyersity of
Cambridge, and afterwards one of the clerks in convoca-^
tipn. In 1643, when the depression of the hierarchy had
mad^ great progress, he was chosen one of the assembly of
divines, in which he was distinguished for his moderation,
afid his aversion to the civil war* He preached also at
various places in London until the followihg^ year, wheii
the earl .of Manchester appointed him master of Queen*s
college, Cambridge. He preached several times before
^he parliament, and appear^ to haVe entered into theii*
views in most respects, although his sermons were generally
of the practical kind. He did not live, however, to see tlijer
issue 6f' their proceedings, as he died in 1647, aged fprty-^
six. Graiiger gives him the character of a man of uncom*-
jDon learning, generosity, and politeness, and adds, that he
spoke, the French language with as much facility as his
own. . Clark enters more fully into his character as a
diviiie. His works are not numerous. Some of his par-
fianaentary sermons are in prints and he had a considerable
tixw6 in the ** Sabbatum Redivivum," with Cawdry ; but
hjU principal work, entitled *^ Memorials of Godliness,^*
acquired great popularity. The thirteenth edition was
printed in 1708, 12mo. ^
iPALMER (John), a dissenting writer of the last century^
was born in Southwark, where bis father was an undertaker^
and of the Calvinistic persuasion. Under whom he received
his classical education is not known. In 1746 be begs^ii
to attend lectures, for academical learning, under the rev.
Dr. David Jennings, in Wellclose square, London. Sooa
after, leaving the academy, about 1752, he was, on the
rev. James Read's being incapacitated by growing disorders,
chosen as assistant to officiate at the dissenting me€^ting
in N^ew Broi^rstreet, in coi^unction with Dr. Allen ; and
on the renioval of the latter to Worcester, Mr. Palmer wa«
ordained sole pastor of this congregation in 1759. He
continiied in this connection till 1780, when the society,
greatly reduced in its numbers,, was dissolved. For a great
part of this time be filled the post of librarian, at Dr. Wii-
lianis's library, in Red- Cross-street. After the dissolution
pi his^ congregation he wholly left off preaching, and re-
tired to Islington, where he lived privately till his death, on
Jttoe 26^ 1790^ in the sixty-first year of his ag^. He mar^-
t Claik't LiT«l.«»Cd«^ US Mbegm in Brit ICiu.— drufer.
Vol. XXIV. F
ried a lady of considerable property, and daring the latter
years of bis life kept up but little connection with the dis*
senters. H^ was a man of considerable talents, and acr-
counted a very sensible and rational preacher. His pulpit
compositions were drawn up with much perspicuity, and
delivered with propriety. He allowed himself great lati-
tude in his religious sentiments, and was a determined
enemy to any religious test whatever. Tests, indeed, must
have been obnoxious to one who passed through all the
accustomed , deviations from Calvinism, in which he had
been educated, to Socinianism.
He published, besides some occasional sermons, 1^'^Pray-,
ers for the use of families and persons in private; with a
preface, containing a brief view of the argument for prayer,*^
1773, 12mo. There has been a second edition of these
prayers, which are much admired by those who call them-,
selves ratmial dissenters. 2. '^ Free thoughts on the in-,
consistency of conforming to any religious test, as a con-
dition of Toleration, with the true principle of Protestant
Dissent,'* 1779. 3. '^ Observations in defence of the Li-
berty of Man, as a moral agent ; in answer to Dr. Priestley's
Illustrations of Philosophical Necessity,*' .1779, 8vo. As
the doctor replied to it, '^ In defence of the Illustrations
of Philosophical Necessity/' 'Mr. Palmer published, 4. *' An
Appendix to the Observations in defence of the Liberty
of Man, as a moral agent, &c«" 17^0, 8vo. Thje contro-
versy terminated with ^^ A second Letter to the rev. John
Palmer," by Dr. Priestley. 5. " A summary view of the
grounds of Christian Baptism ; with a more particular re-
lierence to the baptism of infants ; containing remarks, ar-
gumentative and critical, in explanation and defence of the
rite. . To which is added, a form of service made use of x>ii
such occasions," 8vo.*
PALMIER! (Matthew), an Italian chronicler, was born
in 1405, at Florence; and after being educated under the
best masters, arrived at high political rank in the republic,,
was frequently employed on embassies, and was promoted
to the great dignity of gonfalonier. He died in 1475. He
compiled a general " Chronicle" from th^ creation to his
own time; of which a part only has been published, includ-
ing the events from .the year 447 to 1449. The first edi-
»' Life by Mf.Toulmin in MontbJy Ma^: for 1797.— WilWtt»« Hiitory ©f DU-
sentiag Cburchfi.
;? A L M I £ R I* 67
lion was; poblished^ at the end of Ensebius* Cfaroniclf^
without date or place, but, as supposed, at Milan in 14?5,
4to. It was reprinted at Venice in 1483, 4to. It was
continued to the year 1482, by Matthias Palmieri, who»
although almost of the same names, was neither his relatiou
jitor country maUk This Matthias was a native of Pisa^ waa
apostolical secretary, and accounted a very able Greek an<i
Latin scholar. He died in his, sixtieth.year, in 1483.
Besides his ** Chronicle/' Matthew, or Matteo, Pal-
mieri wrote in Latin the life of Nicolas Acciajuoli, .grandr
seneschal of the kingdom of Naples, which is printed ia
the thirteenth volume of Muratori^s '^ Script. Rer. Ital. ;*' a
work on the taking of Pisa by the Florentines, '^ De cap-
tivitate Pisarum," printed in Muratori's nineteenth volume^
and, ^n Italian, *^ Libro della vita civile,^* written in the
form of dialogues* and printed at ^Florence in 1529, iSvo*
It was tuaoslated into French by Claude des Rosiers, Paris,
1557, 8vo. Palmieri was also a poet. He composed ia
the terza rima, in imitation of Dante, a philosophioal, or
rather a theological, poem, which had great celebrity ia
bis day : its title was *^ Citta di Vita,*' and was divided
into three books, and an hundred chapters. But having
^idvanced, among other singular opinions, that human souU
5vere formerly those angels who remained neuter during
the rebellion in heaven against their Creator, and were
sent to the world below as a punishment^ the Inquisition^
after his death, ordered his poem to be burnt, although it
had never been published, but read in manuscript. Some
assert, that he was burnt along with his poem ; but Apos«
tolo Zeno has proved that he died peaceably in 1475, and
itas, honoured with a public funeral, by order of the state
of Florence, that Rinuccini prpnounoed his funeral ora-»
tion, and that, during the ceremony, his poem was laid on
bis breast, as his. highest honour. ^
PALOMINO (Don Acislo Antonio y Velasco), a
Spanish painter and writer on the art, was born at Buja-
lance, and studied at Cordova in grammar, philosophy^
.theology, and jurisprudence. The elements of art he
acquired of Eton Juan de Valdes Leal ; and to acquaint
Jiioftself with the style of different schooU^ went,' in com-
pany of Don Juan de Alfaro^ in 1 678, to Madrid. Here
.the friendship of Carrenno procuring him the Cc^qpiission
I Tinbofchi.-^iDguen^ Hist. titt. d'ltalif-^CbSafepie. ' ^ ~
F 3 ,
of painting the gallery del Cier^o, be pleased the king und
the minister, aqd in 1688^ he was made painter to the
king. He was now overwhelmed with commissions^ for
many of which> notwithstanding the most surprising activity^
he could furnish only the designs; their ultimate finii^
was left to the hand of his pupil Dionysius Vidal ; but
whatever was designed and terminated by himself, in frescd
or in oil, possesses invention, design, and colour, in the
essefntial; and what taste and science could add, in the
ornamental parts. His style was certainly more adapted
to the demands of the epoch in which he lived, than to
those of the preceding one, and probably would not have
libtained from Murillo the praises lavished on it by Luca
Giordano ; but of the machinists, who surrounded him, he
was, perhaps, the least debauched by manner.
Palomino may be considered as the Vasari of Spain ; as
copious, as credulous, as negligent 6f dates; too garru-
lous for energy, and too indefinite for the delineation of
character, but eminently useful with the emendations of
modern and more accurate biographers. His work is di-
vided into three parts, theoretic, practic, and biographic.
The two first bear one title, " El Museo pictorico y es-
cala optica," 1715, 2 vols, folio. The third part, distin-
guished by that of '^ El Parnaso Espannol Pintoresco lau-
reado, &c. Tomo Tercero, Madrid," 1724, though, per-
haps, only intended as an appendix to the two former, is
by far the most important and interesting, l^alomino died
in 1726.*
PALSGRAVE (John), a polite scholar, who flourished
in the reigns of Henry VII. and VIII. was a native of
London, and educated there^in grammar. He afterwards
studied logic and philosophy at Cambridge, at which uni-
versity he resided till he had attained the degree of bache-
lor of arts; after which he Went to Parisy where he spent
iteveral years in the study of philosophical and other learn-
ing, took the degree of master of arts, and acquired such
excellence in the French idngue, that, in 1514, when ^
treaty of marriage was ri^gotiated between Louis XII. king
of France, and th^ princess Mary,* sister of king Henrj
VIII. of England, Mr. Palsgrave was chosen to be her
tutor in tb^c language. But Louis XII. dying almost im-
ifnedia^y after his marriage. Palsgrave attended his fair
. ( .... *
1 Pilkinglon, by FuselL
pupil bdok to England, where he taught the. French laur
guage to many of the young nobility^ and was appointed
by the king one of his chaplains in ordinary. He is said
also to. have obtained some church preferments, but we
know only of the prebend of Portpoole, in the chyrch ai
St. Paul's, which was bestowed upon him in April 1514,
and the living of St. Dunstan's in the East, given to him
by archbishop Cranmer in 1553, In J 531, he settled at
Oxford for some time, and the next year was incorporated
master of arts in that university, as be had before been in
that of Paris ; and a few days after was admitted to the
degree of ^bachelor of divinity. At this time he was
highly esteemed for his learning ; and was the first author
who reduced the French tongue under grammatical rules,
or that had attempted to fix it to any kind of standard. This
be executed with great ingenuity and success, in a large
work which he published in that language at London,, eu-r
titled '^ UEclairctsseqient de la Language Francois,'' con*
taining three books, in a thick folio, 1530, to which he
has prefixed a large introduction in English. This work-
is now extremely scarce. In the dedication he says that
he had written two books en the subject before ; one dedi*^
cated to his pupil M^ry, the other' to Charles Brandon
doke of Suffolk. He made a literal translation into Eng*
lish of a Latin comedy called << Acolastus,*' written .by
FuUonius, and published it in 1540. He. is said also to
have writteasorae " Epistles."
When Mr^ Palsgrave was born, or to what age he lived,
are particulars which we have not been able to trace ; yet
bis death probably happened before September 1554, as
Jn that month Edmopd Brygotte, S. T. P; was .collated to
the prebend of Portpoole " per mortem Job. Pallgrave." *
' PAMELIUS (James), a learned Fleming, was the, son
of Adolphus, counsellor of state to the empei^or Charles V*
and borJi at Bruges in 1536» He was educated at Louvaia
and Paris,, and became afterwards a learned divine and
critic. Obtaining a canonry in the church of Bruges, he
collected a library, and formed a design of giving igood
editions of the fathers ; but the civil wars obliged hi|n to
retire to St Omer's, of which place the bishop pnade him
archdeacon. Some time after, Philip II. king of Spain
named him to the provostship of St. Saviour at Utrecht^
1 Ath. Ox. TOl. I. new editioo.— Tanner.— 'Allies** Typo^Mphical Antiqaitief.
—ecu's MS Atbenn in Brit Mm.
to P A M E L I tJ S.
ancf after that to the bishopric of St Omer^s : huti as bd
went to Brussels to take possession of it, he died nt Mons
in Hainault, in 1587. He is chiefly known for his cHtics&l
labours upon '< Tertullian and Cyprian ;*' of both which
writers he published editions, and prefixed lives. *^ The
commentaries of this author upon Tertullian/' says Dupin^
<* are both learned and useful ; but he digresses too much
from his subject, and brings in things of no use to the un-*
defstanding of his author :'* and he passes much the same
judgment of his labours upon Cyprian. All the later edi«
tors, however, of these two fathers have spoken well of Pa«
melius, and have transcribed his best notes into their edi-
A new edition of Rabanus, wbieh-he was preparing at
the time of .his decease, has been since published at
Cologn, and includes Commentaries by Pamelius on Ju-
dith, and St Paul's << Epistle to the Hebrews." His other
works are, <* Catalogus Commentar. veterum selectorum
in universa Biblia," Antwerp, 1566, 8vo ; " Conciliorura
Paralipomena,^' a discourse in Latin, addressed to the
Flemish States ; ^* De non admittendis un& in Republic^
diversorum Religionum exercitiis," 1589, 8vo; ** i^licro*
logus de Ecclesiasticis observationibus ;'* an edition of Cas-
siodorus ^' De Dividis nominibus ;** and two books of the
<* Liturgies of the Latins,** 1571, 2 vols. 4lo./
PANARD (Cj^arles-Francis), a French poet, was born
at Couville near Chart res in 1691^ where he remained a
long time in obscurity^ upon some small employment. At
length, the comedian Le Grand, having seen some of his
pieces, went to find him out, and encouraged him ; and
Marmontel called him the Fontaine of the place. Panard
bad many qualitiies of Fontaine ; the same disinterested-
ness, probity, sweetness, and simplicity of manners.. He
knew, as well as. any man, how to shar«pen the point of an
epigram \ yet always levelled it at the vice, not the per-
son. He bad a philosophic temper, and lived contented
with a little. He died at Paris June 13, 1764. His works,
under the title of " Th^toe & Oeuvrea diverses/* have
been printed, 1763, in 4 vols. 12mo. They consist of
comedies, comic operas, songs, and all the various kinda^
pf smaller poetry.'
. • .1
I Morari.— Foppen Bibl« Belg.— Blonnt't Censura.— Saxii Onomatt]
I l^ecipl^iie des Hoounes Cdebres pour aoa4e n66,-->I>i9t. Uitt.
PA N C t R O L U S. 71
PANCIROLUS (Guy), the son of Albert Pancirolus, a
fiamous Jawyef in bis time, and descended from an illustri-
ous family at Reggio, was born there April 17, 1523. He
learned Latiu and Greek under Sebastian Corrado and Bas-
siano Lando, and made so speedy a proficiency in them^
that his father, thinking him fit for the vtudy of the law at
fourteen, taught him the first elements of that faculty him-
self; and Guy studied t^m incessantly under his father
for three years, but without neglecting the belles lettres.
He was. afterwards^ sent into Italy, in order to complete
his law-studies under the professors of that country. He
W6nt first to Ferrara ; and, having there heard the lectures
of Pasceto and Hyppoiitus Riminaldi, passed thence to
Pavia, where he had for his master the famous Alciat, and
to Bologna and Padiia, where he completed a course of
seven years study, during which he had distinguished
himself in public disputations on several occasions ; and the
fame of bis abilities having drawn the attention of the re-
public of Venice, he was nominated by them in 1547,
while only a student, second professor of the Institutes in
the university of Padua. This nomination obliged him to
take a doctor's degree, which he received from the hands
of Marcus Mantua. After he had filled this chair for seven
years, be was advanced to the first of the Institutes in
1554 ; and two years after, on the retirement of Matthew
Gribaldi, who was second professor of the Roman law, Pan-
cirolus succeeded him, and held .this post foi* fifteen years.
At length, having some reason to be dissatisfied with his
situation, he resigned it in 1571, when Emanuel Philibert
^uke of Savoy offered him the professorship of civil law^
with a salary of a thousand pieces of gold. Here his patron
the prince shewed him all imaginable respect, as did also
hh son Charles Emanuel, who augmented his appoint*
toenlis with a hundred pieces. The republic of Venice
soon became sensible of the loss sustained by bis departure,
and were desirous of recalling him to a vacant professor-
ship in l$dO. This Pancirolus at first refused, and would
indeed have been content to remain at Turin, but the air
of the plaqe proved so noxious to him, that he lost one
eye almost entirely, and was in danger of losing the other;
t^e dread of which induced. him to hearken to proposals,
^hat were .made afresh to him in 1 582 ; and having a salary
of a thousand ducats offered to him, with the chair he had
MP much wished for, he returned to Padua. The city of
7St P A N C I RQ L U S.
Turin, willing to give biia some macks oif tbeir esteem; at
bis departure, presented bim with his freedom, aeeom-"
panied with some pieces of silver plate.. -He then remained
at Padua, where bis stipend was raided to the sum of. twelve
Iiundred ducats. Here be died in June 1599, and was in-
terred in the church of St. Justin, after funeral service had
been performed for him in the church of St. Antfaony ;
where Francis Vidua of that university pronounced bis fa*
oeral oration. He was author of a number of learned works,
of which the principal are : 1. '^ Comroentarii in- Notttiam
utriusque Imperii et de Magistratibus,'' Venice, 1593, it>L
often reprinted, and inserted in, the Roman Antiquities (tf
Grsevius; 2. '^ De Numismatibu!^ antiquis;"' 3. ^^Dequaw
tuordecim Regionibus Urbis Romas,*? printed in the Ley-^
den edition of the Notitia, 1608 ; 4. ^^ .Rerum Memora*^
bilium jam olim ^deperditarum, et contra rec^n» atque in*^
l^eoiose inventarum," 1599, 2 voI&; 8vo, often reprinted
and translated. He wrote alsd a valuable treatise, which
lyas not published till 1637, entitled ^^De Claris Legum
Int^rpretibus." *
PANT^NUS, a Christian philosopher, of the Stoic
sect, flourished in the second century. Some say he was
born* in Sicily, others at Alexandria, of Sicilian parents.
He is^aid to have taught the Stoic philosophy in thereign
of Commodus, from A. D. 180, in the school of Alexan<>
dria; where from the time of St. Mark, founder of that
church, there had always been some divine wbo-explained
the Holy Scriptures, The Ethiopians Jiaving requested
Demetrius, bishop of Alexandria, to send, a proper -persoa
to instruct them in the Christian religion, he sent PantsB'^
nus; who gladly undertook the mission, and acquitted
himself very worthily in it. It is said, that he found the
Ethiopians already tinctured with the truth of Christian
faith, which had ^been declared to them by St. Bartholo-
mew ; and that he saw the gospel of St. Matthew ih He*
btew, which had been left there by that apostle. St. Je^
rome says, that Pantaenus brought it away with him, and
that it was still to be ^een in his time in the AlexandHan
library; but this story is not generally credited, since no
good reason can be giveti, why St. Bartholomew shoiUd
leave a Hebrew book with the Ethiopians. Pantse^s^
1 Cbaiifepie.«^Niceron| toI. IX. — ^Tiraboscbw— iSaxii Onomi^t.
P A N T iE N tJ S. IS
apon his return to AlexAndria, conttnued to explain the
•acred books under the reign of Severus and Antoninus
Caracalia, and did great service to the church by his dis-
courses. He composed some ** Commentaries** upoh- the
Bibie, which are lost. Theodoret informs us that Pantsnus
first started the remark, which has been followed by many
interpreters of the prophecies since, <* That they are often
expressed in indefinite terms, and that the present tense
is frequently used both for the preterite and future Senses.'*
We may form a judgment of the manner in which Pantae*
nus explained the Scriptures, by that which Clemeus
Alexandrinus, Origen, and all those have observed, who
wete trained up in the school of Alexandria. Their com-
mentaries abound with allegories; they frequently leave
the literal sense, and find almost every where some mys-
tery or- other; in the explaining of which, they usually
shew more erudition than judgment.' Milner observes, that
the combination of Stoicism with Christianity must have
very much debased the sacred truths; and we may be
assured that those who were disposed to follow implicitly
the dictates of such an instructor as Pantsenus, must have
been, furnished by him with a clouded light of the gospel.
Cave is of opinion- that Pantsenus's death occurred in the
year 213.*
- PAKTALEON (Henry), a learned physician and his-
torian, wasl)orn at Basil June 13, 1522. In his early edu-
cation he made very considerable proficiency, but it ap-
pears that his friends differed iti their opinions as to his
profession, some intending him for a learned profession^
and some for a printer, which they conceived to be con-
nected with it. At length after a due course of the Itin-
guages and polite literature, he studied divinity according
to the principles of the refomied religion, but changing
that design, he taught dialectids and natural philosophy at
Basil for about forty years. He then, at an advanced age,
studied medicine, took the degree of doctor in that faculty,
and practised with much reputation until his death, March
8, 1595, inthe seventy- third year of his age. He com-
posed various works both in medicine and history, some in
Latin and some in German, and translated certain authors
into the latter language. His most useful work, now
aaaroe, was an account of the eminent men of Germany,
> Cave^ Tol.4:-^Dnpiii.A-Lair(lner'iWoriu.— Miller's Cb.Hiit,
74 P A N T A L E O N.
published at Basil in 1 B&S, fol. under the title of ^< Poso«
grs^hia heroum et iliustrium virorum Germanise," dedi^
cated to the emperor Maximilian IL who honoured him
Mdth the title of Count Palatin. He published also a Latii»
history of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, J 581, folio.
^5 Historia Militaris ordinis Johannitarum, Rhodiorum aut
Melitensium Equitum ;'' ^^ Cbronographia Ecclesie Chris-
^ti/' ibid. 1568; << Diarium Historicum," 1572; aad, m
his youth, ^< Comcedia de Zaccheo piriilicaBonim prtnctpe,''
1546, 8vo.*
PANVINIUS (Onuphrius), a learned scholar of the
sixteenth century, was born at Vctrona in 1529. He.dis*^
covered an attachment to history and antiquities in. bis,
earliest years, and entered into the order of the Augustins.
As soon as he had made profession, th^ general g£ his
order sent him to Rome to complete his studies, and in
1553 he was appointed to instruct the novices. He thea
.taught scholastic theology at Florence for some time^ but
his chief residence was at Rome, where he was patronized
by cardinal Marcello Cervini, afterwards pope Marcellua IL
From theiice he passed into the court of cardinal Alexan-
der Farnese, with whom he travelled into Sicily in 1568,
where he died in bis thirty-ninth year. One of his first
labours was an edition of the ^^ Fasti < Consulares,^' first
brought, to light by Sigoniys,. which he published, illus-
trated with notes, at Venice in 1557. He published trea-»
tises also, ^* De Antiquis Romanorum Nominibus;'* <^ De
Pi^incipibus Romanis;" " De Republica;*' ** De Trium-
phis et Ludis Circensibus ;" and ** Topographia RomsB.*'
These valuable works are founded in a great measure upon
ancient inscriptions, of which he had collected and copied
nearly three thousand. Some time after, this collection,
which had come into the handa of cardinal Savelji, disap*
peared, and Maffei is of opinion that the collection. p«|b*
fished at Antwerp by Martin Sanctius, in 1538, and which
served as a foundation for Gruterus*s great work, was in
reality that of Panvinius. Panvinius was also a profound
investigator of sacred or Christian antiquities, as appears
by bis works, *^De Ritu sepeliendi mortuos apud veteres
Christianos ;'' ** De antique Ritu bapti^ndi Catechume-
' nos.;^' ** De Primatu Petri ;^* ** Cbronicon Ecclesiasticuaa ;^*
^^ De Episcopatibus Titulis, et Diacouis Cardinalium.;.?
I Melehior Adam ki tiUi PbUoiopboniiiv
■^ Annotationes et Sopplementa ad Platinam de Vitis Pon*
tificmn ;*' << De Septem precipois Urbis Romie Baailicis;'*
** De Bibliotheca Vaticana/* He bad undeitakeo a gene-
mi ecclesiastical history, for which he collected matter
suiBcient to fill six large manuscript volumes, which are
preserved in the Vatican. He wrote a chronicle of his
own order, and a history of his native city, Verona, * in-
cluding an account of its antiquities, printed many years
after his death. ^
PANZER (George Wolfgang Francis), an eminent
bibliographer, was born at Sulzbach in the Upper Pala-
tinate, March 16, 1729, and having beeu educated for the
cfamt^h, took his doctor^s degree in divinity and philoso-
phy, and became pastor of the cathedral church of St. Se-
baldus at Nuremberg, where he died in 1805. No farther
particulars have yet reached us of this learned and labori-
ous writer, who has long been known here by his ** An-
nates Typographic!, ah artis invents origine ad annum
,M. D. post Matttairii, Denisii, aliorumque doctissitoorum
vironnn ouras in ordinem redacti, emendati et aucti,V Nu-
remberg, 1793 — 1S03, 11 vols. 4i;o. This is unquestion-
ably a work of the very first importance to bibliographersy
and is thought to exceed Maittaire^s in clearness of ar?-
rangement and accuracy. It conies down, beyond his ori-
ginal intention, to 1536 ; but is not quite complete without
another work of his printed in German, ^' Annals of aur
cient German Literature, or. an account of books printed in
Germany fronl the invention of the art to. 15 20," Nurem-
berg, 1788, 4to. His other works, also unfortunately in
German, are an ^^ Account of tbe^ most ancient Qerman
Bibles, printed in the fifteenth century, which are in the
library at Nuremberg," 1777, 4to; "History of Bibles
printed at Nuremberg, from the invention qf the Art,'*
Knremberg,* 1778, 4to. And a <* History of early Print-
ing at Nuremberg to the year 1600," ibid. 1789, 4to.*
PAOLI (Pascal de), a very distinguished character in
modem times, born at Rostino, in the island of. Corsica»
in 1726, was the son of Hiacente Paoli, a Corsican patriot^
who, despairing of the freedom of his country, had retired
with his family to Naples. Panoal was educated among the
Jesuits, and at their college be made a rapid progress in
} CbaQfepie.— >Tiraboschi. — Bullart's Acadefnie dts Scieuces.— Saxii Onoou
S jp^^t. l|ist.rrpibdi(i'i Biblioqiasra.-7eBroDet Manuel da X^ibraire^
7« F A O L I.
liis studies, and displayed an understanding iequally ^Hd
aiid capacious. He appeared in so favourable a light to his
•countrymen, that he was unanimously chosen generalis-
simo, in a full assembly of the .pec^ie, when he had at-
tained but to the 29th year of his age. He began with
'new-modelling the laws of Corsica, and establishied the ap-
p^aranccj if not the reality, of subordination : he also in»-
-stituted schools, and laid the foundation of a maritime
power. In 1761 the government of Genoa, perceiving the
change lately effected among the natives, sent a deputation
to a general council, convoked at Vescovato, for the ex*
'press purpose of prQf>osing terms of accommodation ; but
4t was unanimously resolved never to make peace with
-diem, unless upon the express condition of Corsica being
guaranteed in the full enjoyment of its independence. A
•memorial to the same effect was also addressed, at the
same time, to all the sovereigns of Europe. But nothing
was gained by this step; and in 1768, the Genoese, despair-
ing of rendering xthe Corsicans subservient to their will,
transferred the sovereignty of their island to Erance, on
•condition of receiving in lieu of it 40,000,000 of livres.
^Notwithstanding this, Paoii remained firm to his cause :
and a vigorous war commenced, in which, for some time,
the French were beaten, and in one instance their general
was obliged' to capitulate, with all his infantry, artillery^
-and ammunition ; but an immense force bing now sent
from France, overwhelmed the Corsican patriots ; they
'were defeated with great slaughter, and Paoli, left, with
only about 500 n^en, was surrounded by the French, who
'were anxious to get possession of his person : he, however,
'cut his M^ay through the enemy, and escaped to England
with his friends, where they were received with every de-
gree 6f isjrmpathy and respect. Paoli was introduced at
tsourt, and the duke of Grafton, then prime minister, ob-
tained for him a pension of 1200/. a-year, which he libe*
rally shared with his companions in exile. From this time
lie lived a retired life, devoting himself chiefly to the cul^
iivation of literature. During his retirement, which lasted
vnote than twenty years, he was introduced to Dr. Johnson
by Mr. Boswell, and lived in habits of intimacy with that
eminent sdholar. Much of tfaek conversiation is recorded
by Mr. Bdswell. .
' When the^ French revolution took place, the national
convention passed k decree by which Corsica was num-
P A O L t TT
heted mnong the departiooents of France, and entitled to
all the privileges of the new constitution, and Paoli was
induced, by the promising appearance of a&irs, and fhe
solicitations of the French assembly, to return to the island;
Accordingly he resigned his peusioa from the English court,
took a grateful leave of the country in which he. had been
so hospitably entertained, and in the month of April 1790,
presented himself at the bar of the national assembly at
Paris, together with the Corsican depaties. Soon after
this be embarked for Corsica, where he was received with
an extraordinary degree of attachment and respect. He
was elected mayor of Bastia, commander-in-chief of the
national, guard, and president of the department ; and,i in
short, he at once acquired more authority in the island,
than before its subjugation by the French. He was,.bow^
ever, not quite contented ; he was ambitious of seeing
Corsica wholly independent, which, upon the execution of
Louis XVL was the prevailing wish of the Corsicans^ The
French convention, however, meant nothing less, and at
length declared Paoli a traitor. On this he resolved upon
an expedient which, though it was a renunciation of inde-^
pendence, promised to secure all the advantages of real
liberty. This was an union of Corsica with the crown of
Great Britain ; after effecting which, he* returned to Eng**
laud, having unfortunately lost all his property, by the
failure of a mercantile house at Leghorn, -• and passed the
reA»ainder of his life in great privacy. He died in Lon-^
don, February 5, 1807, in the eighty-first year of his age^
Few foreigners, however- distinguished, have been so much
caressed in England as general PaolL By living in habita
of iamiliarity with men of letters, his^ name and exploits
acquired high celebrity : and Goldsmith, Johnson, and
many others, equally eminent in the literary world, although
differing in almost every thing else, cordially united in hia
praise. On the continent hi& reputation was greatly re-^
spected : it was usual to compare Paoli to Timoleon and
£paminondas. He was unquestionably a great man ; but
it is the opinion of those who have enjoyed the opportunity
of studying his character, that he was a politician rather
than a soldier: that he shone more in council than inarms;
and that the leading feature of his public conduct was a
certain degree of Italian policy, which taught him to te^
6ne and speculate on every event.^ ^
* Bofwell's Account of Corsica.—AiheasBttm, ?ol. I.-^Rees*t Cyclo|i»dla.
fS P A P E N B K O C a '
PAT^ENBHOCH (Daniel), a native of Antwerp, md
born in 162B, and was educated as a Jesuit. He has ail<*
ready been mentioned in our account of Boilandus, as thcf
coadjutor of that writer in the compilation of the ''Acta
Sanctorum/' He died in 1714, in the seventy -eighth year
of his age. He* was, according to Dapin, less credulous
than Bollandus, and became involved in a controversy with
tbe Carmelites respecting the origin of their order. Thei^
is little else interesting in his history; but in addition to
the account given in our article Bollandus, of the ** Acta
Sanctorum," we may^ now mention, that the work has been
continued to the fifty-third volume, folio, which appeared
in 1794, but is yet imperfect, as it comes only to October
14th. Brunet informs us that there are very few perfect
copies to be found in France, some of the latter volumes
being destroyed during the revolutionary period. The re-*
print at Venice, 17S4, 42 vols, is of less estimation.'
PAPIAS, bishop of Hierapolis, a city of Phrygia in
Asia Minor, near to Laodicea, was the disciple of St. John
the Evangelist, or of another of that name ; but Irenaeus
says positively, that he was the disciple of St. John the
Evangelist; tor Polycarp was his disciple, and he says,
Papias was Polycarp's companion. Papias wrote five books,
entitled <* The Expositions of the Discourses of the Lord f '
of which there are only some fragments left in the writings
of Irenseus and Eusebius. He made way for the opiniotv
several of the ancients held touching thp temporal reigii of
Christ, who they supposed would come upon earth a tbpu^
sand years befol-e the day of judgment, to gather together
the elect, after the resurrection, into the city of Jerusa--
Iqm, and let them there enjoy all felicity during that pe«
riod. Irenseus, who was of the same judgment, relates a
fragment he took out .of Papias^s fourth book, where he
endeavours to prove that opinion from a passage in Isaiah ^
and Eusebius, after having quoted a passage taken out of
Papias's Preface, adds; ^' That that author relates divert
things which he pretended he had ^by unwritten tradition ;
such as were the last instructions of our Lord Christ, which
are not set down by the Evangelists, and some other fabu"
lous histories, amongst which number his opinion ought to
be placed touching the personal reign of Christ upon eartb
after the resurrection. <^ The occasion of his falling inter
^ Dupio.— >Moreri."— Diet. Hist,— Brunei's Manuel du Librairer
P A P E N BH O C H. n
that error,^* days Eusebius again, ^' was bis misuricl^rstand-
iogof-tbe discourses and instructions of the Apostles, as
not thinking that those expressions ought to bear a mysti«
cal sense ; and^ that the Apostles used them only for illus-
tration, for he was a man of a mean genius, as his books
manifest, and yet several of the ancients, and, among the
rest, Irenseus, maintained their opinions on the authority
of Papias,'"
PAPILLON (Philibbrt), a learned oanon of la Cha*
pelle-au Riche, at Dijon, .in which city be was born. May
1, 1666, was the son of Philip Papillon, advocate to the
parliament. He was a man of literature, and an able, cri-
tic, and furnished Le Long of the Oratory, Desmolets,
Niceron, and several others among the learned, with a
number of important memoirs and anecdotes. He died
February 23, 1738, at Dijon, aged seventy-two. His prin-
cipal work is, '* La Bibliotheque des Auteurs de Bour-
gogne," DijoD, 1742, 2 vols, folio, printed under the in-
spection of his friend M. Joly, canon of la Chapelle-aa-
PAPILLON (John), was one of a family of engravers
on wood, who obtained considerable reputation in the se-
venteenth and eighteenth centuries* He flourished about
1670, but attained less fame than bis son John, who was
bom at St. Quentin in 1661. The grandson John Bap-
tist Michel was the most successful in his art, especially
IB those engravings which represent foliage and flowers,
many beautiful, specimens, of which are inserted in his pub-
lication on the art of engraving in wood ; and the whole
prove that he was a very skilful master in every branch of
the art he professed. The human figure he seems to have
been the least acquainted with, and has consequently failedr
most in. those prints into which it is introduced. He died
in 1776 ; about ten years before which event he published
in 2 vols. 8vo, his << Traite , histoHque et pratique de la
gravure en bois,^' a work of great merit as to the theory of
an art, which, it is almost needless to add, has of late
years been brought to, the highest perfection by some
ingenious men of our own country, led first to this pur«
suit by the excellent example and success of the Messfs»
Bewickes. *
* Care, vol. I.— Lardaer^s Works.«-Dtipin.
• MorerL— J)icU Hist. » Strutt.— Morcru— Diet.
PAPIN (Denys), ah ingenious physician^ the son of
Nicholas Papin» also a physician, was born at Blois. He
took the degree of doctor, and travelled to England, where
he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, in December
1680. He passed the following year in London, and pub«
lished in English an account of a machine which he bad
invented, and which still bears his name : this was ^< The
New Digester, or Engine for the softening of Bones,'^
2681, 4 to. It soon appeared in French, with the title of
^La Meniere d'^mollir les Os, et de feire cuire touted
sortes des Viandes en pen de terns et k pen de fraix,*' Pa«
ris, 1682. The machine consists of a very strong metal
boiler, with an air*tight cover screwed down with great
force ; hence the contained matter, being incapable of
escaping either by evaporation or by bursting the machine,
may be heated to a degrise far beyond that of boiling wa-«
ter, so as to dissolve the gluten of bones* and cartilages*'
He afterwards improved this digester, and it has since
been much employed in chemical and philosophical expe«
riments. He assisted Boyle in various experiments, of
which an account is given in the history of the Royal So-
ciety. Papin was a protestant, and being therefore pre«»
vented from returning home by the revocation of the edict
of Nantes, he took up his residence at Marpurg, where he
taught the mathematics, and published a '^ Fasciculus Dis<-
sertationum de quibusdam Machinis Physicis,'' 1696, 12mo;'
and in 1707 he published at Francfort an account of a
machine which he had invented for raising water by the
action of fire, entitled f^ Ars nova ad aquam ignis admini-*
culo efficacissime elevandam.^'
His father, Nicholas Papin, was author of several works^
which, however, are nearly forgotten. Two of them re^
hted to the powder of Sympathy, whiph he defended;
and one to the discovery of Harvey, which he opposed.^
PAPIN (Isaac), some time a minister of the church of
England, and afterwards reconciled to that of Rome, was
the author of some pieces which made a great noise in the
seventeenth century. From an account of his life, pnh-^
lished by himself, it appears that he was born at Blois itt
161^7, and descended from a family of the reformed reli-*
gion. He passed through his studies in divinity at Ge*
neva. That university was then divided into two parties
-''■ ■•'<■ -I"- *
1 Morerit— Bloyi Diet, Hist, de MediGine.«-Rees's Cyclop«dia.
P A t I K. 81
Hpbo the subject of gthce^ called ^'p&rticularists'^ and
^^universaliftts," of virbich the former were the most, nu-
merous and the most powerful. The* universalists de-
sired nothing more than a toleration ; and M. Claude
wrote a letter to M. Turretiu, the chief of the preJo-
miiiant party, exhorting him earnestly to grant that fa-
vour. But Torretin gave little heed to it ; and M. de
MaratisSi professor at Groningen, who had disputed the
point warmly against Mr. Dailie, opposed it zealously;
and .j^upported his opinion by the authority of those synods
who^ :bad determined agi^inst such toleration. There
happened also another dispute upon the same subject|
which ocoa^oned Papin to make several reflection<i. M.
Pajon, who was his uncle, admitted the doctrine of effica-
cious grace, but explained it in a different manner from
the refor^ned in general, atid Jurieu in particular ; and
though the synod of Anjou in 1667, after many long de-
bates upon the matter, dismissed Pajon, with leave to
continue his lectures at Saumur, yet as his interest there
was not great, his nephew, who was a student in that uni-
versity in 1633, was pressed to condemn the doctrine,
which was branded with, the appellation of Pajonism.
Papin declared, th^t his conscience would not allow him
to subscribe to the condemnation of either party ; on which
the university refused to give him a testimonial in the
usual form. All these disagreeable incidents put him out
of humour with the authors of them, and brought him to
view the Roman catholic religion with less dislike than be-
fore. In this disposition he wrote a treatise, entitled '< The
Faith reduced to its just bounds ;^* in which he maintained,
lliat, as the papists profaned that they embraced the doc-
trine of the Holy Scriptures, they ought to be tolerated by
tbe most zealous protestants. He also wrote several letters
to the reformed of Bourdeaux, to persuade them that^they
might be saved in the Bomish church, if they would be
reconciled to it.
, This work, as might be expected, exasperated the pro-
tesstants against him; and to avoid their resentment, lie
crossed the water to England, in 1686, where James II.
was endeavouring to re*establish popery. There he re-
ceived deacon's and priest's orders, from the bands of
Turner^ bishop of Ely; and, in 1687, published a book
against Jurieu, entitled ^* Theological Essays concerning
Providence and Grace, &c." This exasperated that mi-
Vol. XXIV. G
82 - P A P I N.
oister so mucbj that when be knew Papin was attemptiBg
to obtain some employ as a professor in Grermanyi be dis-
persed letters every where in order to defeat bis applica-
tions ; and, tbough he procured a preacher's place at Ham-
burghy Jurieu found means to get him dismissed in a few
months. About this time bis ^^ Faith reduced to just
bounds" coming into the hands of Bayle, that \yriter added
some pages to it, and printed it. These additions were
ascribed by Jurieu to our author, who did not disavow the
principal maxims laid down, which were condemned in the
synod of Bois-le-duc in J 687. In the mean time, an offer
being made him of a professo»*s chair in the church of the
French refugees at Dantzic, he accepted it : but it being
afterwards proposed to him to conform to the synodical de-
crees of the Walloon churches^ in the United Provinces,
and to subscribe them, he refused to .comply ; because
there were some opinions asserted in those decrees which
he could not assent to, particularly that doctrine which
maintained that Christ died only for the elect. Those who
^ had invited him to Dantzic, were highly offended at his
refusal ; and he was ordered to depart, as soon as he bad
completed the half year of his preaching, which had been
contracted for. He was dismissed in 1689, and not long
after embraced the Roman catholic religion ; delivering his
abjuration into the hands of Bossuet^ bishop of Meaux^
Nov. 15, 1690.
Upon this change, Jurieu wrote a pastoral letter to those
of the reformed religion at Paris, Orleans, and Blois ^ in
which be pretended that Papin, had always looked upon aU
religions as indifferent, and in that* spirit had returned to
the Roman church. In answer to this letter, Papin drew
up a treatise, *^ Of the Toleration of the Protestants, and
df the Authority of the Church." The piece, being ap-»
proved by the bishop of Meaux, was printed in 1692 : the
author afterwards changed its title, which wa&.a little equi*
vocal, and made some additions to it ; but, while he was
employed in making collections to complete it farther, and
finish other books upon the same subject, be died at Paris
the 19th of June, 1709. His widow, who also embraced
the Roman catholic religion, communicated these papers,
which were made use of in a new edition printed at large
in 1719, 12mo. M.Pajon of the Oratory, his. relation,
published all his << Theological Works/' 1723, 3 vols.
P A P I N I A N. 83
^3mo : they are all in French, and written with shrewdness
and ability.*
PAPINIAN, a celebrated Roman lawyer, born in the
year 175, was advocate of the treasury or exchequer, and
afterwards pretorian prefect under the emperor Severus^
about the year 194. This emf»eror had so high an opinion
of his worth, that at his death he recommended his sons
Caracalla and Geta to his care : but the first, having mur-
dered his brother, enjoined Papinian to compose a dis-
course, to excuse that barbarity to the senate and people.
Papinian could not be prevailed on to comply with this :
but on the contrary answered boldly, that it was easier to
commit a parricide than to excuse it ; and to accuse an
innocent person, after taking away his life, was a second
parricide. Caracalla was so much enraged at this answer,
that be ordered Papinian to be beheaded, which sentence
was executed in the year 212, when he was in his thirty-
seventh year, and his body was dragged through the streets
of Rome. He bad a great number of disciples, and com-
posed several works : among those, twenty-seven books of
" Questions in the Law ;" nineteen books of ** Responses
or • Opinions ;" two of "Definitions;" two others upon
** Adultery ;" and a single book upon the " Laws of Edilea."
His reputation was so great, that he is called " the honour
of jurisprudence, and the treasure of the laws." *
PAPPUS, a very eminent Greek of Alexandria, flou-
rished, according to Suidas, uiider the emperor Thebdo-
sius the Great, from the year 379 to 395, and acquired
deserved fame as a consummate mathematician. Many of
his works are lost, or at least hare not yet been discovered.
Suidas and Vossius mention as the principal of them, his
•* Mathematical Collections," in 8 books, of which the first
and parj: of the second are lost; a " Commentary upon
Ptolomy's Almagest;" an "Universal Chorography';" " A
Description of the Rivers of Libya ;" a treatise of " Mili-
tary Engines ;" " Commentaries upon Aristarcbus of Sa-
jnos, concerning the Magnittide and Distance of tbe Sun
and Moon," &c. Of these, there have been published,
*< The Mathematical Collections," in a Latin translation,
with a large GOtnmentary, by Commandine, in 1 588, folio ;
reprinted in 1660. In 1644, Mersenne exhibited an
1 Cbaufepie.— Niceron, rol. IT.— Mosheim. ' Moreri.— Saxii Oooma^t,
abridgiiieilt of them in his ^* Synopsis Mathematical' in
4l:o, containing only such propositions as could b^ UbdiBr^.
stdod withoiit figiHe^. In 1655^ Mieibomius gave som6 of
the Lemmata of the seventh book^ in his *^ Dialogue upott
Proporti^nsv^' In 1688> Dr. Wallis printed the last twelve
propositions o^ the Isecbod book, at the end of his *^ Aris*
tarehuis Safi&itis." In 1703, Dr. David Gregory gave part
of the preface of the seventh book, in the Prolegoitiena to
his Euclid. And in 1706, Dr. Halley exhibited that pre-
fa<Je entire, iti the beginning of his " Apollonius." Dr.
Hiitton^ in his Dictionary, has given an excellent analyst's
of the " Mathematical Colle^ttens.'' *
PARABOSCO (Jeromb), an Italian cowic writer, born
at Piacentia, in the beginning of the sixteenth centuryy
was an author of some eu^nence in hiis time. Bis come^
dies have a eertain chariicter of originality, which still, in
some tJegree^ supports their credit. They are six in num*>
ber, five in pro»e> and one in vei'se. The best edition i»
that printed at Venice, in 1560, in two small volumes, dud-^
deciitoo. There is a volume of letters by him, entitled
" Lettere Amorosie di M. Girolamo Parabosco^" printed
also at Venice in 1545. These were republished in 154S,
^ con alcune Novelle e Rime ;" and these is a volume af
**Rime" alone, printed by Giolitoat Venice, in 1547, 8vo.
He compois^ed also, novels iti the style of Boccacio and
Bandelli, which were published at Venice in 1552, under
the title of "I Diporti di M. Girolamo Parabosca," and
reprinted in 1558, 1564, 1586, and 1598, and lately in-
serted in the collection entitled '* Novelliero Italiano,**
1791, 26 vols. Svo, with the imprint of Londra for Livorno.
The work consists of three days, or ** Giornate ;" the first
and second of which .comprise sixteen tales, and four cu-
rious questions. The third contains several <' Motti,^' or
bon^mots, with a few madrigals, and other short poems.
There is also a volume by him entitled " Oracolo," thi$^
oracle, published at Venice, in 1551, in 4to. In this the
author gives answers to twelve questions proposed in the
beginning of the book ; which answers ate given and varied
according to some rules laid down in the preface. It ap-
pears that Parabosco lived chiefly, if not entirely, at Ve-
nice, as all his books were pifblished there. His ** Di«
porti,*' or Sports> open with a panegyric upon that city.*
.1 Hntton'f Dictionwy.^Vossius de Soiejit Mftth.-*Saxii Onomast.
3 Crescembini Hist, delta Voig. Poes. rol. lib. III. cap. 25.— Urunet Ma-
nuel du Libraire.
PARAC£LSU8 (Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus),
a man of a strange and paradoxical genius, and classed by
Brucker among the Theosophists, wat born, as is generally
supposed (for his birth-place is a disputed matter), fit Ein-
fidleo nearZurick, in 1493. His family name, which was
B(n»ha$tusj he afterwards changed, according to the custom
of the age, into Paracelsus. His father, who was a phy-
sician, instructed him in that science, but, as it would ap-
pear, in nothing else, for he was almost totally ignorant
of the learned languages. So earnest was he, however,
to penetrate into the mysteries of nature, that, neglect-
i^g books, he. undertook long and hasardous journeys
tbiTQUgh Qermany, Italy, Spain, Denmark, Hungary, Mos-
covy, and probably several parts of Asia and Africa. He
QOt only visited literary and learned men, but frequented
the workshops of mect^anies, descended into mines, and
tlniugbt no place mean or hazardous, if it aflbrded him an
opportunity of increasing bis knowledge of nature. He
also consulted barber*surgeons, monks, conjurors, old
woioen, qoaoks of every description, and every person who
prfiiendad to be possessed of any secret art, particularly
«aob as were skilled iri metallurgy. Being in this manner
a self-taught pbilociopher and physician, he despised the
medical writings of the ancients, and boasted that the
whole contents of his library would not amount to six folios.
}Ie appears indeed to have written more than he ever
read. His quackery consisted in certain new and secret
medicines procured from metallic substances by the che-
mical art, which he administered with such wonderful suc-
cess, . that be rose to the summk of popular fame, and even
obtained the professorship of medicine at Basil. One of
his nostrums be called Azoth, which he said was the philo-
sopher's stOfie, 'the medical panacea^ ||nd his disciples ex-
U^led it as the tincture of life, given through the dii^ine
favour to man in these last days. But while his irregular
practice^ aiid arrogant invectives against other physicians,
cir^ted him many enemies, his^ rewards were by no means
i4equate to bis*^ vanity and ambition ; and be met frequently
with mortifications, one of which determined him to leave
Basil. A wealthy canon who happened to fall sick at that
pUce^ offered .hira a hundred florins to cure his disease,
fyhicb Paracelsus easily effected with three pills of opidm^.
one of his most powerful medicines. The canon, restored
to health so soon, and apparently by such slight means^
refused to stand to bis engagement. Paracelsus brought
the matter before the magistrate, who decreed him only
the usual fee. Inflamed with violent indignation at the
contempt which was thus thrown upon his art, he railed at
the canon, the magistrate, and the whole city, and leaving
Basil, withdrew into Alsace, whither bis medical fame and
success followed him. After two years, during which tihie
he practised medicine in the principal families of the coun-
try, about the year 1530 he removed into Switzerland,
where be conversed with Bullinger and other divines.
From this time, he seems for many years to have roved
through various parts of Germany and Bohemia. At last,
in the year 1541, he died in the hospital of St. Sebastian,
in Saltsburg.
Different and even contradictory judgments have been
forqned by the learned concerning Paracelsus. His ad-
mirers and followers have celebrated him as a perfect mas-
tjer of all philosophical and medical mysteries, have called
him the medical Luther^ and have even been weak enough
to believe that he was possessed of the grand secret of con-
verting inferior metals into gold. But others, and parti«»
cularly some of his contemporaries, have charged his whole
medical practice with ignorance, imposture, and impu-
dence. J. Crato, in an epistle to Zwinger, attests, that in
Bohemia his medicines, even when they performed an ap-
parent cure, left his patients in such a state, that they soon
^fter died of palsies or epilepsies. Erastus, who was for
two years one of his pupils, wrote an entire book to detect
bis impostures. We have mentioned his want of educa-
tion, iand it is even asserted, that he was so imperfect a
master of his vernacular tongue, that he was obliged to
have his German writings corrected by another hand. His
adversaries c^so charge him with the most contemptible ar-
rogance, the most vulgar scurrility, the grossest intem-
perance, and the most detestable impiety. Still it Appears,
that with all these defects, by the mere help of physical
knowledge and the chemical arts, he obtained an uncom-
mon share of medical fame; while to support bis credit
with the ignorant, he pretended to an intercourse with iii-
' visible spirits, and to divine illuminations.
With regard to his system of chemistry, in which his
real merit lies, the fundamental doctrines of it resolved
fsvery thing into three elements, salt, sulphur, and mer-
cury, and were for a long time received, although in fact
they were borrowed from bis predecessor, Basil Valentine.
His medical skill consisted principally in tbe bold adminis-
tration of some poweil'ul remedies, which bad been here*
tofore thought too dangerous to be used, particularly opitim,
a drug with which, it is obvious, he would be able in many
instances toaflbrd great and speedy relief; but with which
also few permanent cures could be effected, and much
mischief would necessarily be produced, when it was mis-
applied. Antimony and mercury were also medicines which
he liberally prescribed, and he used various preparations
of them of the most active kind. He deserves the praise^
however, of having been one of the first to employ mercury
for the care of the venereal disease, and of course he
must have been successful in a degree, to which none of
bis contemporaries^ who did not resort to that remedy,
oottld attain. From his total ignorance of anatomy and ra«>
tional physiology, bis inability from want of literature to
investigate the doctrines of the ancients, which he never-
theless boldly impdgned, and bis employment of a bar*
barous jargon, as well as bis infatuated notions of magic,
a&trology, geomancy, and all the other branches of mysti-
cal imposture, be is, as a theorist, beneath contempt. We
shall not pretend, therefore, to enter into any detail of the
unintelligible jargon and absurd hypotheses which he Em-
ployed, or to enumerate the immense farrago of treatises,^
which made their appearance under bis name after his
death, the notices of which occupy above nine quarto
pages in the Bibliotheca of Haller : for the first we are
unable to comprehend, and tbe latter would be a waste of
time. The most complete edition is that of Geneva, 1658,
3 vols, folio.' ^
PARADIN (WiLLUM), a French historian, and labo-
rious writer of the sixteenlb century, was still living- in
1581, and was then turned fourscore. He was the author
of many works, among which the following are remarka-
ble : 1. '^ The History of Aristeeus, respecting the version
of tbe Pentateuch," 4to. 2. ** Historia sui temporis,"'
written in Latin, but best known by a French version which
was published in 1558. 3. ** Annales de Bourgogne,"
1 566, folio. This history, by no means well dfgested, be-
gins at the year 378, and ends in 1482^ 4. ** De moribus
1 Brucker.— Haller.— Tiiom80ii*s Hist, of the Royal Society. *-Eloy, Diet.
Hist de MediciDe.— Reea's Cyclopaidia.
aa P A R A D I N.
GaUii&9 Historia/? 4to. 5. << Mew^ir69 de THUtQife de
Lyon/' 1625, folio. 6. <' De rebus in Belgio, i^nno IS4>3
gestis,"1543, 8vo. 7. " La Chronique de Sayoie," 1602^ fol.
9. '* Historia GaUiae, a Fraa<;iaci 1, coronaijone ad annum
1550.'* 9. " Historia Kcclesiae GaUican®," 10* ^* Me*
moralia inaignium Franci® Famiiiarum." H^ was an eccle*-
siastiCy and becaoie dean of Beauji^u* ' *
. PARCIEUX, or rather DEPARGIEUX (Antbony), atk
able matbematiciau, was .bora in 1703, ai a hamlet Mar
Nismesy of iiidustrious but poor parj^uts, who were noable
^o give him education ; be soon, however, found a patron>^
who. placed him in the college at Lyons, where he made
astonishing progress in roatheoiaticst. ^ On bis ftrrival at
Paris, he was obliged to accept, of humble employment
from tbe matbematieal icistrument makers, .until his worba
brought him into notice. Tbijse ;wefe^ 1. ** Table astro-
nomiques," 1740, 4to« 2» ^^ Trait6 de trigonometfie rec^
tiUgffie et spberique, avec un trait^ ue: gnomonique et des
tables de logarithm's," 174.1, 4to.. 3* *^ £^$a] sur leaparof-
babliit^s de la dur^e de la vie. bam^iae,". 1746, 4to. 4..
"Reponae aux objections coatre ce livre," 1746,, 4to* 5.
^ Additions a reasai, &c/V 1760, 4to. €i. >f Memoires'suT'
la possibility et la facility d'ameoer aupres de I'Estrapad^
a Paris, les eaux de la riviere d'Yvet^te," 1763, 4to, jre*i>
printed^ with additions, in 1777. It was always Depar-
cLeux^s object to turn bia knowledge: of mathematics ta
practical purposes, and in the memoirs of the aeademy.-of
sciences are many excellent papers which be contributed
with this view. He also introduced some ingenious iin<»
provt;inent9 in machinery. He was censor-royal and mem-*-
ber of the academy of sciences at Paris, and of those of
Berlin, Stockbolm, Metz, Lyons, and. . Montpellier. He
died at Paris Sept.. 2, 1768, aged sixty-iive. He had m
nephew of the same namei burn in 1763, who was edu^
cated at tbe college of Navarre at Paris, where he studied
mathematics and philosophy, and at the age of twenty*-,
ibur gave public lectures. In 1779 be began a course of
experimental philosophy, in the militaryschoolof Brienne;
after which, he occupied the philosophical professorship
at the Lyceum in Paris, where he died June 23, 1799, in
a state bordering on indigence. He wrote a ^^ Trait6 ele<>
mentaire de Mathennatiques," for the- use of students;
1 Diet. Hist. — Le Long Bibl. Hist, de France.
P A R C I E U X. ' »9
" Tr^it^ d«s aomiu^fr ou dea reotet a teirme,'' 178l» 4to ;
" Disseitatioo sur le moyen d'elever Teau par ia rotation
4'ane corde verticale vans 6u/' Amst 1782» Hvo; ** Dis**
sertation aur les globes areoatottques,^* Paris^ 1783^ 8va«
He left also some uiifioiabed works ; and a ^^ Coiirs complet
^. physique et de cbimie/' was in the press when he diftd.^
PARDIES (10NAT1U3 Gastok), an ingenious French
SBattiematit^ian and philosopher, was born at PaU| in the
provint*e of Gascony^ in 1636; his father being a conn**
i^eilor of the parltaoient of that city. At the age of sixteen
be entered into the order of Jesuits, aad-oiaJe so greaS
proficiency in his studies, that he taoght polite literature^
and composed many pieces in prose and verse withconsi^
d^rs^ie delicacy of thought and style, before be wastwell
arrived at the age of manhood. Propriety and elegance of
lAi^Ut^e appear to have been his first parsuits, for which
parpose he «tudi0d the belles lettres^ but afterward^ h«i
devoted himself to matbematioai and philosophical studies^
and-iPead, with due attention, the most valuable authors,
ancieiut and modern, in those sciences.. By^sttcfa assidiiity^
ift a 3bort time he m^de himself master of the Peripatetic
and Cartesian philosophy, and taught them both with gMati
reputation. .Notwithstanding he embraced Cartesianism^^
yet he affected to be rather an iniremor. in pbalosophy bim^H
self. Ia this ^pint he soi^ietimes advanced very bold opii*.
niona in natural philosophy^ which met with opposers, who
charged him with starting absurdities : but he was inge*-'
aioua enough to g^ve. his notions a pkuisible turn, so as to>
dear them seemingly fcom contradtotions. .His reputation
procured him a call to Paris, as |nrolessor of rhetoric in the;
college of . Louis the Great* He also, taught the matbe<-'
maiics in that city, as he had before done in other places ;
but the high expectations, which his. writings very reason^^
ably created, were all disappointed by his early death, in
1673, at tbirty«^even years of age. He fell a victim to his'
:9eal, having caught a contagious disorder by preaching tcr
the prisoners in. the Bicetre.
Pardies wrote with great neatness and elegance. His
principal works are as follow: 1. <^ Herologium Thauma*
ticum.duplex,*' 1662, 4to. 2,^' Dissertatio de Motu et
Natura Cometarum,*' 1665, 8vo. 3. ^< Discours du Mouve-
ment Local,*' 1670, l2mo. 4. " Elemens de Geometric,"
1 fiiog; Utilv* art. Deparcieux.
9t> P A R D I E S.
1670^ 12mo. This has been translated into several Ian-*
guages; in English by Dr. Harris, in 171 1. 5.** Discours
de la Connoissance des Betes,** 1672, 12mo. €. ^' Lettre
d'un Pbilosophe a un Cartesien de ses amis," 1672, 12mo.
7. *^ La Statique ou ia Science ^es Forces Mouvantes,*'
1673, 12ino. 8. ^< Description et Explication de deux
Machines propres a faire des Cadrans avec une graade fa-
cility,*' 1673, 12mo. 9# ^^ Remarques du Mouvement de
la Lumiere." 10. ^^ Globi Coelestis in tabula plana redact!
Descriptio,*' 1675, folio. Part of bis works were printed
together, at tbe Hague, 1691, l2n)o; and again at Lyons,
1725. Pardies had a dispute also with sir Isaac Newton,
about his new theory of light and colours, in 1672. His
letters are inserted in the Philosophical Transaotionsfor
that year.'
PARE' (Ambkose), a French surgeon of eminence^ was
born at Laval, in the district of the Maine, in 1509. He
commenced the study of his profes^on early in life, .and
practised it with great zeal both in hospitals and in tbe army ;
and when his reputation was at its height, he was appointed
surgeon in ordinary to king Henry II. in 1552; and he
held the same office under the succeeding kings, FrancisIL
Charles IX. and Heury III. To Charles IX. especiatiy^
he is said to have on one occasion conferred great profes-
sional benefits, when some formidable symptoms had been
produced by the accidental wound of a tendon in yenesec*
tion, which he speedily removed. His services app^ir to
have been amply acknowledged by the king ; who spared
him in the horrible. massacre of St. Bartholomew's, although
a protestant. ^^ Of all those,*' says the * duke of Sully,
<* who were about the person of this prince (Charles IX.)
none possessed so great a. diare of his confidence as Am*
brose Par^, his surgeon. This man, though a Huguenot,
lived with him in so great adegree of familiarity, that, on
the day of the massacre, Charles telling him, the time was
now come wheu' the whole kingdom would be catholics ;
he replied, without being alarmed, * By the light, of God,
sire, I cannot believe that, you have forgot yoor promise
never to command me to do four things ; namely, to enter
into my mother's womb^, to be present in the day of bat^
* This absurd promise seems injtended as an illatiratioii of the impossibility
of tbe king's breaking his word with him in tbe other cases. ^
1 Cbaufepie.«^Niceron, I. and X.—Martin's Biog. Philos.'— Mutton's Diet.
PARE'. 91
tie, to quit your service, or to go to mass.' The king
soon after took him aside, and disclosed to him freely the
trouble of his soul : * Ambrose/ said he, ^ I know not nrfiat
has happened to me these two or three days past, but I
feel my mind and body as much at enmity with each other,
as if I was seized with a fever ; sleeping or waking, the
murdered Huguenots seem ever present to my eyes, with
ghastly faces, and weltering in blood. I wish the innocent
and helpless bad been spared !* The order which was pub-
lished the following day, forbidding the continuance of the
massacre, was in consequence of this conversation.*' Par^,
after having been long esteemed as the first surgeon of his
tbae, and beloved for his private virtues, died Dec. 20,
1590, at the age of eighty-one; and as he was buried in
the church of St. Andrew, Eloy would from that circum*
stance infer that he died a Roman catholic, of which we
have no proof.
> Par6 was not a man of learning, although we meet with
I^rned references and numerous quotations from the
ancients, in his writings ; but he must*be considered as a:
bold and successful operator, and a real improver of his
art ; particularly in the practice of tying divided arteries,
which he effected by drawing' them out naked, and passing
a ligature over them ; and in the treatment of gun-shot
wounds. Even in anatomy, in which he did not excel, he
was, by frequent dissections, enabled to add some obser-
vations of his own to what he had borrowed from Vesalius.
As an author he bad high fame, and his works were uni-
versally read and translated into most of the languages of
Europe. His first treatise, '* Maniere de traiter les playes
faites par harquebuses,- fleches, &c.*' was published at Pa<»
ris in 1545, and again in 1552 and 1564. He afterwards
laboured strenuously to put his brethren in possession of a
body of surgical science in their native tongue ; and in
1 561 published the first edition of his works, in folio. This
was translated by Thomas Johnson, Lond. 1634, and re*
printed with additions in 1649. His treatise on gun*shot
wounds was published by Walter Hammond in 1617, and
that on the plague in 1630. Numerous editions of his
whole works were afterwards printed in German, Dutch,
and French ; and his pupil, Guillemeau, who was also sur*
geon to Charles IX. and Henry IV. translated them into
Latin. This translation has been frequently reprinted at
variousplaces, with the title of ** Ambrosii Parsei, Opera,
Sl2 PAR E'.
QOV18 Tconibus elegantissitnis illustrata^ et I^atiuitatd do-
nata.'* This volume contains twenty^six treatises^ and
there is no branch of surgery which is not touched upon, in
the collection. '
PARENT (Antony), a French mathematiciaH, was
born at Paris in 1666. He shewed early a propensity la
mathematics, eagerly perusing such books at f^l in hit
way. His custom was to write remarks upon the margins
of the books which he read ; and he had filled ^ome of
these with a kind of commentary at the age of thirteen.
At fourteen he was put under a master who taught rhe*
toric at Chartres. Here he happened to see a Dodeca*
^dron, upon every face of which was delineated asun-^dial,
except the lowest, on which it stood, St;ruck immediately
with the curiosity of these dials, he set about drawing one
himself; but, having a book which only shewed the pra(>*
tical part without the theory, it was not till some time
after, when his rhetoric-master came to explain the doc-
trine of the sphere to him, that he began to understand
how the projection of the circles of the sphere formed sun*
dials. He then undertook to v^rite a ^< Treatise upon Gno^
monies," and the piece was rude ^nd unpolished enough ^
but it was entirely his own. About the same time he wrote
also a book of ^^ Geometry,'* at Beauvais.
At length his friends sent for him to Paris, to study the
law ; and, in obedience to them he went through a coarse
in that faculty, but this was no sooner finished, than, his
passion for mathematics returning, he shut himself up in
the college of Dormans, and, with an allowance of less than
200 livres a year, he lived content in this retreat, which he
never left but to go to the royal college, in order to hear
the lectures of M. de la Hire, or M. de Sauveur. As sood
as he found himself able enough to teach others, he took
pupils ; and, fortification being a part of mathematics
which the war had rendered very necessary, be turned his
attention to that branch ; but after some time began to
entertain scruples about teaching what he knew only io
books, having never examined a fortification elsewhere,
and communicating these scruples to M. Sauveur, that
friend recommended him to the marquis d*Aligre, who
happened at that time to want a mathematician in his suite*
Parent accordingly made two campaigns with the marquis,
1 Eloy, Diet, Hist, de Medicme.-»Hi|tler.-*Moreri.-*-Kees's Cyclopaedia, ,
and insCrfticted himself thoroughly by viewing fortified
places^ of -which be drew a Dumber of plans, though he
had never received any instruction in that branch. From
tbia time he assiduounly cultivated natural philosophy, and
the mathematics in all its branches, both speculative and
practical ; to which he joined anatomy, botany, and che-
mistry, and never appears to have been satisfied while
there was any thing to learn. M. de Billettes being ad-
mitced into the academy of sciences at Paris in 1699, with
the tide of their mechanician, nominated for bis eleve or
disciple. Parent, who excelled chiefly in that branch. It
was soon found in this society, that he engaged in all the
various subjects which were.brought before tbem, but often
with an eagerness and impetuosity, and an impatience of
contradiction, which involved him in unpleasant disputes
with the members, who, on their parts, exerted a pettish
fastidiousness iti examining his papers. He was in parti-
cular charged with obscurity in his productions ; and in-
deed the fault was so notorious, that he perceived it him*
self, ai&d could not avoid correcting it.
The king having, by a regulation in 1716, suppressed
the class of eleves of the academy, which seemed to put
too great an inequality betwixt the members, Parent was
made a joint or assistant member for geometry; but be
enjoyed this promotion only a short time, being taken off
by the small-pox' the same year, aged fifty. He was au-«
thor of a work,entitled ^^ Elements of Mechanics and Na?
tural Philosophy ;" " Mathematical and Physical Re-
searches,'' a sort of journal, which fiirst appeared in 1705,
and wbioh in 1712 was greatly enlarged, and published m
three vols. 4to ; and ** A treatise on Arithmetic." Besides
these, he was the author of a great number of papers in
the different French " Journals," and in the volumes of the
^^ Memoirs of the Academy of Sciences," from 1700 to
1714, and be left behind him in manuscript many works
of considerable research : among these w^re some com-*
plete treatises on divers branches of mathematics, and a
work containing proofs of the divinity of Jesus Christy in.
four parts. ^.
PAREDS (David), a celebrated divine of the reformed
reli^on, was born Dec. 30, 1 548, at Frankenstein in Si-
lesia, and put to the grammar-school there, apparently;
1 Cbanfepiei— Niceron, vol. XI.— Moreri.
94 P A R E U S.
with a design to breed him to lealrning; but bis father
marrying a second time, a capricious and narrow-minded
woman, she prevailed with him to place his son apprentice
to an apothecary at Breslau ; and afterwards changing her
mind, the boy was, at her instigation, bound to a shoe-
maker. Some time after, however, his father resumed
his first design, and his son, about the age of sixteen, wai^
sent to the college-school of Hirchberg, in the neighbour*'
hood of Frankenstein, to prosecute his studies under Chris-
topher Schilling, a i^an of considerable learning, who was
rector of the college. It was customary in those times
for young^ students who devoted themselves to literature,
to assume a classical name, instead of that of their family/
Schilling was a great admirer of this custom, and easily
persuaded his scholar to change his German name of
Wangler for the Greek one of Parens, from ma^&ay a cheeky.
which Wangler also means in German. Pareus had not
lived above three months at his father^s expence, when be
was enabled to provide for bis own support^ partly by
means of a tutorship in the family, and partly by the
bounty of Albertus Kindier, one of the principal men of
the place. He lodged in this gentleman*s house, and
wrote a poem upon the death of his eldest son, which so
highly pleased the father, that he not only gave him a
gratuity for it, but encouraged him to cultivate his poetical
talents^ prescribing him proper subjects, and rewarding
bim handsomely for every poem which he presented to
In the mean time, his master Schilling, not content with
making him change his surname, made him also change
his religious creed, that of the Lutheran church, with re-
gard to the doctrine of the real presence, and effected the
same change of sentijinent throughout his^ school; but this
was not at first attended with the happiest effects, as
Schilling was expelled from the college, and Pareus's fa-
ther threatened to disinherit him ; and it was not without
the greatest difficulty, that he obtained his consent to go
into the Palatinate, notwithstanding he conciliated his fa-
ther's parsimony by assuring him that he would continue
his studies thera without any expence to his family.
Having thus succeeded in his request, he followed his
master Schilling, who had been invited by the elector
Frederic III. to be principal of his new college at
Amberg, and arrived there in 1566. Soon after he was
P A R £ U S. 95
sent, with ten of bis school-fellows, to Heidelberg, where
Zacbary Ursiuus was professor of divinity, and rector of
the college of Wisdom. Tbe university was at that time
in a most flourishing condition, with regard to every one
of the faculties ; and Parens had consequently every ad*
vantage that could be desired, and made very great pro-
ficiency, both in the learned languages and in philosophy
and divinity. He was admitted into tbe ministry in 1571,
and in May that year sent to exercise his function in a viU
lage called Schlettenbach, where very violent contests
subsisted between the Protestants and Papists. The elec-
tor palatine, his patron, had asserted his claim by main
force against the bishop of Spire, who maintained, that the
right of nomination to the livings in the corporation of
Alfestad was vested in his chapter. The elector allowed
it, but with this reserve, that since he had the right of pa-
tronage, the nominators were obliged, by the peace of
Passaw, to present pastors to him whose religion he ap-
proved. By virtue of this right, he established the reformed
religion in that corporation, and sent Pareus to propagate
it in the province of Schlettenbach, where, however, he
met with many difficulties before be could exercise his
ministry in peace. Before the end of the year he was called
back to teach the third class at Heidelberg, and acquitted
himself so well, that in two years* time he was promoted to
the second class ; but he did not hold this above six months,
being made principal pastor of Hemsbach, in the diocese
t>f Worms. Here he met with a people more ready to
receive the dpctrines of tbe Reformation than those of
Schlettenbach, and who cheerfully consented to destrov
the images in the church, and other remains of former
superstition. A few months after his arrival he married
the sister of John Stibelius, minister of Hippenheim ; and
the nuptials being solemnized Jan. the 5tb, 1574, publicly
in the church of Hemsbach, excited no little curiosity and
surprize among the people, to whom the marriage of a
clergyman was a new thing. They were, however, easily
reconciled to the practice, when they came to know what
St.' Paul teaches concerning the marriage of a bishop in
his epistles to Timothy and Titus. Yet such was the un-
happy state of this country, rent by continual .contests
about religion, that no sooner was Popery, the common
enemy, rooted out, than new disturbances arose, between
the Lutherans and Calvinists. After the death of the elec-
96 p A R E u a.
tor Frederic III. in 1577, hit ton Louis, a very sealon
Luiberan, established every wfaere in tkiat domioioiis miiiia*>
ters of that persuasron, to tbe exclusion of the Sacrainen-
tarians, or Calvinists, by which measare Pareus lost bis
living at Hemsbach, and retired into the territories of
prince Jobn of Casiniir, the elector^s brother. He was
now chosen minister at Ogersheim^ near Fraokenthal,
ffbere he continued three years^ land then removed to Win*
zingen, near Neustadt, at which last place prince Casiniir^
in 1578y bad founded a school, and settled there all tbe
professors that had been driven from Heidelberg. This
rendered Winziugen much more agreeable, as well as ad^^
vantageous ; and, upon tbe death of tbe elector Louis, in
1583, tbe guardianship of his son, to^getiier with the ad*
ministration of the palatinate, devolved upon prince Casi*
mir, who restored the Calvihist ministers, and' Parens ob*
tained the second chair in the college of Wisdom at Hei<^
delberg, in Sept. 1584. He commenced author two years
afterwards, by printing his '^ Method of tbe Ubiquitariati
controversy;*' ^^Methodus Ubtquitarias controversisB." He
also printed an edition of the ** German Bible,** with notes,
at Neustadt, in 1589^, which occasioned a warm controversy
between him and James Andreas, an eminent Lutheran
divine of Tubingen.
In 1591, lie was made first professor in his college; u^
1592, counsellor to the ecclesiastical senate; and in 1593,
was admitted doctor of divinity in the most solemn mannen
He had already bekl several disputes against tbe writers of
the Augsburg Confession, but that of 1596 was tbe most
cotisi'.ierable, in which he had to defend Calvin against
tbe imputation of favouring Judaism, in his Commentaries
iipon several parts of Scripture. In 1595, he was pro*
moted to the chair of divinity professor for the Old Tes*-
tanient in his university ; by which he was eased of the great
fatigue he had undergone for fourteen years, in governing
the youth who were educated at the college of Wisdom.
Tossanus, professor of divinity for the New Testament, dy«
ing in 1602, Pareus succeeded to that chair, and a few
years after he bought a bouse in tbe suburbs of Heidel-
burg, and built in the gairden an apartment for his library,
which he called bis ^' Pareanum." In this he took great
delight, and the whole bouse went afterwards by that
name, the elector having, out of respect to him, honoured
it with several privileges and immunities. At tbe same
1> A R E US. ' ^1
time^ his reputation spreading'it^elf every where, brought
young students to hiov from the remotest parts of Hun-
gary and Poland.
In 1617 au evangelical jubilee w^s instituted in memory
of the church's deliverance from popery an hundred years
before, when Luther began to preach. The solemnity
lasted three days, during which orations, disputations,
poems, and sermons^, were delivered on the occasion. Pa-
rens also published some pieces on the subject, which
drew upon him the resentment of the. Jesuits of Mentz ;
and a controversy took, place between them. The fol-
lowing year,. 1618, at the instance of the States General,
he was pressed to go to the synod of Dort, but excused
himself on account of age ahcl infirmities. After this tim0
he enjoyed but little tranquillity, ' The apprehensions he
had of the ruin which his patron the elector Palatine would
bring upon himself by accepting the crown of Bohemia,
obliged him to change his habitation. He appears to have
terrified himself with a, thousand petty alarms, real or
imaginary, and therefore his friends, in order to relieve
him from this timidity of disposition, advised him to take
refuge in the town of Anweil, in the dutchy of Deux-
Ponts, near Landau, at which he arrived in Oct. 1621. He
left that place, hqwever, some months after, and went to
Neustadt, where bis courage reviving, he determined to
return to Heidelberg, wishing to pass his last moments at
his beloved Pareanum, and be burled near the professors
of the university. His wish was accordingly fulfilled; for
he died at Pareanum June 15^ 1622, and was interred with
all the funeral honours which the universities in Germany
usually bestow on their members. ,
He left a son named Philip, who wrote the life of his
father. Although Pareus was a great enemy to innovations,
yet his " Irenicum'* proves that he was a friend to conci- .
liation, and his services in promoting the reformedretigion
were very extensive. ,His exegetical- works were pub-
lished , by his son at Francfort in 1647, in 3 vols, folio.
Among these are his "Commentary upon St. Paul's iEpistle
to the Romans,*' in 1617,; which gave such offence to
James L of England, as containing some anti-mon£^rchical
principles, that he caused it to be burnt by the, common
hangman ; and the university of Oxford also condemned it.
It was refuted by David Owen, who was D. D. arid chap-
lain to John Ramsay, viscount Haddington and earl oi
Vol. XXIV. H
Holderness, io apiece entitled " Anti-taraus, sive deter-
'^minatio de jure regio habitk C^ntabfi^id^ ih scholis tfaeolo-
gicis, 19 April, 1619, contra Davidem Pkraeum, caeterbs-
que refofmatde religionis ^n'titnonaYdbds/* Caritab. 1%32,
'8vo. He had before pubRsbed " The Cbncord of a Papist
and Puritan, for the doerci6ti, depoBition, and ktlliog of
kings,'* C^tnb. 1610, 4to.*
PARE US (John PfirLiP), Soft of the preceding, one elf
the taost laborious grammariails that Germany ever pro-
duced, was born ^t Hembacb, May 24, 1576. He began
"his studies sit Neustadt, continued thetn at fieidelberg,
"ancf afterwards "visited some df the foWign tiniversities, at
*the expence of thie elector Palatine, where he was always
courteously received, not only dn account of his own merits
but his father's high re^utatioii. Among others, he re-
'iJeived great ' civilities from Isaac ;Casaubon at Paris. Ih
1612, he wis' made rector of the coUege of Neustadt, which
post be held till the plaCe was taken by the Spaniards iiF
1622, when he was ordered by thoden'ew masters to leave
the country immediately, at which tirne his library was
lalso pldndfered by the soldiers. He ptiblisHed several boo°ks
on gi^n\tbaiticat subject's, sLtid Was remarkably fond of Plau-
'tus. This Are'w him into a dispute with John Gruter, pro-
fessor'at tieiddbefrg, in 1 620, Whieh Was carried to such
a height, that neither the desolatioh which ruined both
'their urtivtefsities and their libraries, and reduced their
persons to the greatest extremities; nor even their banish-
ment, proved sufficient to restrain theif atiitnosity, or in-
'cline them to the forbearance ' of mutual sufferers. Philip
Also undertook the cause of his late fathisr against Oweri,
mentioned in the last article, V^hom'he answered in a
'piece entitled " Anti-Owetlils,'* &c. He was principal of
^several colleges, as he was bf that at tlanau in 1645. The
dedication of his^ father^s e^tegetlcal works shews him to he
living in 1 647, and Saxnis corijectures that he died the
following yfear. The satte wWt^r iftforms us that his lirst
publication was ** CastigatioU^s in brevem et maledicam
aditaonitionem Jbannis Magiri Jesuits predicantis apud
Nemetes'Spiratites,'* Heidelberg, 16()8, 8vo. This refers
to a controversy which his father had with Magirus, the
Jesuit. 'He 'wrbte also soiDe comtnentaries upon 'the "Holy
Scriptures,^' and other theological works. He published
A .Qen. Dict.-^Lif0 by hiirion.^MortH.'-'4ftxiiO*«nait.
P A R E U -S. 9»
"Maatqs,** in 1609, with notes; also a ." Lexicon Plau-
.tinum,'* in 1614; «* Analecta Plautina/* in 1617 ; a trea-
.tise <' De imitatione TerentianSl, ubi Plautum imitatus est,*'
1617; a second edition of <* Plautus/' in 1619, and of
the ** Analecta Plautina/^ in 1620, and again in 1623. R«
also published a third edition of his '^Plautus'' in I64i.
The " Prolegomena" which it contains of that poet's life,
, the character of his versification, and the nature of his co-
medy, have been prefixed entire to the Delphin edition.
Re published his answer to Gruter in 1620, with this title^
'^ Provocatio ad senatuni criticuoi pro Plauto et electis
jPlautinis;" and more of this angry controversy may be
seen in. the long preface prefixed to his ** Analecta Plati-
tina/^ He also published *^ Calligraphia Romana, sive
Thesaurus phtasium linguae Latinse," in 1620; and <^ Electa
Symmachiana, Lexicon Symmachianum, Calligraphia Syik-'
machiana,'^ in 1617, 8vo: to which we may add his father's
life, " Narratio de curriculo vit» et obitu D. Parei,'* 1633,
8vo. '
PAREUS (Daniel), son of the preceding, trod in the
«atepsof his father, applied himself vigorously to the study
of the classics, and published several laborious pieced i
for which he was obliged to Vossius, who had a great re-
spect for him, and made it his business to procure book-
sellers who would print his works. He was unfortunately
killed, in 1635, by a gang of highwaymen, or, as others say,
by some soldiers at the siege of Keiserslauteren. He was
a considerable master of Greek. His publications are, 1.
'* The Poem of Mussbus upon the Loves of Hero and Le-
ander, with notes," 1627. 2. " Mellificium Atticum," a
thick 4to, being a collection of sentences extracted from
Greek authors, which he dedicated to the university of
Oxford. 3. Medulla Historise Ecclesiasticae," in 1631 ; tq
which he added ** Notes." 4. An edition of Lucretiiis,
Fjfancfort, 1631, Svo. 5. " Historia Bavarico-Palatina,'*
1633. 6. '^ Spiciiegium subsecivum," or notes upon Quin«
tiiian, published in an edition of that author at London, in
1641, 8vo.*
PARIS (Francis), usually called the Abb6 Paris, would
not have deserved notice here unless for certain impostures
connected with his name, in which, however, he had ho
hand. He was )>orn at Paris^ and was the eldest soil of a
^ 1 Gen. Dict.*-Freheri Theatnin.— ^Moreri.-^'Saxii Onomatt.
* Gen, Diet.— Mortri.— Saxii OnomMt.
H 2
100 PARIS.
<;ounseIIor to the parliament, whom he was to hav.e suc-
ceeded in that office ; but he preferred the ecclesmsticai
profession; and, when his parents were dead, resigned
the whole inheritance to his brother, only reserving to
himself the right of applying for necessaries. He was a
^man, says the abb6 L'Avbcat, of the tnost devout temper,
. and who to great candour of mind joined great gentleness
. of manners. He catechized, during some time, in the
parish of St. Cdme ; undertook the direction of the clergy,
and held conferences with theni. Cardinal de Noailles, to
. whose cause be was attached, wanted to make him curate
. of that parish, but found many obstacles to his plan ; and
M. Paris, after different asylums, where he had lived ex-
tremely retired, confined himself in a house in the faux-
. bourg St. Marcoul, where, sequestered from the world, he
devoted himself wholly to prayer, to the practice of the
most rigorous penitence, and to labouring with bis, hands,
having for that purpose learnt to weave Istockingsi. ' He
was one of those who opposed the bull Unigenitus, and
was desirous also to be an author, and wrote ^* Explications
of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans," to the *^ Galatians,"
and "An Analysis of the Epistle to the Hebrews;" but
. acquired no reputation^ by these* He died May 1, 1727,
at Paris, aged thirty-seven, and was interred in the little
church-yard belonging to St. Medard's parish. Though
M. Paris had been useless to the Jansenists while alive, they
thought proper to employ him in working miracles after
his death; and stories were invented of miraculous cures
, performed at his tomb, which induced thousands to flock
thither, where they practised grimaces and convufsions in
so ridiculous and disorderly a manner, that the court was
at last forced to put a stop to this delusion, by ordering
the church-yard to be walled up, January 27, 1732. Some
time before, several curates solicited M. de Vintimille, arch-
. bishop of Paris, by two requests, to make judicial inquiry
into the principal miracles attribiited to M. Paris ; and that
prelate appointed commissioners 'who easily, detected the
imposture, which would not deserve a place here^ had it
not served Hume and some other deists with an argument
against the real miracles of the gospel, the fallacy of which
argument has been demonstrated with great acuteijess by
the late bishop Douglas, in his " Criterion." *
•• • ■ .
1 Diet. Hist.-*Doug1ftsVCrtterioD, .
P A R L S. ei IQI
PARIS (Matthew), an English historiani was a Bene-
dictine monk of the congregation of Clugny, in the monas-
tery of St. Alban's, the habit of which order he took in
1217. He was an universal scholar; understood, and had
a good taste both in painting and architecture. He was
also a mathematician, a poet, an orator, a divine, an his-
torian, and a man of distinguished probity. Such rare
accomplishments and qualities as these, did not fail to
place hioi very high in the esteem of his contemporaries ;
and he was frequently employed in reforming some monas-
teries, visiting others, and establishing the monastic disci-
pline in all. He reproved vice without distinction of per-
sons, and did not even spare the English court itself; at
the same time he shewed a hearty affection for his country
in maintaining its privileges against the encroachments of
the pope. Of this we have a clear, though unwilling,
evidence in Baronius, who observes, that this author re-
monstrated .with too sharp and bitter a spirit against the
court of Rome ; and that, except in this particular only,
his history was an incomparable work. He died at St.
Alban^s in 1259. His principal work, entitled " Historia
Major,*' consists of two parts : The first, from the creation
of the world to \Yilliam the Conqueror ; the second, from ■
that king's reign to 1 250. He carried on this history after-
wards to the year of his death in 1259'. Rishanger, a'
monk p{ the monastery of St. Alban's, continued it to
1272 or 1273, the year of the death of Henry HI, It was
first printed at London^ 1571, and reprinted 1640, 1684,
fol. besides several foreign editions. There are various
MS copies in our public libraries, particularly one which
he presented to Henry III. and which is now in the British
Museum. From his MSS. have also been published " Vitse
duorum Offarum, Merciae re'gum, S. Albahi fundatorum ;"
** Gesta viginti duo abbatum S. Albani;" "Additamenta
chronicoriim ad historiam majorem,'"all which accompany
the editions of his " Historia Major" printed in 1640 ar^d
1684. Among his unpublished MSS.. are an epitome of
bis ** Historia Major," and a history from Adam to the
conquest, principally from Matthew of Westminster. This
is in the library of Bene't college, Cambridge. The titles
of some other works, .but of doubtful authority, may be
«een in Bale and Pits. * '
•1 Tanner.— Bale and Pits.— Nico1son*s HistoftOal Library.
162 P A A r 8 d T.
' . ■ *
PARISOT, or NORBERT (Peter), famous for his
adventures, and bis hostility to the Jesuits, was the son of
a weaver at Bar-le-duc, of the name of PariSot, whi^re he
was born March 8, 1697, He embraced the monastic life
in 1716, and the provincial of his order going to Rome, tb
attend the election of a general in 1734, took Parisbt with
him as his secretary. In 1736 he went to Pondicherry,
and was made a parish-priest of that city by M. Dupleix,
the governor ; but the Jesuits, with whom he quarrelled,
found means to remove him from the East Indies to Ame-
rica, whence he returned to Rome in 1744. He was now
employed in drawing up an account of the religious rites
of the Malabar Christians; but, dreading the intrigues of
the Jesuits, withdrew to Lucca, where he completed his
work, under the title of ^< Historical Memoirs relatke to
the Missions into the In*dies,^^ in 2 vols. 4to. Ad this work
contained some curious discoveries of the means made use
of by the Jesuit missionaries to increase their number of
converts, he greatly offended both his own order and them^
and was obliged to quit bis country : he went first to Ve-
nice, then to Holland, and afterwards to England* where
he established in the neighbourhood of London two nianu-
factories of tapestry. From London he removed to Prussia,
and from thence into the duchy of Brunswick. Here he
was allowed by the pope to assuoie the habit of a secular
priest. He now assumed the name of the .abb£ Platel,
went to France, and from thence to Portugal, where, on
account of the persecutions which he endured, he obtained
a pension. Having completed his great work against the
Jesuits, he revisited France, and committed it to the press,
in 6 vols. 4to. Afterwards he re-entered the order of the
capuchins at Commercy, but, being of a restless disposi-
tion, he soon quitted their community, and took up his
abode at a village in Lorrain, where lie died in ^70, at
the age of seventy- three.*
PARKER (Henry) Lord Morley, a nobleman of lite-
rary taste in the reign of Henry VIII. was the son and heir
of sir William Parker, knight, by Alice, sister and heir of
Henry Level, and daughter of William Level, a younger
^son of William lord Lovel of Tichmersh, by Alianore,
daughter and heir of Robert Morley, lord Morley, who
died 21 Henry Vlth. He was educated at Oxford, but at
what college, or at what time, does not appear. After
1 Diet. Hilt.— and L'Avocat.
PARKiTR. ifi9t
lf9iung ^ vmzw^ be. i^^tjf^ tp hi^ <9^t% i/^ Nonh-
apciDton^hir^ and in the 2lst jear pf t^ie reigp, o( He^iy.
yi|I. w^ ^upuQoued t<x p^rliafji^egit by U^e title^ of lor^
Jjilojcl^y* He w(as pae pf {be ^js^ons, \?jhp, iq tbe y.?ar fpji-
lowii^, sigyed the memor^hl!^ 4^.<^lar4tiod to pppe Cj^-,
ipent V^. tjijrea.teiv^g bipi wii;ljii, th^ Iq$s, p^ h^j ^ppcemacy.
ip Epgl^ad^ ivaWss ^e cpja^s^nt^ t9 t^e kip^'s divorce, bu^
be atiU ren^^ined abigoj^e^ J^^hejcent tq the ppp.isb r^igioa.
In the 25th of the s;gi,pip reign, haying; ^ disppte fcv p,rece-
4epc.e YfMh lofd Papre. of (^l\^l^ftd, nU pretensions werei
con^rmed by Pfirliament Aptl^yr^j^Wood s^ys, that " his
younger ^eara were ^domf d wi^b a.11 kii\d of superficial
k^rpipg, especially with dr^^iatip ptoetty, and his elder
vi(itb tb^t whicb was divine." Wood adds^ that he was,
l^vingy " f^n ancient (nap^ and 'm esteem afnong the nobility,
in the lat^eif end of Hepry YIU-'* ^^^ fv^"* bis^ epitaph,
which is inserted in CoUins's Peerage, it appears that hq
died in Nov. 1556, aged eighty, His grf at grandson, Ed-r
^ard lord Morley, ^ho piarried Elizabeth, sole daughter
^nd heir of WilUapa Stanley, lo^d Montegle, had issue
Mary, who by her husband Thomas (labington, of Henlip
in Worcestershire, was fpotber pf WilUani ll^bington the
poet, and wa^ supposed ^o have been the person who wrote
to her brother William, lord Morley and Montegle, the
famous letter of warning respecting the gun-rpowder plot.
Phillips Sfiy« that pur lord Morjey w^s sent by Henry
yni. with the garter to the archduke of Austria* Of bis
works, nothing nas been published bpt ^' A Declaration oi
the 94th Psalm,'* printed by T. Berthelet in 1539. Th^
rest, lyhich remain in MS. in ihe king's library, and whosc^
titles are given in Casley's catalogue, are translations from
catholic writers, three or four livef ifrom piut^rch, and!
gully's Dream of Scipio. Waldron, in his " Literary Mu-
seuip," has ^iven a specirjjen of one of lord Morley's trans-,
lations from Boccaccio. Lord Morley is also said to have
written several tragedies and coniedies, whose very titles
^re lost, and which, as Mr. Warton thinks, were nothing
more than grave mysteries and n^oralities, which probably
would not been lost had tbey deserved, to live*
** Certain Ehimes," and the " Lives pf Sectaries,'* are
mentioned as his, but of tbepi nothing is np\y known, e^-'
cept some lines which may be seen in our authorities.^
^ Alb. Ox. vq!L I. n«w edit. — VviVa edition of Uie jtpyal aad Nobl^ AnUMrs*
—Phillips's Theatrum, by sir £. Bryd£«s.—WarU)a'8 Hist, of Poetry.
PARKER (Matthew)/ the second -protestant archbishop
of Canterbury, a very learned prelate, and a great bene-
factor' to the literature of his country, was born in the
parish of St. Saviour's, Norwich, Aug. 6, 1504.. He was
of ancient and reputable families both by the father^s and
mother's side. . His father dying when he was only twelve
years of age, the care of his education devolved on his.
mother, who appears to have spared no pains in procuring
him the best tutors in such learning as might qualify him
for the university, to which he was removed in September
1521^. He was entered of Corpus Christi or Bene't col-
lege, Cambridge, and was at first maintained at his mo-
ther's expense, but in six months after admittance that
expense was in some measurejrelieved, by his being chosea
a scholar of the house, called a bible clerk. In 1524 he
took his degree of bachelor of arts, and in 1526 was made
subdeacon, under the titles of Barnwell, and the chapel in
JNorwich fields. While at college, he had for his contem-
poraries Bacon and Cecil, Bradford and Ridley, afterwards
men of great eminence in state and church, and the two
latter distinguished sufferers foir the sake of religioa.
In April 1527 he was ordained deacon, in June priest,
and in September created master of arts, and chosen fel-
low of the college, having approved himself to the society
by his regular and studious behaviour. He now studied
the Scriptures, fathers, and ecclesiastical writers, with such
diligence and attention, that in a few years he made great
progress in every branch of knowledge necessary for a di-
vine ; and began to be so much noticed on thataccount, that
when cardinal Wolsey was looking out for men of the
greatest learning and character, to fill his new college at
O^^ford, Mr. Parker was one of those whom he selected
for this mark of distinction ; but, through the persuasion
of his friends, he declined the cardinal's offer, as did, at
the same time, his celebrated predecessor Cranmer, then
on the eve of being n;iade archbishop of Canterbury.
In 1533, when Mr. Parker had reached his twenty-ninth
year, Cranmer, who was now promoted to the archbishop-
ric, granted him a licence to preach through his province,
as the king did a patent for the same throughout the king-
dom, good and solid preachers being at that time very
* In thig and a few following dates wer have followed Mr. Masters, in bis
History of Corpus Christi college, who seems to correct Strype's dates on good
P A R K E R.^ 105
rare. The university, likewise, as he was much afflicted
with a head-ache, readily passed a grace that he might
preach covered, and showed him other marks of thetr re-
gard. We have already noticed some of bis celebrated
coDteinporaries, and it may now be added, that he lived
in great intimacy and friendship with Bilney, Stafford,
Arthur, friar Barnes, Sowode, master of the college, Fowke,
and many others, by whose means religion and learning
were beginning to revive at Cambridge. For Bilney he
had so great a veneration, that he went down to Norwich
to attend his martyrdom, and afterwards defended him
against the misrepresentations of sir Thomas More, who
had asserted that he recanted at the stake. In the above-
mentioned year (1533) he ^as sent for to court, and made
chaplain to queen Anne Boleyn, with whom he soon be-
came a great favourite, she admiring his piety, learning,
and prudence. . A- short time before her death, she gave
him a particular chiarge to take care of her daughter Eliza-
beth, 'that she might not want bis pious and wise counsel ;
and at the same time laid a strict charge upon the young
princess, to make him a grateful return, if it should ever
be in Jier power.
In July 1535 he proceeded B. D. and in the same year
was preferred by the queen to the deanry of the college of
Stoke-Clare in Suffolk, which was the more acceptable, as
affording him an agreeable retirement for the pursuit of his
studies. His friend Dr. Walter Haddon used to call it
Parker's Tusculanum. Meeting here with many super-
stitious practices and* abuses that stood in need of correc-
tion, he immediately composed a new body of statutes,
and erected a school for the instruction of youth in gram-
mar and the studyof humanity, which by his prudent care
and management soon produced the happiest effects.
These regulations were so generally approved, that when
the duke of Norfolk was about to convert the monastery at
Thetford, of his own foundation, into a college of secular
priests, he requested a sight of them for his direction.
Mr. Parker now continued to be an- assiduous preacher,
often preaching at Stoke, and at Cambridge, and places
adjacent, and sometimes at- London, at St. Paur^-cross.
•At what time he imbibed the principles of the reformers
we are not told, but it appears that in these sermons he
attacked certain Romish superstitions with such boldness,
that articles were exhibited against him. by some zealous
10« ^ ,P; A R K, E R,.
jj^pists, a^nst w|;ioia be yiildicated hioo^lf wit^p grea^
ability before the li^rd ChanceUor Audleyy wl^ QiiQpi}rage4
bim io gq on without feajr. On tbe death of queen, Ani^
In 1537, the king took bipi under his more imincfdiate ^^q^
lection, appointed him one of bis ch^plain^^^ and, up9i^
pew*modelling tbe church of Ely, nqmii^ted biof^ to oi^l
pf tbe prebends in the charter of erection.
In 163$ he made a visit to the university, ^heroy aftei
having performed his exercises with general applauae^ h%
fsommenced D. O. In 1542 be was presented by tbe^^hi^
ter of Stoke to the reqtory of A«ben iii £ssiei(, which h^
resigned in 1544, and wa^ presented to the rectory 9f Birn
mingbam All Saints, in the county of Norfolk; bi|t hi^
most important pronation that year, was %o the miuitersbip
of BeneU college, Cambridge, where he had been educatecU
On this occasion be was recommended to the society by
the king, as the (ittest person in every respect; and they
knowing his character, did not hesitate to elect him, an4
he was admitted accordingly Pec. 4, 1544. He began hii|
government of the college with making some useful ojfdon^
concerning certain benefactions and foundations belonging
to the college; and, to prevent the college goods from
being embezzled, he caused exact inventories of them
to be made, and deposited in the common chest, ordering
at the same time that they should be triennially inspected
find renewed by the master and fellow^. Finding likewise
their accounts in great confusion, oci^asioned principally
by tbe neglect of registering them in books belonging tQ
the* society, be put them into such a * method, that by
pomparing tbe rentals, receipts, expenses, &c. together,
they might at aqy tio^e appear as clear as possible, and
these be caused to be annually engrossed pn parchmept for
their better preservation. He also undertook the rey^isal of
the statutes, and reduced them to nearly their^ present
form, being assisted in this by his friend Pn Mey, the
civilian, and one of the visitors who cpnfirDied th^p^in tha
^cond year of Edward VJ. All these regulajt^ojis and
transactions, with sogae other matters relating both tp the
college and university, be caused to b^ registered in a
book, called the Black Book, ^hiph has ever si^ge beej^
in the custody of the master. The pld si^atjates yv^re in-
4eed once more introduced in the time of queen Mary,
hut continued no longer iji force thw to the first year of
.Elizabeth's reign, when the fon»^r were 9gaia Jcevivied,
P A R K £ K. 109
^ndiD iS^Sfinally reviewed, corrected, and approved bjr
faer visitors. In 1 545 he was elected vice-chancellor, ' in
which office he batd an opportunity of exerting btmseif stift
farther for the wel fare of his college and the aniversitj at
large ; and he gav<r such satisfaction, that within the space
of three years he vras elected to the same office. On his
election. Dr. Haddon, the public orator, gave him this
character to his friend Cheke, *^ cujas td gravitatem, con ^
siliutn, literas,^ 120^^1, no% experimur ;^* adding, ^^Catonem*
aut QuintQfn Fabium renatum putes.'*
In the same year, 1545, the society presented htm to
ibe rectory of Land-Beach ; but to his great mortification,
he was obliged to resign his beloved college of Stoke in
1547, although be laboured as much as possible to pre-
-vent its dissolution. To preserve, however, as far as he
could, the m€l6iOfy of its founder Edmund Mortimer, earl
of Mar<cb, he braogbt away with him his arms painted on
glass, and placed them in a window of the master* j lodge;
and secured the books of history and .antiquities, which
made part of that invaluable collection with which he after-
awards enriched his. college. The same year, and in the
forty-third of his age, he married Margaret the daughter
of Robert Harlstone, gent, of Mattishall in Norfolk, and
-sister of Simon Harlstone, who bad lived some. time at
Mendiesbam in Suffolk, where he was distinguished for his
piety and sufferings in the reign of queen M^ry. Or*
Parker had been attached to this lady for about seven years,
but they were prevented A'om marrying by the statute of
Henry VIII. which made the marriage of the clergy felony.
Mr. Masters conjectures that it was about this time he
drew up, in his defence, a short treatise still preserved in
•the college library ^' De conjugio Sacerdotum,'* and an-
t)ther against alienation of the revenues 6f the church,
^wfavch Strype has printed id his Appendix,' No. VII. It is
also probable that, on the increase of hiis family, be added
'the long gallery to the master's lodge. The lady fae^ mar-
ried proved a most affectionate wife, and had so much
sweetness of temper and amiable disposition, that bishop
Ridley -te said to have asked, ** If Mrs. Parker had a sister ?•*
intimating that he would have been glad to have married
c^ne who 'ca,me near her in excellence of character.
In 1545, wlien Kett*s rd>ellion broke out, Dr. Parker
' happened to be on a visit to iiis friends at Norwich, where
'^ke 4id gi^at service by his exhortations and sermons; aod
les . P A K K E B.
ieven yentuced into the camp o£ therebels, and, withoul
regarding the imminent danger to which this exposed bim^
boldly inveighed against their rebellioo atid cruelty, ex-
horted them to temperance, sobriety, and submission, and
placed in the strongest light every argument and warning
that was likely to prevail. To give a faithful account of
this affair,, he s^fterwards employed Mr. Nevile (see Ne*
VILE, Alexander), who wrote it in elegant Latin, and re-
ceived for his resvard an. hundred pounds. In 1550 he lost
bis most intimate friend Dr. Martin Bucer, who left him
one of his exeputors; and to. testify his great regard. for
that eminent reformer, he preached his funeral sermon.
In this, with great modesty and diffidence, he has drawn a
most ea;cellent character of: him, and indeed the whole. is
written in a style so plain and uniform, as to be much su,-
perior to the common rate of sermons in those days. It
was printed by Jugge, under the title, '^ Howe we ought
to take the death of the godly, . a sermon made in Cam-
bridge at the burial of the noble flerck, D. M. Bucer. . By
Matthew, Parker, D. of Divinitie."
In 1552. the king presented him to the canonry and pre-
bend of Covingham, in the church of Lincoln, where he
was soon after, elected dean, upon Dr. Taylor's promotion
to that see. He had before been nominated to the. master-
ship of Trinity-college, probably on the death of Dr. Red-
man in 1551, but this did not take, effect. It is also said
that he declined a bishopric in this reign. . On the acces-
sion of queen Mary, however, the scene was changed, and
be, w.ith all the married clergy who would . not part with
their wives, and conform , to those superstitious rites and
ceremonies they had so. lately rejected, were stript pf their
preferments. He bore this reverse of fortune with pious
resignation. " After my deprivation" (he says, in, his pri-
vate journal) " I lived so joyful before .God iu my con-
science,, and so neither' ashamed nor . dejected, that the
most sweet leisure for study, to which the good providence
of God has now recalled me, gave me. mugh. greater, and
more. solid pleasures, than that.fornjer busy and dangerous
kind of life ever afforded me. What will hereafter befall
me, I know not; but to God, who takes. care, of all, an.d
who will one day reveal the hidden things. of men*s hearty,
I commend myself wholly, and my pious and most qhfiste
wife, with my two most dear little 90ns.*' It appears aUo
by a MS. in the college, quoted by Strype, th^t Dr. Parker
1» A R K E R. 10J>
** lurked secretly \h those years (the reign of queen Mary)
within the house of one of his friends, leading a poor life,
"without 8«ny men's aid or succour ; and yet so well con-
tented with his lot, that in that pleasant rest, and leisure
for his stxidies, he would never, in respect of himself, have
desired any other kind of life, the extreme fear of danger
only excepted. And therein he liv^d as all other good
men thf3n did. His wife he would not be divorced from, or
put her away all tbis evil time (as he might, if he would, in
those <bays, which so rigorously required it), being a woman
very chaste, and of every virtuous behaviour, and behav*
ing herself' with all due reverence toward her husband.**
It ^may seem extraordinary that one who had so early
imbit>ed the sentiments of the reformers, and had adhered
to th(em so constantly, should have escaped the vigilance
t)f the persecut6rd ; and it is certain that strict search was
-sometimes made for'him, and that on one occasion, when
t)bUged to make his escape on a sudden, he got a fall from
his horse, by which he was so much hurt, that he never re-
corered it. Yet either from the remissness of his enemies,
•or' the kindness of his friends, he was enabled to secrete
Lifaiself, and notwithstanding the danger he was in, he
«Biployed his time in study. Among other things, it was
during this alarming interval, that he* wrote or rather en-
; lirged a treatise, supposed to be drawn up by bishop
' Ponet, in defence of priests* miarriages, against a book of
i)r. Martin's, which he caused to be printed, biit without
his name, in 1562. The title was " A Defence of Priests'
[Marriages, established by the Imperial laws of the realm
(of England ; against a civilian, naming himself Thomas
Martin, dbctor of the civil laws," &c. This work is no-
ticed in our account of Dr. Martin^ and a full account of
it is given by Strype, p. 504. Dr. Parker also employed
^ 6ome part of his time in translating the book of Psalms into
'various and elegant English' metre, which was likewise
afterwards printed, but in what year is uncertain, unless
in 1567, as mii^uted with a pen in the copy which is in the
college -library. This book, which Strype says he never
could get a sight of, is divided into three quinquagenes
with the argument of each psalm in metre placed before it,
and a suitable collect full of devotion and piety at the end.
Some copies of verses, and transcripts from the fathers and
others on. the use of the psalms are prefixed to it, with a
^table dividing them into Propheticiy Eruditorii, Consolatorii,
&c. and at the eod are ad4ed the ^ght sever^ ii tuties^ wllb
alphabetical tables to the whole. ,
On the acces&ion of queen Elizabeth, be )eft ^ bis retrei^t
in Norfolki and being on la vi§it to his friends at Oam-^
bridge^ was sent for up to tawn by hi$ old acc^.uaintanqe
and contetnjporaries at tbe university, sir Nicholl\: s Baco^,
BOW lord-keeper, of tbe great seal, and sir Williav n.Ceci)^
secretary of statef who well koew bis wor^b. 9ujt be w^ s
now become enamoured pf retirement, and suspectl ng they
designed him for some high dignity in tbe cbtircb, o\ f whiqb
however no i^ntifHation bad yet h,ee^ given^ be wrot< 3 4tb^^
many letters^, setting forth his owii inabilities and in&f-'
mities, and telling the lord-keeper in confidence} ^^ he
would mucb rather end bis days upon some sucb smaL I pr^"*
ferment as tbe mastership of bis college, a living of t% ^enty
nobles p^r a72n. at most, than to dwell in the'deam^ 9^
Lincoln, which is 200 at the least,'* These statesi^ nen,
however, still considered him as in every respect (;be * be^t
fitted for the archbishopric of Canterbury ; and tbe re^ uc^«
ance be showed to accept it, and |be letters be wrpte };, >o(h
to them and the queen, only served to convince all paf> ti^s
that they bad m^de a proper. choice. He was aecprdini g^y
consecrated on Dec. 17, .1559, in ^Ifambetb chapel, by
William Barlow, late bishop of Bath and Wells, and th ^Q
elect of Chichester ; John S^ory, late bishop of Cbichestti ^r,
and then elect of Hereford; Miles Qoverdale, bishop ^pf
£xeter, and John Hodgkin^ suffragaji bishop of Bedfort .1
'An original instrument of the rites aqd ceremonies used o,n
this occcasion, corf^$pon4ing exac^tly with. the archbishop^, s
jegister, is still carefjully preserved iii BeqeH college library; ,
jaod prov.ed of great service, wben^tbe:papis.ts, some yeani >
after, invented a story that Parfcer was cqnsecrs^ted at tb^
Nag's head inn, or tavern, in Qboapside. .That this was ^
.mere fable has been sufficiently shown by many aptbors^
and is ;acknowledged even by catholic "writers, ^i^ifig tbi^
constituted primate and metropolitan, .Dr. Parker end^^
vouired to fill the vacant sees with m^en of l^^rning ;a|[i4
piety, who were well affected to tbe refprmation ; ,and spofi
.after his own consecration, bec^oQseorated in bis chapel s^t
Lambeth, Grindal, bishop of J^ondon ; >Cox, bishop of Ely,;
Sandys, bishop of Worcester; Jewell, b^bpp <;>f .^aUsburyj
mad several others.
* These letters are printed in' Bur- of his '* Antiqnitates'' in tbe Lambeth
vet's Hmlory of the Reformation, Uuttbe library,rp|th many other^cnriojis^iy
•rif inals are in tbe arohbishop's copy ' docnmeixts resjpectiog him.
Tti€ sifb^tient history of an^bishop Porktr is tbit of
the church of Er>gIaiKl. He had assisted atherfoundatioR,
and for the remainder of his Kfe had a principal hand in
ibe superstructure. Referring^ however, to ecclesiastic
histoiyj and particularly to Strype's invaluable vo1u«b«, for
the full details of the archbishop's conduct, we shall confine
ourselves to a few of the most prominent of tiiose measures
in which he was personally ^concerned* Soon after bis oon«-
^isecration he veceived a letter from^^e celebrated Calvin,
ih which that reformer said that << be rejoiced in the hi^«.
piness of England^ and that God had raised up so gracious
a queen, to be instrumental in propagating tbe true faifih
^f Jesus Ohrist, by restoring the gospel, und expelling
-idoiaitry, together with the bishop of Rome's usurped
^wer." And then in order to unite protestants together,
-as he had attempted before in king Edward'iEt ^ign, he
intreated tbe archbishop to prevail with her miyesty, to
"•tfmmon a geheral assembly of all tbe {M-otestant clergy,
whete^oever dispersed ; and that a set form and method
(natfiely of public service, and government of the cburcb)
"toiight be established ^^ not only within her dominions,
but also among all the reformed and evangelical chm'ches
^abroad. Parker commanicated this letter to the queen^s
'^council, and they took it into consideration, and desired
'^e archbishop to return thanks to Calvin ; and to signify
^ihat they thought his prq)osals very fair and desireabit,
but as to church-government, to inform bim, that the
iihurch of England would adhere to the episcopal form.
Thle death of Calvin prevented any farther intercourse on
^thfs subject, but Strype has brought sufficient evidence
that -Calvin was not absolutely averse to episcopacy, and
-that be was as zealous for uniformity^ as our archbishop,
iN^ho has been so much reproached for his endeavours to
promote it.
In 1560, Parker wrote a letter to tbe queen, with the
concurrence of tbe bishops of London and Ely, exhorting
her majesty to marry, which it is well known she declined.
He also visited several dioceses, in some of which he
* It is worth the noUee of tliMevlfo the refotmen, «nd that no man «»■•
Tail against Parker for bis ondeaTOurs ceired that religion would be benefited
to prdmote uniformity, and his conse- by being split into an hundred sects,
i|«eBt fa«rB)i treatment of the Paritans, with as many difftrent ways-of thinU
that in those d«y» tun etiaibUtknmnt of ing, and petty diurch goTernmeota.
■ome description was the object of all'
found ' tbe cBorches miserably supplied with preacbeHtf^
The bishop, of Ely certifiefd, that of 152 livings in his dio^
cese, fifty-two only were duly served ; and that there were
thirty-four benefices vacant^ thirteen that had neither rec-
tors nor vicars, and fifty-seven that were enjoyed by non-
residents. This was not owing to the popish clergy beiog
deprived of their benefices, for the number so deprived
did>not exceed two hundred in the whole kingdom; but
the truth was, that- at the conclusion of Mary's reign the
great bulk of the clergy were grossly ignorant, and it was
long before the universities were encouraged to furnish a
series of learned divines.
In 1561, archbishop Parker and some of the other pre-
lates made an application to the- queen against the use of
images, to which hter majesty still discovered a very great
inclination, and it may be inferred that they induced her
to change her opinion on this matter, from tbe anecdote
given in our account of deaaNowell, who incurred her
'displeasiire by only presenting her with a prayer-book,
illustrated with engravings. In other respects she adhered
to many of her father's notions,^ and when about this time
•she took a journey into Essex and Suffolk, she expressed
great displeasure at finding so many of the clergy married^
and at observing so many women add children in cathedrals
and colleges. ' She had, indeed, so- strong an aversion to
matrimony in the clergy, that it was owing to Cecil's cou-
rage and dexterity, as appears by a letter of his to Parker,
that she did not absolutely prohibit the marriage of all
ecclesiastics. He was> however, obliged to consent to an
injunction, '^ that no head or member of any college or
cathedral, should bring a wife, or any other wonian, into
the precincts of it, to abide in the same, on pain of for*
'feiture of all ecclesiastical promotions." Archbishop Par-
ker took the liberty to remonstrate with the queen against
this order, and on this interview she treated the institution
of matrimony with contempt, declared to him that she re-
pented her making any of them bishops, and wished it had
been otherwise ; nay, threatened ' him with injunctions of
another nature, which his grace understood to be in favour
of the old religion; In his letter to Cecil on this occasion^
he assures him that the bishops have all of them great rea-
'son to be dissatisfied with the queen; that be repents his
having engaged in the station in which he was; atid that
the reception which he had from her' majesty the day
F A a K K H. 11$
before, h«d quUe iodUpc^ed bim for nU other business, and
he could Qoly looQrQ to God in the bitterness 6f his sou};
bat if abe went on to £urce the clergy to any compliance^
they muat obey God rather than men, and that m^any of
them had cop^ience and courage epough to sacrifice their
lives in defence of their religion.
But, whatever our archbishop might suffer from the des*-
potic caprices of the que^n^ he had yet moi:e trouble with
the di^seotions which appeared in the diurch itself, and
n^ver cfiased to prevail, in a greater or less degree, until
the w^le fabric wa$ overturned in the reign of Charles I.
These first appeiMred in the opposition given t,o the efscle*
siastic habits by a considerablie niimber of divines, and
those wen of worth aad piety, \yho s(c»emed to be of opinioi)
that pppery might consji^t in 4re$s as well as doctrine^ By
virtue of the clause in the act of uniformity, which gav^
the queen a power of adding aqy other rit^s and c^remo*
nies she pleased> she 3et forth inji^nctions ordering tbMt thi9
clergy should wear seemly garmentsi, sqjuaitQ cap$, and
copes, whiph bad been laid asi4e in the reign of Hing Ed-t
war4. Many. conformed to tbe&e in every ^iroum^rice,
but others refused the cap and surplice^ Qon^id^nng the?)
as relics of popi^ry, and therefore, b^th aupi^ratitic^s aad
niijfuK The queen, enraged, at tbi^ oppoaiitioat which wa^
favoured even by some of her courtiers, wri9te a- lettec to
the two archbishops, reflecting with spin^ acriiaony on< it,
as the eijEect of remissness in the bishops ; and. requiring
them to confeir wi(b her ecol^^i^stica) qom^mi^sion^rs, thac
an exact oirder and ouiformity might be mP^Otaioed in all
external xit^s and cereippni^s ; and that none b^r^s^ftec
should be admitted t^ any ocpleaias^tical pr^ermei^it, hi^t
those who were disposed to obedW^QQ m thia re9[>eQtV
Arvhl>i^hop Parker, aooorrfiogly^ wilh the a^ff^f^^^® ^f-
s^v^i»l (of bis brethren, drew up ordiflanojjs for. the dw^
order in pre^jihifig and adwipis^e^ing tti^ ^<rram^ft^j J>nd:fori
the apparel of persori* ecglewft^tical. Ao^ort^i vug to tbi^ei th«
pre^ph^rs wpre. directed to study «difi<;qktift0,.and:tp mam^i^
cpntroyerpy with sobriety; exhorjii^g tii^ p^ojple to frei^;
q^j^nt the commnniop, and to ob.(^y. the laws, ai)d ibe.
queen's injon9tioQ9p AH the liceucjes for preaobing weir©
declaried void aQd.of no. effect, bu^t wt^^.to be renewed to
such .as theif bishops thought ^oxtby of the offi?^ ; and
si^ph «s preached unbound doqtrine were tq be deooupoed,
19 the bishop, an4i>Qt ooo^radict^ ift.thc ohorch. Thi^t
Vol. XXIV. I
who bad licences were to preach once in three months ;
and those who were unlicensed, were to read homilies. In
administering the sacrament, the principal minister was to
wear a cope, but at all other prayers only the surplice ; in
cathedrals they were to wear hoods, and preach in them ;
the sacrament was to be received by every body kneeling ;
every minister saying the public prayers, or administering
the sacraments, was to wear a surplice with sleeves ; and
every parish was to provide a communion-table, and to
have the ten commandments set on the east wall above it.
The bishops were to give notice when any persons were to
be ordained, and none were to be ordained without de»
grees. Then followed some rules about wearing apparel,
caps, and gowns ; to all which was added, a form of sub*
scription to be required of all who were admitted to any
office in the church ; that they would not preach without
licence, that they would read the Scriptures intelligibly,
that they would keep a register-book, that they would use
such apparel in service-time especially as was appointed,
* that they would keep peace and quiet in their parishes,
that they would read some of tbe Bible daily, and in con-
clusion, that they would observe* uniforniity, and conform
to all the laws and orders already established for that pur-
pose ; and to use no sort of trade, if riieir living amopnted
to twenty nobles.
It might have been expected that these ordinances
would have pleased the queen, as being in conformity with
her wishes, and, in fact, in answer to her orders ; but the
opponents of the habits, who began to be called Puritans,
applied to their friends at court, and especially to her
great fa^rourite Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, who pre-
vailed so far with her niajesty, that all her former resolu-
tion disappeared, and she refused to sanction the ordi-
nances with her authori^, telling tbe archbishop, that the
oath tof canonical obedience was sufficient to bind the in-
feriof i&lergy to their duty, without the interposition of the
crowti. The archbishop, hurt at such capricious conduct,
and at being placed in such a situation between the court
and the church, told Cecil, that if the ministry persisted
in their indifference, he would '^ no more strive against
the stream, fume Or chid^ who would ;^* and it is most prOf
bable his remonstrances prevailed, for the above ordi-
nances were a few days after published, under the name
#f Advertisements ; and he then proceeded upon them wit^
P A tl K E R. Us
that zeal which procured him from one party the reproach
of being a persecutor, and from the other the honour of
being a firm friend and supporter of the church-estabiish-
ment. The particular -steps he took, the trials he insti-
tuted, and the punishments he inflicted, are detailed at
length by Strype and other church-^historians ; but on the
merit of his conduct there is great diversity of opinion.
It has been said, both in excuse and in reproach of his
measures, that he was too subservient to the queefi. To us
it appears, that he took as much liberty in advising 'th6
queen, and in contending with her humours, as any prelate
or statesn^an of her reign, and that what he did to pro-
mote uniformity in the church arose from a sincere, how-
ever mistaken opinion, that uniformity was necessary to the
advancement of the reformation, and in itself practicable.
All that is wrong in this opinion tnust be referred to the
times in which he lived, when no man conceived that an
established church could flourish if surrounded by secta-
ries, and when toleration was not at all understood in its
present sense.
He continued to struggle with the difficulties attending
his oflSce and measures, until his seventy-first year, when,
finding himself in a declining condition, he signed his
Will April 5, 1575, and died on May 17 following. He was
buried in his own chapel at Lambeth, with a Latin inscrip-
tion by his friend Dr. Walter Haddon : but this was de*^
molished, and his bones taken up and scattered, during the
usurpation ; nor was it known what became of them till
they were discovered by Dugdale, in archbishop Bancroft's
time, who again replaced them in the midst of the area of
the chapel, as a small marble stone facing the altar, with
this inscription upon it, now denotes, ** Corpus Matthaei
archiepiscopi tandem hie quiescit f ' the monument itself,
with an epitaph upon it of his own drawing up, being since
temOved into the anti-chapel.
Concerning his learning and zeal for the promotion of
learning, there is no difference of opinion. His skill in
ancient liturgies was such, that he was one of the first se-
lected to draw up the Book of Common Prayer; and when
he came to be placed at the head of the church, he la-
boured much to engage the bishops, and other learned
men, in the revisal and correction of the former transla-
tions of the Bible. This was at length undertaken and
tarried on under his direction and inspection, who assigned
I 2
116 p A R |C E p.
.particular portions to each of hif assistantf, which he after-
wards perused and corrected, and spared no pains in get-
.tipg it completed. It was first publisbed in 1569} and h;|s
usually been called the *' Bishop's ^ible,'* an^ ran its
course with the Geneva tr^sj^tion, until the present ver-
sipn was executed, in the reign of \Xug James. He also
published a *^ Saxon homily on the Sacrament/' trans-
lated oiit of Latin into that langufige, by £lfrlc a learned
abbot of St. Alban's^ about 900 years before ; with two
epistles of the same, in which is not the least mention of
the (ioctrine of transubs^antiation. He was the editor also
of editions of the histories of Matthew of \Vestminster and
Matthew ofParis^ and of various other works, enumerated
.by Tanner ; some of which were either composed by him,
or printj^d at his expence. The work on which he if
thought to have spent most time was that ** I)e Antiqui-
itate Britannic® Ecclesiis /' but his share in this is a disputed
point among antiquaries. In his letter to the lord treasu-:
rer, to whom he presented a copy, he speaks of it as hif
own collection, which had been the employment of his
leisure houri^. Dr. Drake likewise, in the preface to bis
edition of it, quotes a letter of the archbis||ip{>'s in tbe|
pollege-library, in which he expressly styles it, *' My booi(
of Canterbury Predecessors;" and archbishop Bramball
was of opinion, that the conckision of the preface proved
Parker himself to have been the author. But notwith^
standing these testimonies, the matter is (i|oubtful. SeU
deh was the first who called it in question, although with-
out giving his reasons ; and sir Henry Spelman considered
Dr. Ackworth to have been either the author or collector
of the work. Archbishop Usher thinks that Ackworth wrote
only the first part, concerning the British antiquities ; and
he, Selden, and Wharton, ascribe the lives of the arch-
bishops to Josselyn, and make Parker little more than tb^
director or encourager of the whole. And this certainly
seems to be confirmed by the copy now in the Lambeth-
library. This copy, which originally belonged to that li-
brary, but was missing from the year 1720, was replaced
in 1757 by Dr. Trevor, bishop of Durham, who found
it in the Sunderland-library. This, which Dr. Ducarel
thought the only perfect one existing, contains- many
manuscript papers, letters, a.nd notes, respecting arch*
bishop Parker and the see of Canterbury; and, ainpog
tiiese, soo^e proofs that Ackworth and Josselyn bad ^ c^n-
P A H K E r: in
^der^ble sfaftri lA the eornntpositidn of the woVE A,t tbel
beginning o6St Augustine's life we find this note: ^' These
94 pages' of St Atigustine*s Hfewere thus begun by George-
Acworib Dr. of taiws^ at n the appointment of Matthe\f
Kavker Abp. df Cdfit« and' the lives of all the arch-
bishops should hi^ve in thi^ course been perfected — (sonie
words not intelligible) — ^but deth prevented it." This Dr.
AckWorth, ais we b^ve memj'oined in our account of him
(vol. i.) ttna^ alive in VSl^y bttt how long after is not known;
bnti as thiB i^ a y^ar aftev out' prelate's death, there seems
iome di^divy in undersiat^ding the latter part of thjs^
■otie, witkouC adopting arobbi^bop Usher's opinion above
mSentioned; We aftso find in the Lambeth copy, on the'
title-pageof the Irii^tQry, the following note-: << This His-
torife was oollMted and- penned by John Jotsselyn, one of
the sons €^ sk" Tliomas Jt>s6elyn) knight, by the appoint-^
fiiem and oversigiit of Matthew Parker archbishop of Cant.-
tjle said Jobm beitlg- entertained in the said archb. house,
a» One of bifr aotiquaries, to whom, besides the allowance
arfforde^ to biiii in his howse, he gave to hym the parsonage
df Bollinborn in Kent,'' &c. .
It seettis probable therefore that Parker planned this-
iroffe, ilnd s^uppHed his assistants with materials from bis!
own colie<}tiona respecting ecclesiastical antiquities. It
was printed probably at Lambeth, where the archbishop
bad an eis^blishment of printers, engravers^ and iitu«-
mmatorsr, ih ai folio, volume, in 1572. The number of.
copies piriinted appears to have been very small, some
tbfilk nbt7 more than four or ilve^ lor private distribu-
tion; but tbifs: must be a mistake; for Dr. Drake men-
tions bis having consulted twenty^one copies, most of
whiieb, He add^, were imperfect. The copies ettant^
however, in a perfect state, are very few: Strype mentions
only five, and one of these, which he calls the choicest of'
aVl, belonged to archbishop Sancroft, came afterwards into
tW b$mdsvof-Mr. Wharton, and appears to be the one
n0w at Latubeth. There is a very fine copy in the British
Museum, bo^nd io green velvet eutbroidered, which ap- '
piaafK to have been the presentation-copy to qu^en Eliza-
bolb. A bad edition of the work was published at Har^over
'\%\^0^\ afod a Very elegant one by Dr. Di^£ike in J 729,
folio. Iti 1574, a short lite ef archbishop Parker was pub-
lished abroad, most probably by one of his eneitiies among
the puritans, iind«fr the title ^< The Life of the 70 Arch<*
lis P A R K E B.
hUhopp of Castcrboryy preieiidj settings En^khedy and
to be added to tbe 69 lately sett forth in Latin. This
number of serenty is so complete a oninber as it is great
pitie tber sbonld be one more : bnt that as Angnstin was
the first, to Matthew might be the last.** Of this scnrri-
loos publication an account may be seen in the '^ Besti-
tota,** vol. I.
To tbe oniversity of Cambridge, and particulariy to
Ills own college, be was a most munificent benefactor,
founding, at bis own expence, many fellowships and sebo*
Jarsbips. He was also tbe founder of tbe first Society of
Antiquaries, over which be presided during bis life, and in
this oiEce was succeeded by ^ archbishop Whitgift. He
bad the taste and spirit of an antiquary from his earliest
years, and employed bis interest, when he rose in tbe
world, as well as bis fortune, in accumulating collections,
or transcripts of manuscripts, from tbe dissolved monas*
teries. In bis library is a letter from tbe privy-council,
dated July 1568, signifying tbe queen*s pleasure, that the.
archbishop, or bis deputies, sbould be permitted to peruse
all tbe records of the suppressed houses. The greatest
favour, tberefore, which be conferred on literature, was
the invaluable collection of MSS. and printed books which
he gave to bis college, and which is there still preserved.
Fuller styled this collection ^^tbe Sun of English Antiquity^
before it was eclipsed by tbat of sir Robert Cotton,** and
justly, as it contained more materials, relating to the civil
and ecclesiastical history of this kingdom, than bad ever
been collected, Tbe manuscripts are of tbe eleventh,
twelfth, thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth, and sixteenth
centuries. Some are as old as tbe tenth, ninth, ^ and
ejghth. They relate to the writings of the fathers and
sphodl-divinity, to civil and ecclesiastical matters, to the
concerns of various religious houses, of the university, &c.
Many of them are in tbe old Saxon character, and they
are all well described in Nasmith*s Catalogue. A copy ^
his will is preserved in the College-library, as are tw^
I)ictures of him in oil, with a beautiful one iu water-co-
ours, taken in the seventieth year of his age, at the end^
of the college-statutes. His only surviving son, John, was
knighted in 1603, and died in 1618, but diere is nothing
remarkable in his history; and the family is now. thought
^o be extinct. '
I Strype*s Lifv.— Mtaters't Hist, of C. C. C. C. — Biog. Brit • Tery cupey*.
PARKER (Robert), wigts a puritan divinQ of con^f-
.deffable learmng and reading, but bis early history is very
variously represented. Mr. Brpok, lo^iis late ^^ Lives (^
tbe Puritans/' places bim as rector of North- Benflete, ift
Essex, in 1 57 1, on the authority of Newcourt, but New^
court is evidently speaking of a Robert Parker, who held
Bardfield*parva in 1559, and must have been a diiferent
person.. Ou the other band, Mr. Masters, in his History
of C. C. G* C. informs us that he was in 1581 a pensioner
of Bene't collie, Cambridge, and was made scholar of
the house in 1583, at which time he published a copy of
. Latin verses on the death of sir William Buttes, and suc*-
ceeded to a fellowship in the latter end of tbe year follow-^
ing. He was then A* B. but commenced A. M. in 1585,
and left the university in 1589. Both his biographers agree
.that the person they speak of was beneficed afterwards at
Wilton, in Wiltshire, and the author of '* A scbolastical
Discourse against symbolizing with Anti*christ in cere*»
monies, especially in the sign of the Cross," printed in
1607, without a printer^s name, consisiing of near 400
pages closely printed in folio. In this he appears to have
employed very, extensive reading to very little purpose,
aecordiog to Dr. Grey; and even Mr. Pierce, in bis ^< Vin-
dication of tbe Dissent^rsf" owns that ^^ bis fancy was
somewhat odd as to his manner of handling his argument."
Iticontained at the same time matter 90 very offensive, that
a proclamation was issued for apprehending the author,
who, after many narrow escapes, was. enabled to take re-
fnge in Hojlaod. Here i^Oine of his biographers inform os
that he was chosen minister of tbe Engliah church at Aoir
aterdam ^ but tbe magistrates of the city, being unwilling to
disoblige the king of England by continuing him their
pastor, he removed to Doesburgh, where he became chap-
lain to tbe garrison. Others tell us that he would have been
chosen pastor to tbe English church at Amsterdam, had not
.the magisjtrates bieen afraid of disobliging king James.
According to Mr. Brook, it would a|>pear tbat he had pubr
Jished his work *^ De Descensu" before he left England,
Jbmt we can more safely rely on Mr. Masters, who had seen .
tbe bo(^, and who inform^ ustbat it was while he was at
Amsterdam tbat he publi^ed a treatise, >^ De Descensu
iicial aiticle.-^Le Neve's Protestant Bishops.— Burnet's Hist uf tbe Reforma.
tion.— MS Letter of Dr. Ducarel's, &c. &c. , See also various ourioui fii^f^*
jUcttUrt in Lysoiis's Envirunsj the ^isiory vf Lamiieth, ^c»
'■' 5^
>domini nonfari Jesa Gbristi ad Inferos^" 4to^ M&iiili bad
1>een begun by. fab learncki friend Hvgb Sotndford, who
iinding deatb iipproacbing) comoiitt^d tbe peiiiectirrg of it
to bioi. This be wa& about to do When compellvd to leait^
Englaml. His prefhce is dated Amsterdam,. Ded.> 30^ 1611.
He was also the autb6r of a traadse ^' De PoUtia Eeete-
«iastica Cfaristi et Hierarcbicaoppdsita^*' published in 16l'6,
at which time he bad been dead two years. Ke is indeed
here represented ^' as an emimdnt serranl of Christ, callied
jbotne to rest from his labonrs in' tbe midst of his course.**
The Bodleian catalogue assigns to him t^o other post-
bumous works, ^^ A Discourse concerning PuntanV' 1641,
4to^ and ^' Tbe Mystery of tb^ Vials opened in tbe \Mh
chapter of the Revelatiofns.*' He left a son, ThomsM,
author of a wofk called '^^ Mieibodus gratitiB'ditiU{6 it^ ^tna^
dtjctione bominis peccatoris ad vitan^" Lond. 1657^ Hyo,
'which the editor considered as a work of importance by tbe
care be took to c6llate four MS copies. Brodk say's hie
wrote also <* Meditations on the Pfo^ecy of Daniel,'^ ftAd
died in 1677, in New England, to whicii fae went in 1634,
io avoid the consequence^ of nonconforimity at botfie. *
PARKER (Samuel), a t&kn of sodio learning, and nb
contemptible writer, but of despicable dbatiiot^f, was bcffti
an Sept. 1640, at Northampton, where bis father, John
Parker, then practised tbe law. John bad \teen bfsed to
that profession in one of tbe Temples at London, slnd i^
dining to the parliament against the king, wtts prefen^eii
to be a mtoilier of the high court of jumiide in 1€49, in
ivbich office he gave sentence i^inst the thuee lords, Ca-
pel, Huiland) and Hamilton, who were bebeaded. During
■Oliver's U9urpati6n be was made an assistant committee-
man for his county* In 1650, be published m book in de<-
/ence of the new government, as a common wetflKhi wicfaw
€)ut a king or hou^e of lords, entitled "Tbe Governwent
of tbe People of England, precedent and presenjt,*' with
An emblematical engraved title-page* lb Jntie 16i5,wfa6n
Cromwell was declared protector, he was appointed one 6f
the commissioners for removing obbtructioiis at WdrdentieN
bouse, in the Strand, near London, and was swom seij^Mstt
at law next day. In Jan. 16.59, he was appointed hf ^t
rump-^pttfliament onfe of tbe barons of th^ ^mbequetr; bt^
* Master's Hist, of C. C. C'C. — Broi»k*fi Lives of th€ Puritiins*— ^ie*l>g P#-
rifcana* mitik Orey's ExtiiimdiiflAi, vol. L
If A B K E K. 121
Upon a ocfQtiplaint againit h\tti^ wad soon afb^ disiilaced.
His cbaracteri hofwiever^ appearrs to have been midh^ that
he was again made i^gQlarly sex^eant at Uw, by the re-
commendatioti of chancellor Hydei at the first call after
die return of Charles IL
His son, Samuel, tbe i»ub}eotv of the present article, was
educated among the Puritans ti Northampton ; whence,
when prepared for tbe university, he was sent to Wadlilam'*
college in Oxford, and addditted, in 1659, under a pres-^
byterian tutor. While here be affected to lead a strict and
reHgioas life, entered into a weekly society, then called
the gruellers, because their chief diet waa wafcer-grael;
and it was observed ** that he put m^ire graves into his
porridge than ^U the rest.'* This society met at a house
in Holywell, where he was so zealous and constant an at-
tendiant upon prayers, sermons, and aacramentSi that he
was est^^emed one of the most vaioable young men in tbe
university. He took the degree B. A. Feb. 28, 1 660. At
the titue of the restoration he was a vibl^nt independent,
and as forborne time be eontintied to rail against episco-
pacy, he was mueh diseountenanced by the new warden,
Dn Blandford. Upon this he nemoved to Trinity college,
wb6rei by the advi<^^ of Dr. Ralph Bathtirst, then a senior
fellow of that society, b6 was induced to change his opi-
nions, and became as violent against the nonconformists as
he bad ever been for them. He afterwards thanked Dr.
Balhurst for having restored him '^ from the chaiiis and
fetters of an unhappy education." He now proceeded
M.A. in 1663, add .having taken! orders, resorted fre«
gueutly to Londt>n, and became chaplain to a nobleman,
whom be atliuaed by his humourous sallies at the expenco'
of his old fri^dds tbe prtdsbyteriiiiTs, independents, &c.
Mason was R0.y6r more mistaken than when in his ^* Ode
to Independence" be misntions him by the epithet *^ mitred
dullness." Parker was undoubtedly a man of wit, and
although Marvel! was his match, y^t the success of the
latter was not a litde owing to his having tbe best cause*
In 1665 he was elected a fellow of the royal society, and
published about th^ same time some phyricb-^theological
assays, in Latin, with tbid title '^ Teotaihina Pbysico-Theo<^
logica de Deo ; sive Tbeologia Scholastica, ad normam'
nov8^ et reformats^ pbilosophite cohcinnata," Lond. 1665,
4tov This he dedicated to archbishop ShjeMon. . The work
iras attatked by N. Fairfax, M. D. in a treatise with tbe
122 P A R K £ It
wbinisical tide of <^Tbe Bulk and Selvedge of the World.**
Ill 1666 he published ** A free and impartial Censure of
tbe Platonic Philosophy ;" and shortly after '< An account
of the nature and extent of the Divine Dominion and Good-
ness, especially as they refer to the Origenian hypothesis
"coticerning tbe pre-existence of souls, together with a
special account of tbe vanity and groundlessness of tbe hy^-
pothesis itself/' Oxon; 1666, 4to. About Micbaelfnas, 1667,
archbishop Sheldon appointed him one of his chaplains, a
proof that at this time be was in estimation ; and this seems
to have led the way to higher preferment. He now left
Oxford, and resided at Lambeth, under the eye of his pa<^
iron; who, in June 1670, collated him to the archdea^
conry of Canterbury, in the room of Dr. Sancroft, after*
wards archbishop. On Nov. 26, the same year, having accom-
panied William prince of Orange on his visit to Cambridge,
he bad the degree of D. D. conferred upon him. On Nov. 1 8,
1672, he was installed prebendary of Canterbury ; and had
the rectories of Ickham and Chartham, in Kent, conferred
upon hi in by the archbishop about the same time. About
this time he published some of those writings against the
presbyterians which involved him in a controversy. The
iirst of these was his ** Discourse of Ecclesiastical Polity,
wherein tbe authority of the civil magistrate over the con*
sciences of subjects in matters of external religion is as^
serted." This was first answered by the anonymous author
of ^* Insolence and Impudence triumphant," &:c. 1669; and
by Dr. John Owen, in "Truth and Innocence vindicated.**
He then published " A Defence and Continuation of Ec-
clesiastical Polity (against Dr. Owen)," Lond. .1671, 6vo $
" Toleration discussed,'^ &c. 1670, 4to; " A DisCourset in
Vindication of bishop Bramhall and the Church of Eng-*
land, from the fanatic charge of Popery," &c. This was
prefixed to a ^ Treatise" of the said bishop, written in hii
bwii defence, 1672, 8vo. A humourous censure of this
piece being published by Andrew Marvellj entitled ^^ The
Rehearsal Transprosed," &c. our author, in the same hu*
mourous taste, wrote *^ A Reproof to the Rehearsal Trans-
prosed," 1673, 8vo. Wood, however, observes, that, " find-
ing himself beaten in this cudgelling way, his high spirit
was abated for ever after, and though Marvell replied to
fkis ^ Reproof,' yet he judged it more prudent to lay down
tbe cudgels. It put him upon a niore sober, serious, and
inodeiraie way of writing." (S^se M^rvelv) Parker'^ bst
publication Id this coDtroversy was ^* A free and impanial
Inquiry into the causes of that very great esteem and ho-^
nour the Nonconformist Ministers are in with their foU
lowers/^ 1673, Hvo. In 1678 be published bis << Disputa-
tiones de Deo et providentia divioa," &c. 4to, which is
highly commended by Dr. Henry More in the general pre*
tsLce to his works. This was followed by other works, en^
titled ^' Demonstration of the divine authority of the Law
of. Nature, and of the Christian Religion,'* 1681, 4to ;
'^ The Case of the Church of England briefly stated in the
three first and fundamental principles of a Christian Church,
i. The Obligation of Christianity by Divine Right. II.
The Jurisdiction. of the Church by Divine Right. III. The
institution of Episcopal Superiority by Divine Right,"
London, 8vo ; ^' An account of the Government of the
Christian Church, in the first six hundred years; parti*
cularly shewing, I. The Apostolical practice of Diocesan
and Metropolitical Episcopacy. II. The usurpation of pa<-
triarchal and papal authority. III. The war of two hundred
years between the bishops of Rome and Constantinople, of
universal supremacy," London, 1683, 8vo ^ *^ Religion
and. Loyalty, or, a demonstration of the power of the
Christian Church within itself, supremacy of sovereign
powers over it, and duty of passive obedience and nonr
resistance to all their commands, exemplified out of re^*
eords,^' &c. 8vo ; and the year following, the second pari
of the same work, containing ^* the history of the concur-
rence of the imperial and ecclesiastical jurisdiction in the
.Government of the Church, from the beginning of the
reign of Jovian to the end'Of Justinian," 1685, 8vo.
As he thus'by his writings, as well as personal conduct,
maintained an unreserved obsequiousness to the court, du*'
ring the reign, of Charles II. so upon the accession of his
brother to the throne, kp continued in the same servil^
complaisance ; and it was not long before he reaped the
fruits of it in the bishopric of Oxford, to which be was
nominated by James 11. on the death of Dr. Fell in 1686,
being allowed to hold the archdeaconry of Canterbury in
jcommendam. He was also made a privy counsellor, and
constituted, by a royal mandamus, president of Magdalen^
college in Oxford, a situation which amounted . to a dis*
grace, as it was in violation of the statutes, and in resist^
^nce to the lawful election. of Dr. Hough. (See Hou€»H ) •
flaying now openly rejected the 4:hurch of £nglamd|
124 P A H K £ R.
which h^ had «aeriftoed to his ambition, be became oiie' of
the Romish^ m^cenariesi prostituttng bis pen in defepcd
of transubslantiation, and the worship of saints and itaagen*
The papists, it is certain, made sure of htm as a proselyte;
one of whom, in a letter from Liege, informs his. cor-*
respondent that be even proposed in council, whether ii
was not expedient that at least one college in Oxford should
be allowed to be catholics, that they niight not be f6rced
to be at such charges by going beyond the seas^ to study.
In the same spirit, having invited two popish noblemen,
with a third or the church of England, ta dn entertaifi^
rhent, he drank the Icing's health, v^ishing a happy succesi
to all bis affairs ; adding, that the religion of the protest-
ants in England seemed to him to be- in no better a
condition than Buda was before it was takeo, and thai
tbey were next to Atheists who defended that faith« So
very notorious was his conduct, that the more prudent and
artful of the popish party condemned it Father Peter, a
JjCsnit, and privy-counsellor to king James, in a letter ti^
father la Chaise, confessor .to Louis XIY. uses these ex^
pressioos: ^^ The bishop of Oxford has not yet declared
himself openly; the great obstacle is his wife, whdm he
cannot rid himself of; his design being to. continue d
bishop, and only change communion, as it is not doubled
but the king will permit, and our holy father confirm ;
though I don't see how he can be farther useful to. u^siu<
the religion be is in, because he is suspected, and of no*
esteem among the heretics of tbe Eirglish cbdrch ; nor dty
I see that tbe example of hi^ conversion is like to dtaw^
many others aft^r hitn, because be declared bimlself, so>
s,udd:enly. If he bad believed my counsel, which ii^as to
teotiporize for some longer time, he would have done beuer ;
but it is his temper, or rather zeal, that hurried hi in 4n to
it" These two letters were first printed in a ** Third Col-.
lection of Papers relating to the present juQctt»re of affairs
in England,^' &c. 1689, 4ta^ and havd been sinee inserted^
in Ecbard's and Rapin's bistoi^ies.
His character vf^as now become ctotemiptible, amd hk-
authority in his diocese so very insignificant, that when be>
assembled his ckrgy and desired them to s^ubftcribe an
^' 4ddress of Thanks to tbe king fi» bis deotai'^iofi of Li*'
beity of Conscience,'' tbey rejected it with such ananlmity,
that be got btit one clergyman td eo^tir wifb him in it.
The last eiffbrt be ^nade to serve the ^jsurt was ]»s pub*-
. P A R K e R. i25
iisbiug << Reasons for abrbgating the Test ;*' and this pro-
duped 'a controversy, in which be was completely foiled,
bis character despised, and his spirit broken. He died nn-
l^rpeoted at Magdalen college, May 20, 1687, and was
buried in the outer chapel. He was a man of learning,
iM>d in sooie instances an acute writer*. Of that character
l^aryeirs wit cannot deprive him. But it may be allowed,
with Burnety that he was a man of no judgment, and of as
little virtue ; and as to religion, rather impious ; that he
wa? covetous and ambitious, and seemed to have no other
suiise of religion but as « politioal interest, and a subject
pf party and faction. He seldom came to prayers, or to
finy exercises of devotion ; and was so lifted up with pride
that be grewinsuflPerable to all that came near him.
It iQUst have been as the last effort of a desperate cause
when he sent a ** Discourse'' to James, persuading him to
embrace the protestant religion, with a ^' Letter" to the
same purpose, which was printed at London in 1690, 4to.
His works have but few readers at this day ; and Swift
observes, tliat /' Marvell's remarks on Parker continued to
be read when the book which occasioned them was long
ago sunk.'* He left a son of his own name, who was an
ei^cellent scholar, and a man of singular modesty. He
Qever took the oaths after the revolution. He married a
bookseller's daughter at Oxford, where he resided with a
numerous family of children ; to support which he pub->
liahed some books, particularly, I . <^ An English Transla-
tion of TuUy de finibus, 1702,'' Svo, in the preface to
which he has some aoimad versions upon Locke's Essay con-
cerning Human Understanding. 2. *^ An abridgment of
the Ecclesiastic Histories of Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen,
s^nd Theodoret," 1729. He also published a Latin ma-
nuscript of bis father, containing the history of his own.
tigie, under this title, '^ Reverendi admodum in Christo
patris Sartiuelis Parkeri episcopide rebus sui temporis com*
mentariprum Jibri quatuor," 1726, 8vo, of which, two
English translations were afterwards published, one by the
rev. Thomas Newlin, fellow of Magdalen college. But
Mr. Paifker's last and greatest work wa^ entitJed ** Biblio-
tbeca Biblica," printed at Oxford in 5 vols. 4to, the first
of which appeared ia two parts in 1720, and the fifth. in
.* Lafdoer ipeaks ia termi of r«* use of it in chapter xmcix of fans »< Tes-
•pect of his " Demonstration of tb6 limonies uf Ancient Hfathsns," vol.
itriM Authority," !atnd' makes great VILI, of his Works.
126 P A R k E ft.
* 1735| with an account of the other writings of the autbo^
and some particulars of his life, drawn up by Dr. Thomas
Haywoody of St. John^s college, to whom were attributed
most of the dissertations in the work. He describes it asr
.^* being a neW Comment upon the five Books of Moses,
extracted from the ancient fathers, and the most famous
critics both ancient and modern, with occasional annota-
tions or dissertations upon particular difficulties, as thej
were often called for." Mr. Parker died July I*, 1730,
in his fiftieth year, leaving a widow and children. The
metrical paraphrase of Leviticus xi. 13, &c. in vol. IIL
was written by Mr. Warton, of Magdalen college, father
to the late learned brothers, Joseph and Thomas Warton ;
and the ^^ Fragment of Hyppolitus, taken out of two Arabic
M8S. in the Bodleian," in the fourth vol. was translated by
the late Dr. Hunt. Mr. Parker never was in orders, as he
could not reconcile his mind to the new government; but
he associated much and was highly respected by many
divines, particularly nonjurors, as Dr. Hickes, Mr. ColHer,
Mr. Dodwell, Mr. Leslie, Mr. Nelson, and Dr. Grabe,
whose liberality lessened the difficulties which a very large
family occasioned. He appears to have had a place in the
Bodleian library, as Mr. Wheatly, in a letter to Dr. Raw-
linson^ dated Dec. 1739, says, *^ Sam. Parker's son I had
heard before was apprenticed to Mr. Clements : but the
account you give me of his extraordinary proficiency is
new. If it be true also, I hope some generous patron of
learning will recall him from the bookseller's shop, and
place him in his father's seat, the Bodleian library.'* This
son, Sackville Parker, was afterwards for many years an
eminent bookseller at Oxford, and one of the four Octo*
genarian booksellers, who died in 1795 and 1796, namely,
James Fletcher, at eighty-six ; Sackville Parker, at Weighty-
nine ; Stephen Fletcher, at eighty -two, and Daniel Prince,
at eighty-five. They were all born at Oxford, except
James Fletcher. The present worthy bookseller, Mr. Jo-
seph Parker, is nephew and succer^sor to Mr. Sackville
PARKHURST (John), an eminent prelate of the six-
teenth century, was born at Guildford, in Surrey, in 1511,
and was tfae son of Mr. George Parkhurst of that place.
■ Alfa. Ox. vol. If. — Bfcg. Brit.->Bor»el'8 Own Tines.— Gnit. Mag. Tof.
LXX. p..7.— LeUers by eminent PerscMS, 1813, 3 vols. 8vo —D* Israeli's QuftrW
rel?, vol. II. p. 174.— Crosby's Baptists, vol. II.— Nichols** Bowyer.
P A R K H U R S T. 12T
fie was educated there in the grammar-school adjoining"
to Magdalen college gate, under Thomas Robertson, a
▼ery falnous teacher. He was elected fellow of Merton
college in 1529, and three years after, proceeding in arts,
entered into holy orders; Anthony Wood says that he was
at this time better esteemed for poetry and oratory than
divinity. Yet we find him recorded in the life of Jewell,
as the tutor of that excellent prelate, who entered of Mer-
ton college in 1535, and as " prudently instilling, tog^her
with his other learning, those excellent principles into this
young gentleman, which afterwards made him the darling
and wonder of his age." Among other useful employ^
ments, we find him collating Coverdale and TindaPs trans*
lations of , the Bible along with his pupil, of whom he
conceived a very high dpinion, and on one occasion ex-
claimed *^ Surely PauPs Cross will one day ring of this
boy,'* a prophecy which was remarkably fulfilled in JewelPs
celebrated sermon there in 1560. Parkhurst, it is true,
was a poet and an orator, but he had very early examined
the controversy that was about to end in the reformation,
and imbibed the spirit of the latter. In 154S, according
to a MS note of Baker, he was presented by Thomas lord
Seymour to the rich benefice of Bishcfp's Cleve in Glou-
cestershire, which he held three years in commendam,
and where be did much good by his hospitality and charity ;
but the author of Jewell's life says that he held this living
in 1544, and when in that year Jewell commenced master
of arts, he boce the charges of it. Nor, says Jewel l*s bio-
grapher, ^' was this the only instance wherein he (Jewell)
did partake of this good man's bounty, for he was wont
twice or thrice in a year to invite him to his house, and not
dismiss him without presents, money, and other things that
were necessary for the carrying on bis studies* And one
time above the rest, coming into his chamber in the morn-
ing, when he was to go back to the university, he seized
upon his and his companions purses, saying, What money, I
wonder, have these miserable, and beggardly Oxfordians?
And finding them pityfuUy lean and empty, stuffed them
with money, till they became both fat and- weighty.'*
After the death of Edward VI. be joined the exrlei
abroad, and took up his residence at Zurich, where he
remained till the death of queen Mary. Here he met
with his pupil Jewell, and on the change of affairs in
England they intended to have retvirned together^ bu^
128 F A B K H U R S T.
Parkhur9t, thinking that Jewell bad not chosen the sa&i^
route for bis travels, lef( bim and went by himself^ tbe cod^
sequence of wbicb was tbat Parkhorst was robbed of all he
ba^ on the road^ and Jewell arrived safe in England, and
had the satisfaction of relieving tbe wants of bis fbrmer
benefactor. Soon after Parkburst arrived, be was elected
to the see of Norwich April 13, 1560, and consecrated by
archbishop Parker, &c. on Sept. 1. He held tbe living of
Cleve for some tiine after this along with bis bisbopiic«
He now married Margaret, daughter of Thomas Garnish^
of Kenton in Suffolk, esq. by Margaret bis wife, daugihter
of $ir Hugh Francis, of Giffard^s Hall in Suffolk, kin'ght.
In. 15 66, by virtue of a commission from the principal
ministers of tbe university of Oxford, directed to Laurence
Humphrey, the queen's divinity professor, he and four
other bishops were created doctors of divinity, Oct. 30, in
the house of one Stephen Medcalf in Loudon, in tbe pre-^
sence of William Standbib, public nc^ary and registrar of
the university, and others.
In the conduct of his diocese, it appears that be differed
in many respects from his metropolitan archbishop Parker,
and exerted bis authority towards tbe puritans with such
moderation, as was accounted ^^ great remissness." This
produced frequent remonstrances on the part of tbe arch-
bishop. To one of the last of these recorded l^ Strype,*
our prelate returned for answer, ^^ What I am and what
my doings are, cannot be hidden. And therefore do refet'
myself to the reports not of any one, but of all severally.
This I find by good proof, that the rough and austere,
manner of ruling doth the least good. And on the other
part, the contrary hath and doth daily reclaim and win
divers. And therefore do I chuse rather to continue my
accustomed and natural form and manner, which I know,
how it hath aiid doth work, than with others by rigour and
extremity to over-rule," &c.
Strype» on the authority of his contemporary Becaij^^'
who knew him well, gives him this character : '^ He war
naturally somewhat hasty ; but soon appeased again. He
would speak his mind freely, and fear none in a good
Qause. A true friend, and easily reconciled to any
against whom be had taken a displeasure. He appointed:
in his diocese (that was %ge) for the better oversight
thereof, ten commissaries^ to whom he, as occasion servied,
il^nt instructions for the. regulation and ordef of bis iffe^'
P A R K H U H S T. 129
He could bave been willing lo allow a liberty of officiating
in the church, to such as could not conform to some of the
ceremonies of it, looking upon them as indifferent matters ;
but upon command from aboye, he readily obeyed his
prince's and metropolitan's authority. He was a friend to
frophesjfes ; that is, to the meetings of the ministers in
several appointed parish churches in his diocese, as in St.
Edmund's Bury, &c. to confer together about the inter-
pretation and sense of the scriptures. But the queen for-
bidding it, upon some abuses thereof, the archbishop sig-
nified to him her will, and he in obedience sent to his
archdeacons and commissariesi, to have them forborn for
the future.'' *' As for his life and conversation, it was
such as might be counted a mirror of virtue ; wherein ap-
peared nothing but' what was good and godly; an example
to the flock in righteousness, in faith, in love, in peaces
in -wordy in purity. He preached diligently, and exhorted
the people that came to him. He was a learned man, as
well in respect of human learning/ as divine, well seen in
the sacred Scriptures; an earnest 'pro test ant, and lover of
sincere religion ; an excellent bishop, . a faithful pastor,
and aAvorthy example to all spiritual ministers in his dio-
cese, both for doctrine, life, and hospitality." This cha-
racter is confirmed by Bale, in the dedication to Parkhurst^
of his << Reliques of Rome," printed in 1563.
. Dr. Parkhurst died Feb. 2, 1574, and was buried in the
nave of the cathedral of Norwich, on the south side be-
tween the eighth and ninth pillars. Against the west part
of the latter was a monument, now inuch mutilated ; his
figure iu a gown and square cap, and the inscription, being
taken away during the rebellion, with the epitaph, which
is still on record in Blomefield's History of Norwich.
His works bave not mncb connexion with his profession,
ail, except his letters, being Latin poetry on sundry oc*-
casions. He was. indeed one x)f the translators of the Bi-
shops' Bible, of which bis share was the Apocrypha from
the book of Wisdom to the end ; but he is best known to
the curious by his ^' Ludicra, sive £pigrammata juvenilia,"
In 1572 he sent a copy of thes^to his old and dear friend
Dr. Wilson, master of St. Catherine's, as a new-year's gift,
and styled them his ^^ good, godly, and pleasant epigrams;"
and they were in the following year printed by Day, in u
small 4to volume* Why Anthony Wood should give thd
report that these epigrams were as mdecent as Martial's,
Vol. XXIV. K
1 sa P A B K H U R S T.
wbeo he adds at the same time that *< be cannot perceive
it»^' seems unaccountable ; but even Blomefield has adopted
this fierlse accusation. Many of them appear to have been
first printed at Zurich in 15689 whejce they were written^
and republished now. Among the commenda;iory verses
is a copy by dean Nowell, to whom two of the epigrams
are: addressed, and -who was not likdy to have comsiended
indecencies, if we could sn[^K>se our pious prelate capable
of publishing such. ^^ His epigrams,'^ says archdeacon
Churton, ^'affcM-ding notices of persons and things not
elsewhere easily found, arie on the Grecian rather than the
Rotnan model, not sparkling with wit, but grave and di>-
dactic.V The other works attributed to bishop Parkhurst
are, 1. ^^ £pigrammata in mortem duorom fratrum Suffol--
oiensium, Caroli et Henrici Brandon,'* Lond* 1552, 4to.
These were the sons of Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolk^
and died of the swearing-sickness. 2. ^^ Epigrammata
secia," ibid. 1560, which seem to be a part of bis larger
collection ; and some of them had been long before pub^
liafaed at Strasburgb, alpng with Shepreve's ^* Summa et .
synopsis Nov. Test, distichis ducentis sexagiiita compre*^*
bensa^" 3. ^* Vita Christi, carm. LaL in lib. precum pri-
vat." ibid. 1578. He also addressed Henry VIII. and
qjaeen Catherine in some complimentary verses, wbein they
were about to Visit Oxford in 1 543 ; and there is ao epkapb^
of his on queen Catherine in the chiq)el of Sudtey-castie»
Several of his letters )have been published by Strype^ and-
more in MS. are in the British Miiseum.^
PARKHURST (John), a late learned divine and lexi<-
cograpber^ was the second son of John Parkhurst, esq^ of
Catesby, in Nortbampt6nsbire, by Ricarda Dormer, daugh-
ter of judge Dormer. He was born in June 172,9, was
educated ^t Rugby school in Warwickshire, and was after-
wards of Clar^-^ball^ Cambridge^ where he took his degr^-
of B. A. in 174S, that jof M. A. in 1^512, and was many
years fellow, of his college. Being a younger brother, he
waa intended for the church, and entered into ovders, but^
becoming heir to a very considerable estate, he was re^ '
lieved from the 'Usual anxieties respecting preferment, and
was, now a patron himself. Still he continued to cultivate
^ ■ %
1 Atb. Ox. vol. 1, new edit. — ^.Tanner and Bale.— Strype'fi AQoals.— Stnrpe's
Parrkef, |>, 67. 106, 101. 192. 209. 246—8. 310. 335. t548. 368. 450. 452. 455.
460. 480.--JLif(B ot Jewell. -^Bloinefleld's Norwich. ^ Neat's PiirUa«s<i—Arch»o*
logia,ro!. IX.— Churtou's Life of Noweti, — Eeloe's AneCjdQiet, Tol. 11.
P A B K H U R S T. 131
the fttidie» becoming a clergjrman ; and in the capacity o£
a curate, but without any salary, he long did the duty,
with exemplary diligence and zeal, in bis own chapel at
Catesby, which, after* the demolition of the church of ther
nunnery there, served as a parisb-church, of which' also be
was the patron. When several years after, in 1784, it fell
to bi$ lot to exercise the right of presentation, he presented
to the vicarage of Epsom in Surrey, the late rev. Jonathan
Boucher (see BouCHBl), as one who in his opinion had
given the best proofs of his having a due sense of the
duties of his office. It was by marriage be bad become
patron of this living, having in 1754 married Susanna
Myster, daughter, and, we believe, heiress of John Myster,
esq. Of Epsom.
- In 17^3 he began his career of authorship,^ by publish-
ing in 9vo, ^^ Aisetious and friendly Address to the rev.
Jdbn Wesley, in relation to a principal doctrine advanced
and maintained by him and his assistants." This doctrine
is what is called the faith of assurance, which Mr. Park-*
huri^t objects to^ in the maooer stated by Wesley, as lead<)
ittg to presumption and an uncharitable spirit. Mr. Park*
burst's next publication was of jnote importance, ^< An
Hebrew and English Lexicon, without points; to which is
added, a methodical Hebrew grammar, without points,
adapted to the use of learners," 1762, 4to. To attempt a
vindication of all the etymological and philosophical dis^
quisitions scattered through this dictionary, would be very
fruitless; but it is not perhaps too much to say, tbat we
have nothing of the kind equal to it in the Ekiglish lan^-
guage. * The author continued to correct and improve it^
trough various editions, the last of which was publish^
ed in 1813. But his philological studies were not .con-
fined to the Hebrew language ; for be published a *^ Greek
and Engliah Leiicou,*' with a grammar, 17fi9, 4u>, which
ba^ Jikewise gone t^irongh many editions, tbe first of whiob,
in octavo^ the form in which they are now printed, was
ftuperintended by his learned daughter, the wife of i^he rev.
J^^epb TlMUnas. The continued demaiKl for both these
l0smiQ»% seems to be a sufficient proof of their merit; and
th^MT usefulflie&s to biblLoal students has indeed been gene-
/aUy acknowledged.
. Mr.' ParkUurst*$ only remaining publication was eoititled,
'^ The Divinity and Pne-«xtstenc;e of our Lord and Saviour.
Jeaiks Christ, demonstrated from Scripture ; in answer to
K 2
132 P A R K H U R S T.
the first section of Dr. Priestley's Introduction to the history *
of early opinions concerning Jesus Christ ; together witb
strictures on some other parts of the work, and a postscript
relating to a late publication of Mr. Gilbert Wakefield/'
1787, 8vo. This work was very generally regarded a»'
completely performing all that its title-page promised;
and accordingly the whole edition was soon sold off. A
very unsatisfactory answer was, however, attempted by
Dr. Priestley, in "A Letter to Dr. Home,'* &c.
Mr. Parkburst died at Epsom in Surrey, March 21, 17d7.
He was a man of very extraordinary independency of
mind and firmness of principle. In early life, along with
many other men of distinguished learning, it was objected
to him that he was a Hutchinsonian ; and this has been
given as a reason for his want of preferment. Abetter
reason, however, may be found in the circumstances of
bis acquisition of property, which rendered him indepen^
dent, and his love of retirement, which was uniform. He
always gave less of his time to the ordinary interruptions
of life than is common. In an hospitable, friendly, and
pleasant neighbourhood, he visited little, alleging th^t such
a course of life neither suited his temper, bis healthy or
brs studies. Such a man was not likely to crowd the levee
of a patron. Yet he was of sociable manners; and bis
conversation always instructive, often deligrhtful 'y for has
stores of knowledge were so large, that he has often beeti
called a walking library. Like many other men of infirm
and sickly frames, he was occasionally irritable and quick,
warm and earnest in his resentments, though never unfor-
giving. Few men, upon the whole, have passed through
a long life more at peace with their neighbours, more re*
spected by men of learning, more beloved by their friends^
or mere honoured by their family.
' Of his strict sense of justice, the following has been re-
' lated ^ a very striking instance. One of bi| tenants fall^
ing behind-hand in the payment of bis rent, wluch was
SOOL per annum, it was repitiserited to bis landlord that it
was owing to bis being over*rented. This being believed
to be tbe case, a new valuation was made ^ and it was then
agreed, that, for the future, the rent should not be more
than 450/. Many in his situation would have stopped here,
iand considered the sacrifice as sufficient. Mr. Parkburst,
. however, justly inferring that if the farm* was then tdo
dear, it must necessiarily have been, always too dear,.
P A R K H U R S T- 13$
unasked^ and of his own accord, immediately stracfc off
60L from the commencement of the lease, and iastantly
refunded all that he had received more than 450/.
Mr. Parkhurst was in his person rather below the middle
size, but remarkably upright, and firm in his gait He
was throughout life of a sickly habit ; and his leading a life
8o remarkably studious and sedentary (it having, for many
years, been his constant practice to rise at five, and, in
winter to light his own. fire), to the v^ry verge of David's
limits of the life of man, is a consolatory proof to men of
similar habits, how much, under many disadvantages, may
still be effected by strict temperance and a careful regimen.
Mr. Parkhurst^s first wife died in 1759, leaving him a
daughter, now the widow of the rev. James Altham, and
two SODS, both since dead. In 1761 he married again
Milicent Northey, .daughter of Thomas Northey, esq. by
whom he had the daughter, Mrs. Thomas, whom we have
already mentioned. This lady having received, under the
immediate inspection of her learned and piou$ father, an
.education. of the first order, acquired a degree of classical
knowledge rarely to be met with in the female world.
She wrote a very affectionate memorial of her father!8
worth, which is e^ngraven over his remains in Epsom
church. Her mother, the second Mrs^ Parkhurst, died in
PARKINS (John), one of our early law-writers, was
born of a genteel family, and educated at Oxford, but
left it without a degree, and became a student of the Inner
Temple, where, Wood says, he n^ade wonderful proficiency
in the common law. After being called to the bar, be
became eminent in his profession,, aqd had great practice
as a cbamber-^counsel. Whether be was ever a reader of
his inn, or a bencher, seems doubtful. He died, accord-
ing to. Pus, in 1544, but according to Bale, in 1545, and
is supposed to have been buried in the Temple church.
He wrote, in Norman French (but Wood gives the title in
Latin), ^* Perutilis Tractatus ; sive explanatio quorundam
capitulorum vaide necessaria,*' Lood. 1530, a work, which
.must have answered its character of ^^ valde necesaaria,'^ was reprinted in 1532, 1541, 1545, 1567, 1597^ I6OI9
and 1639. There were also, two English translations, of
. 1642 and 1657^ all in 8vo.*
> Gent. Ma;, vols. LXVII. tXX, — ^^Dr. Gleig's Sapplement to the Eocyclojp.
Brit. 3 Tannery Bale, and Pit>.— Atb. Ox. vol. I.
184 I» A R K 1 N S ON.
PARKINSON (JoHN)^ a celebrated old herbaKst; wa$
barn in 1567, and bred up as a London apothecary, ill
which profession he became eminent, and was it length
appointed apothecary to king James I. King Charles I.
afterwards conferred upon him the title of Botamcus R^giks
Primaritis, A great share of bi& attention^ during. a long
life, was devoted to the study of plants. He had a garden
well stored with rarities, and he bestowed equal pottee
upon the curiosities of ihe flower-garden, and on thena*
iiire productions of hit» own and other countries, embracing
their literary history^ as well as their practical investiga-i
His first publication was his *^ Paradisi in Sole Paradi-
sus terrestris, or a choice Garden of all sorts of Rarest
Flo.weri, &c. ; to which is annexed a Kitchen Garden," &c.
This was primed at London, anno 162d, in a folio of 612
pages. A second edition, ** much corrected and enlarged,'^
appeared in 1656, after the decease of the author. Both
editions are dedicated '^ to the Qiueen's most excellent
Majesty,' • which could hardly have been, as Dr. Pulteney
supposed, qiieen Elizabeth; but rather the queen of
Charles L ; and it is to the honour of tho^e who edited the
new impression, in 1656, that this dedication was not then
suppressed. About a thousand plants, either species or
varieties, are described in this book, of which 780 are
figured, in wood cuts, partly copied frd^i Clusius and
Lobel, . partly original, but all of them eoarse and stifF,
though sometimes expressive. Numerous remarks are in-
terspersed, respecting the botanical history or mediqal vir-
tues of the plants, as well as their culture ; but the latter
subject is, for the most part, given in the introductory
chapters, which display no small degree of intelligence
and experience. This book affords a very correct and
pleasing idea of the gardens of our ancestors, at the time
it was written -, and has been considered, by the learned
authors of the f' Hortus Kewensis," unequivocal authority
as to the time when any particular species was introduced
or cultivated among us. Though our kitchen-gardens had
not arrived at such perfection as they attained in king
William^s days, and have since preserved,, there is reason
to think. the science of horticulture declined considerably
after the time of Parkinson, previous to its restoration at
the end of the seventeenth century. It is no small praise
to Parkinson's work, that the late Mr. Curtis held it in parti-^
cubir escalation, always citing it in his Maga2ine with pe-
culiar pleasure and respect.
In 1640 our author published his principal work, the
^^ Theatrum Botanicum, or Theatre of Plants, or an Herbal
of large extent;" &c. a ponderous folio of 1746'page8, with
innumerable wooden cuts. This work and the Herbal of
Glhrarde were t^ie two main pillars of botany in England
till the time of. Ray ; one or other, or bod), being the in-
exbanstibie resource of all who had any love for plants, or
any interest in inquiring into their qualities. « Of th^se two
writers it is justly obsierved that Parkinson was by far the
most original and the most copious, but his cuts being of
▼astly inferior merit to those admirable ones prepared for
Conrad Gesner, with which Gerarde had the means of
adorning his publication, the latter has greatly prevailed
in popularity, as a book of reference. It is indeed chiefly
for the figures that we ncfw cit^ these ^vorks. Nrce.dis-
tinctiops of species, or any discrimination between species
and Varieties, are not to be expected ; still less, any ideas
of classification or scientific arrangement, -worthy a mo-
inent^s consideration or comparison. It is not to be won-
dered at if these great i?i^orks contain some hundreds of
repetitions, when we consider how obscurely many [Hants
had been described, or even figured, by previous authors ;
insomuch that it was in many tases next to impossible to
discover whether a given plant had been described before.
Parkinson, however, is entitled to superior praise on this
head, having taken all possible pains to avoid such mistakes,
by his deep study of synonyms. Some papers of Lobel
are said to have fallen into the hands of Parkinson^ after
the death of the former, which proved of use to his under-
taking ; but it does not appear that he implicitly confided
in such, any more than in previously printed authorities,
without a due investigation, and therefore they became in
some measure his own.
The time of Parkinson's decease is not known, but he
appears lb have been living when his Herbal was published,
^n 1640, at which period he was, if Dr. Pulteney's date of
his birth he correct, seventy-^three years old. Nothing is
-recordi^d of his family. Some copies, of . his " Paradjsus"
have an engraved portrait of the author, done in his sixty-
seconayear; and there is a small oval one in the title-page
of bis ^' Herbal, or Theatrum Botanicum.'* * .
1 Pulteney's Sketches, voL I.— R«et'» Cyctopttdii.
PARMENIDES, a philosopher of the Eleatic sect, flon*.
rished about the sixty-ninth olympiad, or 504 B. C. Some
have supposed he was a pupil of Anaximander. He was,
however, at first a. man of property and Consequence in
civil life, until Diocbetas, a Pythagorean, introduced him
into the recesses of philosophy. Cebes, in> bis allegorical
table, speaks of Parmenides as an eminent pattern of Virtue.
He wrote the doctrines of his school in verses, of which a
few fragments still remain in the collection ^^ Poesis Pfat«
losopbica,'* by Henry Stephens, Paris, 1573, but insuffi*
cient to explain his system of philosophy. Plato, in the
dialogue which bears the name of Parmenides, professes
to represent his tenets, but confounds them with his own.
From the scattered reports of the ancients, Brucker has
compiled the following Abstract of the philosophy of Par*
Philosophy is two-fdid, that which follows the report ef
the senses, and that which is according to reason and truth.
The former treats of the appearances of sensible objects^
the latter considers the abstract nature of things, and in«
quires into the constitution of the universe. Abstract phi-
losophy teaches that from nothing nothing can proceed.
The universe is one, immoveable, immutable, eternal,
and of a spherical form. Whatever is not comprehended
in the universe, has no real existence. Nothing in nature
is either produced or destroyed, but merely appears to be
so to the senses. Physical philosophy teaches that the
principles of things are heat and cold, or fire and earth, of
which the former is the efficient, the. latter the material
cause ; that the earth is spherical, and placed in the center,
being exactly balanced by its distance from the heavens,
so that there is no cause why it should move one way ra-
ther than another; that the firs) men were produced from
mud, by the action of heat upon cold ; that the frame of
the world is liable to decay, but the universe itself remains
the same ; and that the chief seat of the soul is the heart.
Brucker adds, that there is a near resemblance between
the metaphysical doctrine of Parmenides and Xenophanes,
but that Parmenides adhered more strictly to the Pytha*
gorean doctrine. Telesius revived the doctrine of Par->
menides in the sixteenth century.^
PARMENTIER (John), a French author and poet,^
whose works are now scarce, as well as obsolete, was orU.
\ Brucker. — Fabric. Bibl. Gr»c. kc
P A R M E N T I E R. 137
ginally a merchant at Dieppe^ where he was born in 14d4,
and b^caIne famous by means of his voyagesi and his taste
for the sciences. He died in the island of Sumatra, A. D*
1j5 30, being then only thirty-six. The collection of his
verses in 4to, printed in 1536, is entitled ** Description
nouvelle^ des . Dignit^s de ce Monde* et de la Dignity de
'Pfaomme, compos^e en rHhme Frangoise et en maniere
d'exhortatiqn, par Jean Parmentier : avec plusieur chantii
Royaulx, et une Morality a I'Honneur de la Vierge, mise
par personaiges ; plus la d^ploration sur la mort dudit Par*
mentier et son frere,. compos6e par Pierre Crignon.**
This book is very rare. Crignon, who published it, was
Parmentier^s particular friend, and thus speaks of him :
** From the year 1522, he had applied to the practice of
cosmography, on the great fluctuations of the sea ; he be-
came very profound in astrology ; he composed several
maps, spherical and plain, which have been used with
-success in navigation. He was a man worthy to be known
by all the learned ; and capable, if he had lived, of doing
honour to his country by great enterprises. He was the
.first pilot who conducted vessels to the Brasils, and the
• first Frenchnian who discovered the. Indies, as far as the
inland Samothra or Sumatra, named Taprobane by the an-
cients. He reckoned also upon going to the Moluccas ;
and b^ has toiid me several times, that when he should re-
turn to Fjfance, his intention was to seek a passage to the
North, and to make disc5veries from thence, to the South.'*
Another work by him i3 entitled ^' Moralit^s tres-excel-
lens en rhonneqr de la benoiste Vierge Marie ; mise e^
rime Frangoise et en personnaiges, par Jehan Parmentier,''
Paris, 1 5 3 1 , 4 to, black letter. This, also is extremely scarce,
but is reprinted in the ** Description nouvelle," &c.^
PARMIGIANO (II), whose family naoie was Francis
Mazzuoli, is more generally called Pakmigiano, from
Parma, where he was. bom in 1503. He.studied under two
.uncles, Micbele and Philip, but the chief model of his
imitation was Correggio, from whose works, compared with
those of Michael Angelo, Raphael, and Julio, he formed that
peculiar, style .for which he is celebrated. He displayed
^is natural genius for painting so very early, that at six-
teen be is said to have produced designs which would have
^one honour to an experienced painter. His first public
1 Diet. Hist. — Brujiet M^auel da Xibrair^^
>^orky the St. Eostacfaius, iv the church of St^ PetroniOB^
SB Bolog-na,^ wi^s done when be was a boy. In 1527, when
Some was sacked by the emperor Charles V. Parmigiano
was found, like Protogenes at Rhodes, so intent updh his
work as not to notice the confiisioo of the day. The e^ent
is variously reUited ; some say that he escaped, like the an-
cient artist, from all violence, by the admiration of the
soldiers*; others, that he was plundered by them of kb
pictures, though his person was safe ; the first party who
came' taking only a few, while those who followed swept
away the rest. His turn for music, and particularly Ids
talent for playing on the lute, in some degree seduced him
from his principal pursuit ; and Vasari says hi^ was much
diverted from bis art by the quackery of the alchymists ;
but this fact has by some writers been questioned. He
died of a violent fever, in 1 540, at the early age of 36. -
' The ruling features, says Mr. Fuseli, of Parmigiano's
style, are elegance of form, grace of countenance, con-
trast in attitude, enchanting qhiaro-scuro, and blandish-
ments of colou'r. When these are pure, be is ininskable ;
bat his elegance is often stretched to excessive slenderness^
hi^ grace deformed by affectation, contrast driven to esc-
Iravagance, and from the attempt to anticipate the beauties
which time alone can give, his shade presents often nothing
but a pitchy m^ss, and his lights a faded bloom. The
taste of Parmigiano was exquisite, but it led him iliol^e'to
imitate the effects than the principles of his .ttiasters ; with
less comprehension than ardour, he adopted the grace of
Raphael, the contrasts of Michael Angelo^ ti[ie harmony of
Correggio, without adverting that they were fouiided oti
propriety, energy, and grandeur of conception, and the
permanent principles of chiaro-scuro ; hence the cautious
precept of Agostino Caracci, which confines his pupil to a
little of Parmigiano^s grace.
Parmigiano was a learned designer; to his depth in de-
sign we mu^t ascribe that freedom of execution, those de-
cided strokes of his pencil, which Albano calls divine, and
which add grace to the finish of his pictures ; they have
not, indeed, all equal ** impasto^* of colour^ nor equftl
effect, though soilde, for the amOre with Whitib ib^ are
'* It is said that at this dangerous quis of Aberoorn .purchased in Italjr
time he was employed on the famous for 1500/. and sold to Mr. Davis, of
picture of the Vision^ which the mar- Bristol, in 1809, for 3000 guineas.
P A It M I G r A N O. 139
inducted, haFe been ascribed to €onreggio ; such is the
Cupid scooping his bovr, with the two infants at his feet^
one laughing, the other crying, of which thiere are scTeral
repetitions. We see indeed, some of the pictures of Par«
migiano so often repeated, that though we may grant them
the respect due to age, we can scarcely allow them all the
praise of originality. Such is, among his lesser works,
the picture of the Madonna with the Infant, St, John and
St* Catherine, and the bead of St. Zaocbaria, or some
other sainted elder, in the fore-ground ; its duplicates are
nearly spread over every gallery of Italy. His altar-pieces
are not numerous, and the most valued of them is perhaps
that of St. Marguerita, in Bologna, a composition rich in
figures, contemplated with admiration, and studied by the
Csu^cci; Guido even preferred it to the 'St. Cecilia of
Raphael. The last of his works is the '^ Moses breaking
the Tables," at Parma, in which, says sir Joshua Reynolds,
we are. at a loss which to admire most, the correctness of
drawing, or the grandeur of the conception. The etchings
of Parmigiano, models of freedom, taste, and delicacy, are
universally known.
Parmigiano had u cousin and pupil, G. Maz^uoli; who
JB little known beyond Parma and its districts, though for
f^ impasto," and the whole mystery of colour, he has few
equals. There is reason to believe that several pictures
ascribed to Francis, especially those of a stronger atid
gayer tone, have been painted by this artist. He was
inore attacjbed to the style of Correggio than Francis^ and
seized its character with great felicity in the Nuptials of
St. Catherine, in the church del Carmine. He excelled
in pel'spective, and in the Last Supper, in the refectory of
8. Giovanni, placed and painted a colonnade with all the
illusion of Pozzo. To the most harmonious chiaro-scuro,
he added grandeur, variety, vivacity, in fresco. None of
his fellow artists equalled him in copiousness, fertility, and
execution; and tb these perhaps we may ascribe the in-*
equality perceptible in his works. He flourished about
1580, and had a son Alexander, who painted in the dome
of Parma, in 1571. He was a feeble imitator of the fa-*
mily style.^ .
PARNELL (Thomas), a very pleasing English poet,
was descended from an ancient family, settled for some
• •'
1 Argenville, vol. II,— Fiikin^n, by Fuseli. — Reynolds's Works, fol II. p. 194»
140 P A R N E L L.
centuries at Congleton, in Cheshire. His fatbier, of tfa^
same name, was attached to the republican party in tb^
reign of Charles I. ; and on the restoration found it conve-
nient to go over to Ireland, carrying with him a large per-
sonal fortune, with which he purchased estates in that
kingdom. These, with the lands he had in Cheshire, de-
scended to the poet, who was born in 1679, in Dublin.
In this city he was educated, and entered of Trinity-col-
lege, Dublin, at the age of thirteen. He becaaie M. A«
in 1700, and in the same year was ordained deacon, al-
though under the canonical age, by a dispensation from
the primate. Three years after he was admitted into
priest's orders, and in 1705, Dr. Ashe, bishop of Clogher^
conferred upon him the archdeaconry of Clogber. About
the same time, he married miss Anne Minchin, an amiable
lady, by wbom be had two sons, who died young,, and a
daughter who long survived him.
He had by this time given some occasional specimens
of his poetical talent, but his ruling passion led him to the
enjoyments of social life, and the company of men of wit
and learning ; and as thiis was a taste he could gratify at
home but in a very small degree, he contrived many e:c«*
cursions to London, where he became a favourite. From
some letters published by his biographer. Dr. Goldsmith,
we learn that he was admired for his talents as a cdmpanioii,
and his good nature as a man ; but with all this, it is ac-
knowledged, that his temper was unequal, and that he wns
always too much elevated, or too much depressed* It is added^
indeed, that he was sensible of this ; but bis attempts to
remove his spleen were rather singular. Goldsmith tells
us, that, when under its influence, he would fly with all
expedition to the remote parts of Ireland, and there make
out a gloomy kind of satisfaction in giving hideous descrip-
tions of the solitude to which he retired. Having tried
this imaginary remedy for some time, he used to collect
his revepues, and set out again for England to enjoy the
conversation of his friends, lord Oxford,^ Swift, Pope, Ar-
buthnot, and Gay. With Pope he had a more than usual
share of intimacy. Pope highly respected biQ^j) dn<l they
exchanged opinions on each other's productions with free*^
dom and candour. He afforded Pope sonfie assistance in
his translation of Homer, and wrote the life prefixed to it |
but Parnell was a very bad prose- writer, and Pope had
more trouble in correcting this Ufe than it would have cost
P A R N E L L* l;ll
him to write it Being intiniate with all the Scriblerus*
tjribe,' ^be contributed the *^ Origin of the Sciences :** and
alao wrote the ^ Life of Zoiius,'' as a satire on Dennis
and Theobald, with whom the club had long been at va-
riance. To the Spectator and Guardian he contributed a
few papers of very considerable merit, in the form of
** Visions."
. It seems probable that he bad an ambition to rise by
political interest. When the Whigs were ejected, in the
end of queen Anne's reign, he was persuaded to change
his party, not without much censure from those whom he
forsook, and was received 'by the earl of Oxford and the
new. ministry as a valuable reinforcement When Oxford
was told that Dr. Parnell waited among the crowd in the, he went, by the persuasion of Swift, with bis
treasurer's staff in his hand, to inquire for him, and to bid
him welcome ; and, as may be inferred from Pope's dedi-
cation, admitted him as a favourite companion to his con-
vivial hours; but it does not appear that all this was fol-
lowed by preferment Parnell also, conceiving himself
qnaltfied to become a popular preacher, displayed his elo-
cution with great success in the pulpits of London ; but
tbe* queen's death putting an end to his expectations,
abated his diligence, and from that time he fell into a ha-
bit of intemperance, which greatly injured his health. The
death of his wife is said to have first driven him to this
miserable resource.
Having been warmly recommended by Swift to arch-
bishop King, this prelate gave him a prebend in 1713, and
in May 1716, presented him to the vicarage of Finglass,
in the diocese of Dublin, worth 400/. ayear. << Such no-
tice," says Dr; Johnson, *^ from such a man, inclines me
to believe, that the vice of which he has been accused was
not gross, or not notorious." But h^ enjoyed these pre-
ferments little more than a year, for in July 1717 he died
at Chester, on his way to Ireland, in his tbirty*eigbth yean
Dying without male, issue, his estate, but considerably em-'
barrassed by his imprudence, devolved to his nephew, sir
John Parnell, bart. one of the justices of the King's-bench
^ in Ireland, and father to the Irish chancellor of the Exche-
quer, sir John Parnell,. who died in 1801.
A collection of his poems was published in 1 72 1 by Pope,
with an elegant epistle to the earl of Oxford. The best of
ibis collection, aod on which ParnelPs fame as a poet is
142 P A R N E L L.
juatly founded, are, his ^^Rise of Womas;** the ^^Faoy
Tale;" the "Hymn to Contentment;" "Health;" the:
"Vigil of Venus;" the " Night-piece on Death ;" the
<f Allegory on Man," and " The. Hermit.^' These have
been respectively criticised by his biographers Goldsmithf
and Johnson, and hare stood the test of nearly a century.
" His praise," says Dr. Johnson, " must be derived fironi
the easy sweetness of his diction ; in his verses there is
more happiness than pains : he is sprightly without effort,
and always delights, though he never ravishes: every
thing is proper, yet every thing seems caaual.''
In 17.589 a volume was pubUshed, it is not known by
whom, entitled ". The Posthumous Works of Dr. Thomas
Parnell." This, although it exceeded the volume published
by Pope in bulk, appeared so far inferior in merit, tha^
the admirers of Parneil questioned the authenticity of mosi;
of the pieces; and there are but a few of them. indeed
which can be ascribed to him without some injury toM»
character. Goldsmith refused to. incorporate them wtth
the collection he published in 1770; but they 'were after-"
wards added to the edition in Johnson's Poets, and iappm-»
lently without, his consent. He says of them*. <^Irkoo«P
not whence they came, nor have ever inquired whithertfaey
are going." *
PARR, Catherine. See CATHERINE.
PARR, (Richard), an English divine, was the son of
Richard Parr, likewise a divine, and was born at Fermoy^
in the county of Cork, where, we presume, his fal;her was
beneiiced, in 1617 ; and this singularity is secorded of hii
birth, that bis mother was then fifty^five years of age. H«
wai educated in granmiar at a country school, under the
care of some popish priests, who w^e at that time the orAj
schoolmasters for the Latin-tongue^ In 16S5, hfi was seat
to England, and entered as a servitor of Exeter college,
Oxford, where his merit procured him the patronage of
Dr. Prideaux, the rec4{or, by whose interest, as soon as
he bad taken his baohelor^s degree in arts, in 1641, he w^
chosen chaplaio*feUow of the college. • He found here
another liberal patron and instiHustor . in the celebra/ted
archbishop Usher, who, in 1643,- retired to this coUege
from the tumult then prevailing through the nation; and
* Life by Goldsmith, prefixed to his Poenfis.— Johnson's Life. — Swiftjs lua^
Pope's Works; (Bowles's edition) see Indexes.— Nichols's Poems^ to). III. &c,
P A R ». 14$
obsertiiig the talents of Mr. Parr a» a preacher, roadeiiiia
bis cbaptaki ; and, about the end of that year, took him
with him to Glamorganshire. On his return with this pre*
lat^, he obtained the vicarage of Ryegate in Surrey, on the
presentation of Mr* Roger James, gent, son of sir Roger
James, knight, whose sister he married, a widow lady of
considerable property. In doctrinal points he appears to
have concurred with the assembly of divines, who were
mostly Calvinists ; but it seems doubtful whether he ever
took the Covenant. In 1649, he resigned his fellowship
of Exeter college, and continued chaplain to archbishop
Usher, while that prelate lived. In 1653, he was instituted
U> the living of C^mberwell in Surrey, and appears to have
been some time rector of Bermondsey, where his signa-
ture occurs in the register of 1676, and he is thought to
have resigned it in 1682. • At the Restoration he was cre-«
atdd D. J5. and bad the deanery of Armagh, and an Irish
bishopric^ offered to him, bo<;h which he refused; but
accepted a canonry of Armagh. He remained vicar of
Camberwell alfnost thirty-eight years, and was greatly be-
loved and followed. Wood, in his quaint way says, << He
was so constant $ind ready a preacher at Camberwell, that
his preaching beipg generally approved, he broke two coU'-
venticles thereby in his neigbh.ourbood ; that is to say, that
by his out-vying the Presbyterians and Independents ia
bis extempormian preaching, their auditors would leave
them, and flock to Mr. Parr." All who speak of him* in-
deed concur in what is inscribed on his monument, that
'^ be w^s in preaching, constant : in life, exemplary : in
piety and charity, most eminent : a lover of peace and
hospitality : atid, in fine, a true disciple of Jesus Christ.''
He died at Can^erwdl November 2, 1691, and was bu-
ried in the church-yard, where the abotve monument was
erected to his memory. His wife died before him. Dn .
Parr wrote ^^ Christian Reformation : being an earnest
p^suas)on to the fiipeedy practice of it : proposed to all,' .
but .especially designed tor the serious consideration of his .
dear kindred and coui^trymen of the county of Cork in
Ireland, and the people of Ryegate and Camberwell in
Sarrey," Lond. 1660, 8vo. He published also three oc-
casional sermons;, but the most valuable present he made
to the publick was his "Life of Archbishop tFsher,'* pre-
fixed to that prelate's Letters, printed in folio, 1 ^^6. It is the
most ample account we have of Usher ; and fevrtnen could
144 1> A R R
have enjoyed better opportunities of knowing his real cba-*
racter. Wood, mentions Dr. Thomas Marsbairs intetitiofi
of enlarging this, as noticed in our account of him. '
PARRHASIUS) a celebrated painter of Epbesns, or,
according to others, of Athens, flourished in the time of
Socrates, as we learn from Xenophon, who has introduced
him iq a dialogue, discoursing with that philosopher. He
was one of the most excellent painters of his time. Pliny
tells us, that it was be who first gave symmetry and just
proportions in the art ; that he also was the first wbo knew
how to express the truth of character, and the different
airs of the face ; that he found out a beautiful disposition
of the hair, and heightened the grace of the visage. It was
allowed even by the masters in the art, that he bore away
firom all others the glory of succeeding in the outline, in
which consists the grand secret of painting. Bat the same
author observes, that Parrhasius became insupportable by
his pride ; and affected to wear a crown of gold upon his
head, and to carry in his hand a baton, studded with nails
of the same metal. It is said that, though Parrhasius was
excelled by Timanthes, yet he excelled Zeuxis. Among
bis pictures was a celebrated one of Theseus ; and another
representing Meleager, Hercules, and Perseus, in agroupe
together ; as also £neas, with Castor and Pollux in a third.
But of him, or bis pictures, the accounts handed down to
us are extremely imperfect, and little to be relied on in
forming a just estimate of his merit*
PARRHASIUS (AuLUS Jakus)) an eminent grammarian
in Italy, was born at Codenzain the kingdom of Naples,
in 1470. He was designed for the law, the profession of
bis ancestors ; but bis inclination was to study classical li*
terature. His family name was Giovanni Paulo Parisio ;
^et, according to the humour of the grammarians of that
age, he adopted that under which we have classed him.
He taught at Milan with great reputation, being particu*
larly admired for a graceful delivery, which attracted many
auditors to his lectures. He' went to Rome during the
pontificate of Alexander VI. and was like to have been in-
volved in the misfortunes of the cardinals Bernatdint Ca->^
jetan, and Silius Savello, whose estates were confiscated^
1 Ath. Ox. Tol. 11^— Lysoiu'8 Environs, vol. I«— Manning and Bfay'« Surrey^
▼ol. I.
* Pliny, lib. xxXT.^Qainlilian, lib. xii.— Diodorns, lib. zxT.^^Atbenseas, lib.
sMi.— fVasari«--*Felibien. — Junius de pictura veterua.
PARR HA St us. 141
«nil thMiselvet Wished for ooiMpiriig lo d^poit the pope*
A» it wa$ well known that he b»d corresponded with thest
Bien, lie took the atlvioeof a friend, in retiring frooi Rome.
N<^t leiig after, be was appointed public professor of rbe^
toric at Milan, where his superior merit drew upon him.thft
eiiTjr of his contemporary teachers, who, by f»lse aecusa<»
lions, tendiered his situation so uneasy, that he was obliged
IQ taave Milan, and retire to Vicejiza,. where he (diiained
the professorship of eloquence, with a larger salary ; and
^ held tbisptofessorship, till the states of the Venetians
awre laid waste by the troops of the league of Cambray.
Hejiow withdrew to his native .country^ having made hia
•aeape through the amy of the enemies. He was after«»
war«ds sent for by Lee X. who was before favourably tn^
dined to him; and on bit arrival at Rome, appointed him
piro&ssor of polite liieratuce. He had been aow some
time married tia a daughter of Demetrius Cfaalcondylas;
and he took with him to Rome Basil . Chalcondyla^, has
wife's brother, and brother ai DeoAetrius Chalcondylaa,
pcofesaor.^ Greek at IMao* He did not long enjoy fthi^
em(rioyment eooferned upon him by tiie pope : for, beinjj;
worn out by his st-udies and labocMrs, be became so cruelly
•fl^ed with the gout^ m» to lose the use of bis limbs.
Poverty was added to his other suibrings ; and in this un^
happy state lie left Rome, and returned into Calabria^ hia
nalive country, where he died of a fever in ISS$.
. His wosks were published, collectively, by Henry 8te»
piietm, itt' 15^7, of which -the principal is entitled *^ Lfbec
de rebus per Epistoiam dusesitis.** This consists of a
Bumbec; of leUers written to different learned men, con*
Inining explanations of passages in the ancient writers, and
elucidations of paints of antiquity, which display mucherii*
dition. There are also iildstratioua of Ovid's Heroical
Epistles; of Horace's Art of Poetry; of Cicero^s Oratioa
for Milo, and various other tracts on classical subjects. Thie
whole collection was reprinted in the £rst volume of 6ra«
ler^s *> Thesaurus Critkus." A new edition of the book
^>DeQ,ttflBsitis,'* with .additions from the author's manvi*
aonpt, was given at Naples in 1771.^
• PARR¥ (BiCHAmD), D. O. rector of Wioharapton ia
Dorsetshire, and preacher at Market«Harborough in Lei*
eestershire, for which latter county he was in the commia*
. >•
iiob of tbe pMcOy 9Vfts born in Bary street, St Jtaoen'u^
in 1722. He was admitted a soholar of Westminster in^
1736, whence, in 1 740, be was elected i^ student of Christ-^
church, Oxford, and took the degree of M. A. March 31,
1747 ; B. p. May 25, 1734; and D. D. July 8, 1757, He
was a very learned divine; and an able, active, magis<*
trate. He was appointed chaplain in 1750; preacher ai
Market* Harborough in Leicestershire in 1754; and in 1756
.was presented by Richard Fleming, esq. to the rectory of
Wichamptoo. He died at. Market •Harborough,. April 9^
1780. His publications were, 1. *<The Christian Sabbatk
as old as the Creation,'' 1753, 4to. 2. **The Scripture Ac^
count of the Lord's Supper. The Substance of Thre#
Sermons preached at Market-Harborough, in 1755, 1756,"
6vo. 3. '* The Fig-tree dried up ; or the Story of that re*
markable Transaction as it is related by St. Mark consi*
dered in a new light ; explained and vindicated ; in a Let*.
ter to . . • esq." 1758, 4to. 4. ** A De-»
ieuce of the Lord Bishop of London's [Sherlock] Inter*,
pretation of the famous text in the book of Job, * I know
that my Redeemer liveth,' against the Exceptions of the
Bishop of Gloucester [Warburton], the Examiner of the
jbishbp of London's Principles; with occasional Remarks,
on ' the arjgument of the Divine Legation, so far as this/
point is concerned with it," 1760, 3vo, 5. ^* Dissertation
on Daniel's Prophecy ot. the Seventy Weeks,'' 1762, 8vo.
6. << Remarks on Dr. Kennicott's Letter," &c. 1763^.8yo.
7. ''The Case between Gerizim and EbaV*^&c. 1764|
8vo« 8^ '' An Harmony of the Four -Gospels^ so far as re-
lates to the History of our Saviour's Resurrection, with a^
Commentary^and Nojtes," 1765, 4to. 9. '' The Genealogy
olJesus Christ, in .Matthew and Luke, explained ; aud the
Jewish Objections removed,'* 1771, 8vo. 10. Dr. Parry
wrote one of the amovers to. Dr. Heathcote's pamphlet on
^ibe. Leicestershire election in 1 775. '
PARSONS (James), an excellent physician and polite
«sbolar, was born at Barnstaple, in Devoo;ihire, in Marpl^
005. His father, who was the youngest of nine sons of
colonel Parsons, and nearly related to the baronet of that
name, being appointed baitack-m^ster at Bolton, in. Ire*
litod, reinoved with his familjr into that, kingdom * sood
• • • . • . " ' •
1 NichoIf'sBoiryer.
* In the Preface ta ihe " Memoiri ye«n pf my life in Irelattd^ wad tlMre
•f Japhet," be leyf, •• I s|ieat tersrsl attained to a tokral^Js KBP«i*!d$0 Ifi.tba .
PAR«0>Ja Ut
tffier the birth of hit ihen only son, James,' who TeceiTed
9X Dublin the early part of bis education, and, by the as^
•istahce of prufier Inasterd, laid a considerable founda^
lion of classical and other useful learning, which enabled
bim to become tutor to lord Kingston. Turning bis at<^
.tentioti to the study of medicine, be went afterwardi
to Paris, where (to use his own words) ** be followed th^
most eminent professors in the several schools, as Astruc^
Dubois, Lemery, and' others; attended the anatomical
l^tures of the most famous (Hunaud and Le Cat) ; an4
chemicals at the king^s garden at St. Come. He followed
the physicians in. both hospitals of the Hotel Dieu and Li
Cfaariti, and the chemical lectures and demonstrations of
Lemery and Bdulduc ; and in botany, Jussieu. Having
finished these studies, his professors gave hitfi honourable
attestations of brs having followed them with diligence and
industry, which entitled him to take the degrees of doctor
and professor of the art of medicine, in any university in
the domiaions of France. Intending to return to England^
he judged it unnecessary to take degree's in Paris, unlesa-
he had resolved ta reside there ; and as it was more ex-*
pensive, be therefor went to the nniversity of Rheims, in
Champaign, where, by virtue of his attt^stalions, be wae
immediately admitted to three examinations, as if he bad
fibished his studies in that academy;' and* there was- ho-^
Ronred with his degrees June 11, 1736. In the July foU
lowing be came to London, and was* first employed by Dr«
James Douglas to assist him in bis anatomical works, but:
after some time began to practise. He was elected a meOK^
ber of tbe royal society in 1740 ; and, after due examina-^
tion, was admitted a licentiate:^f the college of pbysiciansy
April 1, 1751.
On his arrival in London, by the recommendation of hit
^ery ancient tongue of that Ofrantry, nnd inrfiriae, ivticn, tiM more I iik
nliicli enablnl me to oontull lome of qaired. the more nearly relat^td thai
tbeW aairatcript#9 and become io^ Irish and Welsh taafvagei appeared,
atmcted. in, their rranmattcal insti* When 1 was tent abrofd to ttvdy the.
tntea. Afterwards I became acqyaint* medicinal art» I frequently conversed .
cd with several gentlemen from Wafea^ with young gentlemen fronl moat parts
wen versed in their own hiatory and of BorOpe, who caaw to ?laris,. and?
^Bgnage ^ men of sfiiso and liberal IbHowed the ^^aoie maslersy in evefy
learning; who, in many oonversationa branch of the profttsioo, with lAe; and
upon tttch tobjeett, gave me such sa- my snrprixe was agreeably increased'
ti»iaoiien and light» in matters of high in finding that, in every one, of their
•ntiquityy at to occasioo my applica- naiive tongoet, I cq«M, discover tbe
tioir to' the study of the Welsh toi^e roots ^f 'moat of their espreasioia iai'
1^^ ittt mhieti thod-eqanl pieMre . theliiilrotWeMu*'
t4t n R 9 O M K
P«rts frieadv h^ w^ ioUroduced to the ^tciqwainfiDce of Ok
Meadv sir Hans Sloanc, and Dr. James Douglas. TUa
gf^at difiatofnist inade use of his assisiftnce^ not only in his
^n^tomical preparations, but also in his repfesentations of
inorbtd and other appearances^ a list of several of which
i^as in the hands of his friend Dr. Maty; who bad prefKirod
Hn eioge on Dr. Parsons^ which was never used, but wluolii
\>y the favour of Mns. Pacsons» Mr. Nichols has preserved
M Wge. Though Dr. Parsons cultivated the » several
branches t>f the profession of physic, he was j^rincipalljt
tmpl^y^d in midwifery. In 1738, by the interest of hiS
ifrfend Dri. Doughs^ be was appointed physician to iIm
)>ublic infirnaafry in St. Giles's. In 1739 be carried luisi
Elizabeth Reynolds, by whodi he bad two sons and ft
dMigbter^ who all died youngw I)i^. Parsons raided fof
teany yeai^ in Red Lion-squaf«| where he freqaentlj^
^n^oyed the company and conversation of Dr. I^tukeley^
Vishoip Lytiieloii^ Mr. Henry Baker, Dr. Knight, apd mftaj^
iAber of tbe most distinguished members of the rOyal and
Antiquarian socteues, and that :of arts, manufactures, and
ceasmerce ; giving weekly an elegant dinner to a ki^ but
f rieot (MM*tjr. He enjoyed also the Uterary correspoudence
id D'Ai'geQviMe, Bufibiif Le Cat, Beccaria, AnU> Bertraod^
VaiisaSrers, Aseaoius, Tarb^ville Needhaipn, Dr. GardcA,
ami others of the most distingubhed rank in science* Ai
a jiracfiitioner he was judicious, careful, hooest, abd re*
mftirka9bl||r buasane to the poor ; as a friend, obligk>g and
-todiiliialiiioalive ; cheerful and decent isn conversation ; ae*
ireie and alrictin bis morala, and attentive to ftll with pco^.
pm^ aH tbe various duties of life. In 1769, fVodiiig -hia
Jl^ealtk i|9ipatired, he proposed to retire from business and
from London, and with that view disposed of a conssidefaUA
Buoiber of lua jbodis aad fossils, and went to BmM, Sut
he returned soon after to his old house, and died in it after
^ W^ek^s iHneSs, 'on tbe 4th of April, 1770, much lamented
by his iamly and frienda. By bis 4ast will, dated in Oc|x>«
ber 17^6, be gave bia whole property to M<rs. Parsons;
^ndy in (base 61 he): death before him, t6 miss Mary ft^*
Holda^ ^r only sister, '< in t«co«peffioe' £or>l>er aftectionate
siMehtion to him htfd to his lirife, foi" a long cout^edf ye^rs, itt
sickness and io health.^'* It was bis parrticujac requ^t tbit
he Bbeuid ttotbe %«rried tnli some change shonkl bopetfr in
his corpse;, anofoest which occasioned bim td be l^t un-
buried 17 day«, Mftd^^vaiD ^d soaice4lp««li^te8t aikopa^
P A K S Q K & ««#
H^n wM pereemUe. He irts burred ml Hfiiddn^ ih ft vault
ivhick be brnd etaiosed ta be btiili on the grbaiid fmrcbMed
on the death ef bis aen James, where hit tomb had a nerf
commendatory inscription. . A portrait of Dh Parsont, bjr
Mr. Wilson, is now in tjhe British Mbseum ; aaotbeiv by
Wells^ .lisft in the hands of bit widovr, who died ia 17M;
^t£h a third udfini^hed ; and one of hifi son Jainei; also «
fainity piece, in which the same son is iairpdtt€ed> with
the doctor and bis lady, aoeompanied by bcr aistf r. Amooy
vaey 40ther portrait, Mnau Parsons had acme that were
Miy fine of the illastrious H&rvey, of bishop Burnet, atid
of Dr. John Freind ; a beautiful miniature of Dr. Stakeleyt
wattib good paintings, by .her hpsband's own band^ pata^
etilariy the rhinoceros which ha described in the ** Pbih)4
•ephical Transactions." She posaessed alio hfe Md^* and
tome capital printed book's -) a large £aUe yoliiaie eniiikid
^ Figorss quasdam Mis^eUaneidB :qisflB ad rem ^matomiosiii
HistorisfiiiqQe Natutalem speotant; quas proprii adam^
bravifc ttano Jabobqs Pavsons, M. D. S. S. &• Ant;'' &ei
another, called ^^ Drawings of curious Fossils, Shells,". &ce\
in Dr. Parsons^s CoUectioti^ dr^wn by himself;'' &c. &c;
Mrs. Parsons professed herself ready tq give, on proper
applicsition, either to the royal or abtiquarian society^ m
ponrait of her husband, and a sum of oioney to fomd It
lecture to perpetuate hisinei^iory, simiiar to thai; estebtished
by his fitend Mr. Henry Baker.
Of. Parsons left the following worlds : 1« ^^ A flie<dianical
end cri()ieal Enquiry into the nature ef I}jef>niapbfedite9^'^
1741, 8vo, wfaieh' was principally a cooipikitioa. 9. ^ A
description of the Urinary Hiiflian Bladder, and the parti
betonging to it, with figures,'^ 1742^ which was intended
to disprore the reported utility of Mrs. fitepheas-s oaedisifief.
for thestone* 6. ^ Philosof^ical Obseryiitions .on the ana*
logy between the Propagation of Animals and that of Ve»
getables,'* 1752, 8vo. As an antiquary^ Di^ Par^on<^ disir
tingttlshed bimself by an elaborate publication,, eniide4
^^'^eihaiiis of iapfaet; being historical inquiries into the
affinity and origin of the £]uropean languages,^* 1767, 4to*
Thia is a pierforniairc^ of great erudition »nd raseaffciL
Besides these separaite publioatijDos, Dr. Parsons was the
4«tfaor of sererwl papers, prisited in the Pbilosophaaal Trans*
fctions; v\%. ^* €rooni»n: Lectunes oo Muscular* Motion,^^
l74JS(f m whieh be considers the enmcwlai fibres as tubes |
^Hunien Phji^siogeomy eapiained^'^ io the iAppe&di|^ ^
the Philbs. Trant. for 1746; and several otlie^ papert eit
^nlktdmical and physiological sobjects, especially >an ac*
tiountof the dissection of a rhinoceros,* which is yaluable,
Ifnd illustrated by ^ood figures. .
We sbali close this article with: an extract from Df«
Maty*s eulogium: ^ The surprising variety of branches
iifhich Dr. Parsons embracedi and the several living as well
as dead languages, be had a knowledge of, qualified him
abundantly for the place of assistant secretary for foreign
correspondences, which the eouncil of the royal society
jbestowed upon him about 1750. He acquitted himself to
the utmost of bis poiver of the functions of this plac^/till a
few years before his death, when be resigned in favour of bia
friend, who now gratefully pays this Ijast tribute to hia
memory. Dr. Parsons joined to his academical faondura
those -which the royal ^soUege of physicians of London
bestowed upon him, by admitting him, after due exami-
nation, licentiate, on the first day of April, 1751. The
lUffusive spirit of our friend was only equalled by his desire
cftf information. To both these principles he owed tire
intimacies which he formed with som^ 6f the greatest men
of his time. The^names of Fotkes, Hales, Mead, Stukeley,
Needham, Baker, Collinson, and Garden, may be meri^
tioned on this occasion ; and. many more might be added^
Weekly meetings were formed, where the earliest intellt'*
gence was received and communicated of any discovery
both here and abroad ; and new trials were made, to bring
to the test of experience the reality or usefulness of these
discoveries. Here it was that the microscopic;al animals
found in several infusions were first produced ; the propa*
gation of seieral inse<its by section ascertained; the con**
•tancy of nature amidst these wonderful changes esta-<
hiished. His < Remains of Japhet, being historical in^
quiries into the affinity and origin of the European Lan«t
guages,* is a most laboriotis performfaoce, tending to
jprove the antiquity of the first inhabitants of these islands^
as being originally descended from Gotner and Mi^g,
abovQ lOOO'years before Christ, their '4)rimitive and still
subsisting language, and its affinity with some others. It
cannot be denied that there is much ingenuity as ivell
true learning in this work, which helps conviction, and
often supplies the want of iu But we cannot help thinking
that our. friend^s warm feelings now and then mislead his-
jiidgment,^ and tkataome at least of bia coajeciures^ rtsti^
^ A R 8 O N S. m
|pg vpOQ partinl tradUions, and poettctl ipmps of IriA
fiiids and Wel«b bards, are less satisfactory than bis table$
Qif affinity between tbe several northern languages, as de-
duced from one common stock. Literature, bowever, i^
ipneb obliged to him for having in this, as well as iii many
Qf bi^ other works, opened a new field of observations and
discoveries. In enumerating our learned friend's disserta-
tions, we find ourselves at a loss whether we should foilovr
tbe order of subjects, or of time ; peitber is it easy to ac-
count for their surprising variety and quick succession.
The truth is, that bis eagerness after knowledge was suctr,
as to embrace almost with equal facility ail its branches,-
and with equal zeal to ascertain tbe merit of inventions,
sod ascribe to their respective, and sometimes unknown,
authors, the glory of tbe discovery. Many operations
which tbe ancients have transmitted to us, have been
thought fabulous, merely from our ignorance of the art by
which they were performed. Thus the burning of the
abips of tbe Romans at a considerable distance, during the
j^ege of Syracuse, by Archimedes, would, perhaps, still
continue to be exploded, had not the celebrated Mji BufTon
ill France shewn the possibility of it, by presenting and
describing a model of a speculum, or rather assemblage
of mirrors, by which he could set fire at the distance of
several hundred fee^* In the contriving, indeed, though
ijqt in tbe executing of such an apparatus, be had in some
measure been forestalled by a writer now very little known
or read. This Dr. Parsons proved in a very satisfactory
manner; and be had the pleasure to find fhe French phi- -
losopher did not refuse to the Jesuit his share in tbe inven-
tionj and was not at all oiFended by the liberty he had
V^ken. Another French discovery, .1 mean a new kind of
painting fathered upon the ancients, was reduced to its
Ileal value, in a paper which shewed our author was pos-
sessed of a good taste for the fine arts : and I am informed
^ai his skill in music was by no means inferior, and that
bis favourite amusement was tbe flute. Richly, it appeairs
from these performances, did our author merit the honour •
of being a member of the antiquarian society, which long
ago bad associated him to its labours. To another society,^
£Dunded upon the great principles of bumanity, patriotism,
s^tid uatural emulation, be undoubtedly wsus greatly Useful *•-
* The society for the encoitragt' the Oeconomicsl toewty at
■i^til of, ant, manufactures, and com-; QaOi S^iil^d* .
folarde. Ue likewisi^ *m associi^i^d t«^
U^ P AK80N &
He iwiitaJ 9t moit of tbeir gcwnl mced^ aad
littaff ; ^mi was finr mw^f years chainMB ta that of
cnitoic ; ahfmjs cqaaily mady to porat oot and to pioaftot^'
vsefol loipgoreaKatSy and io oppoce the inteieitcA
of fraed and q^noranccy so inseparabie froai very ei
aawciatioiia. No soooer was iUs society^ fbffMed» thaa*
Dr* Panoos becaoie a member ctf k. Indnately eoovioeed
of the oobleocss of its Tiean^ iboogh froai his statioii m
life little cooceroed io its saceesSy he gmdged neither at«»
teodanee nor expenoe. Neither ambitioiis of ukingtho'
lead, nor fond of oppositioD, he- joined in any aseasnre he
thot^ght right ; and submitted ehcerfaUy to the seotimeBts
of the majority, though against his own private opinioB.
The just ideas he had of the dignity of onr piofcssioa, atf
well as of the common links which ought to unite all its-
memben, notwithstanding the differences of coontry, re«
ligion, or places of education, made him bear impatiently
the shackles hud upon a great number of respectable prac^
tiiiooers ; he wished, fondly wished, to see these broken ;•
not with a view of emp^ h<mour and dangerous power,*
but as the only means of serving mankind more effectually,*
checking the progress of designing men and illiterate prtc*
titioners, and diffusiDg through the whole body a spirit of
emulation* Thongh by frequent disappointments he fore-*
saw, as well as we, the little chance of a speedy redress,
be nobly persisted in the attempt ; and, bad be lived te*
the final event, would undoubtedly, like Cato, still have
preferred the conquered cause to that supported by the
gods. After having tried to retire from business and from
London, for the sake of bis health, and having disposed of
most of his books with that view, be found it inconsistent
with his happiness to forsake all the advantages which a
long residence in the capital, and the many connexions
be bad formed, bad rendered habitual to him. He tfaere*-
fore returned to his old bouse, and died in it, after a short
iHness, April 4, 1770» The style of our friend's compo«>
sitions was sufficiently clear in description^ though in ar-
gument not so close as coutd have been wished. Full of
his ideas, he did not always so dispose and connect them,
together as to produce in the minds of bis readers that
conviction which was in his own^ He too much despised
those additional graces which command attention when
• * K meMcu} 9oe^y mitituti^d by' Dr. their privile^e^: where,' it should seem,
7o(bergiU, and other reipectable phy* this eulogy WM intended to ba pr6-
tictaniy Ucentiatesy in ^ikidieation of flOuDCtd.
JYiloed to teaming', obienratton, and sound rea9i>ning> Let
IIS Jiope that bis exampAe and spirit will animate all his
o^lea^es^; and that those practitioners who are in the
same cirenanstances will be indaced to join their brethren,^,
atte to find amongst tbem those great blessings of life^
fi^edoBD) eqaalicy, information, and friendship. As long*
as these gveat principles shall subsist in this society, and [
trost they will outlast the longest lirer, there is no doubt
hot the members will meet with the reward honest men
2ste ambitiouB of, the approbation of their conscience, ther
esteem of the trirtuous, the remembrance of posterity.*' '
PARSONS (JoBN), another learned and amiable phy-*
sieian, thdngh less known as an author, the son of major
Parsdtis, of the dragoons, was bom in Yorkshire, in 1742.
He was educated at WestminMer school, whence in 1759
he was eleeted to a studentship in Christ Church, Oxford.
Having made ehoioe of medicine as a profession, he pro-^
secated the study of it with uncomknon assiduity, , not oniy^
at Oscfiird, but also at London and Edinburgh. But while
he bestowed much attention on every branch of medicat
knowledge, he at first showed a particular predilection for
natsral history and botany, and in the latter branch made
a vety distinguished figure during- his stay at Edinburgh^
In 1766 he had the honour of obtaining the prize medal
givon by Dr. Hope for the most extensive and elegant
hmrtus siccus, and the same year took his degree of M. A^
ThiSi however, was only a prelude to more distinguished
honours. In 1769# when he took his degree of M. B. he
was appointed to the anatomy lecture at O^^ford, and was
also the first reader in anatomy at Christ Church, on the
institution of John Freind and Matthew Lee, M. D. and
students of that hous^. In consequence of this appoint-^
ment, his attention, it may natur^iUy be supposed, was
more particularly directed to anatomy, and under his di-i
rection a very commodious anatomical theatre was built ;
and for the instruction of 'his pupils he provided a set of
anatomical preparations, which for neatness and elegance
have seldom be^n surpassed. From the time of his ap«
pointment he read two courses of anatomical lectures every
yeal*; and although they were calculated rather for the
general philosopbei* than the medicat practitioner, yet they
were not only highfy instructive to alt his audience, but
afforded incoutestable evidence of his genius and abilities.
f Ni«hoI»'s Bowyer.
be was soon after elected one of the pb jsici«ii9 to the Hb6^
clifFe in6rrnary, and in J«nel772 proceeded M« D. Ha
bad a considerable share also of private practice^ and from
bis attention and success bis reputation with the pubtiii
kept pace with the esteem in wbicb be was held by the
nnivertiity. In 1780 he was elected the first clinical pro*
fessor on the fonndation instituted in 1772 by Gforg^.
ilenry, earl of Lichfield, late chancellor of the university.
In this departnient also he read lectures daring the winter
Hionths with much credit to himself. But it is not impro*
bable. that the various active employments in which he waa
engaged, and which necessarily exposed him to fatigtie and
danger, bad some share in overthrowing a constitution na*
turatly «trong. He was not, however, cut off by any te-
dious or painful ailment, but died of a fever April 3, 178^4,
in the forty* fourth year of bis age, and was buried in tbd
north transept of the cathedral, where four of bis cbildreii
were buried before him. '
• PARSONS (Phi UP), ah English divine, and iiiiscellft<»-
neous writer, was born at Dedham, in Essex^ in 1729. Hisfa*
mily was ancient, and aettled at Hadleigb^ in Suffolk, as
early as the reign of Henry VII. whbre some of their
descendants • still reside^ He lost his father when- veryi
young, and owed the care of his education to bis materjial
uncle, the rev. Thomas Smythies, master of the grammar
school at Lavetiham, in Suffolk, with whom be continwd
till he went to Cambridge, where be was entered of Sidney
Sussex college, and took bis degrees there of B; A. in 1752»
and M« A. in 1776. After be bad taken , orders be vf^
appointed to the free school of Oakham, in Rutlaadshirciy-
and remained there till 17f}l, -when he was presetited to
the school and curacy of Wye by Daniel earl of Win*-
Chelsea and Nottingbami In the sedulous discharge of tliii.
twofold duties of this preferment he was engaged upwards
of half a century, and was distinguished by his iirbanity^
diligence, and classical talents, nor was be less esteeoied'
in bis clerical character. He was^ also presented to tb»
rectory of Eastwell, in 1767, by the same patron, ajid to
the small rect^ory of Snave in 1776, by archbishop Corn«
wallii^, who enhanced the value of this preferment by a-
very kind letter, in which his grace testified his high respect
for the character and talents of the new inoumbent.
1 Life in' the Edinburgh Medical Commentaries, ▼ol. X. and publitked tai*^
parULaly at fidiuburi^h, 1786.— CoDlinttauoo of ^ood'i Aimaia by Qutcb.
^Iff. l^arsODS wfts the author of «iereral publications, among
^hicb were, The nine first papers in* the second volume of
the '< dtudent/* publkbed in 1750^; *< On advertising for
Carates;** a paper in The World; "The inefficacy of
Satire, a poem,*'* 17€6) 4to; ^* Newmarket, or an Essay on
the Turf,*' 1774, 2 vols.; ^< Astronomic Doubts, a pamphlet,**
r774 ; ^ A volume of Essays,** 1775 ; ^^ Dialogues of the
Dead with the living^** 1782; << Simplicity,'* a poem,
1784 ; and ** Monuments and Painted Glass in upwards of
loo churches, chiefly in the eastern part of Kent/* 1794^
lto« This work, which is interspersed with judicious re«
marks and interesting anecdotes by the compiler, is become
scarce, owing to the 6re in Mr. Nichols's premises^ but \i
highly valuable to. the antiquary and lorer of such researches*
Mr. Parsons also established a Sunday school at Wye ; and
recommended and contributed much to their establishment
in the county of Kent by a sermon and some letters which
be published on this occasion. The last years of his life
^ere passed in great retirement; alternately engaged iii
the discharge of his ministerial functions, and in literary
pursuits and correspondence, which, boweyer, were tnter<^
Yupted by the loss of his sight about a year before his deathj
and at the same time by a very painful disorder. He bore
these trials with exemplary patience and resignation, ft
was his frequent practice, when on his bed, and free froni
the more excruciating pains of bis disorder, to compose
moral, lively, and religious pieces^ which be afterwardi
dictated to a faithful amanuensis, who wrote them dowhj
He died at Wye, June 12, 1812, in the eighty-third year
of his age. ' .
PARSONS, or PERSONS (Robert), in both which
Ways he wrote his name, a celebrated English Jesuit, was
the son of a. blacksmith, at Nether Stowey, near Bridge-
Water in Somersetshire, where he was horn in 1546; and,
j^ppearing to be a boy of extraordinary parts, was taught
Latin by ihe vicar of the parish, who conceived a great
affection for him f, and contributed to his support at Ox«
ford, where he was admitted of fialiol college in 1563. In
« * This it not accurate. He may f He wai sii(j>6cte<l to b<* hit real
.liave been a contribuior to the ** Stu- fattier ! an«l ir is «aid that Baiiol college.
dent,'* bcri could not have written either had a cenificaie that he was a bastard.
XhfSTOHgJini, or the Jirsi nine papers of Poulis's Life of Parsons tn bis '* H'i$^
^ lecond Tolume. tory of Ronii>h TreaiODi."
^ » Gcot. Mag« Tol. LXXXII*
IM 1^ A H S O N. $1
the university he becaise 96 reoaiirkiLbh^ M nn aetft^ dist-
Julant io jscholasuc exereisesi then mocb in rogu^) tbiit^
eving tfiken his first degree in arts in 1568» he was iJbe
same year made j^robationer fellow of his coliege. Ht
Upon after became the most famous tutor in the society^
and when be entered into orders, was made socips saeerdoSi
or chaplain fellow. In 1^572 he proceeded M. A, was bur-
9ar4batyear, and the ne^t dean of the college; but it if
laid that being cbarg^ by the society with incontinency^
^nd en^beezling thie college-money, to avoid. the shame of
a format expulsion, be was permitted, out of respect t^
bis leairuing, to resign, which be did in Feb. 1574^ obr<t
laioifig leave to keep his chsmber apd pupils as long as b«
pleased, and to have his commons also till the ensuing
Caster. These last circumstances have induced some wk'iters
%o tbink that it was merely a change of rtsligious prineiples
ivhicb occasioned his resignatioik
He had till this time opi^nly professed himself a protests
it^t, and was very zealous in introducing books of that re^
Iigion into the college library : but soon after bis resigna-*
tidQ, he quitted Oxford for London, and went tbence^
^une 1374, to Louvain : where, meeting with fether Wih
iiam Good, his countryman, a Jesuit, he spent a week in
the spiritual exercises at the* collie of that order, and
began to entertain an affection for it. He proceeded^
however, to Padua, in consequence of a determination bo
bad formed before be left England, which was to study
physic as a profession ; but he had not been long at Padua,
beforto the unsettled state, of bis. mind and fortune excited
in him a curiosity to visit Rome, where meeting with some
£riglish Jesuits, he gavfa up all thoughts of the mediical
profession foir that of the church. He now went back to
Padcia, settled bis afiairs there, and at Rome in May 1515^
W%B chosen a member of the society of Jesusi, and admitted
into the English college.
He was indeed in all respects qualified to make a'figure
in this society, being, according to Camden, fierce, tur»
bolent, and bold ; and he soon answered every expectation
his new friends could entertain. Having completed the
eoarse of his studies, he became one of the principal pe»
nitentiaries ; and was in such credit with the pope iii l&79p
that he obtained a grant fronil his holiness to change ati
hospital at Rome, founded in queen Mary's titne, into 4
college or seminary for the English^ by the name of " CoU
JP A R 8 Q N S. iSf
jium de urbe^'* dedicated to the Holy Tritiiiy and St.
Thomas (k Becket), where the students were obliged to
take the following oath: ^^I. N. N. consideriag with ho^
great benefits God kath biessed me, ^c. do promise, by
God^s assistat>ce, to enter into holy orders as soon as I
shall be fit, and to return to England to conirert my coun-
trymen there, whenever it shall please the superior of this
faonse to cominand me/' He had no sooner seen thia cot-*
lege established, and bis friend father Allen chosen, by
his recommendation, rector of it, than he was appointed'
to go as superior missionary to England, in order to pro*
mote the Romish religion in that kingdom, being tlie firA
e^er appointed on stich a business. Edmund Campian wai
joined with him, and other assistants, in this arduous pro«
yince; and they managed matters ao artfully, that, not<r
withstanding the time of their departure from Rome, and
the whole route of their journey, and even their portrait
bad been setit to England before them, yet they found
means by disguise to escape the strictest aearcb that wai
made, and arrived safe in London.
Here they bired a large house, in the name 6f lord
Paget ; and, meeting the heads of their party, communi**
eated to them a £aouHy they brou^t from the pope^ Gre«
gory XIIL dispensing with the Romanists for obeying
que^i Etizab^th ; notwithstanding the bull which had been
published by bis predecessor Pius V. absolving tbe ^ueen'i
aiftbjects from their oath of allegiance, and pronouncing an
anaitbema against all that should obey hen They then
dispersed tbemselves into different parts of the kingdom^
the mid4atid coandea being chosen by Parsons, that he
mi^bt be near etiongh to London, to be ready upon atl
emergencies, Campian went into the North, where th^
bad tbe least success. Tbe harvest was greatest in Wales.
Parsons tra^^l ted about the tamstry to gentlemen' if houses,
disguised either in the habit of a soldier, age^leman, a
mifytstef, or an iapf»arhoT; and appKed himself to the work
iMk so much dihgence, that, by ^hevhelp of bis associates,
be entirely psit an end to the cnstom^ that had till then
pKfrailed among the ^wipists, -of frequenting the protestant
ofaorthes, and joining 4a the servioe. And notwithstand-
itig the opposition made by a more moilerate class of
paptstft, who denied the pope's deposing power, and some
of %bo« even took the oath of lallegiance, yet, if we may
believe himself, be bad^pai^the way for a general insure
rection before' Christmas,
But all bis desperate designs were defeated by the Tlgil
lance of lord fiurleigb ; and CampiaQ being discovered,
ioipiisoiiedy and afterwards executed, Parsons,, wbo was
then in Kent, found it necessary to revisit the continent^
and went to Koaen in Nornandy. He had contrived pri^^
vately to print several books for the promotion of his cause^
while he vvas in England : and now being more at ease, be
coa»po8ed others^ which he likewise procured to be dis-
persed very: liberally. In 1583,- he returned to Rome,
being succeeded in his office of superior to the English
mission by a person named Hey ward. The management
of that mission, however, was left to him by Aqua▼iw^ tb^
general of the order; and be was appointed prefect of it
in 1592. In the interim, having procured for the EngHsh
sen[iinary before mentioned, at Rome, a power of choosing
an i^nglish xector in i586, be was himself elected into
that office the following year.
Whrn Spain bad prepared her 'Mnvincible armada'Vto
invade England, Parsons was dispatched thither^ to avail
himself of the present temper of the Spanish monarch, and
reconcile him a little to the order of. the Jesuits, whose
etiormtties h^d nearly brought them under the eensure of
the inquisition. Parsons found means not only to elude the^
severity of that tribunal, but obtained of the king, that:
bis majesty should ap|)oint one of the judges^ and hiiaself
another, for this inquififition; atid then ^undertook the prtn*'
cipal business of the voyage. While he was. iu England,:
be bad laboured to promote the popish recusancy, and tot
bring the English papists under the government of the
Jesuits., In the same spirit, after he was obliged to quit:
this icountry, he employed all his arts and interest for the
erection of seminaries to supply England from time to time-
with priests to keep up that .recusancy, and to prepare the^
papists there, to join with any invasion which those abroad;
should procure* / >
Thus, for instance, as Mr. Gee remarks in his^introduc**^
tion to the Jesuit's memorial. Parsons treated witb Abe-
duke of Guise to erect a seminary: for such a •purpoae in:
Kormandy ; and he now prevailed with Philip U. to ex**
tend these foundations in Spain : so that in a short time*
they could boast not only, of their seminaries at Rome and ^
Rbeims, but of those at Valladolid, Seville* and St.. Lucarr
in Spain, at Lisbon in Pc^rtogal, and at Douay atid St»>
Omers in Flanders, Xn all these, their youth wem eduf-^
. I
^ted with the strongest prejudices agftinst' their cbuntrjr^
and their minds formed to all the purposes that Parsiont
had in his head. AmOog other favourite objects, he obliged
them to subscribe to the rig^t-of the Infanta of Spain to
the crown of England, and defended this position in hit
*^ Conference* about the next* succession to that crown/^
which went so far as to ^sert the lawfulness of deposing
queen Elizabeth. The secular priests likewise inform us^
that, after the defeat of his designs to dethrone that queen^
while he stayed in England, he consulted with the duke of
Guise in France upon the. same subject; and endeavoured
to make a list of catholics, who, under the conduct of the
duke, were to, change the state of England, upon pretenc^ei
0f sopporting the title of Mary queen of Scots.
After the defeat of the armada in J5S8, he used every
IDQeans in his power to persuade the Spanish monarch to a
second invasion; and when he failed in this, be endea*
▼oured to raise a rebellion iq England, urging the earl of
Derby to appear at the head of it, who is said to have been
poisoned, at his instigation, for refusing to acquiesce. Nor
did he stop here. We find sir Kalph Winwood informing
secretary Cecil from Paris, in 1602, of an attempt to
assassinate the queen that year by another English Je^uit^'
at the instigation of father Parsons ; and when, all these
plans proved abortive, he endeavoured to prevent the suc->
cession of king James by several means.; one of v\hich was,'
exciting the peopleao set;up a democratic form of govern^
mentf tor which be had furnished them with principltfs ia
seveial of bis books* Another was, to persuad^^ ttie pope
to.make<his kinsman the duke of Parma king of England,
by joining with the lady Arabella, and marrying her to the
duke^s brother, cardinal farnese* Cardinal d'Ossat gives
the king of France a large account of both these projects ia
eiie of bis letters; aad in another mentions a third contriv-.
ance which Parsons had communicated to him, and whose
object was, that the pope, the king of France, and the king
of Spaiui should first appoint by common consent a successor
for England, who should be a> catholic ; and then should
form an armed confederacy to establish him on the throne.
The death of his friend cardinal Allen, hpwever,}iH. 1594,
diverted bis attention for a while from these weighty public
affairs, to the objects of bis private a(nbitj,on; As.itwa#.
chiefly .by- bis interest, that the cardinal liaii obtained the
littrple.(sM. AtAii. or A|iL££(, WudMU), be conceived^
tee PAIS ON ft.
great hop^ of succeeding bim in it The dignity vi«
worth his utmost endeayoursy and b^ spared ho p»tns to
compass it. Among other eiforts be employed sofoe Je-
suits to obtaiti in Flanders a petition to the king of Spaiin^
in his favour, subscribed by great numbers of the lowest
Df the pisople, as well as those of superior rank. He ap**
f>lied also to that monarch by John Pir^ueS; one of bia
prime coiifideRts, but received no ai^wer.; and then went
bimseif to RoEOse in UBS, under pretenee of settling some
dis-putesy that bad arisen in the English college there duiy
ing his absence. He bad the^year before been compU*-
inented, in a letter from some of the principal persans oi
his order there, on the assured prospect of success ; and
upon his arrival was visited, among others of the higheat
rank, by cardinal Bellarmin, who encouraged bim to wait
upon the pope. At tfai^ interview he entertained the pomt
ttff with an artful account of tiie reports tkat w^efie spi^eiMl
all over Flanders, and even at Rome, of bis boUaess'a de<*
sign to confer tbe purple «pon ham^ and that the king of
Bpain had written to^kia boltnesa iifMU tbe «>ceasion'. Father
More, w^ho furnishes tbese particulars, lells us further^
that Parsons made a modest speedb, as usual an -^uob oo<»
casions, intimating that he &ared he was unworthy of se
high an honour: but he wsis mncb mortified when the
pope, Clement VII I. wbo was moire in tbe secret than h#
supi>osed, assured him, thait be bad beard toothing from tbufk
Spaniards upon any suich subject; that idle reports were iKOt
to be minded ; that he was very well satisfied with his aer*
vices, and exhorted him to continue in tbe same ctmrae*
The truth appeared to be, that the pope having received
many complaints of him from the secular clergy., instead of
bringing bim into tbe sacred . college, had some thoughta
of stripping bim of tbe posts be already possessed. Dis^
appointed in this attempt, and threatened with such dis^
grace, Parsons withdrew on pretence of health. to Naples^
ai)d did »ot return to .Rome till after the death' of dlesaeot
in 1606.
But this check did not hinder him from exercisiog bia
j^uriedictfou over the Romanists in England, as prefect of
the English mission ; and, after his return to Rome» tvi. .
find him removuig tbe arch-presbyter of England, Blaki*
well, for taking tbe oath «if suptemaoy to James I^ Hm
likewise obtained a brief from Paul V. to deprive all such
priesta as should take that oatb ; and thus-fiontiuttad aealoua
ia tbe discharge of this office lo the last. Father Mdre
bas. given copies of three letters, one to the mission in
England, another to the rector of St. Omer's, and the
tibird to the arcb^-presbyter Berkit, successor to Blakwell ;
aU dictated by him, while he Jay past recovery in the
opinioD of his physicians. The last was Bhisbed the. 13th
of April ; and the fever^ which bad seized him on the lOtb^
pnt a period to his life on the 18th, 1610.. Pope Paul, as
sflfoti ' as be . heard of his illness, indulged him in all the
ceremonies usually granted. to cardinals at the point of
deathi- His body was afterwards embalmed and interred^
pursuant to his owa request, in the chapel, of his college
^ Rome^ close to that of . cardinal AHen. A monument
was. soon after erected to his memory, with an inscription ;
a-eopy. of which may be seen in Ribadineira's Bibl. Soc,
Jes. under the letter P. .
The character of father Parsons was variously reprei-
aented by proteatants and catholics, but even the latter
are not agreed. More recent writers seem' litde disposed
to eieyate it, although belonging to the same communiofi.
B«rringtoii» who has draWn a very impartial character^
begins with asserting that *^ intrigue, device, stratagem,
and all the crooked policy of the Miachiavelian school," aria
associated with the sound of his name. Dodd, the getie^al
biographer of the popish writers, is not without a consider-*
able degree of impartiality in characterizing Parsohs,.hut
yet appears more zealous to defend him than strict impar-
tiality admits. Parsons, however, was certainly a man of
talents, and beyond comparison th^ best wiiter of his party.
His works are, 1. *^ A brief Discourse, containing the
ReasMs why Catholics refuse to go to Church," with a De-
dication to Queen Elizabeth, under the fictitious name of
John .Howlet, dated Dep. i5, .1580. 2. ^< Reasoos for
his coming into the Mission of England, &c." by sonrie
ascribed to Campian. 3. " A brief Censure upon two
Books, written against the Reasons aud Proofs." 4. " A
Discovery, of John Nichols, misreported a Jesuit;" all
written and printed while the author was in England. 5.
** A Defence of the Censure given upon his two Books;
&.C." 15&3. 6. " De persecutione Anglicana epistola,'*
Rome and Ingolstadt, 1582. 7. " A Christian Directory,"
1583. 8. " A Second Part of a Christian Directory, &c.*'
i591. l^bese tvvo parts being printed erroneously at Lon^-
doB, Parsons published an edition of them under this title:
Vol. XXIV. M
^< A' Christian Directorj, guidiog miein to their Salvatioiri;
&c. with many corrections and additions by the Author,
himself." This book is really an excellent one, and wa»
afterwards put into modern English by Dr. Stanhope, dean
of Canterbury ; in which form it has gone through eight or
ten editions. 9. ^* Responsio ad Eliz. Reginse edkctum
contra Catholicos," Romse, 1593, under the name of And.
Philopater. 10. '^ A Conference about the next Succes*
sion to the Crown of England, &c." 1594, under the
feigned name of Doleman. This piece was the production
of cardinal AHen, Inglefield, and others, who furnished
the materials, which Parsons, who had a happy talent thi»
way, put into a proper methods Parsons's style is among
the best of the Klizabethan period*. 11. ^^ A temperate
Ward word to the turbulent and seditious Watchword of sir
t^r. Hastings, knight," &c. 1599, under the same name..
12. " A Copy of a Letter written by a Master of Arts at
Cambridge, &c." published in 1583. This piece was com-
siionly called " Father Parsons's Green Coat," being sent
from abroad with the binding and leaves in , that livery,
but there seems reason to doubt whether this was his (see
4Ath. Ox. vol. XL new edit, note, p. 74). 13. " Apologe-
tical Epistle to the Lords of her Majesty's Privy Council,.
&c." 1601. 14. " Brief Apology, or Defence of the Ca-.
* tholic Ecclesiastical Hierarchy erected by pope Clement
VIIL &c." St. Omers, 1601. 15. "A Manifestation o£
the Folly and bad Spirit of secular Priests,'* 1 602. 1 6. " A
Becachordon often Quodlibetical Questions," 1602. 17.*
" De Peregrinatione." 18. ** An Answer to O. E. whether
Papists or Protestants be true Catholics," . 1 603. 1 9. " A
Treatise of the three Conversions of Paganism to the
Christian Religion," published (as are also the two folk>'w-^
fng) under the name of N. D. (Nicholas Doleman), in 3.
* The intention of this book was to
•up|V)rt the- title of the Infanta against
that of king James, after the death of
^ueen' Elizabeth, and to prove that
there are better titles than lineal de-
scent It is^reoiarkable that this wea-
pon, which was obliquely aimed at
Elizabeth, should afterwards be em-
ployed against Charles 1. Ibbotson's
pamphlet concerning the power of par-
Laments, &c. which was published pre-
paratory^ to the destruction of that
prince, was no more than a republica-
lioa of X^Qleraan (or PurtODs), with
very few alterations. Bradshaw's lonf
speech at the king's condemn ati0O|,'
and a considerable part of MiltonTs
*' Defensio pro Populo Angl." are
chiefly borrowed from the same per-
formance ; and it was even reprinted
in 1681, when the parliament were de-
bating the subject of the exclnaioii of
the duke of York; but in 1683 the uni-
versity of Oxfonl ordered it to b«
burnt by the hands of the hangman.
Podd labours hard to prove that Par-
touf was not the aathor of it.
Tbis. 1 2mo, , 1 603, 1 604. 20. " A Relation of a Trial made,
before the king of France in 1600, between the bishop. of
Ei^reux ancl the lord Plessis Mornay," 1604. 21. "A. De-
fence of the preciedent Relation, &c." 22. "A Review,
of ten public Disputations, &c. concerning the Sacrifices
and Sacranjent of the Altar," leo*. 23. '< The Forerun-
ner of Bell's Downfall of Popery," 1605. 24. "An An-
swer to the fifth Part of the Reports of Sir Edward Coke,
&c." 1606, 4to, published under the name of a Catholic;
Divine. 25.^^ De sacris alienis ndn adeundis,- queatipnes
duae," 1607. 26. " A Treatise tending to Mitigation to-*
wards Catholic subjects in England, against Thomas Mor-
ton (afterwards bishop of Durham)," 1607. 27. ." The
Judgment of a Cathplic Gentleman concerning king James's
Apology, &c." 1608. 28. " Sober Reckoning with Thomas
Mortoo," 1609. 29. "A Discussion of Mr. Barlow's
Answer^ to the Judgment of a Catholic Englishman con-
cealing the Gath of Allegiance," 1612. This book being
left not quite finished at the author's death, was afterwards
completed and published by Thomas Fitzherbert. .The
following are also posthiicftous pieces : 30. <^ The Liturgy^
of the Sacrament of the Mass," 1620. 31. "A Memorial
for. Reformation, &c. ;" thought to be the same with'
"The High Court and Council of the Reformation,'**
finished after twenty years' labour in 1596, but not pub-
lished till after Parsons's death ; and republished from a
copy presented to James II. with an introduction and some
animadversions by Edward Gee, under the title of, " The
Jesuits Memorial for . the intended Reformation of the
Church of England under tbieir first Popish Prince," 1690,
Svo. 32. There is also ascribed to him, " A Declaratioa
of the true Causes of the great Troubles pre-supposed to
be intended against the Realm of England, &c.. Seen
and allowed, anno 1581." 33. Parsons also translated
from the English into Spanish, ^^ A Relation of certain
Martyrs Jn England^" printed at Madrid 1590, Svo. Seve-
ral of bis MSS. are preserved in Baliol college library, pac-
ticularly a curious one entitled ^^ Epitome controversiarum
hujus temporis." ^ «
PARUTA (Paul), a noble Venetian, born in 1540,
was made historiographer of the republic in 1579, and
* Ath. Ox. ?ol. I. new edit. — Biog. Brit. art. Parsons.— Dodd's Ch. Hist. —
Berrin^on's Panzani, Iniroduction^ p. 24. — Gent. Mag. LXIV.- wher« is a fine
portrait of Panons .
M 2
U^ P A R U T A.
afterwards was employed in aereral embassies, was xnida
goirernor of Brescia, and finally elected a procurator ot
St. Mark. Sucb was his character for wisdom, integrity,
and aeal for the public welfare, that be was called the
Cato of Venice. He died in 1598, at the age of 58. He
culti^ed the sciences and general literature, and was tfao
author of several works of merit. Among these are :
*i DeUa Perfczioue della vita Political'* " Dbcorsi PoU^r
tici,'* published by his sons in 1599 ; " A HistcNry of Ve-*
nioe, from i5l3 to 1551, with the Addition of an Aceouni
of the War of Cyprus :'' written silso in Italian, but he had
begun to write it in Latin, in. imitation of the style o£
Sallust, and had finished foiiir books in that language. A
new edition of this history was given by Apostolo Zeno in
i PARUTA (Philip)^ a learned antiquary, was a t^oble of
Palermo, and secretary to the senate of that city, where
1^ died in 1629. He was author of several works, but is
principally known by his ^* SiciliadescrittaconMedaglie,'*
Palermo, 1612, fol. This wovk waa afterwards enlarged
by LeoBardo Agostini, and printed at Roiae in 1649, and
at Lyons in 1697. Havercan^ published a Latin edition
of it in three volumes folio, 1 72^3,. which makes part of the
Italian Antiquities of Gra&vius and Barman* *
' PASCAL (Blaisk), a French matbemfatician and philo««
aopber, and one of the greatest geniuses and best writers
that country has produced^ was horn at Clermont in Au«
vergne, June 19, 1623. His father, Stephen Pascal, was
president of the Court of Aids in his province, and was
aleo a very learned man, an able naathematiciai^ and a
friend of Des Cartes. Having an extraordinary tenderuess
for this child, his only son, he quitted bis office and
settled at Paris in 1631, that he might be quite at leisure
|o attend to bis son's education, of which he was the sole
superintendant, yoiing Pascal never having had any other
master. From his infancy Blaise gave proofs of a very
extraordinary capacity. He was extremely inquisitive ;
desiring to know .the reason of every thing; and when
ffiood reasons were not given him, he would seek for better;
nor would he ever yield his assent but upon aucb as 'ap<»
peared to him well grounded. What is told 9f his manner
1 Chaufepic-^Nicerod, rol. XI. « Laiidi Hist. I<it. d»ltaUe.--Pict mst.
of learning the matbemattcsy as well as the progress h^
qui ckiy made in tliat Bcienct^, neems almost ttiiractilou^.
His fatfaier, perceiving in him an extraordinary inclination
to reasoning, was aiVaid lest the knowledge of x)k6 madie«
nutics mig^ht hinder bis learning th« languages, so n^eces^
sary att a foundation to all sotind leaming. He therefore
kept hitti as much a« he eo^ld fnom all notion's of geometry^
locked ap alt hn books of ttuae kind, and refrained even
from speaking of it in his presence. He eonld not h<^^
ever pmvetit his son from mmitig oti that -seiefice ; and
one day io pani«(^Ut he «ar(kised him at work with ehat*^
t^at upon his isfaamber ftdor, and i«i the mid^ of figu^ea;
The father asked Idm what he was doing r 'M am search^
mg/^ says ^Alcai) <<fe>r sueh athing;^' whitsh was jtist the
sanve as the 3!2d proposition of the 1 lU book of Euclid. Ht
asked hiai then how he came to think of this : *^ It was/'
^ys Blaise, *' because I fonnd o«i t soch another thing ;'^ and
•o, going backw«ird, and ysing th^ names of bdl^ aAd roiuid,
be came at length to tbe definitions and axioms he had
foimed to himself. Of this singalar progress we are
assured by his sifter, madame Perier, and several other
pnrsons, the credit of whos^ testimony cannot reasonably
be questiotied.
From this time he had full liberty to indnlge his genius
in mathematical pursuits. He understood £uclid^s Ele«
fnents as soon as he cast his eyi^s npon them. At sixteen
years of age he wrote a treatise on Conic Actions, which
wasaccotmted a great effoft of genius; so mnch so, that
Des Cattes, who had been in Holland a long time, upon
i?eading it, fancied that M. Pascal ikte father was tbe reiA
author of it. At nineteen he cofrtrived an admirable arith-*
tnetioal machine, whit^hwoald have done credk as an 'm^^
rention to any man vei'led in tetence, and much more to
tittch a yoath.
AboHt this time his health became so impaired^ that he
was obliged to suspend his labours for the' space of fbur
years. After this, having seen Tbrricelli^s experiment re*
apf^cting a Tacanm and the Weight of the air, he turned
his thoaghts towards these objects, and nndertook several
new experiments, one of which was as follows: having
provided a glass tube, 46 feet in length, open at oiie end^
and hermetically sealed at the other, he fiiied it with red
wine, that be might distinguish tbe liquor from the tube,
(Mid stopped up the orifice j then having inverted it, ^and
placed it in a .vertical position^ with the lower' end. itB.<«
mersed into a vessel of water one fqot deep, he opened the
lower end, and the wine descended xo the distance of
about 32 feet from' the surface of the vessel, leaving a eon«
siderable vacuum at the upper part of the tube. He next
inclined the tube gradually, till the upper end. becanie
only of 32 feet perpendicular height above the bottom, and
be observed the liquor proportionally ascend up to the
top of the tube. He made also a great many experiments
with siphons, syringes, bellows, and all kinds of tubes,
making use of different liquors, »uch as quicksilver, water,
wine, oil, &c. ; and having published them in 1647, he
dispersed his work through all countries.
• All these experiments, however, only ascertained effects,
.without demonstrating the causes. Pascal knew that Tor-
xicelli conjectured that those phenomena which :he had
observed were occasioned by the weight of the air, though
they had formerly been attributed to Nature's abhorrence
of a vacuum : but if Torricelii's theory were true, he rei^*
soned that the liquor in the barometer tube ought to stand
higher at the bottom of ^ hill, than at the top of Jt*. An
order therefore to discover the truth of this theory, h^
made an experiment at the top apd bottom of a mountain
in Auvergne, called le Puy de DomCy the result of which
gave him reason to conclude that the ait was indeed heavy.
Of this experiment he published an account, and sent
copies of it to most of the learned men in Europe. He
also renewed it at the top and bottom pf several high
towers, as those of Notre Dame at Paris, St. Jaques de la
Boucherie, &c.; and always remarked rthe same difference
in the weight of the air, at different elevations. This fully-
convinced him of the general pressure of the atmosphere ;
smd from this discovery he drew many useful and iolporr
tant inferences. He composed also a large treatise, in
which he fully explained this subject, and replied to .all
the objections that had been started against it. As be
jtifterwards thought this work rather too prolix, and being
fond of brevity and precision, he divided it into two small
treatises, one of which he entitled "A Dissertation on the
Equilibrium of Fluids ;'' and the other, ^^ An Essay on the
Weight of the Atmosphere." These labours, procured
Pascal so much reputation, that the greatest mathemati*^
cians and philosophers of the age proposed various que^-*
tiods to him, and consulted hioi respecting such di(&cultie4
T«s they could not resolve* Upon one of these oceasioiii?
'he discovered the solution of a problem* proposed by Me^-
seone, which had baf&ed the penetration of all that had
attempted it« This problem was to determine the curve
.described in the air by the nail of a coaqh-wheel^ while
the machine is in motion ; which curve was thence called
a FoulIette> but now commonly known by the name of cy«
eloid. Pascal offered a reward of 40 pistoles to any one
who should give 9 satisfactory answer to it. No person
having succeeded, he published his own at Paris ; but, as
lie ,begaji now to be disgusted with the sciences, he would
.not set bis real ntame to it, but i^eot it abroad under that
«f A. d'Ettooville. This wasthe last work which he pub**
lished in the mathematics; his infirmities, from a delicate
jconstitutiop, though still young, now increasing so much,
.that he was under the necessity of renouncing severestudy,
iiuid of living so repluse, that be scarcely admitted any
person to se^ him. Another subject on which P^sc^l wrota
•very ingeniously, and in which he has been spoken of af
jBLU inventor, was; what has been called his Arithtnetical
Triangle, being a set of figurate numbers disposed in that
jTorm. But such a table of numbers, and many properties
of them, had been treated of. more than a century before^
py. Cardan, Stifelius, and other arithmetical writers.
After having thus laboured abundantly in ipathematical
wd philosophical disquisitions, he forsook those studies
and all human learning at onc^ to devote himself to acts
4of devotion and penance^ He was not tweaty^four years
of age, when the reading some pious books had put him
ppon taking this resolution ; and he became as great a de-
votee as any age has produced. He now gave himself up
entirely to a state of prayer and mortification ; and he had
|tlwa3&s in his thoughts these great maxims pf renouncing
all pleasure wd aU superfluity ; and this he practised with
ligour even in his illnesses, to which he was frequently
,^bject, being of a very invalid habit of body.
.Though P^tscal bad thus abstracted himself from the
. W^orld^ yet he could not forbear paying some attention to
what was doing in it; and he even interested himself in
the contest, between the Jesuits and the Jansenists. Tak-
ing the side of the latter, he wrote his celebrated " Let-
tees Provinciales,^', published in 1656, under the name of
jCouis de MimtaltCf making the former the subject of ridii-
.. i^e. ** TTl^ese letters," says Voltaire, " may be consider^
m i^ A S C A t.
tti k mod^l of i^loqu^TXits mA huifioiir. Ttae btfMTcOff^^i^
of Moli^re have dot ntbr^ vrit thtfn the first part of tb^b
letters ;' and the sublimity 6f the iauet part of tb^tfi i^
equal to aify thing in Bossu^t* It is true indeed that tb«
whole book was bdiUupon a fftlsfe fouhdatioh \ for the 4ixi.
travagAnt notions of a f^w'Spariish and Fl^ttil^h Jesuits were
artfully ascribed i\S the whole sociexy. Mdny absurdtti^
ttiight Hk6wise have been discovered affk)D«f the Dominican
and Franciscan tasuisis; bii! this would* rfOt hav^ answered
the purpose ; for tftfe whole raillei^y was to be ieved^ only
at the Jesuits. Thdse letters were int€'nded to pi'o^e, that
the Jesuits had formed d d^sigti td corrupt mankind ; -h
design which no sect oi* sociefjr evtr had, or can hftre.'*
Here, however, Voltaire is not altogether cori'ect ; for th^
Jesuits cited by Pascal, were considered, as oracles by
theii* order ; and the ^hole society always acted so system
Ihatically as a body, that th^ ddcirines of*onG may beimw
puted to the rest, ttiore fairly than in any othef class <rf
tneh\ ' Voltaire calls Pascal the first of their satirists; fot
toespr^aux, saj's be, nlu&t be considered ai only thfe ie^'
cond. In another placd, Speaking df this work <rf Pascal^
he says, that "exarfiples of all thd various spades of elp**
quence are to be fburtd in it. Thoiigh it has now beeA
written almost 100 years, yet riot a single word occurs irt
It, savouring of that vicissitude t6 which living languages
^re so subject. Here then- we are to fix the epoch wheti
6ur language may be sdid to have sujsunried A settled fofm;
The bishop of Lucori, k)ti of the celebrated Biissy, told
itie, that asking one day the bi^hdp of Meaair What Work
he would covet mbst to be the author of, sU)>posing hi^
6wn performances set iiside, Bossu replied, • The Proviil^
6ial Letters*." These letters were first published in 1^59,
l2mo, an edition highly valued, and were aJFfcerwards trans«
lated into all languages, and printed over and bver agaio;
Some have said that there were decrees of fdrmfal cohdeld-^
nation against them ; and also that Pascal himself ill his
last illness, detested them, and repented bf tlaVrng been a
Jansehist : but both these particulars are without foi:inda<>;
tion. It was supposed that father Daniel was the inony*
mous author of a piece against tlieih, entitled ** The Dia-«
logues of Oleander and Eudoxusi"
Pascal was but about thirty years oJF age when these li?t*
ters were published ; yet he was extremely infirm, and his
disorders increasing soon after so much, that he conceived-
bk ttid fiu^ ftpptoaching^ he gtiTe tip all farther thoughts
d€ literary composition. He resolved to spend the remain^,
der of his days in retirement and pious meditation ; and
i^tb this view be broke off all his former connections,
changed bis habitation^ and spoke to no one, not even to
Us own servants, and hardly ever even admitted them into
his room. He made his own bed, brought his dinner from
the kitchen^ and (tarried back the plates and dishes in the
evening; so that he employed his servants only to cook
for bim> to go to town, and to do such other things as he
could not absolutely do bimsejf. In his chamber nothing
was to be seen but two or three chairs, a table, a bed, and
a few books. It had ho kind of ornament whatever ; he
had neither a carpet on the floor, nor curtains to his bed.
But this did not prevent him from sometimes receiving
visits ; and when his friends appeared surprised to see him
thfis without furnitdre, he replied, that he had what was
necessary, and that any thing else would be a superfluity,
unworthy of a wise man. He employed his time in prayer,
and in treading the Scriptures ; writing down such thoughts
as this exercise inspired. Though his continual infirmities
obliged him to use very delicate food, and though his ser-
vatlts employed the utmost cave to provide only what was
^iccelient, he never relished what he ate, and seemed
quite indifierent whether they brought him good or bad.
ii is indifference in this respect was so great, that though
his ^aste was not vitiated, he forbad any sauce or ragout to
be made fat him which might excite his appetite.
Though Pascal had now given up intense study, and
though be lived in the most temperate manner, his health
continued to decline rapidly; and his disorders had so en*-
feebled his organs, that his reason became in some mea-
Mte affected. H6 always imagined that he saw a deep
abyss on one side of him, and he never would sit down till
a chair was placed there, to secure him from the dangler
Which he apprehended. At another time he pretended
that he had a kind of vision or ecstasy ; a memorandum of
ithith he preserved during the remainder of his life in a
Mt of paper, put between the cloth and the lining of his
coat, and which he always carried about him. Some of the
JesuitSTeproached him with insanity ; but his disorder had
nothing more in it than a fever, or a vertigo. During the
last years of his life, indeed, he became very superstitious,
and exhibited a melancholy example of human infirmity
in that respect.
IW t A S C A !•
' In company Pascal was distinguished by his amiable be*
haviour, by bis easy, agreeable, and instructive conversa-
tion, and by great modesty. He possessed a natural kind
of eloquence, which was in a manner irresistible. The ar-
guments he employed, for the . most part produced the ef-
fect which he proposed ; and though his. abilities entitled
Jiim to assume an air of superiority, he never displayed
that haughty and imperious tone, which ipay often be pb«
served in men of shining talents. Toward the close of bis
life, he employed himself whoHy in pipus and , moral re-
flections, writing down those which he judged worthy <^
being preserved. The first piece of paper he could find
was employed for this purpose ; and be commonly put
down only a few words of each sentence^ as be wrote
them merely for his own use. The bits of paper uppu
liirhich'he had written these thoughts, were found, after his'
death, filed upon different pieces of string, witho.ut .any
order or connection; and being copied exactly as they
were written, they were afterwards arranged and publisbed*
Pascal died at Paris, August 19, 1662, aged thirty^-iiioef
He had been some time about a work against atheists and
infidels ; but he did not live long enough to digest the ma-r
terials he had collected. What was found among, his papers
was published under the title ^* Pens^es,'' or Thougbts
upon Religion, and other subjects; and has been much
admired. After bis deiath appeared also two other. little
tracts ; one of which is entitled ^' The Equilibrium of
Fluids;" and the other ^^ The Weight of the mass qf
The celebrated Menage, in that collection called ** Me*
nagiana," selects the two following passages in the wri-
tings of M. Pascal, for the acute observations theycour
tain : " Those minds which are capable of invention are
;very scarce. Those to whom this power is denied, being
much the greater number, are of course the prevailing
party ; insomuch, that when works of invention come for^
ward, to claim the praise due to their authors, the public
opinion treats them as visionaries." And again, ^'It seems
jptber a fortunate circumstance, that some conamon error
should fix the wanderings of the human mind. For instancpi
tb^ moon is supposed to influence the disorders of the buf
man body, and to cause a change in human affairs, &c.
which notion, though it be false, is not without its advan*^
tage ; as men are thereby restrained from an inquiry 'i0tj|
things to^rhich the fafumai> understanding is incompetent,
•and from a kind of curiosity which is a malady of the
The works of Pascal were collected in five volumes oc*
.tavo, and published at Paris in 1779. This edition of Pas-
cal's works may be considered as the first published ; at
fleast the greater part of them were not before collected into
«one body ; and some of them had remained only in manu-
script. For this collection the public were indebted tp
the abbot Bossut, and Pascal deserved to have such an
editor. " This extraordinary man^" says he, " inherited
,from nature all the powers of genius. He was a geome«-
.trician of the first rank, a profound reasoner, and a sub-
lime and elegant writer. If we reflect^ that in a very short
.life, oppressed by continual infirmities, be invented a cu-
rious arithmetical machine, the elements of the calculation
xjtf chances, and a method of resolving various .problems
.respecting the cycloid ; that he fixed in an irrevocable
manner the wavering- opinions of the learned respecting *
the weight of the air ; that he wrote one of the completes^t
:Works which exist in the French language; and that in
^Bis thoughts there are passages, the depth and beauty of
which are incomparable? — we shall be induced to believe^
'that a greater genius never existed in any age or nation.
AH those who . had occasion to frequent his company in
the ordinary commerce of the world, acknowledged his su-
periority ; but it excited no envy against him, as he was
never fond of shewing it. His conversation* instructed^
without making those who heard him sensible of their own
{inferiority ; and. he was remarkably indulgent towards the
faultsnof others. It may be easily seen by his Provincial
Xetters, and by some of his other works, that he was born
jRrith a great fund of humour, which his infirmities could
^ever entirely destroy. In company, he readily indulged
in that-harmless and delicate raillery which never gives of«-
fence, and which greatly tends to enliven conversation*;
Jbut its principal object . generally was of a moral nature.
JPoT example, ridiculing those authors who say, *^ my book,
my commentary, my history; they would do better,'' added
J>e, ** to say o^r book, aur commentary, ot^r history ; mibt
^here are in them much more of other people's tbaa their
A Life by Bossat and by madsune Perler.—Hutton's Dictionary.— Tbomion's
Hist, of the Royal Society, &c.
172 P A S C H A S I U S.
PASCHASruS tlATB£RT^ a celebrated llenedictiii^
of the dinth century, was born at Soissonsy and carefully
educated by the monks of Notre Dame jn his native
-city, in the exterior part of their abbey. He afterwards
took the religious habit under St. Adelard in the abbey of
Corbey^ and during the exile of his abbot Wala, who suc^
eeeded Adelard, wrote, about the year 831, a treatise
" On the Body and Blood of Christ;*' for the instnictioti
of the young monks at New Corbey in Saxony, where he
teaches, that the same body of Christ which was born df
the Virgin, which was crucified, rose again, and ascended
iikto heaven, is really present in the Eucharist. This trea-
ti^ made a great noise in the reign of Charles the BaU.
Bertram (otherwise Ratram), John Scotus Erigena, and
-some others, wrote against Paschasius, who was then
Abbot of Corbey ; and Frudegard, abbot of New Corbey,
Wrote to him on the subject about the year 8^64, in*-
forming him that many persons understood in a figu^
yative sense the words " this is my Body ; this is my
Blood,*' in the institution of the Eucharist, and supported
theinselves on the authority of St. Augustine. Paschasiua
on the other side maintained that be taught nothing in hia
treatise different from the faith of the church, nor from
what had been tiniversaliy believed from the time of thO
apostles; but these disputes^ together with some dis*
turbances raised against htm, induced htm to resign hia
«ibbey, and he died soon after, April 26, in theyea^ 8€5.
lie was only a deacou, having declined taking piiest*a
orders from a principle of humility. Claude, and several
other protestant writers, have asserted that Paschasius waa
the fifst who taught the doctrine of thi real presence; but
the popish writers maintain that this doctrine has been al^
ways believed and taught in the Romish church. Hift ye*-
ttiaining works are, " Commentaries" on St. Matthew^ oft
l^alm xliv. and on the Lamentations of Jeremiah; *<Tbe
Life of St. Adelard,'* and other works in the Library of the
Fathers, which Father Sirmond printed separatoly at Parla^
1€18, folio. Father d'Acheti, in tom.XlL of his " Spi-
Oiteglum, has published Paschasius Ratbert*a treatiao *^ Bt
Partu Virginis ;'* another question itiudi agitated in iho
. iiimh century. His treatise " De Corpore Chriatl** baa
been inserted by Martenne in his collection, where it ia
' more accurate than in P. Sinnond*s edition. V
> Care, toI. U.— Dupin.— Diet, HHrt. de L'Avoeat
P A S O R.. ^79
PASOR (Matthias), the son of George Pasw, a learned
professor of divinity and Hebrew in the academy of Her«>
borne^ by ApoUonia bia wife, daughter of Peter HepdschiiiSt ,
fliensttot of that • place, was bom there April 12, I $99.
Discovering a very docile dispositipn, he was carefully
educated in the elements of Greek and Latin iu his native
place, until the appearance of the plague obliged him lo
be removed toMarpurgia 1614; but the following year
i^e returned toHerborne, and again applied hi^9e^lf plosely
to bis studies. In 1616, he was sent to Heidelberg; and>
meeting there with skilful professors, he i&ade such im**
provement, that he wuis employed as a tutor, and tavxght
in private, both mathematics and Hebrew^ He was ho**
noured also with the degree of M. A. by the university ixk
Feb. 1617, and then studied divinity under David ^Pareus^
Abraham Scultetus, and Henry Alting. : In April 1620, ha
was appointed mathematical professor ; which ofBoe be re*
tained until Heidelberg was invested by the duke of Bava««
ria^s troops, in September 1622, when he lojst bis books
and MSS. and narrowly escaped with his life to Herbprite»
where he found a comfortable employment in the aci^
demy till 1623. .Proceeding thence to Leydeo, he con-
stantly attended the lectures of the most eminent Dutch
divines, particularly those of Erpenius upon Om. Arabia
Ji^ngue, and of Snellius upon divinity.
After a few weeks stay at this university, be arrived in
{England; and^ bringing proper testimonials with him to
Oxford, was incorporated M. A. there, in June 1634.. Here
be began to teach Hebrew and the mathematics privately^
but at the end of the year took a tour into France with
some gentlemen of Germany ; and spending the winter at
Paris, attended the lectures of Gabriel Sionita, regius pro^
fessor of Syrtac and Arabic : who, having left off reading;
ip public some years for want of auditors, wajs prevailed
upon by Pasor to resume those exercises in his own houses
Having much improved himself under this excellent mastety
he returned to Oxford in 1625, and bad chambers in
Exeter college, in v^hieh he preferred residing, notwith*
sounding the plague had ^dispersed the studeuis,. rather
than go to Ireland with archbishop Usher, who offered
him bis table and a handsome pension. As soon as the in*
fection ceased, he had some pupils, either in divinity or
the oriental tongues; and in tlie latter he was tutor to the
celebrated Pococke. Afterwards, upon bis petition, he was
114 PASO R.
appointed to read public lectures in Arabic, Cbaldee, and
Syriac, twice a week in term time, in the divinit/-scbooI^*
for whicb he was handsomely rewarded. He held this
temporary professorship for about three years from Oct.*
1626, during which time he also delivered a Hebrew lee—
ture-in New college. In 1629 he accepted an invitation to*
be professor of moral philosophy at Groningen ; and, upon'
the death of Muller, the mathematical professor, six years- :
itfiter, Pasor succeeded to that chair; but when, in 1645,' <
he was raised to that of divinity, oJF which faculty he W3»-
then created doctor, be resigned his mathematical profes-
sorship, retaining that of moral philosophy. AH these fa*- •
vours induced him to remain at Groningen, where he died-
Jan. 28, 1658.
He published few books, for which be is said to have'
given two reasons: first, '* Because be was not willing ^
that youth should be diverted from reading the good books'
already published ;'* arid secondly, ** Because he did not'
care that the booksellers should risk their money." Hes
published, however, while at Oxford, an ** Oratio pro-
lingusB Arabicas professio^le, publice ad academicos babita
in Scbola Tbeologica universitatis Oxon. 25 Oct, 1626,'*
Oxon. 1627, 4to. He was also editor of those useful-
works which his father (who' died in 1637) compiled'
for the use of Greek scholars, and whicb were at one*
time very popular; viz. his " Manuale GraeGorum vo-
cum Novi Testamenti, deque Graecis N, Testamenti;
accentibus.'' Leyden, 1634, 12mo, often reprinted BlV
Herbom, Amsterdam, and other places ; ^* Syllabus sive
idea omnium Novi Test, dictionutn, seu diaiectorun^,'*
] 2mo, Amsterdam, Franeker, Francfort, &c. &c. ; "Lex-
icon Grseco-Latiuum in N. Testanfientum,** 8vo. There
are editions of this printed at London, Amsterdam, Ge-
i^eva, &c. and two at least with Leusden's ijfnprovementSy
Amsterdam, 1675*, and Leipsic, 1695*. George Pasor
was nineteen years professor at Herbprn, and eleven yeari^
at Franeker, where he was buried with a monumental in-
scription. It remains to be mentioned, that a Latin life of
Matthew Pasor was published, containing his journal,
^ Tn the Bodleian catalogue we find litia Christiana ;*' " Oratio in obitunif
the following works attributed to hioi : J. Piscatoris," ibid. 1624» 4to ; '* Am- .
**£tymonpropriorumnominuminNov. lysis difBciliorum vocum in openbaa
Test." Herborn,! 680, 8T03"Ptedagogu8 • Hesiodi/' Amst. 162), 8vo, often re*
Cbristianus de quiuque religiunis ca- printed; and " Index ad Hesiodani>*,
^itibu8»\' ibid. 1 624, Syo; " Oratio de mi- Amst. 1701; 8ro.
P A S O R. . 175
mttny trifling particulars in which, Bayle says, ought to
have been left out. But what would have become of
Bayle^s own wotks, particularly his Dictionary, had his*
editors left out what was trifling, obscene, and impious ? ^
PASQUIER, or PAQUIER (Stephen), a learned
Fr^nchiqan, was born in, 1528 at Paris; of which city he*
was an advocate in parliament, afterwards a* counsellor,-
and at last advocate-general in the chamber of accounts!.
He pleaded many years with very great success before the
parliament, where be was almost constantly retained in the.
most difficult causes, and every day consulted as an oracle.
He did not, however, confine his studies to the law ; but
was esteemed a general scholar. Henry IH. gave hiin the
posb of advocate of the chamber of accounts, which he filled
with his usual reputation, and resigned it some tim^ after
to Theodore P^uier, bis eldest son. He was naturally'
beneficent and generous ; agreeable and easy in conversa*
tion ; his manner sweet, and his temper pleasant. > He died
at Paris, at the advanced age of eighty-seven, Aug. -31,
1615, and was interred in the church of St. Severin.
His works show considerable knowledge of ancient bis-r
tory, especially that of France; and he raised no little re-
putation by his attacks on the Jesuits in his <^ Les Re-
cherches," which war answered by father Garasse. His
animosity to that order laid him in some measure open to
(his antagonist, for he very readily adopted any story, ever
so improbable, which he heard of them from their bitterest
enemies. All his works, however, are written with de*
gance and humour, and he appears to have been formed!
by nature equally for a poet and a lawyer. His works were
first printed together atTrevoux, and passed through many
editiousj the last in 1665. They were afterwards printed
along with those of his son Nicholas, at Amsterdam, in 1 723,
2 vols. fol. Of his ^^ Letters," the best edition is that at
Paris, in 1619, in 5 vols. 8vo. His "Poems" consist of
one book " Of Portraits ;" six books of " Epigrams ;•■ and
a bo^k of " Epitaphs." But in this collection is wanting
his " Catechism of the Jesuits ;" instead of which are in-»
iertied the letters of his son Nicolas. Among his pieces in
verse, "La Puce" had atone time a fashionable reputa*
tion. It is entitled " La Puce des grands tours de Poitiers ;'*
I • • »
» Effigies et Vit» Prof. Acad. Groninga," 1654, fol— Gen, Dicf.--Ath. Ox.
vol. 11.— Foppen Bibl. Belg, toK I.-^Saxii Oaomatf.
\is P A S Q U I £ R.
and cotitaina several poems upon a 6ea which P&qnier
spied on the breast of tbe learned Catharine de Roches^ m
a visit to her on tbe extraordinary sessions at Poitiers in
1569. Such are the trifles by which a nation is sometimea
aroused. He left three sons, of whom the eldest, Tbao-
dore, was advocate»generaI in the chamber of accounts i
Nicolas, master of requests, whose ^^ Letters'* were printed
in 1623, at Paris, containing several discourses upon the
occurrences in France in tbe time of Henry IV. and Loaia
XUL ; and Guy, who was auditcur of tbe accounts. ^
. PASSE, or PAS (Crispin), tbe chief of a family of en*,
gravers, and likewise a man of letters, was a native of
Utrecht, but we have no account of bis education, or dates
either of birth or death. It appears that he applied him-
self very early in life to tbe study of the arts, and particu**
larly delighted in drawing and designing from tbe works of
the most eminent artists his contemporaries. He was sent
by prince Maurice to teach drawing in an academy at Paris.
At what time he came to England is not very clear ; none
of his works done here are dated, says Vertue, later than
1635. From tbe paucity of English beads engraved by
Crispin, and other circumstances, lord Orford seems in*
dined to doubt whether he ever was in England, and
thinks it not improbable that drawings were senttohioi
from this country, as we know was the case afterwards
with Houbraken, when he was employed on the ^^ lUus-^
trious Heads."
How long he lived is not known* His fame was at itt
highest from 1610 or sooner to 1643. In this last year^
when probably very old, he published at Amsterdam bia
famous drawing book in Italian, French, High aiid Low
Dutch, a foiioy with forty-eight plates. His next work,
according to lord Orford, was entitled ^^ Instruction du roy
en Pexercise de mohter a cheval, par Messire Antoine de
Pluvinel," a work in dialogues, French and Dutch, foolisb
enough in itself, but adorned with many cats admirably
designed and engraved, and with many portraits* Hoi*
land's ^^ Heroologia^* was executed at bis expence, for
which he employed the best Flemish engravers, but does
not mention any share he had himself in that cotlectioaof
j^ortraits. Crispin Passers works are so numerous tbaa it
would be difficult to obtain a complete catalogue* Lord
■ ^ Moreri.««X)ict. Hietii
PASSE. 177
Oxford and Mr. Strutt have mentioned the principal^ as
connected with the English series ; but they have omitted
his Virgil, Hoiner^ and Ovid, and his *^ Eiortus Flohdus/*
the latter a folio, and the other in 4to, which are much
valued abroad, but very scarce. There is, or was, a com*
plete collection of bis illustrated books, and single plates,
in the royal library at Paris, and many of them are in
every English collector's portfolio or library.
. Passe -worked entirely with the graver, in a neat, clear
style, which has much originality in it; and, excepting
S|Ome little stiffness which frequently appears, and the want
of harmony, with respect to the distribution of the light
aiid shadow, a fault which prevailed at the time in which
he lived, his best worka possess a very considerable share
of merit, especially his portraits, many of which he drew
from the life ; and the far greater part of his historical and
emblematical subjects are engraved from his own compo-
sitions. He drew the human figure very correctly, and
marked th^ extremities with a degree of ei^actness, not
usually found in the works of those masters who employed
themselves upon small subjects ; when he attempted large
ones he was not equally successful.
His family consisted of three sons, Crispin, William,
and Simon, and a daughter Magdalen, all of whom, except
perhaps the first, attained considerable fame in their
fjBither's art. William and Simpn resided some time in
England, and executed many portraits in the English
series, but particulars of their lives are unknown. V
PASSEMANT (Clau0E Simeon), an able French opti-.
eian, was born in 1702, and at first brought up to trade,
which he partly relinquished for the study of natural philo-^
aophy and astronomy, and being already known to his ad*«
vantage by several members of the academy of sciences, he
published a volume in 1738, 12mo, on the construction of
a reflecting telescope from sixeeen inches to six feet and
a half, the latter producing the effect of a telescope 15a
£eet long; and some time after, he wrote *^The Descrip-*
tion and use of Telescopes, Microscopes," &c. of his own
invention. He also constructed an astronomical pendulum^
orowued with a moving sphere, which was made to repre*"
sent the revolutions of the planets, in a manner that exactly
Corresponded with the astronomical tables. He presented
i WftI|>Qle and SUutt.
Vol. XXIV. N
174 P A S S E M A N r.
this machine to Lewis XV. and it was formerly to be seeirf
id the royal apartments at Versailles. He made a similar
instrument for the Turkish emperor, which shewed th«
rising and setting of the sun and moon. He furnished the
king and other great men in France with sets of instruments
for making experiments in optics, and other branches of
science. In 1765 he gave some plans for making canals^
by means of which ships might come up to Paris ; and bi»
proposal is inserted in M. de la Lande'^s work on '^Navi*
gable Canals,'' published 1778; but be had not the satis*
faction of seeing it accomplished, being carried off in
twenty-four hours, by a lethargy, November 6, 1769.*
PASS£RAT (John), a celebrated professor of eloquence
in the royal college at Paris, and one of the politest writers
of his time, was born Oct. 18, 1534, atTroyes in Cham-^
pagne. His uncle, who undertook to educate him, placed^
him at the college of his native city, where som^ harsh
condpct of his master induced him to run away; Arriving
at Bourges, he entered first into the service of a farrier, and
afterwards waited upon a monk ; but, growing in time sa-'
gacious enough to see his folly, he returned to his uncle,
who pardoned him, and maintained him for three years at
college, where he proceeded in his studies with so much
diligence, that he became in a short time able to teach in'
public. In that capacity his first post was master of the-
second class in the college of Du Plessis, from which he
jremoved to that of cardinal Le Moine ; but being obliged
to retire for some time from Paris on account of the plague,
oh his return he engaged in the business of teaching Latin.
At length he took up a resolution to study the law ; for
which purpose he went to Bourges, apd spent three years'
tinder Cujacius ; but at last became professor of elo-'
queuce, having obtained that chair in 1572, on the va-
cancy which happened by the assassination of Ramus. In
the discharge of this post he grew so eminent, that the^
most learned men of the time, and the counsellors of the'
aupreme courts at Paris, went to hear his lectures.. He
was an indefatigable student, passing frequently whole days'
without taking any food ; yet to an extraordinary erudition
he joined an uncommon politeness of manners, having^^
nothing of the mere scholar, except the gown and hood.'
These accomplishments brought him acquainted with all
PA S S E R A T. It?
' the people of quality ; but he contracted an intims^cy only
with M . de Mesmes^ in whose house he lived for thirty
years, till his deaths which was occasioned by a palsy, Sept*
14, 1602.
He was highly esteemed by Ronsard, Belleau, and Baif ;
and was much admired as a Latin poet ; he was indeed
chiefly partial to the Latin authors, and formed a dictionary
of that language, which some say was incorporated in an
improved edition of Calepin. His chief works are, 1.
^* Chant d'altegresse pour Pentrle de Charles IX. en sa
▼ille de Troyes,** Troyes, 1564, 8vo. 2. *^ Complainte sur
la mort d'Adrien Tumebe,'' Paris, 1565, 8vo. 3. << Son*
nets sur le tombeau du Seigneur de la Ch&tre, 1569, 8vo,
4. *^- Hymne de la paix, Paris, 1563, 8vo. 5. '^ Recueil
des poesies, Francoises et Latines,** Paris, 1606, 8vo. 6.
** Orationes et prsefationes.*' 7. " Conjecturarum liber.'*
8. ^^ De literarum inter se cognatione et permutatione/*
9. ** Commentarii in Catullum, TibuUum, et Propertium.'*
10. ^* Kalends Januariee." 11.^* Csscitate." 12.
** Not» in Petronii Arbitri satyricon*" 13. ^^ Encomium
Asini." Besides which, Grievius tells us that be had met
with academical questions by Passerat in manuscript upon
some of Cipero^s orations, out of which he took what was
for his purpose in illustrating that author; and Pithou said
that Passerat knew nothing else but Cicero. ^.
PASSE RI (John Baptist), a painter and a poet, of no
great merit in either lide, died at Rome in 1679, at the
age of about seventy. The work which is most likely to
preserve bis name is his ** Lives of the Painters, Sculptors,
ftnd Architects, who flourished at Rome in his own time.''
This book is full of curious and interesting anecdotes, and
was published in Italian at Rome in 1772. Fuseli speaks
of him as celebrated for his impartiality and acumen in
this work. Though no great painter, he was a disciple of
the famous Dominichino; and though his sonnets were bad,
one of them is said very materially to have promoted his
fortune. •
PASSERI (Joseph), nephew of the former, was born at
Rome in 1654, and was at first a pupil of his uncle, but,
soon discovering the inability of that teacher, became the
disciple of Carlo Maratti. Under such a master he made
1 Life by Le Clerc in Bibl. Anc. et Moderae, yol. VII.— >Niceron, toI. U,*^
BttUurt'« Acadeniie des Scieoce«i— Blount's Ceosura. ' Pilkini^on.
V a
great progress^ and became famous. His style of bisto^-f •
cal composition, was grand, bis colouriDg like tbal of bU
master Mamitr, bis invention fruitful, aad bis expre»sioi»
natural and agreeable. One of bis best works is bis ^ Stv
Jerome meditating on the last Judgmenty'' at Pesaro^ He
died in 1714. '
PASSERI (John Baptist), a learned Italian antkyijh^ry
and philologer, was born at Gubioin the duchy of Urbino,
in Nov. 1694^ His father, who was a pbrysician atTo^i,
desigiied him fov the study of the law, wbicb aocordingly *
be followed, but pursued with it that of antiquities, fo^r
which he had a strong genius. After residing four yeaKI
at Rome he returned to Todi, and began to coil^ct th^
antiquities of that city and its environs. In 1 72^. he turned
his attention chiefly to the Etruscan antiquities, and cot^
lected a vast number of. lamps, which he arraAged ia
classes. Having lost his wife in 1733, after twelve yeaf«
of happy uniony he became asi ecclesiastic, and was apos-^
tolic prothonotary, and vicar'-general of Pesaro. In' Fe^
bruary 1780; hd was overturned in bis cairiage, an-d died
in consequence of the falk His works are, 1. ^ Lucernae
ftetiles Musei Passerii," a splendid book in 3 voia. folio^
He- hadi drawn up a fourth, on the lampa of the Christians^
but this h^ not been publisbed. These came ouli in 1739^
1743, and 1751. 2, ** LettereRoncagliesi ;" Letters from
bis villa at Roiicaglia, on Etruscan aiitiquities, 173^. There
were seventeen letters, and a continuation was after ward«(
published; S.^^ In Tbonise' Dempsteri Libros d^ Etmria
cegaii Paralipomena,, quibus taboke. eidem operi additdB
illustrantnr. Aocednnt dissertatio de re numaria Etrusco^
rum } de nominibus Etruscorum ; et notas in tdbulas Eogar
binaa, auctore I. Baptistei Passecio," Lucsb, 1767, folio. 4»
*^ Picturaei Etruscorum in vaseulis, nunc primum in unum
'collectse, explibataonxbus et dissevtationibus iUustmtac,'?
Romae, 1767, 3 vols, folio. 5. Many leavned. disaertation$
published in several collections ; as^ for example, five in
the third volume of Gori's Museum Etruscum ; De Geni^
domestico, de Ara sepulehrali, de funeribu^ Etruscorum^
de Velciorum familia, de Architectura Etrusca. Theae'are
^i full of the most recondite leambng. *
PASSEROTI (Bartholomew), an artist of Bdogna, was
one of the pupils and assistants of Zuccari, and the first of
} PllkiDgtQ]i««»ArgeDTille, vol. !•' f Pict. Bi8t.-ii»Saxu Ofiovittt.
P A S S £ R O T L ISl
Bologne$6 paknters who introduced naked torsoes in sacred
suiojecte. The^most eminent ^ bis ahar-pieces are ti>e
Decoilatioo of St. Paul alte Tre Fontane, at Rome» and at
S. Giacoiao, of Boiogua^ our Lady with various Saifrts,
painted in tompetition with the Caracci, and honoured bj
tbeir praise. His Tityus, \vb«n exhibited to the public at
Bologna, was by the Dilettanti mistaken for a work of
Michael Angelo. But ko did not always husband his powers
with equal diligence and refinemeiit^ hurried away by that
frankness and facility of execution which debauched Cesari',
whom he howiever excelled in correctness of design. In
portrait, for character, digfiity, and proporiety of eotnpo-
sitioa, he approached Titian himself, in the opinion of
Guido. His power of drawing with the pen attracted
Agbstitio Caracci to his s6ho6l^ who made it the guide of
his line in engraving. He ciimposed a book on symmetry
and anatomy, which may be considered as a commentary
on his works. He had three sons of consider2d>le merit as
artists. A sparrow, often- introduced in the works of Bar*
tholomew, is an allusion to his name* He died in 1595.^
PASSIONEl (DOMIKICK), an Italian cardinal, famous
rather as a patron of letters, than as a writer, and em*-
ployed by the see of Rome in many important negooiations^
was bom at Fossombrone in the dtftchy of Urbino, in 1682.
He studied in the Clementine college at Rome, where he
afterwards formed that vast library and curious collectioH
of manuscripts, from which the learned world has derived
so much advantage* In 1706 he attended the nuncio GuaU
terio, his relation, to Paris, where he formed an intimacy
witli the most learned men of the time, and examined
every thing that deserved attention. He was particularly
intimate with Mabiilon, and Montfaucon. In 1708 he
went into Holland, at first for the sak^s of lit^ary inquiries,
but afterwards as a kind of secret agent for the pope at the
Hague, where he resided four years, and attended the
congress at Utrecht in 1712. On his return to Rome, he
passed through Paris^ where he was most graciously and.
honourably received by Louis XIV. who gave him bis
portrait set with diamonds. He then proceeded to Turiu
to accommodate some differences between the pope and
the duke of Savoy ; and upon his return to Rome was de^
stared president of the apostolic ehamber. In the two
^ PilkJDgto«» by FoselU
coDgressesatBale in 1714, and at Soleure in 1715, be was
again employed, and strongly ennced bi^ zeal, talents,
activity, prudence, and otber qualities of a great nego-
tiator. His account of this embassy was published in 1738,
in folio, under the title of ^^ Acta Legationis Helvetica^/*
which may be considered as a model of conduct for persons
employed in such services. Upon the accession of Cle-
ment XII. he was sent as nuncio to. the court of Vienna,
where he pronounced the funeral oration of prince Eugene.
In the pontificate of Innocent XIII. which lasted from 1721
to 1724, Passionei had been made archbishop of Ephesus ;
lie continued in favour with the successors of that pope,
Benedict XIIL and Clement XII. the latter of whom, in
1738, raised him to the dignity of cardinal, having at the
same time made him secretary of the briefs. Benedict
XIV. in 1755 made him librarian of the Vatican, whicli
he enriched by many important accessions; and in the same
year he was admitted into the French academy, under the
peculiar title of associ6 etranger. He died on the 15th of
July, 1761, at the age of seventy-nine.
Cardinal, Passionei did not write much besides the ar-
ticles that have been already mentioned. He worked, in-
deed, witb Fontanini, in revising the ^^ Liber diurnus Ro-
manorum Pontificum,'' and produced a paraphrase on the
nineteenth psalm, with a few more small pieces : but he
was most illustrious for his enlightened knowledge of let-
ters, and his judicious and liberal patronage of learned
men and useful works ; an example but too little followed
in the present age. He had one of the most valuable li-
braries in Rome, composed of the best, the scarcest, and
most remarkable books in all sciences, and in all languages,
ancient and modern. He himself was the librarian, and
did the honours of it in a manner the more satisfactory to.
the learned, as no one was more able to second and extend
their views on the subjects of their researches. *^ In this,^*
says a Swedish traveller, " he was very different from the
cardinals Davia, Gualterio, and Imperiali, all three also
very rich in books. . The first was always readingj^ and
never wrote; the second was always writing, and never
read ; and the third neither read nor wrote." Cardinal
Passionei's temper, however, was not equable, and Bene-
dict XIV. delighted to put him in a rage, sometimes by
taking away one of his books, and making him think it was
lost, but more frequently, which was the greatest prove-
P A S S I O N E I. l«8
cation out cardinal could receivCi by introducing a wor|c
written by a Jesuit. On one occasion when the pope did
this, the cardinal opened the window, and threw the book
with all his force into the square of Monte Cavallo. At
this instant the pope appeared, and vouchsafed hioi his
grand benediction. It is said, that by way of answer to
this benediction, a certain gesture of the cardinal's put a
stop to the pleasantry that the pope had promised himself
from this scene. He most cordially hated the Jesuits ; and
bad it depended on him, tl^eir society would have beea
soon dissolved. On this subject and every other on which
he entered with the pope Benedict, he spoke with the
firmest independence, and the pope generally found it
necessary in all disputes to yield to him. Let us not
forget, however, that it was this cardinal who opened the
treasures of the Vatican to Dr. Kennicott, in a very hand-
some order signed by his name. This was at the time
justly said to be an honour which no work relating to the
Bible could boast of since the reformation.
His nephew, Benedict Passionei, rendered an important
service to the learned world by publishing at Lucca, in
1763, '^ Inscrizioni antiche, con annotaz/' a folio volume,
containing all the Greek and Latin inscriptions collected
by the cardinal. His valuable collection of antique urns,
bas-reliefs, and other works of art, was dispersed after his
death. *
PATEL, a celebrated painter, was a native of France ;
but neither his Christian name, his age, nor the master
under whom he studied, are known to the writers on these
subjects. He has sometimes been called the French
Claude, from his successful imitation of that master. In
bis figures he is clearly superior to him. The forms of his
trees are elegant and free, his scenery rich, and his build-
ings and other objects designed in a very pleasing manner.
His touch is light, yet firm ; bis colouring generally clear
^nd natural. Two of his works have been engraved by
Strange, and all of them prove that he studied nature with
nice observation, and his choice from her productions was
always agreeable. In France he is sometimes called, Patel
le tue, or le ban Patel; and there was also a Patel le Jeune^
pf whom still less is known.'
* Diet. Hist. — « Aoecdotes of Rome. &c, by a Swedish Traretler/' 1768, in
«efit,MBg.vol, XXXVIII.
* Pilkin^ton,— Strangers Catalogue.
184 P A T E R C U L U S.
PATERCULUS (Caius Velletits), an ancient Roman
historian, who flourished in the reign of Tiberius Caesar,
was born in the year of Rome 735. His ancestors were
illustrious for their merit and their offices. His gi'and*
father espoused the party of Tiberius Nero, the emperor^s
father ; but being old and infirm, and not able to accom-
pany Nero when he retired from Naples, he ran himself
through with his sword. His father was a; soldier of rank,
and Paterculus was a military tribune, when Caius Caesar,
a grandson of Augustus, had an interview with the king of
the Parthians, in an island of the river Euphrates, in the
year 753. He commanded the cavalry in Germany utider
Tiberius, 'and accompanied that prince for nine years* suc-
cessively in all his expeditions. He received honourable
rewards from him ; but wef do not find that he Was preferred
to any higher dignity than the prsetorship. The praises he
bestows upon Sejanus give some probability to the conjec-
ture, that he was looked upon as a friend of this favourite;
and, consequently, that he was involved in his ruin. His
-death is placed by Dpdwell in the year 784, when he was
in his fiftieth year.
' He wrote "An Abridgment of the Roman History, in
two Books," in which although his purpose was, to begin
from the foundation of Rome to the time wherein he
lived, we find in what remains of the^ beginning of his first
book, some account of many cities more ancient than
Rome. He promised a larger history, of which this is
only an outline, and had opportunities to have acquired
valuable materials, during bis military expeditions and tra«
Tels. Even in the present work we have many par^culars
related, that are no where else to be found. The style of
Paterculus, although injured by the carelessness of tran-
scribers, and impossible to be restored to purity for want
of manuscripts, is yet manifestly worthy of an age, which
produced his celebrated contemporaries Vifgil^ Sallust,
Livy, &c. His manner of drawing characters is one of his
chief merits ; yet he is condemned, and indeed with the
greatest reason, for his partiality to the house of Augustus,
and for his extravagant praise, not only of Tiberius, but
even of his favourite Sejanus.
Of Velleius Paterculus, as of Hesychius among the
Greeks, one MS. only was discovered, called the codex
Murbacensis, and even that is now lost. In it, says Ben^-
lej, " the faults of the 9cribes are found so numerous, and
the defects so beyond all redress, that, notwithstanding
the pains of the learnedest and acutest critics for two whole
centuries, these books still are, aird are like to continue,
a mere heap of errors." No ancient author but Priscian
makes mention of Paterculus : the moderns have done him
infinitely more justice, and bav6 illustrated him with notes
and commentaries. He was first published, from the ma-
nuscript of Morbac, by Rhenanus, at Basil, in 1520, but
under such circumstances, that this edition was considered
as a spurious work. It was reprinted by Paul Manutius at
Venice in 1571 ; afterwards by Lipsius, at Leyden, in 1581*:
then by Gerard Vossi us, in 1639: next by Boeclerus, at
Strasburg, in 1642: by Peter Burman, at Leyden, in ^719,
in Svo: by Ruhnkenius, at Leyden, 1779, 2 vols. 8vo:
and lastly, by Krausius, at Leipsic, 1 800, Svo. To the
Oxfbrd edition, in 1693, Svo, were prefixed the •* An-
nales Velleiani" of Dodwell, which shew deep learning,
and a great knowledge of antiquity.*
PATERSON (Samuel), a gendeman who deserves ho-
nourable notice in the literary history of his country, was
the son of a wool I en -draper in the parish of St. Paul, Co-
vent-garden, and born March 17, 1728. He lost bis father
when about the age of twelve years ; and his guardian not
only neglected him, but involved his property in his own
bankruptcy, and sent him to France. Having there ac-
quired a knowledge of foreign literature and publications
beyond any persons of his age, he resolved to engage in
the importation of foreign books; and, when little more
than twenty years old, opened a shop in the Strand : the
only person who then carried on such a trade being Paul
Vaillant. Though, by the mis-conduct of some who were
•charged with his commissions in several parts of the conti-
nent, it proved unsuccessful to the new adventurer, he
continued in business till 1753, when he published Dr.
•Pettingars ** Dissertation on the original of the Equestrian
Figure of the George and ,of the Garter." At the same
early period in which he engaged in business he had mar-
Tied Miss Hamilton, a lady of the most respectable con-
nexions in North Britain, still younger than himself, both
-their ages together not making 38 years. He next com-
. flieuced auctioneer in Essex-house. This period of hts
life tended to develope completely those extraordinary
, I VoMiai Qiit, lat,"r-Saiii OooMMt-HOibditt'* Clastic^.
186 P A T E R S O N.
talents in bibliography (a science hitherto so little attended
to) which soon brought him into the notice of the literary
world. The vahiable collection of MSS. belonging to the
right hon. sir Julius Caesar, knt. judge of the Admiralty in
the reign of queen Elizabeth, and, in the reigns of James I.
and Charles I. chancellor and under-treasurer of the Ex-
chequer, had fallen into the hands of some uninformed
persons, and were on the point of being sold by weight to
a cheesemonger, as waste paper, for the sum of ten pounds;
3ome of them happened to be shewn to Mr. Paterson, who
examined them, and instantly discovered their value. He
then digested a masterly catalogue of the whole collection,
and, distributing it in several thousands of the most singu-
lar and interesting heads, caused them to be sold by auc-
tion, which produced 356/.; and had among the purchasers
the late lord Orford, and other persons of rank. These
occurrences took place in 1757.
The first person who attempted to give a sketch of
universal bibliography and literary history was the learned
and laborious Christopher-Augustus Hermann, professor
in the university of Gdttingen, in the year 1718, when
he published his well known work, '^ Conspectus Rei-
publicae Literarise, sive Via ad Historiam Literariam ;''
which gradually went through seven editions, the l^t
of which was published at Hanover, 1763. Numberless
other Works, analogous to this, were published in th^
same interval, in Germany. About the period alluded
to, many detailed, descriptive, and rational catalogues of
books appeared in the several countries of Europe ; the
art and the taste of constructing libraries becatme mor^
general than in any preceding age; and the only thing
which appears worthy of remark, and rather unaccountable,
is that, even after the progress of philosophy or bibliogra^
phy, the Germans, in this department, have excelled every
other people in Europe. It is universally acknowledged,
that the best work of the kind that ever appeared, about
,that time, was the catalogue of the celebrated library of
the count of Bunau, better known under the name of
<^ Bibliotheca Bunaviana,!' so remarkable, indeed, for num-
ber, selection, order, connexion, references, and universal
inteirest. The only historical system of national literature,
exhibited in Europe was that of the Italian, by Tiraboschi.
Mr. Paterson supplied some important materials towards
one among ourselves, in his ^^ Bibliotheca Anglica Curiosa^
P A T E R S O N. 18T
1771/' He was an enemy to those systems of bibliogra*
pby which are now generally practised on the continent ;
and he set no importance even on the newly-established
classification of the " Universal Repertory of Literature,*^
published at Jena. We hope, indeed, that those among
the> readers themselves, who have happened to look at the
above-mentioned catalogue, will not only coincide with
our bibliographer's opinion, but will perhaps smile at see-
ing all th^ branches of human knowledge confined in six-
teen classes, and the last of them entitled ** Miscellaneous
Works ;" the proper meaning of which words has a ten-
dency to destroy the whole classification ! Mr. Paterson
acted consistently with these ideas in all his bibliographical
performances ; and it is owing to the merit of an appropri-
ate,, circumstantial, and judicious classification, that his
catalogues are unrivaled, and some of them are justly re-
garded as models. We refer the readers to the catalogues
themselves, and especially to the Bibliotheca Fleetwoodi-
ana, Beauclerkiana, Croftsiana, Pinelliana, published from
time to time, as well as to those of the Strange, Fagel, and
Tyssen libraries, which he performed within the last two
years of his life ; and they will perceive in each of them
an admirable spirit of order, exhibited in different ways,
and suggested by those superior abilities which alone can
discover and appreciate these variable combinations of the
several circumstances.
A man so thoroughly conversant in the history of lite-
rature could not fail to perceive that a vast number of
books were held as valuable and scarce in £ngland,
which were rathier common in other countries. He thought
he could do his native country an essential service, and
procure emolument for himself, if he should undertake
a journey through some parts of the continent, and suc-
ceed in purchasing some articles of this description. With
this view he set out for the continent in the year 1776, and
actually bought a capital collection of books, which, 6n
his return to England, he digested in the catalogue (the
best, perhaps, of his performances) that bears the title of
" Bibliotheca Universalis Selecta." One of the most re-
spectable booksellers of London bad been his fellow-travel-
ler in that journey; and, being informed of bis design,
and relying on his good sense and excellent ini^ention,
offered him his friendly assistance. He lent him a thou-
sand pounds, to be employed in an additional purchase
1SS P A T E R S O N.
of bookfiy in hopes that be might hare the moiiey re-
turned to him when the speculation was carried into exe^
cution. Mr. Paterson, as usual, proved unsuccessful ; and
ihe generous friend, sympathising in his misfortunes, never
claimed the return of his loan! Mr. Paterson^s fame
had come to the ears of the late marquis of Lansdown, who
requested the learned bibliographer to arrange his elegant
find valuable library, to compile a detailed catalogue of
his books and manuscripts, and to accept, for the purpose,
the place of his librarian, with a liberal salary. Mr. Pa-
terson accordingly entered into the office of librarian, re-
mained in it for some years, and perhaps expected to close
bis life in the same station ; when, unfortunately, a mis-
understanding took place between the noble lord and him^
by which he was obliged to withdraw.
Mr. Paterson was a writer of some consideration, and
from time to time indulged in several publications, to
none of which he ever put his name. The first, in order
of time, is, to our knowledge, "Another Traveller; or,
Cursory Remarks made upon a Journey through Part
of the Netherlands, by Coriat, jun. in 1766," in three
volumes 12mo; the second is " The Joineriana : or, The
Book of Scraps," in two volumes 8vp, 1772, consisting
of philosophicat and literary aphorisms ; the third is
** The Templar," a periodical paper, of which only four-
teen numbers appear to have been published, and the last
of thein in December 1773, intended as an attack on
the newspapers for advertising ecclesiastical offices, and
places of trust under government ; and the last is ** Spe-
culations on Laiv and Lawyers," 1778, tending to evince
the danger and impropriety of personal arrests for debt
previous to any verification. At the pressing solicitations
of his friends, he consented, as soon as the Fagel cata-
logue was completed, to undertake some " Memoirs of the
Vicissitudes of Literature in England during the latter
Half of the Eighteenth Century;" of which it is not im-
probable some materials may be found among his papers.
Mr- Paterson died in his house in Ndrton-street, Fitzroy-
isquare, on the 29th of October, 1802, in the 77tb year of
his age ; and on the 4th of ^be subsequent November, he
was buried in the parish-church of his birth, in Covent-
garden. He was rather below the middle size, and thiii,
but well proportioned, of philanthropic looks, sonorous
voice, and unassuming and polite manners. His mordl
character was eminent^ and unexceptipoable, in every seos^
of the wore,!.*
PATIN (Guy), a French physicUn, wit, and free-thinker,
was born Aug. 3 1, 1601, ac Uodenc en Bray, a Tillage
tiear Beauvais. He appears to have been at first a cor*
rector of the press at Paris, and in that capacity was noticed
by the celebrated Kiolan, who became his friend and ad-
viser ; and Patii^ baying applied to the study of niedicinei
acquitted himself so ably in all his academic trials, that he
received the degree of doctor in the Paris school of medif
cine in 16^7. In this city he began practice, but became
iBore. noted for his wit and humour, both of the inost sar^
castic kind, whije he laid himself open to the wit of
others by the pecuUarity^f bis opinions, by his censure
of every thing modern, and his utter aversion to all iin«
proveoiefM: in medicine* Notwithstanding these .singula-
rities, his entertaining conversatioa procured him. acc^s to
Qtany families of distinction ; and the president LamoignoQ
ofteo diverted the cares of bis professional life by the sal-*
ties and bon-motst of Patin. Patin was an excellent Latia
scbiolar, and expressed hioiself with such elegance in that
la&^«iage, that all Paria fiocked to his theses as to a comedy^
Some fancied be bad tbe air and countenance of Cicero,-
^01 he won more upon them by having the disposition of
In 1650 be was chosen dean of tbe faculty of medicine^
and afterwards succeeded Riolaa^ the younger, in the pro*
fessorship of medicine in the Royal-college, where he
taught with great reputation. The disputes which took
place in bis time respecting tbe use of antimony roused all
his spleen, as he regarded this medicine ajs a poisoo,, and
had even made out a list of patients, which he called the
martyralogy of antimony. Great, however, was his naor«
tification when, in 1666, a majority of the faculty decided
to admit emetic wine into the list of prescriptions; He
was quite inconsolable.
Patin died iri 1672, with the character of a man of learn-
ing. He had a good library, and knew books well, but his
judgment was not equal to his erudition; he projected
some works in his profession, particularly a history of cele-
brated physicians, but executed little, except a life of
Simon Pietre, which appears not to have beeo printed*
1 Gent. Mag. 1802.-«Sk6toh of His Life by Mr. Dstmiani— and another hj
Mr. Mortimer in European Mag. 1802.
190 i» A r I N.
His memory is preserved by his ** Letters," publiiibed iff
six vols. li2mOy a miscellany of literary history, criticism^
and satire, mixed with many of those loose opinions which
have made some rank, him among the philosophers of
France. His great consolation on his death-bed was that
he should meet in. the other world with Aristotle, Plato^
Virgil, Galen, and Cicero. His " Letters" were long read
with avidity, but are not to be relied on in point of fact.
Every thing of that kind is disfigured by prejudice. Therel
is a collection of his sayings among the ^^ Ana." ^
PATIN (Charles), son of the preceding, and an able
physician and antiquary, was born at Parisi Feb. 23, 1633;
He was educated with great care by his father, and made^
such surprizing progress in his studies, that at the. age of
fourteen he defended Greek and Latin theses in philoso*
phy, with the greatest applause in an assembly composed
of thirty-four prelates, the pope's nuncio, and many other
persons of distinction. Being intended for the bar, he
completed his law studies^ and became an advocate in the
parliament of Paris, but he soon relinquished this career
for the study of medicine, which in his opinion promised
greater advantages. He became afterwards a considerable
practitiouer, and a teacher of reputation in the medical
school of Paris, where he took his doctor's degree in 1656 ^
but was about this time obliged to leave France for fear of
imprisonment. The cause of this is variously related, but
the most probable account is, that he had been in some
way accessary to the circulation of certain libels which
drew upon him the resentment of the court.
He then visited Germany, Holland, England, Swisser-*
land, and Italy, and finally settled at Padua, where he was,
in Sept. 1676, appointed professor extraordinary, in 1681
first professor of chemistry, and in* 1663, professor of the
practice of physic. In all these appointments he acquitted
himself with such credit and ability, that the Venetian
state honoured him with knighthood of the order of St.
Mark ; the academy ^^ naturae curiosorum" also admitted
him a member, under the titled of Galen I., and he was a
long time chief director of tlie academy of the Ricovrati.
He died at Padua Oct. 2, 1693. He was a man of exten*
sive learning, and a voluminous writer both iu Latin^
Jrench, and Italian.
1 Eloy, Diet, mit de Mediciae.
? A T I N. 191
' Such of his works as relate to medicine are only inau-
gtiral orations ; hut those by which he is best known, relate
to the medaliic science, in which he was a great proficient.
These are, 1. ^* Familiae Romans ex antiqais numismatic
bus ab urbe condita ad tempora D. Augusti," 1663, folio.
This is chiefly founded on the work of Fulvius Ursinus.
2. '< Introduction a 1' Histoire par la Connoissance des Me-
dailies,'* 1665, 12mo. 3. <* Imperatorum Romanorum
Numismata,'' 1671, folio. 4. " Thesaurus Numismatum,'*
1672, 4to. 5. "Practica delle Medaglie," 1673, 12mo.
6. ^' Suetonius ex Numismatibus illustratus,'* 1675, 4to,'^
and some other pieces. He published also the lives of the
professors of Padua, with the title of ^' Lyceeum Patavi-
Bum, sive Icones et Vits Professorum Patavi, anno 1682,
docentium,'' Pat. 1682, 4to. His wife and two daughters
were learned women, and members of the Academy of Ri-
covrati at Padua, in which they distinguished themselves.
Charlotte-Catherine, the eldest daughter, pronounced a
Latin oration on the raising of the siege of Vienna, and
published ^' Tabellee Selects," which contained an expla-
nation of forty-one engravings from the most celebrated
painters. Gabrielle-Charlotte, the youngest daughter,
published a panegyrical oration on Louis XIV., and a La-
tin dissertation on the phcenix on a medal of Caracalla, Ve-
nice, 1683. His wife was author of a collection of moral
and Christian reflections. '
PATRICK (Simon), a learned English prelate, suc-
cessively bishop of Chichester and Ely, was born at Gains-
borough in Lincolnshire, Sept 8, 1626. His father was a
mercer of good credit in that place, and sent him to a
school, with a view to alearned education, which was kept
by one Merry weather, a good Latin scholar, and the trans->
lator of sir Thomas Browne's *^ Religio Medici.'* In 1644,
June 25, he was admitted as a sizar of Queen's college,
Cambridge, and was elected fellow March 1, 1648. He
took the degree of B. A. in 1647 ; that of M. A. in 1651 ;
and that of B. D. in 1658. Previous to this period he
received holy orders from the celebrated Dr. Hall, bishop
of Norwich, then ejected from his bishopric by the usurp-
ing powers, and living at Higham. This was probably about
1651, as in 1652 Mr. Patrick preached a sermon at the fu^
serai of Mr. John Smith, of Queen's college, who died
t . ■ ■
> Eloy, Diet, Hi8t, de Medicine.— den. Dict^
Aug. 7/16^52, and was buried in the chapel of that collegtf^
He was soon after taken as chaplain inta the family of sit
Walter St. John of fiattersea, who gave him that living in
1656. This vacated his fellowship, and the same year
he took his degree of bachelor of divinity, and published
his first work (if we except the funeral -sermon above men-*
tioned), entitled '^ Mensa Mystica: or a Discourse eon«»
teeming the Sacrament of tFw Lord's Supper ; to which is.
added, a Discourse concerning Baptism,,'' Land. 8vo. In
^tbe following year he published " The Heart's Ease, or a
remedy against all troubles ; with a consolatory discourse,,
particularly directed to those who have lost Uieir friends
and dear relations," ibid. 1659, 12mo^ this went through
many editions. In 1660 appeared " Jewish hypocrisy ; a
caveat to the present generation," &c.
. In 1661, he was elected, by a majority of the fellows,
master of Queen's college, in opposition to a royal man-
damus, appointing Mr. Anthony Sparrow for that place;
but the affair being brought before the king and CQuncil|
was soon decided in favour of Mr. Sparrow; and ^om^ o£
the fellows, if not all, whp bad sided with Patrick, were
ejected. His next preferment was the rectory of St. Paul's^
Covent- Garden, LondoU) in room of the celebrated non-
conformist. Dr. Manton. Tbis was given him by Williamr
^arl of Bedford, in 1662, He endeared himself much t(>
the parishioners by instruction and example, and parti-
cularly by continuing all the while among them during
the plague in 1665. It is said further, that, oat of a spe^
^ial regard to them, he refused the archdeaconry of Hun-<
tingdoa. His rem^aiding in London, however, during the
plague was an instance of heroisya which ought not
to be slightly passed over. He was not indeed the
clergyman who remained at hi^ po»t on this occasion ; but
their number was not great. We s;hall now prdsent qur
readers with a few extracts from some letters which ha
wrote to his friends who importuned htm to leave Lon«
don, as they give a nvore faithful and pleasing picture
of his real character than is elsewhere to be found.
In one of them, dated Sept. 9, 1665, be says, *^ I S0p«
pose you think I intend to stay here still : though I un*
-derstand by your question, you would not have me. But^
loy friend, what am I better, than another.? Somebody
must be here ; and is it^ fit I should set such a value upon
myself as my going away, and leaving unotheri will sig-
tify^ For it will, io eflpect, be to say, that t am too good
IQ be io8it ; but it is no matter it another be. Truly^ I do
pot think myself so considerable to the world : and though
pay friends ^et a great price upon me» yet that temptation
hath uot yet made me of their mind : and I know their
love makes me passe for more with them than I am worth.
Wh^n I mention that word, love, I confess, it moves me
much, and I have a great passion for them, and Wish X
fBigbt live to embrace them odce again ; but I most not
take any undue courses to satisfy this passion, which i!i
but too strong in me. I must let reason prevaile, and stay
with my charge, which I take hitherto to be my duty, whatr
ever come. I cannot tell what good we do their souls :
though I preach to those who are well, and write to those
who ^re ill (I mean, print little papers for them, which yet
are too big %o send you by the post) : but I am sure,
while I stay here, I shall do good to their bodies; and,
perhaps, save some from perishing; which I look upon ais
A considerable end of my continuing. •My dear friend, do
not take it ill, that I cannot comply with your desires ia
this thing : you see what sways me, and I know you will
yeild to it, and say, it ought to be stronger than the love
of you. If you can convince me, that I may, with a good
conscience, go, you may think it will be acceptable ; bul;
I know DQt upoQ what grounds you will make it good. Try^
if you have a mind.''
Ill another letter, dated Sept. 21, he resumes the sub-
ject of the former, " My deare friend, I must tell you,
for you will heare it from other hands, that the plague is
again increased, as I suspected it would, according ad
you would understand by my last. Our only comfort is^
that we are in the hands of God, and not in the bands df
men ; for his mercies are very great, I am very joyfull to
heare at last, that you bend your thoughts to resign me
up to God. I hope it will make your life inore happy,
whether I die or live. . You do not trouble me by your
instances to leave this place, because I think most of yoiir
love, which is conspicuous therein : and I should have re**
fleeted ds much without these intreaties of yours, upon
the desirableness of seeing my friends once more, who, I
think, I may truly say, have fasten hold of me than anjf
thing in this world. But if God will ))ull me from them,
his will be done! I ought to esteem him^my best frit-nd,
who doth not envy to me any other, apd will spare my Ufi^»
Vol. XXIV. O
lU JP A T R 1 C It
iinless it be l)etter for me to die. To him I stilt refern^
myself, which I call trusting in God, (as you would hare
veene^ if ft had been fit, before this time : but I doubt
you will be afraid to receive papers printed in London) t
but It is not to accomplish )ei martyrdome, as you call ii
(that 's too high a name); but to do a little service to my
neighbors^ who I think would not be so well if I was not
One more extract will not be thought uninrterestingr
<< There are people who rely opon pitiful things as certain
tokens of its (the plague's) going away shortly. I have
been totd, more than once, of the falling ont of the clap^
per of the great bell at Westminster, which, they sayv
it did before the great plague ended ; and this they take
>for a very comfortable sign. Others speak of the dawei
0iore frequenting the pallace and abbey, which, if true>
is a better sign, supposing the aire to have been infected^
'For the bookes I read tell mee, that the goeinge away of
birds is the forerunner of the plague, and that one shaU
see few in a plague-year. The death of birds in houses
where they are caged, ordinarily preceeds the death of
the inhabitants ; for these aiery creatures feel the alteration
in that element sooner than wee. Thus you see how de^
sirous all are for some token for good, and how they catch
at the smallest shadows for it. But the best sign of all, I
doubt, is much wanting: and that is, the reformation of
•men's manners ; of which I^heare little, unless that those
come to church who did not before. I think often of a
saying in the second book of Esdras, wJhich describes the
•temper of the world exactly, chap. xvi. 19, 20. A sad
thing that the event of these judgments proves no better;
but so it commonly falls out, and men soon forget both
their smart, and also the good resolutions which it formed.
I hop^e, my friend, the hand of God will not be without
its instruction to us, and that we shall be careful, if he l6t
tis live, to improve it as we ought. I cannot but acknp\r*
ledge a great wisdom, as well as justice, in this restraint
-which I now suffer; and therefore I thankfully accept jt,
and intreat you to assist me with your prayers, that I may
1>oth understand the meaning of it, and likewise make
the right use which God intends. I must ever also acknoww
ledge a wonderful kindnesse of God to me, mixed with this ;
for It^m well and cbearful to my admiratioii and 'asti(>n]sli^
went, when I seriously think ofJt.!' '• ^ .f
-P A T R I C K* 19*
• Two of the papers mentioned in the above letters, wjxich
lie circulated during the plague^ » wiere printed in the latter
editions of his *^ Hearths Ease." Having some reason to
.be offended with the treatment he met with at Cambridge,
he went. to Oxford for bis degrees in divinity; and enter-
ing himself of Christ-church, was incorporated B. D. and
completed bis doctor's degree in 1666, about which time
he was made| chaplain in ordinary to the king. In 1668
he published his " Parable of the Pilgrim," 4to, which
some have thought the precursor of Bunyan's more popu*
lar work ; but the di^erence is too strikingly marked in the
reception these two " Pilgrims" have met with to admit
of any comparison, or detract from the genius that pre-
dominates in the humble tinker's performance. This was
followed by tir. Patrick's " Exposition of the Ten Com->
Inandments," 1668, 8vo, and by a controversial work of
some importance, printed the following year, with the
title " A friendly debate betwixt two Neighbours, the one
9L conformist, the* other a non^conformist, about several
weighty matters^ Published for the benefit of this city. By
^ lover of it, and of pure religion." This consisted of twp
iparts^ to which a third was added in 1670, and was an-
swered by some of the non-conformist writers, who were;
inuch exasperated at it^.
* Harris, the Writer of the Life of y^ars ; hut th&t he had lived Ion|^
"Di, Mantoa the fion«confonni8t, flays, enough to see reason to alter his opl>
that " it has been generally allowed, nion of that people, and that way of
that Dr. Patrick wrote the first volume^ writing ; and that he was verily per*
'Of the * Friendly Debate,' in the heat , suaded there were some, who were ho-
of his youth, and in the midst of his nest men, atid good Christians, who
expectations ; which by aggravating would b^e neither, if they did not ordi«
^me weak and undautiods expressions narily gb to church and sonietimes to
in a few particular writers, designed to the meeting; and on the other bari^^
«xp08« the noQ-confbrmist ministry to some were honest men and good Chris-
<»ntempt and ridicule. The design was tiahs, who would be neither, if they^
afterwards carried on by a worse hand did not ordinarily go to the meet*
..(bishop Parker), and with a more yiru- ings, and sometimes to the church.' A
lent spirit: a method altogether un- rare instance this of retractation and
reasonable and unworthy, because it moderation, which, I think, redounds
will be always easy to gather rash and greatly to bis honour, and is wurtby
unadvised expressions firom the weaker of imitation." This was, bovver,
persons of any party of men$ and only viewed in a dtflerent light by Wharton,
serves to expose religion to the scorn who i^ his MS notes, says, i>r. Pv
and contempt of the profane. But bi- trick ** was a person of great leaminj^
shop Patrick, in his advanced age, and and reputation, for goixtness and wit-
in a public debate in the House of dom, before he was made bishop ; but
Iiords abbnt the Occasional Bill, took . after that, he losthi^ reputation through
Ihe opportunity to declare himself to impndent management, openly &•
this purpose ; * Hiat he bad been vouring the dissenters, an^ employifi|f
known to write against the Dissenters none bnt such*"
with seg^e warmth ia liis younger
O 2
Dr. Patrick's next publication, of the more ptacticsd
kind, was his " Christian Sacrifice; a tt-eatise showing the
necessity, end, and manner of receiving the rioly Commur
liion, &c.'* 1671, 8vo. This was followed by his " Devout
Christian,*' a book of forms of prayer, 1672; >* Advice
to a Friend," 1677, 12mo; "Jesus and the Resurrectioh
Justified by witnesses in Heaven and Earth,** 1677, 8vo ;
**The Glorious Epiphany,*' 1674, 8vo; a translation cf
Grotius, " De Veritate,'* 16^0, 8vo; and various 'piou)^
tracts of the popular kind, published from this date to
1703, and a considerable number of occasional sertnobs. ^
In the interim, in July 1672 he was made pi'ebendarjr
of Westminster, and dean of Peterborough in Atig. 167i?.
Here he completed the ** History of thd Church of Petet*
borough,'* which had been coulpiled by Simon Gunton'^
who was a native and prebendary of Peterborough. Guh-
toh died in 1676; and Patrick published, in 1686, hik
inanuscript in folio, with a large "Supplement," from
page 225 to 332, containing a fuller aCcoutit 6( the abbots
and bishops of Peterborough, than had been given by
Gunton. In 1680, the lord-chancellor Fin<Jh offered hiih
the living of St. Martin's in the Fields; but be refused it,
"and recommended Dr. Thomas Tenison. fn 1682, "DK
Lewis de Moulin, who had been * history-professor at O:^-^
ford, and had written much against the church of England,
tent for Patrick upon his death-bed^ and solemnly dcf-
xlared, before l3r. Burnet also, his regret tipon that ac-
count ; which declaration being signed, was published after
lis death. - •
During the reign of James II. t)r. Patrie^L ftras one of
those able champions, who defended the proteslant reii-
igion against the designs of the court, ail'd published som%
pieces, which were afterwards reprinted in the coUeetion of
:" Controversial Tracts," 3 vols. fol. ButhiifiAdst rematif-
able service in this way was his conference with twp
Romish priests, of which we have the followttrg accoui6t':
'** 0reat endeavours were used to bring Laurence Hy<Jfe,
earl of Rochester, lord high treasurer in king Jameses
yeign, ^o embrace popery ; but in vain. At length hi« loi*d-
fhip being pressed and fatigued by the king^ intreatiey,
told his majesty, that to let him^ee it was not tlii'ougb an%
rejudice of education, or obstinacy, that lie persevere<J in
is religion, be would freely consent to bear some protec-
tant divines dispute with some popish priests, ^nd prd««
ipbed to side with the conquerors. On this the king ap-
Ipointed a cpnfference to be held at Whitehall, at which hii
ftiaj^stjr and se?eral persons of rank were present. Th§
fliptjsstAnt champions were Dr. Patrick and Dr. Willian)
J[^Re,.ithe two chaplains then in waiting. Those on th^
popisli side were GifFord, a doctor of the^Sorbonne, pro*
babl^ the same ^yhom king James wished to obtrude upogi
Magdat/fn- college, a^id a Mr. Tilden, who, having turne4
jlStpi^t at Lisbon, went by the name of Dr. Godden. Th^
fll^ject o^ tbjeir dispute was the ^ rule of faith,' and * th^
proper judge iacontrpyersies.* The conference was ver^r
iQOg ; Md at last t^e Ropnish doctors were pressed with s9
tQu^h strength of reason and authority 'against them, that
they were really put to silence. 0,n this the earl of Ro-
chester declared ^ that the victory the protestant divines
Jpad gained made no alteration in his mind, being before-
i^apd co.|iv^a<ced of the truth of his religion, and firmly rer
Italved never to forsake it.* The king, going off abruptly^
Sv^ heard t0 say, he never saw a bad cause so well, nor ^
^ood on^ SQ ill maintained." ,
^ Such .is the account given of this debate by Kennet in
^ VCompl^lie Ijiisjtory of England :" bishop Burnet*s aci-
pp^njt. is somewhat different He says, *^ That the king
^j^siried of the earl, he wpuld suffer himself to be instructed
ff^ teji^ifi^. He answered, he was fully satisfied about hi$
f^ljglon; but, \ipon the king's pressing it that he jwould
ikear his priests, he said l^e desired then to have some qf
ijlie £nglish clergy pXi^stent, to which the king consented ;
D^ly ih(e ^xc^pted to JiHotson ^nd.Stillingfleet.. Lord Ro'^
<?hester said be would take those who should happen to bp
^ waiting ; for the forms of the chapel w^re still kept up.
i^nd Drs, Patrick and Jane w^re the men.'* " Patrick,'*
Jidds Burqet, '^ told, me, that at the conference there was
j}0 occasion lor them to say much. The priests began the
attack. And when they had done, the earl said, if they
tod i^iothiag stifonger to urge, be would not trouble those
jyearsi^d gentjleme^i to say any thing ; for he was sure he
iKM^td anaw^ all ,that he had heard. And so SLiiswered all
;fli|h<m^h he9,t a^d spirit, ,not without some scorn, saying,
dJKer^ibe^e grounds to persiuade men to chapge their reli-'
l^ion^? This be \irg<ed over and over again with great vehe-
jUieiM^e. T4>e king, seeing in wh^ temper he was, broke
#ff the c^nf^rence, charging all that w^e present to say
fiJ^pg of it.'*
' The ting had often taken pains to gain tfftr Patrick^
isent for biniy treated him kindly, desired him to abate biti
zeal against his church, and quietly enjoy his own religion t
but the dean replied, with proper courage, **That he
tcould not give up a religion so well proved as that of the
Protestants." Conforniably to this principle, he opposed
the reading of his majesty's declaration for liberty of con-^
science ; and assisted Dr. Tenison in setting up a school
)at St. Martin's, in opposition to the popish one, opened ill
the Savoy, in order to seduce the youth. of the town i^nto
popery ; and this was the origin of the ward and parish
schools of London. He bad also a great share in the cooi^
prehension projected by archbishop Sancroft, in order t<l
bring over the dissenters, which, it is well known, was \xfkm
successful. *
' At the Revolution in 1688, great use was tnade of the
dean, who was very active in settling the affairs of the
church : he was called upon to preach before the prince
^nd princess of Orange; and was soon after appointed one
of the commissioners for the review of the liturgy. H0
\vas thought to have excellent talents for devotional com*?
position, and his part now was. to revise the collects of the
whole year, in which he introduced some amendments und
improvements of style^ In October 1689, he was made
bishop of Chichester ; and employed, with others of the
new bishops, to compose the disorders of the church of
Ireland. In July 1691, he was translated to the see c^
Ely, in thp room of Turner, who was deprived for refusr
ing. the oaths to government. Here he continued to per«<-
form all the offices of a good bishop, as well as a good man^
which he had' ever proved himself on all occasions, - He
died at Ely, May 31, 1707, aged eighty; and was interre4
in the cathedral, where a moiiumefit is erected to his me*
Ipoioryi^ with an inscription said to have been written by Dev
Leng^ afterwai^ds bishop of Norwich*
This prelate was one of the most learned men as well e$
best writers of his time* We have noticed his principal
■writings, but have still to add his ^^ Paraphrases'^ and dom*^
mentaries upon the Old Testament, as far as the prophets,;
which are the result of extensive reading, and perhaps tbei
most tiseful of any ever written in the English language
They were published at various times, <but reprinted in
^ vols, folio; and, with Lowth oa the Rropbets, Arnald oa
|be Apocrypha, and Whitby on the New TesitameQt^ bav^
%een ^pubUsbedt, in folioi and very recently in 4t6, a$ ^
regular commentary upon all ibe sacred books. The ^tyle
of this prelate is even and easy, bis compositions rational,
iand full of good and sound sense. Burnet ranks him.
among those many .^vorthy and eminent clergymen in this
laation, who deserved a high character; and were indeeci
an hodour to the church, and to the age in. which they
; Our prelate bad a brother John Patrick, preacher at the
Charter»house, according to Wharton, aud one of the trans-
lators of Plutarch* Dr. Samuel Patrick, the editor of an
edition of Ainsworth's Pictionary was also at ibe Charter-
kouse, but whether a relation does not. appear. Wharton^
also says he had a son, who wasted an estate left him by bis
father, and it was sold,' after his death, *^ for debts and
portions." Mrs. Catherine Patrick, a maiden lady of eighty <•
two years old, said to be oijr prelate's grand-daughter, died
At Bury in 1792. Wbtstoa speaks of a life of bishop Patrick,
written by himself, which he had read, and which was in
Dr. Knight's hands, but where now, is not known. ^
PATRIX (Peter), a French minor poet, was born at
Caen in 1585, and being the son of a lawyer, was designed
by his father for the same profession. This destination,
which seldom suits a poetical imagination, was accordingly
rejected by Patrix, who addicted himself entirely to poetry,
^bont the age of forty, he attached himself to the court of
Gaston, duke of Orleans, to whom, and to his widow^
Margaret of Lorraine, he faithfully devoted *his services,
A Norman accent, and a certain affectation of rustic sim<7
pHcity, did not prevent him from being in high f^.vour at
jtbat little court: his wit, liveliness, and social talent|
snaking amends for such imperfections. Towards the latter
«nd oif life, he became strongly touched with sentiments of
religion, and suppressed, as far as hie could, the licentious
poems which bjC had written in his youth. H^ lived to th0
great age of eighty rejght, and died at Paris in 1672. At
^g;hty, he had a violent illness, and when he recovered
from it, bis friends advised bim to leave his bed ; ^^ Alas V*
said he, " ajt my time of life, it is hardly worth while to
jtake the trouble of dressing myself again.^' He proved
Jiowisver jaaistaken, as to the shortness of his subsequent
* Biog. Brit— Gfeq. Diet. — ^Buraet*^ Own Times.— Whision's Meinoir8.-^R»-
•titata, Tol. i. p. 56,<^Birch'8 I^fe of Tiilotson.— Cole's MiS Atheaa in Britiel
too P A T R I X.
life. Of bis works there are extant, 1. A eoUectioti of
verses entitled *^ La misericorde de Diea sur on pecbeor
p6niient,'* Blois, 1660, 4to. These were written in his
stge, yet possess some fire. 2. ** Plaiiiu des Consonnes
^ui n'ont pas Thonneur d^entrer dlaifis le nom de Neufger*
main,'' preserved in the woriis of Voiture. S. Misceilane-*
ous paems, in the collection of Barbin» ^ The greater patt
of them are feeble, with the exception of a few original
passages. The poem most known was made a few days
before bis deatb. It is called the Dream ; and, though it
is of a serious cast, a translation of it, oddly enough, po$*-
sesses a place in all our English jest books, beginning, <* I
dreamt tbat buried in my fellow-clay,*' &c. It asserts a
inoral and religious axiom, which is undeniable, tbat death
levels all conditions. The original is little known ; it ik
this :
Je songeois cette nuit que, de mal consume,
C6te k c6te d'un Pkuvre on m*avait inhum^^
£t que n*en pouvant pas soui&ir le voisinage^
En mort de quality je lul tins ce langage :
'' Retire toi> coquin ! va pourrir loin d'ici,
II ne t'appartient pas de m*approcher ainsi.'*
** Coquin!" me dit il> d*une arrogance extreme,
*' Va chercher tes coquinsiailleurs, coquin toi-m^me !
Ici tous sont egauxj je ne te dois plus rien $
Je suis sur mon famier« comme toi sur le tien.'* '
PATRIZI (Francis, or Patricius), a platonic pbiloso*^
pber and man of letters, was born, in 1529, at Clissa in
Illyricum, and was educated at Padua. In 1553 he began
to appear as an author by some miscellaneous Italian tracts.
In 1537, with the view of obtaining the patronage -of the
duke of Ferrara, he published a panegyrical poem on tlie
house of Este, entitled "L'Eridano," in a novel kind of
heroic verse of thirteen syllables. After this, for several
years, he passed an unsettled kind of life, in which he
twice visited, the isle of .Cyprus, where he took up his
abode for seven years, and which be finally quitted on liil
reduction by the Turks in 1571. He also travelled intb
France and Spain, and spent three years in the httdr
jcoiintry, collecting a treasure of ancient Greek MSS,
which he lost on his return to Italy. In 1578 be was irtm
vited to Ferrara by duke Alptionso 11. to teach philosophy
in the university of that city. Afterwards^ upon the 9bc^
i l^icerwh TQi. iP^lV.-T-Moreri,— Ptct. Bist/
^essson of CSetnent VIII. to the popedom^ he was appointed
public profesior of the Platonic philosophy at Rome,: an
effice which be held with high reputation till his death, m
1597. He professed to unite the doctrines of Amtotle and
Plato, but in reality undermined the authority of the for«>
met. He wholly deserted the obscurity of the Jewish
Cabbala, and in teaching philosophy closely followed the
ancient Greek writers. During his lecturing at Rome, be
more openly discovered his av^sion to the Aristotelian
philosophy, and advised the pope to prohibit the teaching
of it in the schools, and to introduce the doctrine of Ptatb^
as more consonant to the Christian faith. His ^' Discus*-
■iones Peripatetiess,'* a learned, perspicuous, and elegant
«vork, fully explains the reason on which his disapprobation
cf the Peripatietic philosophy was founded. He was one of
the first of the moderns who attentively observed the pheno-
mena of nature, and be made use of every opportunity,
that bis travels afforded him, for collecting remarks con-
cerning various points of astronomy, meteorology, and
natural history. In one of his ^* Dialogues on Rhetoric,**
he advanced, under the fiction of an Ethiopic tradition, a
theory of the earth which some have thought similar to
that afterwards proposed by Dr. Thomas Burnet. His
other principal works were, "Nova Geometria," 1587;
*' Parallel! Milikari," 1594, both of which are full of whim-
aical theories ; and an elaborate edition of *> Oracula Zo-
Toastris, Hermetis Trismegisti, et aliorum ex scriptis Pla-
tonicorum collecta, Orece et Latine, prehxa Dissertatione
fiistorica/' 1591.'
PA.TRU (Oliver), a polite scholar, and memorable for
being one of the first polishers and refiners of the French,
language, was born in 1604 at Paris, where bis father was
procurator to the parliament. After studying the law, and
peing received an advocate, he went into Italy ; and, on
bis retarn to Paris, frequented the bar. *^ He was the
fitrst,** says Voltaire, '^ who introduced correctness and
^rity of language in pleadings.*' He obtained the repu-
taftion of a tnost exact speaker and excellent writer, and
Wsts esteemed so perfectly knowing in grammar and in hit
Wn language, that all his decisions were submitted to aa
foracles.- Vaiigelas, the famous grammarian, to whom tb^
.French language was greatly indebted^ for much ofJtU
^ Gen. Dist.—'Liadi Hist, I<itk. 4^ti|He.--BnidMr^*-4Kaes's Cyofc^eduu
perfection, confesses that be learned much from Palm i
and Boileau applied to him to review his works, and usei)
to profit by bis opinion. Patru was an extremely rigid
censor, though just; and when Racine made some obser*
Nations upon the works of JBoileau a little too subtle and
fefined, Boileau, instead of the Latin proverb, <^ Ne sia
mihi patruus,*' '* Do not treat me with the severity of an
sincle,'' replied^ ^' Ne sis mihi Patru,'* '* Do not tr^t me
)with the severity of Patru*'*
.' Satra was in his personal character honest, generous^
#incere^; and preserved a gaiety of temper which no advert
•i^ty could affect: for this famous advocate, in spite of all
his talents, lived almost in a state of indigence. -The love
of ,t.b^ belles lettres made him neglect the law * and thja
barren glory of being an oracle to the best French writers
■had more charms for him, than all the profits of the bas^
Henqe be became so poor, as to be reduced to the neces«
^ity of selling his books, which seemed dearer to him tfaaa
hh life ; and would actually have sold them for au under?
jirice^ if Boileau had not generously advanced him a larger
jaum> with this further privilege, that he should have th^
(Use of them as long as be livedo. His death was preceded
^y a tedious illness, during which he received a present of
iive hundred crowns .from the statesman Colbert, as a
4»ark of the esteem which the king bad for him. He died
Jan. 16, 1681. He had been elected a member of tb^^
French academy in 1640, by the interest of cardinsd Hiche*-
lieu, and made a speech of thanks on bis reception, with
which the academicians were so much pleased, as to order
*tbat' every vevt member should in future make one of a
similar kind on being admitted; and this rule has been oh*
served ever since. When At. Conrart, a member of th#
JFrench academy died, one of the first noblemen at court^
ibut whose miiKl was very moderately cultivated^ having
ipfFered. for the vacant place, Patru ppened the me^tin^
■mth the following apologue; ^^ Gentlemen, an ancient
4j^recian, had an admirable Lyre; a string broke, but m^
vtead of replacing it with one of catgut, he ^ould h^veit
silver one, and the Lyre with its silver string was no longer
Jiavmonious," The fastidious care with which he retouched
fuid finished eyery thing he wrote, 4i4 Mt permit him t^
, • . ; •. . ' : . ■ ■' ti
* This act of generosity was dramatised at Paris in 1802, In a piece entitled
** La BiJ>lioth«au«. de Patri^,*? in which Boileau is made tft |iye ;3Q^0QO liTI^ ^^
Mie libr^'r^/wlucii really cbsl; him only 40QQ,
PAT R U. «0»
fitiblish muofa.' His niMcelianeoiis works were printed at
Pms in 1670,. 4to; the third edition of whichy in 1714^
was augmented with several pieces. They <*onsist of
f* Pleadings," *^ Orations," "Letters," << Lives of sooie of
bis Friends," <^ Remarks upon the French Language," &o;
^ very ingenious tract by. him was published at Paris in
^651, 4to, with this title, " Reponse du Cur6 a la Lettm
4u Marguillier sur la conduite de M. le Coadjateun"^ »
. PATTISON (William), an yn fortunate poet, was bom
«tt Peasmarsb, in the county of Sussex, in 1706, and wa*
the son of a farmer at that place, who rented a consider*
able estate of the earl of Thanet. He discovered excellent
parts, with a strong propensity to learning ; and his father,
iiot being in circumstances to give' him a proper educatioi^
applied to his noble Jandlord, who took him under bis pro«
lection, and placed him at Appleby school- in Westmore*
land» Here he became acquainted with Mr. Noble, a cier*
gyman of great learning and fine taste, who promoted hig
«$tudiea and directed his taste. Mp^o his leaving Appleby^
he went to Sidney college in Cambridge, where he pura*
3$ued the plan Mr. Noble had given him, and went through
the classics, as well as ail our English poets, with great
iadvantage. Of these last, Spenser*!* <* Fairy Queen" and
Brown's *< Britannia's Pastorals^' are said to have given him
4he greatest delight. He had, however, unfortunately
contracted a habit of desultory reading, and bad no relish
lor academical studies. His temper could not brook rem
-^traint; and his tutor, be thought, treated him with great
^ Tigour. A quan^el ensued ; and, to avoid the scandal .of
expulsion, with which he was threatened, be tQok histiame
out of the college book, and went to London* Even now
}ii$ friends would have forgiven him, and procured bis re^
admission ; but the ple!asures of the town, the desire of
peing known^ and his romantic expectations of meeting
««vith some generous patron to reward his merit, rendered
iiim: deaf to all advice. He led a pleasurable life, fre^
quented Button'i^, and became acquainted with some of
%he most eminent wits of the time. As he had no fortuneu
mor any means of aubsistence, hut what arose from the
subscriptions for the poems he proposed to publish ; and^
f(S he wanted oveu common prudence to manage this
I iH»a«f<7is«T^ieer«|» t^L VI,— Pemnlt^ ^Ui B<»Bn|et Iltiigtrli,>*
f 04 I^ A T T I 3 O N.
carious 'incoipey be was soon iovolr^d in the dee|jes|
^isstress and most deplorable- wretcbedoe^s. In » poeco^
entitled ^^ Effigies Autboris/' addreaised to lord Burling**
Ion, be describes himself as destinite of friends, of money;
a prey to hunger; and pa$si«ig bis nights on » bench, ii
Bt. James's paric. In a private letter to a gjentleman, be
thus expressed jiimself: ^' Spare my blushes; 1 have not^
enjoyed the common necessaries of life these two dayS|
and caVi hardly bold to subscribe myself/' &c* CurU» the
iHKikseller, finding some of his compositions well received,
And going through several impressions, took him into his
house; and, as Pope affirms in one of his letters,. starved
him io death. But this does not appear to be strictly true;
^od his death is more justly attributed to the smsJUpox^
ivbicb carried him off iu 1727, in his 21st year. His biot-
grapber says, that he bad a surprising genius, and bad
xatised hopes in all that knew him, that he would become
4D!oe of the most eminent poets of the age ; but such of hiit
^ems as we find in the collection published in 2 vols. 8vq,
in 1728, would not in our days be thought calculated to
eupport such high expectations*^
PAUL OF BuRQOS, a learned Jew, born in that city, in
13.53, embraced Christianity, and entered the ecclesiastic
iE:al profession after his wife's decease. He was appointed
preceptor to John tl. king of Castillo ; afterwards accbdea-
^n of Trevigno, bishop qf Carthagena, bishop of Burgos,
and is said to have died patriarch of Aquileia, August 29,
JL435, aged St. He has left additions to Nicholas de
J^yra's *<* Postills;" .a treatise, entitled " Scrutinium Serifs
lurarum," Man^t. 1474, &I. reprinted several times; and
^her; learned wo^ks, abounding, according to.Dupin, m
Mseful hiblinal criticism. ^ His three sons were baptized
jwi^ium, and i;ecommended themsdves by tb^ir merit.
i^L^HOiitSQ wa^ bishop of Burgos, and wrote an abridgm^it
^ ;the: Spanish. History, which is in the f' Jiispania illuS^
itcat^'^ 4 .vob. foK GoNSALyo, the second son, was bishop
x^.PI,acentia; and Alivarbz, the third, published a History
jDf ioiMi.ILlang.of Caftille.* ^ /
^; PAUL, ibe: Deacon, or Paulus DiAcaNUS, so called
jhecanse.he bad been a d^eon .of the church o^ f riuU^
|ii€Migh somei ^^ him ,by (bis .father's name Warn^aidus^.
and others, from due pixrfiBssiou .he took up Ja iiis
5reara PAtrtus Monachcs, was originally a Lombard, boro
kk the city of Frialiy'in the eighth century, and educated
hi the court of the Looillard kings at Pavia. After Desi-^
derias, the last king of the Lombards, was taken prisoned
by Charlemagne^ and carried to t'rance, tired of the tu^.
Inult of the public world,' he retired from the busy scene's
h^ had been engaged in, and became a monk in the &« .
mous monastery of Monte Casino, where he wrote his history
of the Lombards, in six books, from their first origin down
to the reign of Luitprandus, who wa^ their eighteenth king
that reigned in Italy, and died in the year 743. He was
an eye-witness of many of the transactions he relates ; tfnd
as he was a Lombard, we may suppose him well informed
of the affairs of his own nation, and had rdad the history of
the Lombards, written in the same century in which they
bbgan to reign in Italy, by Sectindus Tridentinus, origi-
fiAlly a Lombard, biit a. native of the city of Trent, whb
flourished, according to Baronins, in the year 615 ; but hi^
faistory is now lost. He often quotes his authority, and
though he sometimes falls into trivial mistakes, about fo-
ireign afFaifs, and such as happened long before his time,
as Grotius learnedly evinces, yet, in the transactions of liis
own nation, he is, generally speaking, very exact. He died
In the year7'91^. His history was printed at Hamburgh in
16 1 1, and is besides to be fotlnd in the eighteenth volume of
IMuratori^s Reru^ Italic. Scriptores. ^
' PAUL of Samosata, so named froth the place of hfs
birtlr, flourished in the third century, and was eimong the '
first who entertained the opinions since known by the nama
of Sdcinian, or Unitarian. In the' year 260 he was chbsen
bishop. of Antioch, and having begun to preach against the
diVinity of Jestis Christ, be was admonished, in a council
assembled at Antioch, in the year 264 : but, in anothei|,
l^ld' in the year 269 or 270, sentence of deposition wks
pas&ed. To this he refused t6 submit, and was supported
|ti liis diflob^dience by Zenobia the consort of Odenatus.
At length^ when this queen was driven from Antioch, the
^peror Aurelian expelled Paul in^ the year 272 or 273*
iHls no|t known what became of him afterwards; nor are
aiiy of his writings extant. His morals appear to' bav6
ftfeen ' ^s obnoxious as his doctrines. Dr. L§rdner has en-
lle^votired to defend both, yet it appears evident that be
(OS P- A U Lr
bad tlie whole Christian world against him^ aod qiteett
Zenobia only for him. His wealth, says Gibbon, was »
sufficient evidence of bis guilt,/since it was neither de-*
rived from the inheritance of his fathers, nor acquired by
the arts of honest industry. His followers were for a €oq-<
siderable time called Paulianists, but have since been known
by many other names^ according to the shades of difference
ia their opinions. ^
PAUL DE VINCENT (St.), a wprthy ecclesiastic of the
llomish church, wa^ born April 24, 1576, and studied at
Toulouse, where he was ordained a priest in 1600. On
bis return to Narbonne from Marseilles^ his ship was taken
by the Turks, and he remained for a considerable time ia
$layery^ under three, masters, the last of whom he con^
Terteda Returning at length to France, Louis XIII. made
bim abbot of St. Leonard , de Chaulme, and he had after^*
^wards.tbe care of the parish church pf Clicby, which he
completely .repaired and furnished at his own expeiTce«
Towards the end of 1 609, he went to reside in the bouse
of Emmanuel de Goudy, as tutor to his children, but does
not appear to have remained here long. He then obtained
the curacy of Ch&tillon^les-Dombes, which he kept only
five months. Con^pelled by the solicitations of numberr
less persons of the highest distinction, to rethrn to the
Opudy family, he resigned himself wholly to his natursd
desire of orelieving the poor and afflicted. Louis XIII. being
made acquainted with his zeal, appointed him almonerr
general of the gallies, 1619 ; and the following yea% St^
Francis de Sales, because, as he says, he '^ knew not a
worthier priest in the church,^' made him superintendant
of the nuBs of, the visitation. On madame de Goudy's def
cease, M. Vincent retired to the college des Bon Enfans,
of which he was principal, and which he never quitted^
"but to perform the office of a missionary.. Some yearft
after, he accepted the house de St. Lazare, though with
great reluctance. His life was a continued series of good
works, and it is scarcely to be conceived how one maa
could plan so many, still less, how he could execute them.
Among these were missions in all parts of France, as we||
as in Italy, Scotland, Barbarv, Madagascar, &c. ; ecclef
siastical conferences, at whicn the most eminent bishops
^f the kingdom were present; spiritual retirementSj its thc^
I Lardaer.--Milaer's Cbarch Hist.^GiblH»'t Hi»t— Care, Vol. U
r A U L.
were tdHed, Which were also gratuitous ; an Hospital for
'^Foundlings, for which bis humane applications procured
can income of 40,000 livres; the foundation of the Chari«
table VirginSf for the relief of sick poor ; to which we
CDfiay ^dd| the hospitals de BicStre, de la Salp^triere, de
Ja Piti6 ; those of Marseilles for galley-slaves ; of Sr. Reine
for pilgrims, and of le Saint N09) de Jesus, for old men^
which are principally indebted to him for. their establish*
ment« In times of the greatest distress, he sent above two
millions of livres into Lorraine in money and effects ; nor
<did Picardy and Champagne experience much less of bis
bounty, when the scourges of heaven badjreduced those
provinces to the most deplorable indigence. During ten
years that M. Vincent presided in the council of conscience^
«nder Anne of Austria, he suffered none but the most
worthy to be presented to benefices. Being a zealous pa«
iron of nunneries, he supported the establishment of the
Duns de la Providence, de Sainte Genevieve^ and de U
Croix. He laboured with success for the reform of Cram«
mont, Premontr6, and the abbey of St. Genevieve, as well
las for the establishment of the great Seminaries. Even
those, who have doubted whether his talents were veiy
-extensive, have openly acknowledged that he was one of
the most pious priests in the kingdom, and more useful to
the poor and to the church, than most of those who are
-considered as -great geniuses. This excellent man died
loaded with years, labour, and mortificationg, Sept. 27,1660^
ftged near 85. He was canonized by Clement XII. or
July 16, 1737« Those who wish to know more of St. Vio«
cent de Paul, may consult his Life by M. Collet, 2 vols.4to^
mnd ** I'Avocat du Diable,'* 3 vols. l2mo./ > ^
PAULINUS, an ecclesiastical writer of the fifth century^
^vas descended from an illustrious family of Roman senators^
mud bom a^ Bourdeaux about the year 253. He was directed
-in bis studies by the famous Ausonius ; and applied himself
^so earnestly to the best' Latin authors, that he acquired ^
style tiot unlike theirs. He was advanced afterwards to the
most considerable offices of the empire. Ausonius saySy
4bat Paulinus was consul with him ; but bis name not being
^ound in the f*asti Consulares, it is probable he obtained
«^bac dignity only in the room oF ^ome other person, who
tlU^ in^the office, and perhaps in the year 378^ after the
, death of Valens; He married' T4ierasia/ tn opulent; 'fipa*
nish lady, who proved instrumental in converting him lb
Ohristianity ; and he was- baptized in the year 389. He
dwelt four years in Spain, where he embraced voluntarj
poverty ; selling his goods by degrees, and giving them to
the poor. The inhabitants of Barcelona, where he:i^esidec^
conceived such an esteem for him, that they would have
him ordained a l^riest ; to which, after a long resistance, he
consented, upon condition that he should not be obliged to
remain in Barcelona, because his design was to withdraw to
Nola. This ordination was performed in the year 393, and
the next year he left Spain to go into Italy. In his way he
saw St. Ambrose at Florence, who ahewed him marks of
respect ; and was kindly received at Rome both by the qua«-
lity and the people : but the clergy there growing jea^
lous of him, be left that city quickly, and went to Nola,
where he dwelt in a country-house about half a league
£rom the town. He lived thefe sixteen years with his wife
Therasia, in the study and exercises of a monastic life; and
then, in the year 409, was chosen and ordained bishop
of N(>la. The beginnings of his episcopate was disturbed by
t|ie incursions of the Goths, who took that city ; but the
assault being over, he enjoyed it peaceably to his deaths
which happened in the year 43 1.
* His works consist of *^ Poems,*' and ^^ Letters,*' and are
written with much art ahd elegance; his manner of expres-
iion being close and clear, his words pure and well chbsen,
and his sentences strong and lively* All his writings are
short, but pretty numerous, and compos:ed with great
care. Ausonius highly commends bis poems; yet they
cannot pass for perfect, especially those which he made
after his conversion. He uas esteemed, beloved, and ca«
jressed by all the great men of that age, of what party so-
ever they were ; and corresponded with them all, without
falling out with any! He was, in truth, like I'itus, the de-
light of his times. Milner says that he appears, through'
the mist of superstition, which clouds his narrative, to have
heen one of the best Christians of the age. He was a mir«
rorofpit^ty, liberality, and humility, worthy of a more in-
telligent age, and of more intelligent writers, than of those
who have recorded his life. The first edition of his works
was at Paris, in 1516, by Badius ; the seconxl at Cologne,
by Graevius: Roswedius caused them to be printed at
Antwerp^ in 1622; and the last edition of them was at
P A U 1 1 N U S. 20»
VsLvisj in 2 vols, quarto, the former of which contains hit
genuine work9. Du Pin wishes, that ^^ the booksellers had
taken as much care to have it upon good paper, and ia
a fair character, as the editor did to make it correct and
useful." ' . - -
PAULINUS> patriarch of Aquileia in the eighth century^
and one of the best bishops of his time, owes his fame ia
a great measure to his zeal in behalf of the doctrine o£
the Trinity. He was born near Friuli, in the year 726,
and became greatly distinguished by bis laborious appli<*
cation^ and zeal for the advancement of learning and
science. The emperor Charlemagne bestowed on him va-
rious substantial marks of bis favour, and, towards the
close of the year 776, promoted him to the patriarchate of
Aquileia, where he died in the year 804. A complete
edition of all his works, with learned notes and com*
mentaries, was published at Venice, in 1737, by John
Francis Madrisi, a priest of the congregation of the Ora«
tory. *
PAULLI (Simon), a Danish professor and physiciaOj^
was born at Rostock, in the circle of Lower Saxony, April
Gy 1603, and died at Copenhagen, April 25,1680. Ha
published some medical treatises, and in 1639 a Latia
quarto, on medicinal plants, entitled Quadripartitum Bo-
tanicum ; and in 1648 a thicker volume, in Danish, with
wooden cuts, called ^' Flora Danica,'' which, ^however, em«<
braces the garden plants as well as the pativeones, known
in Denmark at the time of its publication. He wrote alsa
against tobacco and tea, and his work was translated into
English by the late Dr. James, in 1746. The most re*
mailable circumstance attending it is his contending, with
the positiveness, usual to those who are in the wrpng) that
the Chinese Tea is no other than our European Myrica.
gale; an error which Bartholin very cautiously and repect*-;
fully corrects, in his Acta Medica, v. 4. 1, where the true;
tea is, not very accurately, figured. The Paullipii^j ia
Ibotany, is so named in honour of him, by LinnaBus« ^
coouBodly known to the learned by his Latinized namf ^
1 Ddpin. — Milner, vol. 11. p. 485 and 528« — Cm, voL I.;-Savii Onomuit* .
« Dupin.—Cave, Vol. I.— Mi!ner'« Church Hist. vol. Ill, p. 211. '
4 £ioy, Diet. Hitt. d« M«di6io«,-^Ree8*g C^cIop»di««
VduXXIV. f
Palmerlus, was born in the territory of Auge, in 1587, the
ion of Julien le Paulmier, who was a physician of eminence.
Be was bred a protestant, embraced a military life, and
liefrved with credit in Holland and in France. After a time,
Be retired to Caen, where he gave himself up entirely to
the study of letters and antiquity ; and was the firsi pro-*
nioter of an academy in that city, which has since been
Considered as a valuable institution. He died at Caen,
Oct. I, 1670, being then eighty-three. His works are, 1.
** Obiervationes in optimos auctores Graecos," Lugd. Bat.
166S, 4to. 2. "Graeciae antiquae Descriptio," Lugd. Bat.
1678, 4to. This work contains a very learned and useful
digest of what the ancients have written concerning Greece.
Prefixed to it is a life of the author, written at some length,
but in a very affected style, by the editor Stephen Mori-
nets. 3. Some poems in the Greek, Latin, French, Italian,
and Spanish languages. These, however, are the worst
^art of his works. He versified in too many languages to
be very excellent in any. '
PAULO (Mark), a celebrated traveller, was. the son of
Nicholas Paulo, a Vienetian, who went with his brother
Matthew, about 1225, to Constantinople, in the reign of
Baudoin. While they were on this expedition Marco wa»
borri. On their return through the deserts they arrived at
the city where Kublai, grand khan of the Tartars, resided.
This prince was highly entertained with the account which
they gave him of the European manners and customs, and
atppointed them his ambassadors to the pope, in order to
demand of his holiness a hundred missionaries. They
aeccordingly came to Italy, obtained from the Roman pon-
tiff two Dominicans, the one an Italian, and the other an
Asiatic, and carried with them young Marco, for whom the
Tartar prince expressed a singular affection. This youth
was at 'an early period taught the different dialects of Tar-
tary, and was afterwards employed in embassies which gave
him the opportunity of traversing Tartary, China, and
Othe^ eastern countries. After a residence of seventeen
years at the court of the great khan, the three Venetians
came back to their own country in 1295, with immense
wealth. A short time. after his return, Marco served bis
country at sea ags^nst the Genoese,, his galley iii a naval
engagement was sunk, and himself taken prisoner and
1 NiceroD, vols. VIII and X — 'Chaufepie.— Diet. Hist,
carried to Genoa. He remained there many years in con-
finement; and, as well to amuse bis melancholy, as to
gratify those who desired it of him, sent for his notes from
Venice, and composed the history of his own and his
father's voyages in Italian, under this title, ** Delle mara-
viglie del mondo da lui vidute,'' &c. of which the first
edition appeared at Venice in 1496, 8vo. ' This work has
been translated into several foreign languages, and hat
been inserted in various collections. The best editions are
one in Latin, published by Andrew MuUer at Cologne in
1671, and one in French, to be found in the collection of^
voyages published by Bergeron, at the Hague in 1735, in
two vols. In the narrative there are many things not easily
believed*, but the greater part of his accounts has beem
verified by succeeding travellers. He not only gave better
accounts of China than had been before received ; but
likewise furnished a description of Japan, of several islands
of the East Indies, of Madagascar, and the coasts of Africa,
so' that from his work it might be easily collected that a di-*
rect passage by sea to the East Indies was not only pos*
nible, but practicable.^
PAULUS (iEGiNETA), a native of the island iEgina, now
Engia, whence he has his name, flourished, according to
Le Cierc, in the fourth century ; but with more truth he
is placed by Abulfaragius, who is allowed to give the best
account of those times, in the seventh. It is said that he
travelled over Greece and other countries to gain infor-
mation respecting the medical art ; and that he studied at
Alexandria before it was taken and plundered by Amrour,
and there copied a part of the works of Alexander Tralliany
who was his favourite author. On his return from his
travels he made an abridgment of the works of Galen, and
wrote several treatises, which are deservedly famous. It.
appears that his knowledge in. surgery was very great ; for
Fabricius ab Aquapendente, one of the best chirurgical
* Among these, it seems difficult is^qoalljr difficult to believe that the
to belieye, that as sooo as the grand pope, who donbtles had an ardent zeal
khan was informed of the arriTal of for the propagation of the faith, instead
two Venetian roerchantSi who were' of a hundred shoald have sent him only
come to tell theriaoa (or treacle) at his two missionaries.-— The authors of th«
court, he sent before them an escort Universal History are of opinion that
of '40,000 men, and afterwards dis- what Mark Paulo wrote from his owa
.patched these Venetian ambassadors knowledge is both curious and true,
to the pope» to beseech his holiness to and where he erred he was probably
«tnd bim a bundled missionaries. It deceived by his father and udde,
1 Eacyd. Briiannica.— Univ; Htltory.
P 2
,212 P A U L U S.
. writers,, has thought fit to transcribe hinx in a great number
Qf places.
^giheta's principal workd are» 1. '^Salubria de sanitate
.tuenda prse^^eptayV Argent^. .15 11, !8vo. 2. *^ De remedica
libLrL.septen)/',Ot?eekj V^nioe, 152S; foU aofl often re-
.printed l;K>th in: Greek, "Latin, and oiiber languages, with
;CGampent|iries. 3. ^^ ,De 0risi et • diebus critici^ : eommqne
;SignJ8," ^^i^'l^^^, tS^Q^ ' He: appeaiii toihave -beeD ' par-
.tic^qlarlyisjkilful in the.disordei*s of itfae female sex, ^ and is
4he first in aatiqqit^r.^bo deserves tbe tide ^f accoucheur.^ ^
* P4tJSA£^lA^ '4n ,anciejDt>Greek'-vi'feriter, who h^s left
^s a:.<^ri<)iusde9<(rJiptiQn pf^Gr^eecaief' lived iin the second
f entury^. but i^erji ;fei¥^ paiftistiiars' :of .Us'; life are known.
Suicls^ m^ntioiis two .of .this, name :^t)ne of^ Laponia^ who
.wrptf) c;oncemiePg. t^e^ ;HeUespont) ^ Laconia, the ' Ampbye^
^ons^! Sac* ; anQtbes^: who was\a sophist i;or rhetorician of
C^s|u:e^:in;Capps(d«eiav lived at the same time with Arisw
tid^S). .and is mendoHed bjr.Pbildstrat<is,,in his! Lives of'tfaA
b^stlPrs;. Tbislaat>is supposed to ibel our Pausanias.': He
ivas^ accprding: to; the satn^ Pbilostratus, .^ a disciple of the
famous sophist Herodes Atticus, whom' he: imitated in many
sefp^cts, but espieeiiilly in compo^ng without premedita-
tion>r. His prpnujiciation^ was according .to the manner of
tbe:CappiidoeiaDis» -who bad a* way of lengthening short
lylljiibJef^and^ihQrteni^g lon^ones. The character of bi<^
9on>pp9itiQeQ yi9^i negligent, yet* npt without forcr. He
decUimf^d.a long:. time at Rome, where he died very old;
tbpugU.he contitiii^dall: the while a member of the college
S Athens/' His work is properly an accountof n journ^
rough Greece,. Ja which the author noted every thing*^
tb^t was reqaarkabler All public monuments, as temples;
tlieatres,. tombs^ Statues; paintings,. &c. came within hitf
design: be tpcdc thedamenaionsoEcities^ which* had for-^
Q^exly been ^reat end, famous,, but were then in' ruins ; ^ nor
did.he bastit^ >pasa over places' that were ^memorable for^
illustrious transactions of old. By these observations he
thi'dWs much light upon the history and' ant^uities o£
Greece; and. clears up many passages in ancient author^,-
which would otherwise have remaiiled very pei^plexed and
obscure. His work has been recommendj^d to modern .tra->
vellers, and it is well known that Spon and Wheler made'
grea^ use„ of it . '■
} JUof, i>lct.. Hist, de liftediciaei . :
P A'U-S'A^ 1 As. «13
^uBatiias was firA p/uMiBned^at-Venicein' 1^16, fol. by
Aldtts^ who «i^a assisted bj Marcus 'Masurus: Musurus^
wrotea'prefaco in Gt^^k^ which is jJrfefixed tcytbis-edition,"
and addressed to Jv>hn Lascar is, a -learned Greek of ttie-
%ime age. * Afterwards^ in: 1547, Rotttulus Atnaseus pub*'
lisfaed a' Latin version of this work tic Rome; and, three'
years afcer;'an edition was pt-inted at Basil, with a new^
Latinverftion by Abr: Loescherus. A better edition than
had yet appeared^' with the Greefc'texl of Aldus corrected '
by Xyhinder, and <he Latin version of Amaseds by Sylbur-
gius, came out at Francfort,»1583,' in folio; from which;^'
that of Hanover,' 1613, in folio, wa» printed word for wbrd/
But the best of all is that of Leipsic^ 16^96, in folio; with
the notes of Kuhnius. This learned inan had already
given proofs by bis critical labours- upon iElian, D.Laer-
tius, suid Pollux, that he was- very well qualified for a work '
of this nature ; and bis tioties, . though short, are very good.
When he undertook this* edition or Pausanias he proposed '
great advantages from "four maniiscrlflls in the king of
France's library ; but, npon con^dltittg them on several
corriipt and obscure* passages, he foiind that they did not
vary from Aldus's copy. ' The ^inain succours he derived
were from soine manuscript notes of Isaac Casaubon, upon
the margin of Aldus's edition ; atid^ by the help of these,
and hi3 Own critical skill, he w&s enabled to correct and
amend an infinite nnmber of places. 'A new edition, in 4i
vols.^ 8vo, Was published at . Leipsic, in 1794-^1'797, by
Jo. Frid. Facius,' which by the few who hate had an oppor-
tunity of Examining it, ia thought excellent. It ha^ very
correct indexes, and some aid from a Vienna and a Mos*
cow manuscript. An English translation was published ia
] 794 hy Mr. Thomas Taylor. *
PAUTRE (Anthony le), a Parisian architect of tho
seventeenth cefntury, and one of a family of ^rtistsj. ex-
ceHed iil- the ornaments and decorations of buildings, and
was architect to Louis XIV; and monsieur hts only brother.
He planned the cascades, which are so justly admired, at
thie castJ^ of St. Cloud, and built the church of the nUns
of Port- toy al, at Paris, in 1625. LePautreWas received'
into the royal academy 6f sculpture, December 1, 1671,
and died some years after. His " CEuvres d*Architect(ire'*
are engraved in one vol. folio, sometimes bound up in five;
1 Voisiui de Hist Gne«,— -Fabijc* BibU Gnoc«"*<Sa3di Onomait^
»!♦ P A U T R E. '
John 1e Pautre, bis relation, born in 1617, at Paris, was
placed wittv a joiner, who taugbt bim the first rudiments of
drawing ; but he soon surpassed his master, and became
an excellent designer, and skilful engraver. He perfectly
understood all the ornamental parts of architecture, and
the embellishments pf country bouses, such as fountains,
grottos, jets-d'eau, and every other decoration of the gar-
den. John le Pautre was admitted a member pf the. royal
academy of painting and sculpture April 11, 1677, and
died February 2, 1682, aged sixty-five. His ^^ CEuvres
d' Architecture,*' Paris, 1751, 3 vols. fol. contains above
782 plates, which were much valued by the chevalier Ber-
xiin. PoTER le Pautre, related to the two preceding, was
born at Paris, March 4, 1659, and excelled so much in
statuary as to be appointed sculptor to bis majesty. He
executed at Rome, in 169.1, thebeautiful group of £neas
and Anchises, which is in the grand walk attheThuilleries;
and completed, in 1716, that of Arria and Pstus (or rather
of Lucretia stabbing herself in presence of CoUatinus)
which Theodon had begun at Rome. Several of his other
works embellish Marly. This ingenious artist was profes- .
8or and perpetual director of St. Luke's academy, and died
at Paris, January 22, 1744, aged eighty-four.'
PAUW (Cornelius de), a native of Amsterdam^ who
distinguished himself by his philosophical writings, was
born there in 1739; no particulars of his early life are
given in our authority, but it appears that he was educated
for the church, and held a canonry in some part of Ger-
many. He died July 7, 1799, at Xantem, near Aix-Ia«
Chapelle. He was uncle to the famous, or rather infamous,
Anacharsis Cloots, who was the idol of the lowest of the
mob of Paris about the time of the revolution, and his
opinions were in some respects as singular; but he had far
more learning, and more skill in disguising them. He i$
principally known for his '^ Recherches philosopbiques, 1.
sur lesGrecs; 2.sur les Americains, les Egyptiens, et les
Chinois," Paris, 1795, 7 vols. 8vo. In this his countryniei^
seem willing to allow that he asserts more than he proves ;
that bis object is to contradict all preceding historians, and,
to lessen the character of the nations he describes. His style
is agreeable, but he is full of paradoxes, and of those bold
opinions which were once in vogue in France, and recpm^
1 L'AfociU's Diet Hi^t;
PAYS. 215
mended him much to Frederick the Great of Prassia, while
they rendered bim obnoxious to the ministers of religion. *
PAYS (Rene'le), sieur of Villeueuve, a French poet,
born at Nantes in 1636, was For a considerable time comp-
tfoller-general of the imposts in Dairphin^ and Provence j
y«t he. mingled the flowers of poetry with the thorns of'
t)iat occupation, and became celebrated at court by a mis«
cellaneous publication of prose and verse, entitled " Ami-
ties, Amours, et Amourettes/* published in 1685> This .
publication gained him particularly the favour of the la«
dies; and the duke of Savoy honoured him with the title of
chevalier of St. Maurice, and he was made a member of.
the academy of Aries. The latter part of his life was em-
bittered by a law-suit/ which obliged him to pay for the
dishonesty of one of his associates in office^ He died April ,
30, 1690, at the age of 6fty-four. His remaining works
are, 1. ** Zelotide," a novel of gallantry, which was ad-
loired in the country, but despised at Paris. 2, A collec-
tion of poetry, containing eclogues, sonnets, stanzas, &c,
published at Paris in 1672, in 2 vols. 12mo, under the ,
title of " Nouvelles Oeuvres." These contain rather th^
fancies of a minor wit, than the efforts of real genius. *
PEACHAM (Henry), a writer of considerable note in
bis day, appears to have been the son of Mr. Henry
Peacham of Leverton, in Holland, in the county of' Lin-
coln, and was born in the latter part of the seventeenth
century, unless he was the Henry Peacham who published
** The Garden of Eloquence,*' a treatise on rhetoric, in
1577, 4to, and then he must be referred to the early part
of the reign of queen Elizabeth. But we are more inclined
to think, with Mr. Malone, that the ** Garden of Elo-
quence" was a production of his father's. Very littFe i»
known with certainty of his history, and that little has
been gleaned from his works, in which he frequently intro-
duces hin)«elf. In his " Compleat Gentleman," he sayg ,
he was born at North Mims, near St. Alban's, wliere he
received his education unde** an ignorant schoolmaster.
He was afterwards of Trinity college, Cambridge, and in
the title to his " Minerva," styles himself master of arts.
He si^eaks of his being well skilled in music, and it appears
that be resided a considerable time in Italy, where he
learut music of Orazio Vecchi. He was also intimate witb
1 Diet Hist, * MorerL— Gen. Diet— DiQt. Hist
216 P E AC HAM.
all the gr0at roasters of the time at home, and has cbarac*
terized their several styles, as well as those of many oh the
continent. His opinions, ' says Dr. Burney, conceruiog
their works are very accurate, and manifest great know*
ledge of all that was understood at the time respecting
practical music.
He informs us also of his skill in painting ; that he could
take likenesses, and on one occasion took his majesty's
(James L) as he sat at dinner. He also madCy perhaps en->
graved, a map of Cambridge. Lord Orford mentions his
engraving of a good print, after Holbein, of ^ir Thomas
Cromwell, knight, afterwards earl of Essex. From his'
** Gentleman's Exercise" we learn that he either kept
school, or had private pupils. Lord Orford says that he
Was tutor to the children of the earl of Arundel, whom he
accompanied to the Low Countries, In the same work,*
Peacham says he .translated king James's ^^ Basilicoa
Doron" into Latin verse, and presented it to prince Henry,
16 whom he also dedicated his ^^ Minerva Britannica" in
1612, He also published in 1613, ** Prince Henry re-^
vived ; or a poem upon the birth of prince H. Frederick,
heir apparent to Frederick Count Palatine of the Rhine.'*
The only other particulars we derive from his own hints
are, that he lived for some time in St. Martinis in the
Fields, and was addicted to melancholy. It is said that he
was reduced to poverty in his old age, and wrote penny
pamphlets for bread. This last is asserted in a MS note
by John Gibbon, Bluemantle, on' a copy of one of Pea<*
champs tracts sold at Mr. West's sale. It is entitled <* A
Dialogue between the cross in Cheap and Charing crosses
Cbmfortibg each other, as fearing their fall, in these un-*
certain times. By Ryhen Pameach'* (Henry Peacham).
The chief merit of this, Mr. Gough says, is that its wooden
frontispiece exhibits the ruined shaft of Charing Cross,
and the entire cross of Cheap. It has no date. Cheap-»
side cross, we know, was taken down in 1640,
'The work by which Peacham is best known is his '^ Com*
plete Gentleman,*' a 4to volume, printed in 1*622, and re-
printed in 1627, 1634, 1654, and 1661. This last edition
received some ioiprovements in the heraldic part from
Thomas Blount^ author of the *♦ Jocular Tenures." It
treats of *' nobilitie in geuerall ; of dignitie and necessitie
of learning in princes and nobilitie; the time of learning;
th^ dutie of (N^reQt^ in tb^ir children's education ; of a
' P E A C H A M. ai»
gentleman's carriage in the.universitie ; of style in apeak-
ing, writing, and reading history ; of cosmography ; of
memorable observation in the survey of the earth ; of geo-
metry ; of poetry ; of musicke ; of statues and medalls ; of
drawing and painting in oyle; of sundry blazonnes both
ancient and modern ; of armory or blazing armes ; of ex-
ercise of body ; of reputation and carriage ; of travaile ; of
warre ; of fishing.'*
His other works are, 1. " Minerva Britannica, or a gar-
den of Heroical Devises," &c. 1612, 4to. This is a collec-
tion of emblems in vefrse, with a plate to each. Mr. Ellis
has selected several specimens from this curious volume*
2. "The period of Mourning, in memory of the late prince.
Together with Nuptial Hymnes in honour of this happy
marriage betweene Frederick count Palatine and Elizabeth
daughter of our Sovereigne," 1613, 4to. 3. "A most
true relation of the affairs of Cleve and Gulick/* &c; 1614,
4to, in prose. 4. " Thalia's Banquet,'* a volume of epi-
grams,'* 1620, 12mo. 5. " The Valley of Varietie," 1638,
12mo. 6. " The Duty of all true subjects to their king;
as also to their native country in time of extremity ^nd
danger," in two books, 1639, 4to. 7. "The worth pfa
penny, or a caution to keep money ; with the causes of
the scarcity and misery of the want thereof, in these bard
and merciless times; as also how to save it, in our diet,,
appare], recreations, &c." 4to. This piece of humour,
which appeared first ia 1647, was reprinted in 1667, 1677,
and 1695, and perhaps oftener. 8. "The Gentleman's
Exercise; or an Exquisite Practise as well for drawing all
manner, of beasts in their true portraiture, as also the
making of colours for limning, painting, tricking,, and
blazoning of coats of ai*ms, &c." 1630, and 1634, 4to. All •
these are- works of considerable merit, Peacham being a ,
man of general knowledge, good taste, and. acute obser* ,
vation, and were very popular during the seventeenth cen-r
tury. His ** Complete Gentleman " particularly was in
high estimation with the gentry of that age. Sir Charles ,
Sedley, who had been guilty'of an offence against good
Planners, and was indicted for it, was asked on his trial by
the chief justice, sir Robert Hyde, whether he had ever
read the ^* Complete Gentleman" ? ^
t Cole's MS Atbeos in Brit Mtt8.-^HawkinB>f Hist of Maiic. — Gongb's To-
potrrapby.-rDr. Barney in Rees's Cyclop9dia«— Ellis's SpeoineBs,— 'Walpole't
• • . ' • t « I
- PEACOCK, or PECOCK (Reynold), bishop of St.
Asapfb, and Chichester, in the reign of Henry VI. is sup-
posed to have been born in Wales about 1390. He was
educated in Oriel college, Oxford, of w^iich he was chosen
fellow in October 1417, in the room.of Richard G^r&dale,
S. T. P. who was then elected provost of the college.
Having studied with a view to the church, he was ordained
deac(.n and priest in 1420 by Fleming, bishop of Lincoln.
In 14^5 he took his degree of bachelor of divinity, and
about this time is supposed to have left the university.
Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, was now protector of the
kingdom, and being a great patron of learned men, in-
vited Mr. Ptacock to court, where he was enabled to make
a very considerable figure by his taknts. In !431, he was
elected niastt r of the college of St. Spirit and St. Mary,
founded by sir Richard Whittington ; and with it was ap-
pointed, to the rectory of St. Michael in Riola, now St.
Michael Royal, situated in the street called Tower Royal
in Vifitry ward. This situation he resigned in 1444, on
being promoted to the bishopric of St. Asaph. To whom
be owed this preferment se^ms uncertain, as bis patron
the duke of Gloucester was now declining in court interest,
but perhaps the estimation he was held in at court may ac-
count for it. He now was honoured with the degree of
D. D. at Oxford, in his absence, and without performing '
any exercises, an omission for which he was reproached
afterwards by his enemies, although it was not then un-
common. In 1447 he preached a sermon at Paul's cross^
in which he maintained that bishops were not under obli*
gation to preach or to take the cure of souls, and that their '
duties consist entirely in the.variousacts of church govern-
ment. This doctrine was npt very palatable even then,
and he was under the necessity of explaining himself to
the archbishop of Canterbury ; but it showed, what ap-
peared more clearly afterwards, that he was accustomed to
think for himself, and to pay little deference to authority
or custotn.
In 1 449, he was translated to the see of Chichester, and
now began to give opinions which were ill suited to the
times in which he lived. Although he had taken great '
pains both in his preaching and writings to defend the esta-*
blished church against the disciples of Wickliffe, now called
Lollards, he gave it as his opinion, that the most probable
means of reclaiming ihem was by allowing them the use of
tbeir reason, andnot insisting on the infallibility of the'
church. The clergy, we may suppose, were not satisfied '
with such doctrine; and many of the learned men of the
universities were so highly offended with it, and with his
writing in the English language on subjects which ought
to be concealed from the laity, that they at last prevailed
with the archbishop of Canterbury to cite him. The arch-
bishop accordingly issued his mandate, in Oct. 1457, or-
dering all persons to appear who had any thing to allege
against the bishop of Chichester; and his books being
found to contain various heretical opinions, he read a re-
cantation, first in the archbishop^s court at Lambeth, and
afterwards ^t St. Paul's cross, where his books weref burnt, '
as they also were at Oxford. He was likewise deprived of
his bishopric, and confined in Tborney abbey, in Cam- '
bridgeshire, where it is supposed he died about 1460. His '
biographer has given an ample account of his writings, all
of which remain in MS. except his " Treatise of Faith,'*
published by Wharton in 1688, 4to. He appears to have '
been a man of learning, and an acute reasoner. The
opinions for which be suffered were not perhaps so decided
as to pro(!ure him admittance to the list of reformers ; but
it is evident that he was one of the first who contended
against the infallibility of the Romish church, and in f&-» '
vour of the holy scriptures being the principJil guide. In
1744 the rev. John Lewis, of Margate, published " The
Life" of this prelate, which, as he justly styles it, forms a
•^ sequel to the Life" of Wickliff, and is an useful intro-
duction to the bi>tory of the Ecjglish refornnation. ' '
PEARCE (ZachaRy), a learned English prelate, was
born at London, Sept. 8, 1690. He was the son of Tho-
mas Pearce, a distiller, in High Hotborn, who having ac^ '
quired a cdmpetent fortune by his business, purchased an
estate at Little Ealing, in Middlesex, to which he retired
at the age of forty, and where he died in 1752, aged
eighty -eight. His son, after some preparatory education
at a school at Ealing, was removed in 1704 to Westminster
school, where he was soon distinguished for his merit, and
in 1707 was elected one of the king's scholars. He re*
meined at this school till the year 1710, when he was
twenty years old. This long continuance of his studies
JlSta been attributed to the high opinion Dr. Busby enter-
) Life as abore.
i20 P E A R C E.
tained of bim, who. was accustomed to detain those boys
longer under his discipline^ of whose future eminepce be.
bad most expectation. That Dr. Busby had such a custom
i^ cei^tainyi.and that it was continued by his successor is
probable, but Mr. Pearce could not have been under the
tuition of Busby, who died in 1695. To this delay, how*
ever, without doubt, Mr. Pearce was greatly indebted for
the philological neputation by which he was very early dis«
. He w^s elected to Trinity college, Cambridge, in 1710^
and during his first yearns residence, amused himsejf occa*
sionally with the lighter species of composition. Among
these were a letter in the Guardian, No. 121, signed iV<;ci{..
Muvfi; and two Spectators, No. 572, and 633; speoimeua
of that easy humour which characterizes these periodical
works. In 17 16. the first fruits of his philological studies
appeared at the university press, in an excellent edition of
Cicero /* De Oratore,'* with very judicious notes and
emendations. This volume, at the desire of a friend^ he^
dedicated to lord chij^f jus^ce Parker, afterwards ^arl of
Macclesfield, to whom he wi^s then a stranger, but who >
became his patron. The first favour he bestowed on Mr«
Pearce, was to apply to Dr. Bentley for his interest in the
election of a fellowship, for which he was a candidate, ;and
which. he accordingly obtained. Soon after this he paid a
visit to. thjB chief justice, who received him in the kindest,
inanner, invited him to dinner at Kensingtoui apd gave-
him a purse of fifty guineas. From that time an intimacy
commenced, which was dissolved only by his lordship's
Jo 1717 Mr. Pearce was ordained a deacon by Dr. Fleet-
wood, bishop of liXjf and in the following year, priest, bj .
the same prelate. It had always been his intention to de-
vote himself to the chuGcb; but, as he himself inforfns us,
^^ he delayed to take orders till he was twenty-seven years .
o( age ; and, as he thought, had taken time . to prepare
himself, and to attain so much knowledge of that sacred .
o$ce, as should be sufficient to answer all the good pur-
posets for which it is designed." In 1 7 1 8 he went to reside
as, domestic chaplain with lord Parker, then lord Chan-
cellor, who in 1719 gave him the rectory of Stapleford
Abbots, in Esse:;, and in the following year that more
valuable one of St. Bartholomew Exchange. When he
attempted to return his thanks to the chancellor for this
1^ E A R C E, £21
last preferment, his lordship said, ^*f You are not to thank
me sQ much as Dr. Bentiey, for this benefice/* << Hoiv as
that/ m J lord?" J *^Why," added hia lordship, ^* wharf I
asked Dr. Ben.tley to ma/ce you a fellow of Trinity college,
he consented so to do but on this condilioit, that I would
promise to uwmkejQ^ again as soon as it lay in my power;
and now be, by having performed his promise, has bound
me to give you this living/* .
Not long after this, Mr^ Pearce was. appointed chaplain to
his majesty ; and in 1723 was presented by tbecbancelidr
to the vicarage of St Martin's in the Fields, on which he
resigned St. Bartholomew's. The parish, of which he was
now vicar, being large, and. honoured with the residence
of the royal family in it, the chancellor represented to Mr.
Pearce the propriety of taking the degree of doctor in di-
vinity ; and as he was not of sufficient standing in the uni-
versity^, that honour was obtained for him by application
to the '(archbishop of Canterbury. In 1724 be increased
his reputation, 9s a critic, both at home and abroad, by
his edition of .Longinus '^ De Sublimhate," with a new
Latin version and learned notes. This appeared first in
an elegant 4to^ but has since been reprinted in 8vo, and
remained the best edition, until the publication of that of
Toup. '
In 1739, in consequence of the late queen Car6line*f
having recommended him to. sir Robert Walpole, Dr. Pearce
waf appointed dean loi Winchester. He informs us in bis
meoMMfs k>f ^^hatied to 1 this promotion. When vicar of St.
lAavtih^s, lard Sundon ;wa» onip of his .'parishioaers, and
oneof the membeiis of parliament foit W^stvnrnster. These
two! ciroumstances ihrqught them acquainted together, and
Dr^ Pearce was sdm^times invited to dinner, where he be*
came acquainted with' lady Sundon, iqueisn Caroline's fa->
vburite, ;andbyher meaias was introduced to her majesty,
wiio frequently honoqred hihir.with. her conversation ^t the
diaiiriDg^room. The;i8ub)ccts which .her majesty started
werd/^nbt what ate ditkn. introduced in that cirde- One
day^fllie asked hida if) herhad.iread .the pamphlets published
by ^Djt. 8tebbing,> and Alr.iFosteii, upon. the. sort ofrheretics
Bieanft^by jSt..Patri^*\.whio^ itt. 10, 11, he repre<
%6i\ts Z3 self" c(nidemned, '^Yes, madam," replied the doc-
# He was at this time only of f^t^ he refased to accept a degree by royal
teea year« tftanrding; but nineteea are mandate, as proposed by the chaDcel-
leqaired. It ouglit to be added, that lori and preferred the Lambeth degree,.'
2S2 p E A R C E.
tor, *^ I bare read all the pamphlets written by theat oil
both sides' of the question." •* Well," said the queen, ,
. ** which of the two do you think to be in the right ?'* 'The
, doctor answered, ^* I cannot say, madan), which of the
two is in the right, but I think that both of them are in
the wrong *' She smiled, and said, •* Then what is your
opinion of the text?" "Madam," said the doctor, "it
would take up more time than your majesty can spare at
this drawing-room, for me to give my opinion and the
reasons of it ; but if your majesty should be pleased to lay
your commands upon me, you shall know my sentiments
of the matter in the next sermon which I shall have the
honour to preach before his majesty." " Pray do then,"
.said the queen, and he accordingly prepared a sermon on
that text, but the queen died a month before his term of
preaching came about, and before he was promoted to the
deanry of Winchester. In iT't^ the dean was elected pro-
locutor of the lower house of convocation for the province
of Canterbury, the archbishop having signified to some of
the members, that the choice of biol would be agreeable
to his grace. ...
In 1748 dean Pearce was promoted to the seeof Bangor^
but the history of this and of his subsequent translation to
Rochester, . will be best related in his own words : " In the
year 1746," sajs he, " archbishop Potter being alone with
dean Pearce one day at Lambeth, said to him, ^ Why do
you not try to engage your friend lord Bath */ to get you
made a bish9p ?* ' My lord,' said the dean; * I am ex-
tremely obliged to your grace for your good opinion of
me, and for your kind intentions iti my favour ; but I have
never spoken to him on that subject, nor ever thought of
doing so, though I believe he would do what lies in his
power ; but I will tell your grace very frankly, that I have
no thoughts of any bishopric. All that I have in view is
this : I am now dean of Winchester ; and that deanry is
worth upwards of 600^/ a year ; my vicarage of St. Martinis
is about 500/. a year, and this last I should be glad of an
opportunity of resigning, on account of the great trouble
and little leisure which so large a parish gives me ; but if
I should out-live my father, who is upwards of eight^^ years
* His acquaintance wiUi Mr. Pul- improved into a friendship that lasted
teney arose iu 1724i at an interview very nearly forty yearsi and till the
with him respecting the re-building of death of this statesman, who sat tbea
^t, Martin's church, and gradually in the- bougeof loVd» as earl of .Bi^tfe,
P E A R C E, 22i
old, I shall come to his. estate, being his eldest son, which
will enable me to resign my vicarage ; and the profits of
the deanry aione, with my father's estate, will make me
quite contented.' The archbishop smiled, and said, " Well,
if you will not help yourself, your friends must do it for
you.' Accordingly he spoke to the earl of Bath, and they
two agreed to try what they could do to make the dean of
Winchester a bishop.
" In 1748 the bishopric of Bangor became vacant. The
dean was then at Winchester, and received there a letter
from Mr. Clark (afterwards sir^homas, and master of the
rolls) informing him, that lord chancellor Hardwicke wished
to see dean Pearce thought of on that occasion, a,nd that
he hoped the dean would answer Mr. Clarke's letter in
such a way, as when seen, might be approved of by the
ministry. Dean Pearce answered the letter with acknow-
ledgment of the favour thought of for him; but assuriog
Mr. Clark, who, as he perceived, was to communicate the
answ,er to lord Hardwicke, that he had long had np thoughts
of desiring a bishopric, and that he was fully satisfied with
his situation in the church ; and that as to the ministry, he
was always used to think as favourably of them as they
could wish him to do, having never opposed any of the
public measures, nor designing so to do. In truth, the
dean had then fixed upon a resolution to act no otherwise
than as he had told the archbishop he should do, upon
his father's death. The dean received no answer to this
letter written to Mr. Clark, and he thought that there
was an end of that matter.
" About a fortnight after this, the dean went up to his
parish in Westminster; but in his way thither, lay one.
night at his father's house, in Little Ealing, near Brent-
ford ; where, the next morning early, a letter was brought
to him from the duke of Newcastle by one of his grace'*
servants, signifying that his grace had his majesty's order
to make the dean of. Winchester an offer of the bishopric
of Bangor, and desiring to see him at the cockpit the next'
day at 12 o'clock.. Accordingly he waited upon him,'
when, with many kind expressions to the dean, the duke'
signified the gracious offer of his majesty, which he had
the order to make him. The dean asked his grace, whe- .
ther he might be permitted to hold his deanry of Win- ^
Chester in commendam with Bauijor, to which the answer
waiB^ No \ but tliat h^ might hold the vicarage of St. Mar* '
/ t
«24 P E A R C E.
tin^s mAi it. The dean said, that he was desirous fo quit
the living, which was troublesome to him, and would be
more so as he vt^as growing in years ; but if that could not
be indulged him, he rather chose to cpntipiiie in his present'
situation. The duke used some arguments to persuade
the dean to accept of the offer with a commehdam to hold
the living. He could not, however, prevail with the dean
any farther, than that he would take three days^ time to
consider of it. During that time, the dean had brought
his father and lord Bath to <?onsent, that he might decline
to accept of that bishopric without their displeasure ; but
before the dean saw the duke a second time, lord Hard-
wicke, then chancellor, sent for him, and desired him to
be, without fail, at his house, that evening. He went, and
lord Hardwicke told him, that he found, by the duke of
Newcastle, that he made difficulties about accepting the
bishopric which was so graciously offered him. The dean
gave his lordship an account of all that had passed between
the duke and him ; upon which his lordship used many
arguments with the dean to induce him to accept the offer,
as intended. Among other things, he said, * If clergy-
men of learning add merit will not accept of the bishoprics,
how can the ministers of state be blamed, if they are
forced to fill them with others less deserving ?' The dean
was struck with that question, and had nothing ready in
his thoughts to reply to it. tie therefore promised lord
Hardwicke to consent, the next day, when he was to see
the duke of Newcastle. * Well then,' Said' lord Hard-
wicke, ^ when jou consent, do it with a good grace.' The
dean promised to do that too ; and accordingly he declared
to the duke, the next day, bis ready .acceptance of his
majesty's offer, with such acknowledgments of the royal
goodness as are proper on the occasion; and on Feb; 21,
1748, he was consecrated bishop of Bangor.
'^ In the year 1755, the bishop of Bangor being with
archbishop Herring at Croydon, and walking with him in
his garden, he said, ' My Lord, you know that the bishop'
c)f Rochester, Dr. Wilcocks, is very ill, and jitobably wilj
not live long; will you accept of his bishopric s^nd the
deanry of Westminster, in exchange fbr yours of Bangor ?V
The bishop excused himself, and. told him plainly, that hift
father being dead, and his estate come to him, he bad nbvr
nothing in view, but to beg his majesty's leave to resigb
the see of Bangor^ and (o r^tir^i ta a private life in> the year
P E A R C E. 22*
\l5i ; that so long, be was contented to continue in the
possession of ttie bishopric of Bangor ; but that then he
designed to try if he could obtain leave to resign, and live
upon bis private fortune. The archbishop replied^ * I'
doubt whether the king will grant it, or that it can be
done.* A second time, at another visit thei^, he mentioned
the same thing, and a second time the bishop gave him
the same answer. But in a short time after, upon another
tisit, when the archbishop mentioned it a third time, he
added, * My lord, if you will give me leave to try what I
Can do to procure you this exchange, I promise you not to
take it amiss of you^ if you refuse it, though I should ob«
tain the offer for you.' * This is very generous in your
grace,' siaid the bishop, ' and 1 cannot refuse to consent
to what you propose to do.*
'* Sometime after, in the same year (the bishop of Roches**
ter declining very fast), the duke of Newcastle sent to the
bishop of Bangor, and desired to see him the next day.
He went to him, and the duke informed him^ that he was
toid^ that the chancellorship of Bangor was then vacant^
and he pressed the bishop so much to bestow it upon one
whom he had to recommend, that the bishop consented to
comply with his reqiiest. * Well, my lbrd>' said the duke,
* liow I have another favour to ask of you.* * Pfay, my
lord duke,* said the bishop, * what is that ?* * Why,' said
the duke, ' it is, that you will accept of the bishopric of
Rochester, and deanry of Westminster, in exchange for
Bangor, in case the present bishop of Rochester should
die.* * My lord,' said the bishop, * if I had thoughts of
Exchanging my bishopric, I should prefer what you men-
tion before any other dignities.* *Thal is not,' said th6
duke, • an answer to my question : \^ill you accept them irt
exchange, if they are offered to you ?* 'Your grace offers
them to me,^ said the bishop, * in so generous and friendly
a mafiner, that 1 promise you to accept them.* Here the
tionversation ended ; and Dr. Wilcocks dying in the begiti-
«ihg of the year 1756, the bishop of Bangor was promoteil
to the bishopric of Rochester and deanry of Westminster.**
On the death of Dr. Sherlock, bishop of London, lord
^ath spoke to the bishop of Rochester, and offered to use
his endeavours with his majesty fbr appoititing him to sue-
treed thit eminent prelate; but Dr. Peah^ told him, that
fMA the earliest time that be could remember himself t^
iiliv^ ^cynsidereA about bishoprics, he had determiried ti^reir
V«>t. XXIV. Q . J
22* IP E A R C E,
to accept the bishoprip of London, of the archbishopric of
Canterbury, and he begged his lordship not to make any
application in his behalf for the vacant see of London.,
Lord Bath repeated his offer on the death of Dr. OsbaldiS':
ton in 1763, but Dr. Pearce again declined the proposal,,
and was indeed so far from desiring a higher bishopric,,
that he now meditated the resignation of what he possessed^
This is one of the most remarkable circumstances in the
life of Dr. Pearce. Being now (1765) seventy-three year*
old, and finding himself less fit for the duties of bishop
and dean, he informed his friend lord Bath of his intention
to resign both, and to live in a retired manner upon hi»
own private fortune ; and after much discourse upon
the subject at different times, he prevailed upon his
lordship at last to acquaint his majesty with his intention,
and to desire, in the bishop's name, the honour of a pri-
vate audience from his majesty for that purpose. Thia
being granted, Dr. Pearce stated his motives as he had
done to lord Bath, adding that he was desirous to retire
for the opportunity of spending more time in his devotions
and studies ; and that he was of the same way of thinking
with a general officer of the emperor Charles V. who,
when he desired a dismission from that monarch's service,
told him,; *^ Sir, every wise man would, at the latter end
of life, wish to have an interval between the fatigues of
business and eternity.'' The bishop then shewed the king,
in a written paper, instances of its haying been done seve-
ral times, and concluded with telling his majesty, that he
did not expect or desire an immediate answer to his' re<-
quest, but rather that bis majesty would first consult some
pf his ministers as to the propriety and legality of it. This
the king consented to do ; and about two months after, he
sent for the bisihop and told him, that he had consulted
with two of his lawyers, lord Mansfield and lord Nprthing^
:ton, who saw no objection to the proposed resignation,
and in consequence of their opinion, bis majesty signified
his own consent. The interference, however, of lord Bath,
in requesting that his majesty would give the bishopric and
deanry to Dr. Newton, then bishop of Bristol, alarmed the
ininistry, who thought that no dignities in the church should
be obtained from the crown, but through their hands.,
Lord Northington suggested to his majesty some doubts
on the subject, and represented that the bishops in gene-r
ral disliked the design ; and at length Dr. Pearce was told
by his majesty, that he piust think so more about resigQipg
I • ^
P E A R G ft 927
^e bishopric ; but ^^ that he would have ali the merit o^
paving done it." Iq 176S, however, be was permiued to
resign his deanry, which was nearly double in point of in*
coaae to the bishopric which be was, obliged to. retain;
With respect to Dr. Pearce'is earnest desire of resigning
his preferments, his biographer observes, that it gave oc^
casion to niuch disquisition and conjecture. ^* As it could
iiot be founded in avarice, it was sought in vanity^ and
Dr. Pearce was suspected as aspiring to the antiquated
praise of contempt pf wealth, and desire of retirement.'^
But his biographer, who had the best opportunities ot
judging, is of opinion, t)iat bis motives were what he pab-
licly alleged, a desire of dismission from public cares, ancj
of opportunity for more continued study. To a private
friend the bishop declared that *' as he never made a sine^
cure of his preferments, he was now tired of business, and
Jbeing in his 74th year^ he wished to resign while his facul-
ties were entire, lest he might cbaiice ^o outlive then), and
the church suffer by bis iufirmities.^'
Being now disengaged from bis deanry, bishop Pearce
fteexped to consider himself as freed from half his burthen^
and with su'ph vigour as time had left him, and such ala^
crity as hope cpntinued to supply^ he prosecuted his episr
copal functions and private studies. It redounds greatly
to his honour, that in the disposal of ecclesiastical prefer*
ments, he never gave occasion to censure, except in th^
isingle instance of a, young man ^, on whom he bestowed
the valuable rectory of Stone, in consideration of his being
great-grandson of his first patron, the ^arl of Macclesfield,
^hose favours, co^ferned forty years before, his gratitude
4id not suffer him to forget.
In 1773, by too much diligence in his officei bishop
Pearce had exhausted his strength beyond recovery. Hav-
ing confirmed at Greenwich, seven hundred persons, h^
found himself, the next day, unable to speak, and nevef
Regained his former readiness of utterance. This hap*>
pened gn the first of October, and from that time, be
- # The reverend Thomas Heatboote. tacked, than many panegyrict ; be-
**.Thit appoiatment save so much of- cause it shews, that he w|io deaii^pd to
fenpe to one, named by bimsejf Cleri- say evil, had at last tiothing to say.''
cus Roffeusis, who seemed to Chink the With respect to lord Macclesfield, ths
fights of seniority Violated, that he reader will fiiid one of the ablest vindr-
#cote against his diocesan* a pamphlet cations of that nobleman from the pen
filled with the acrimony of disappoint- of bishop Pearce, in the " Life*' pub-
ment ; but which mnst coiidace more li»hed by Mr. Derby.
.tilrmite the charaoter of the man ati .."../
Q 2
iii ^ £ A R G C.
ifemained in a languishing state; bis patalytictomplsintifi^
Creased, and at length his power of swallowing was almost
lost. Being asked bj one of his fatnily, who constantly^
attended him, how he cauld live with so little nutrimert^
** I live," said hej ** upon the recollection of aft innocent
and welUspent life, which is my only sustenance.'" After
some months of lingering decay, he died at Little Eatings
June 29, 1774, aged eighty-four, and was buried by his
wife in the church of Bronaiey in Kent, where a monun>ent
is erected to his memory with anejpit^ph written by him*
^elfj merely rehearsing the dates of bis birth and death,
and of his various preferriients. A cehotaph was afterwards
Erected in Westmilister-abbey, with a Latin inscription.
Bishop Pearce married, in Feb. 22, the daughter of Mr.
Adams, an eminent distiller in Holborn, with a consider*
able fortune, and lived with her upwards of fifty-one y^ars
in the highest degree of connubial happiness. Their chil^
dren all dying young, he made his brother Williaifi Pearce',
esq. his heir and executor. He bequeathed his library to
the dean and chapter of Westminster, except such books
as they already had. His manuscripts, with the books not
left to Westminster, and the copy-right of all his works,
except the Longinus sold to Mr. Tonson, he gave to hi^
chaplain, the rev. John Derby. Besides some legacies t6
individuals, and sortie to various public charities, he left
a noble bequest of five thousand pk)unds Old South Se^
Annuities, towards the better support of the twenty widows
of clei^ymen, who are maintained in the college of Brom-.
ley, the funds of which had become too scanty for that
kind of genteel provision intended by the founder, bishop
Warner. Bishop Pearce's benefaction raised the widow's
pensions to 30/. per ann. and the chaplain's salary to 60/.
His heir, William Pearce, esq. who died in 1782, left a
reversionary legacy df 12,000/. for the purpose of building
ten houses for clergymen's widows, in addition to bishop
Warner's college, and endowing them. This leg^acy fall-
ing in a few years ago, 'the houses were completed i^
1 802.
The diligence of bishop Pearce's early studies,' says his
biographer, appeared by its effects ; he was first known to
the public by philological . learning, which he coutiuued
to cultivate in his advanced age. Cicero " De Oratore'*
was published by him, when he was bachelor of arts, and
Cicero ^< De Officiis^'^ when be was dean of Winchester^
]P E 4 5 C S^ e^9
in 1745. Tbe edition pf Cicero undertaken by OUvet,
prpduced a ^orreipond^nce between bimi^nd Dr* Pearce, ii^
wbicb Olivet express^s^ in terms of great re^pecl^ bis eateeqi
of his learning, and bi$ cpngdence in bis criUcism, Qui Df.
Penrce did not ^pofine bis ^tteption to the learned lan-
giiage9 \ he was p^vticul^ly stndiqus Qf Milton's poetry^
and when Dr, Bentley publi^bed his imaginary emendation^
pf the ^^ Paradj$e LjQsV ijirro^e in opposition to thepi a fuU
^Findioation of tbe establifdied %^^t This was puhlisbed in
J 733, 9vo> under the ti|le of •« Review of ^he Teyt of Par
radise Loat,'' a|id is) ww becQme v^ry 9parce; but many,
bpth of tbe GonjectuFes and jrefatatipn^, are preserved in
bishop Newton'^ edition^
In his dQiiiestiip life he was <iuie( wd pkQid, not dimcuU
f 0 be pleaded, nor inclined tp harass his a^te^dants or ia<-
feriors by peevishness pr qaprioe. This oalmness of mind
appea^d in his whole manner and depcH'iment;. His sta-
ture was tally his appearan<?e venei^bley and his counter
nance e^pressivie pf benevolencet
In his piairoohial cure he was pun4:tually diligent, and
Tery seldom pmitted to preach ; but bis sermons had np(
aU the efieot which he desired^ for his voioe was low and
feeble, and cpuld opt reach the whole of a numerpps cpur
gregatiop. Those whpm it did reaoh were both pleased
and edifipd With the good sense and sound doctrine which
he never failed to deliver. When advanced to the honours
of episcopacy, he did not ponsider himself as placed in a
state that allowed him any iHsmisaiou^from the Jid>ours of his
ministry. He was not hindered by the distance of Bango?
from annually resorting to that diocese (one year only exr
cepted), and discharging his episcopal duties there, tp
IT 53; after which, having suffered greatly from the fatigue
of his last journey, he was advised by his physician and
feieud, Dr. Heber^eo, and prevailed upon, not to attemf^t
another. When he accepted the bishopric of Bangor, he
established in himself a resolution of conferring Welsh pre-
ferments or benefices only on Welshmen ; and to this re«
solution he adhered, in defiance of influence or importu-
nity. He twice gave away the deanry, and bestowed
many benefices, but always chose for his patronage the
natives of the country, whatever might be the murmurs of
bis relations, or the disappointment of bis chaplains. The
diocese of Rochester conjoined, as had been for some time
usual, with the deanry of Westminster, afforded him a
gS0 > £ A R C £.
bourse of duty more commodious. He divided his tim^
between his public offices, and his solitary studies. Hq
preached at Bromley or Ealing, and by many years labour
in the explication of the New Testament, produced the
^* Commentary," &c. which was offered to th^ public after
his decease. It was bequeathed to the care of the rev.
John Derby, his lordship's chaplain, who published it in
1777, in 2 vols. 4to, underthe title of ** A Commentary,
with notes, on the Four Evangelists and the Acts of the
Apostles, together with a new trani^ation of St. PauPs
first epistle to the Corinthians, with a paraphrase and
notes. To which are added other -Theological pieces.'*
Prefixed is an elegant dedication to the king, in the name
of the editor, but from the pen of Dr. Johnson ; and a life
written by the bishop himself, and connected in a regular
narrative by paragraphs, evidently by Dr. Johnson's pen.
This life is highly interesting, and contains many ourious
particulars which we have been obliged to omit.
Dr. Pearce published in his life-time nine occasional
sermons, a discourse against self-murder, which is now in
the list of tracts distributed by the Society for promoting '
Christian knowledge; and soon after -the publication of
his ^' Commentary," bis editor gave the public a coHec-«
tion of the bishop- s <^ Sermons on various subjects," 4 vols^
8vo. ^ Besides what have been already specified, our au-
thor published in 1720, a pamphlet entitled ^' An Account
of Trinity college, Cambridge;" and in 1722, " A Letter
to the Clergy of the Church of England^" on occasion of
the bishop of Bochester's commitment to the Tower. He
had also a short controversy with Dr. Middleton, against
whom* he published " Two Letters," and fully convicted
that writer of disingenuousdess in quotation. His editor,
Mr. Derby, who had married his neice,< did not long sur-
vive his benefactor, dying Oct. 8, 1778, only five dayi after ^
the datef of his dedication of the bishop*s " Sermons," '
- PEARSALL (Richakd), a pious dissenting divine, was
born £^t Kiddenhinster in Warwickshire, Aug. 29, 1698,
and received his education at a dissenting academy at
Tewkesbury, in Gloucestershire, under Mn Jones, who was
likewise the master of this school when IV^ssrs. Butler and
Pecker, afterwards the well-known prelates, were educated
t^^ it. Mr. Pearsali having been admitted into ^he ministry
^ } Life M alitove.
P E A R S AX L. 231
«inong the dissenters, was settled for ten years at Bromyard,
in Herefordshire^ and afterwards for sixteen years at War-
minster, in Wiltshire. His last charge, for about fifteen
years, was at Taunton, in Somersetshire, where he died
Nov. 10, 1762. He is known in the religious world by two
works of considerable reputation, his ** Contemplations on
the Ocean," &c. in 2 toIs. 12mo, which are mentioned
with respect by Hervey in the third volume of his '^ Theroa
andAspasio;" and bis '^ReliquiaD Sacrsej" which were pub«
lished by Dr. Gibbons, 1765, 2 vols. 12mo. They consist
of meditations on select passages of scripture, and sacred
dialogues between a father and his- children. He is much
an imitator of Hervey^ particularly in his ^^ Contempla-
tions," but has less imagination, although enough to catch
the attention of young reader's. ^
PEARSON (John), a very learned English bi8hop,Vas
born Feb. 12, 1612, at Snoring in Norfolk; of which place
his father was rector. In 1623 he was sent to Eton school ;
whence he was elected to King^s coUe^, Cambridge, in
1632* He took the degree of B. A. in 1635, and that of
master in 1639; in which year he resigned bis fellowship
of the college, and lived afterwards a fellow- commoner in
it. The same year he entered into orders, and was collated
to a prebend in the church of Sarum. In 1640 he was
appointed chaplain to Finch, lord-keeper of the great seal ;
by whom in that year he was presented .to the living of
Torrington, in Suffolk. Upon the breaking out of the civil
war he became chaplain to the lord Goring, whom he at-
tended in the army, and afterwards to sir Robert Cook in
London. In 1650 he was made minister of St. Clement's,
Eastcheap, in London. In 1657 he and Gunning, after-
wards bishop of Ely, had a dispute with two Roman catho-
lics upon . the subject of schism. This conference was
roaoaged in writing, and by mutual agreement nothing was
to be made public without the consent of both parties ; yet
a partial account of it was published in 1658, by one of the
Romish disputants, cum prtvilegio^ at Paris, with this title,
^^ Schism unmasked; a late conference," Scc*^ In 1639
1 Gibbons's Preface.
* To the piece if, '* A Preface of to Mr. Den*s Quaker no Papist, hy
the Catholic disputauts, contaioing the Mr. Thomas ^mith, of Christ's-college
proceedings of both parties on matter in Cambridge," Lond. 1G59. Thecon-
Qf fact." There is an account of this ference was reprinted at Oxford
publication in a piece entitled *' A. the reign of king James II. under this
Gagg for the Quakers i with an Answer title, ** Th^ Schism of the Church »f
lie published ^^ An Exposition of the Creed," ai I^ondon^
in 4to ; dedicated to hia parisbiopers of St. Clemem^&gi
Eastcheap, to whpoi the substance of that excelleot wprli^
kad been preached several years, before^ and by whom hQ
had been desired to noake it public. This ^ £.xpositi.€K»» '
which has gone through twelve or thirteen edition^i is ac-r
counted cMie of the most finisihed pieces of theology in ow
language, it is itself a body of divinity^ the style' of which
is just; the periods^ for the most part, well turned; tbi«
method very exact ; and it is, upQu the whoie^ free from
those errors which are toQ often found in theological
, systems. There is a traoslation of itlnto Latin by a foreign
divine, who styles himself ^^ Simon Joannes Arnoldus, Eccle?;
siarum balliviae, sive prsefeeturae Sonnenburgensis Inspec-
tor;" and a very valuable and judicious abridgment was in
18 to published by the rev. Charles Burney, LU D. F. R« S.
In the same year (165.9) bishop Pearson, published ^^The
Golden Remains of the ever-rmemorable Mr. John Hales^
of Eton ;*^ to which he wrote a preface, containing the
character of that great man, with whom he had been, acr
quainted for many years, drawn with great elegance and
force. Soon after the restoration he was presented by
Juxon, then bishop of London, to the rectory of St. Christ
topher*s, in that city ; created D. D. at Cambridge^ in
pursuance of the king's letters mandatory; installed pre-*
bendary of Ely^ archdeacon of Surrey, and made master
'of Jesus college, Cambridge;* all before the endof 166Q.
March 25, 166}, he succeeded Dr. Love in the Mai^aret
professorship of that university ; and, the first day of the
ensuing year, was nominated one of the commissioners for
the review of the liturgy in the conference at the Savoy,
where the nonconformists allow he was the first of their
opponents for candour and ability. In April 1662, he was
admitted master of Trinity college, Camltridge; and, in
August resigned bis rectory of St. Christopher's, and pre«
bend of Sarucp. In 1667 he was admitted a fellow of the
royal society. In 1672 he published, at Cambri4ge, in
4to, ^ Vindiclse Epistolarum S. Igoajtii,'' in answer to
nions. Daille ; to which is subjoined, ** Isaaci Vossii epis*
Eni^Iand demonstrated in four Argu. bridf^e in 1688, 4t6, under this title,
nents," &c. which was scon afier ani- <* The ReforiDation of the Cbureh of
knadverted upon by William Saywelf, England justified, &c. being an An«
D, I), master of Jesus-coHrge, Cam- 8w<>r to a paper reprinted at Oxford^
l^rid^e^ i9 a pamphlet printed at Cam- callfid, The Schisme/' &c\
tobe dds adv^tsas Davtdett BloA4ellttm.^* Upon the
death of Wiikins^ bishop of Chester, Pearson was prof
noted to that see, to whidi he vas coAsoecated Feb, 9, 1673.
In 1684 his '^ Aatiales Cypriaaici) save tredecita annoruoiy
quibas S. Cyprian, inter Christianos Tersatus est, bkttoria
chroDokgica^^' was pnblished at Oxford, with Fell's edition
of that father's works* Dr. Pearson was disabled from all
p\ihlio service by ill healthy having emticely lost his me^
mory, a consider^le time befieure his death, which hoif^
Opened at Chester, July 16, 1686. Two years after, his
pQsdiumous works were publi^ied by Dodwell at London,
^^CLJoaanis Pearsoni Cestrienais nuper Episcopi opera
posthuma, &c. &c.'' There are extant two sermons pob-^
lished hy him, 1. ^^ No Necessity for a Reformation,'' 166 1,
4to. 2. ** A Sermon preached before the King, on Eccles.
Tii. 14, published by his majesty's special command," 1671^
4to. An anonymous writer in the Gentleman's Magazioe
(nS9 p. 493) speaks of some unpviblished MSS. by bishop
Pearson in his possession. His MS notes on Suidas are in
the library of Trinity college, Cambridge, and were used
by Kuster in his edition.
Oar prelate was reckoned an excellent preacher, very
judjcioas and learned, particuJariy accurate and exact in
chronology, and well versed in the fathers and the eccle<^
aiastioal historiai^s. Dr. Bentiey used to say that bishop
Pearson's " very dross was gold." In bishop Burnet's
opinion he ^' was in all respects the greatest divine of his
Age." ^ Bishop Huet also, to whom he communicated va^-
rious readings on some parts of Origen's works, gives hint
a high character. But; as Burnet reminds us, he was an
affecting instance ^^ of what a great man can fall to ; for his
memory went from him so entirely, that he became a child
aoime years before he died." He had a younj^er brother
Richard, professor of civil law in Gresham college, and
under-keeper of the royal library at St. James's, of whom
Ward gives some account, but there is nothing very in-
teresting in his history. ^
PECHANTRE (Nicolas de), a French wit, the son of
a surgeon of Toulouse, where he was born in 1638, wrote
several Latin poems, which were reckoned good^ but ap-
plied himself chiefly to the poetry of his native country..
1 Biog. Brit — Cole's MS Athense in Brit. Museum.-— Ward's Gresbam^Pro^
lessors.— Burnet's Own Time«. ' -
Having been three times honoured with the laurel at the
academy of the Floral games, he wrote a.^ tragedy called
Gela, which was acted, in 1687, with applause, in conse-
quence of which he published it, with a dedication to the
first prince of the blood. He wrote, also ^'Le sacrifice
d' Abraham ;*' and/^ Joseph vendu par ses Freres,'* two sin-
gular subjects for tragedies ; but received with favour. He
produced besides a tragedy called ^< La Mort de Neron,'*
concerning which an anecdote is related, which nearly
coincides with one which is current here, as having hap-
pened to our dramatic poet Fletcher. He wrote usually
at public-houses, and one day left behind him a paper,
containing his plan for that tragedy ; in which, after va-
rious marks and abbreviations, he had written at large,
.^Mci le roi sera tu6 :'' Here the king is to be. killed.
The tavern-keeper, conceiving that he had found the seeds
of a plot, gave information to the magistrate. The poet
was accordingly taken up ; but on seeing his paper, which
he had missed, in the hands of the person who had seized
him, exclaimed eagerly, *^ Ah ! there it is ; the very scene
which I had planned for the death of Nero." With this clue,
bis innocence was easily made out, and he was discharged.
Pecbantre died at Paris in 1709, being then seventy-one; :
be bad exercised the profession of physic for some time,
till he quitted it for the more arduous task of cultivating
the drama. ^
PECHMEJA (John de), a man of letters in France, who
was for some time professor of eloquence in the royal col-
lege of la Fleche, was born in 1741, at Villa Franca in
Bouergue. He was a disinterested scholar, a plain, modest,
and virtuous man. His eulogium on the great'Colbert re-
ceived the public approbation of , the French academy in
1773. His principsfl fame has arisen from a poem (as he
calls it) in prose, named <* Telephus," in twelve books.
It was published in octavo in 1784, and is said to have been
translated into English. The piece is well written, and
contains, among other things, a beautiful picture of true
friendship, of vibich he himself afforded a noble example.
Pechmeja, and M. du Breuil, an eminent physician of the
time, were the Py lades and Orestes of their age. The for-*
mer bad a severe illness in 1776, when his friend flew to
bis assistance, and from that time' they were inseparable,
J Moreri.— Diet. Hist
P E C H M E J A. iis
Itnd had every thing in common. A person once inquired
of Pechmeja what income he possessed, ** I have/* said he^
** 1200 livres a-year*" Some wonder being expressed hoir
he could subsist on so little, ** Ob/* said he, '^ the doctor
has plenty more.^ The doctor died first of a contagious
disorder, through which his friend attended him, and died
only twenty days after, a victim to the strength of his friend<»
4ihip. He died about the end of April 1785, at the age of
only forty-f6ur. *
PECK (Francis), a learned antiquary, the younger son
of Robert and Elizabeth Peck, was born in the parish of
St, John the Baptist, at Stamford, in Lincolnshire, May 4,
and baptized May 12, 1692. His mother^s maiden name
was Jephson. It does not appear at what seminary he re*
ceived the early part of his education ; but it was probably
at the grammar-school of his nat,ive town. He completed
bis studies at Trinity-college, Cambridge, where he took
thedegreeof B.A. 1715; and of M. A. 1727.
The first work discovered of his writing is "To 34^^ aymi
4)f an Exercise on the Creation, and an Hymn to the Creator
of the World ; written in the express words of the Sacred
Text ; as an attempt to shew the Beauty and Sublimity of
Holy Scripture," 1716, 8vo. This was followed by a poem,
entitled ^^ Sighs on the Death of Queen Anne," published
in 1719 ; subjoined to which are three poems, viz. 1. ** Pa-
raphrase on part of the cxxxixth Psalm." 2. "The Choice,"
3. " Verses to Lady Elizabeth Cecil, on her Birth-day,
Nov. 23, 1717." At the end of this work he mentions, as
preparing for the press, *^ The History of the two last
31onths of King Charles I." and solicits assistance; but
this never was published. He also mentions a poem on
Saul and Jonathan, not then published. During his resi*
dence at the university, and perhaps in the early part of
it, he wrote a comedy called the " Humours of the Uni- '
Ti^rsity ; or the Merry Wives of Cambridge." The MS. of
this comedy is now in the possession of Octavius Gilchrist,
esq. of Stamford, who has obliged the editor with a tran-
script of the preface *•
1 Diot Hist.
* ** It may be necessary to inform no pleasure in drawing those descrip-
4be reader, that the university cha- tious which scandalize ih« place of my
racters m this play are of those despi* education^ were it not to inform' the
cable wretches only who dishonour a libertine that a college is sacred in a
college, and are generally expelled as double sense $ to learning, and what
fK>on as discovered. For I should take is beyond it^ to religion.
««6 PECK,
In August 1719) hii occurs cerate of King's Cliffy in
NorthamptQa^hirey and iq 1721 be pfF<^red to the world
proposals for printing tb^ history find antiquities of bis P&*-
tive tgwn. In 1723^ hq obtaiped tb^ rectory of Godeby
Maurew^rd^ by purcbaa^, from Sapimel Lpwe^ esq. who ait
tthat time was Iprd of ibe oianor, and patron of the ad*-
yow^n. In 1727^ he drew up a poetical description of
JSelvoir and its neighbourhood^ which is printed in Mr«
Kichols^s History of Leicestershire; and in i^at year bit
first considerable work appeared, und^r the title of '^ Aca->
de^nia Tertia Anglicana ; or, The Antiquarian Annals of.
Stanford, in Lincoln, Rutland, and Northampton Shires;
containing the History of the University, Monasteriea»
Gilds, Churches, Chapels, Hospitals, and Schools there,'^
^c« ornamented with XLI plates ; and inscribed to John
duke of Rutland) in an elaborate dedication, which con*^
tains a tolerably complete history of the principal events of
that illustrious family, from the founder of it at vhe Coni-
quest. This publication was evidently hastened by ^^An Essay
on the ancient and present State of Stamford, 1726,*' 4to^
by Francis Hargrave, who, in the preface to his pamphlet,
mentions a difference which had arisen between him and
Mr. Peck, because his publication forestalled that intended
by the latter. Mr. Peck is also rather roughly treated, oq
account of a small work he had formerly printed, entitled
" The History of the Stamford Bull-running." In 1729,
be printed a single sheet, containing, ^* Queries concern^
ing the Natural History and Antiquities of Leicestershire
and Rutland," which were afterwards reprinted in 174(X
He was elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries,
March 9, 1732, and in that year he published the first vo»
lume of ^^ Desiderata Cu^osa; or, A Collection of dii^ers
scarce and curious Pieces, relating chiefly to matters of
" Wit ceases to be so when it plays " The u Diversity then is pot intend.-
upon religion or good manners, and, ed to be affronted, or the nobility and
in my opinion, he hath but an awk- gentry discouraged from sending tbeir
ward genius «ho can't exert himself sons thither for education. The satire
without affrouting Ood, or the most is just, and no man need quarrel, but
Taluable part of mankind. be who knows it to be.his own character.
*< Wherefore the good and virtuous " To conclude, 1 was incapable of
man hath no reason to be angry with drawing a man of fine sense, iu so
him who- shows him the pictures of much perfection as be ia frequently
some persons who dishonour that sa* met with in the nnirersity ; and tiiera»>
cred place, more by their scandalous fore waved that graceful part for fesMc
behaviour than any writer can by the of doing injustioe to it, thro' die feiat»>
discovery of shamefiil truths, or de« oess of my strokes, and the wdakocss
scriptions of^viMaioous falsehoods. of my descriptions." '
. PECK. as»
4 •
English Itistory; consisting of choice Tracts, Menioirs,
Letters, Wills, Epitaphs, &c. Transcribed, many of
them, from the originals thenisielves, and the rest from di->-
ters ancient MS Copies, or the MS Collations of sundry
famous Antiquaries, and other eminent Persons, both of the
hist and present age : the whole, as nearly as possible, di-^
gested into order of time, and illustrated with ample Notes^
Contents, additional Discourses^ and a complete Index.'*
This volume was dedicated to lord William Manners ; and
was followed, in 1735; by a second volume, dedicated to
Dr. Reynolds, bishop of Lincoln. There being only 250
copies of these volumes printed, they soon became scarce
and high-priced, and were reprinted in one volume, 4to', by
subscription, by the late Mr. Thomas Evans, in 1779,
without, however, any improvements, or any attempt,
which might perhaps have been dangerous by an unskilful
hand, at a better arrangement. In 1735, Mr. Peck printed,
in a quarto pamphlet, ** A complete Catalogue of all the
Discourses written both for and against Popery, in the
tinie of King James the Second; containing, in the whole
&n account of four hundred and fifty-seven Books and
Pamphlets, a great number of theth not mentioned in the
three former Catalogues ; with references after each title,
for the more speedy finding a further Account of the said
Discourses arid their Authors in sundry Writers, and an
Alphabetical List of the Writers on each side." In 1736,
he obtained, by the favour of bishop Reynolds, the pre-
bendal stall of Marston St. Lawrence, in the cathedral
church of Lincoln. In 1739, he v^as the editor of "Nine-
leen Letters of the truly reverend and learned Henry
Hammond, D. D. (author of the Annotations on the New
Testament, &c.) written to Mr. Peter Stainnough and Dr»
Nathaniel Angelo, many of them on curious subjects,**
&c. These were printed from the originals, communi-
cated by Mt. Robert Marsden, archdeacon of Nottingham,
and Mr. John Worthington. The next year, 1740, pro-
duced two volumes in quarto; one of them entitled "Me-
moirs of the life and actions of Oliver Cromwell, as de*
livered in three Panegyrics of him written in Latin ; th6
first, as said, by Don Juan Roderiguez de Saa Meneses,
Conde de PenguiaO, the Portugal Ambassador; the se-
cond, as affirmed by a certain Jesuit, the lord ambassador's
Chaiplain ; yet both, it is thought, composed by Mr. John
Milton (Latin Secretary to Oliver Cromtvell), as was the
> E C K .
.third : with an English version of each. The whole itltisf
trated with a large Historical Preface -, many similar pas-'
sages from the Paradise Lost) and other works of Mr. John
Milton, and Notes from the best historians. To all which
is added, a Collection of divers curious Historical Pieces
relating to Cromwell, and a great number of other remark-^
able persons (after the mariner of Desiderata Curiosa, voU
1. and II.)" The other, " New Memoirs of the Life an4
Poetical Works of Mr. John Milton ; with, first, an Exa-*
mination of Milton^s Style ; and, secondly. Explanatory
and Critical Notes on divers passages in Milton and Shakr
speare, by the £lditor. Thirdly, Baptistes ; a sacred Dra-
matic Poem in Defence o^ Liberty, as written in Latin by
Mr. George Buchanan, translated into English by Mr^
John Milton, and first published in 1641, by oirderofthe
House of Commons. Fourthly, The Parallel, or arch^
bishop Laud and cardinal Wolsey compared, a vision, by
Milton. Fifthly, The Legend of sir Nicholas Throckmor-
ton, knt. Chief Butler of England, who died of poison,
anno 1570, an Historical Poem, by his nephew sir Thomas
Throckmorton, knt. Sixth, Herod the Great> by the Edi-
tor. Seventh, The Resurrection, a Poem, in imitation of
Milton, by a Friend. And eighth, a Discourse on tbg
Harmony of the Spheres, by Milton ; with Prefaces and
Notes." Of these his ** Explanatory and Critical Notes
on divers passages of Shakspeare" seem to prove that
the mode of illustrating Shakspeare by extracts from con*
temporary writers, was not entirely reserved for the mo-
dern commentators on our illustrious Uard, but had oc-f
curred to Mr. Peck. The worst circuo^tance respecting
this volume is the portrait of Milton, engraved from a
painting which Peck got from sir John Mere? of Kirkby-*
Beler in Leicestershire. He was not a little proud to pos<^'
sess this painting, which is certainly not genuine ; and what
is worse, he appears to have known that it was not genu-*
ine. Having asked Vertue whether he thought it a picture
of Milton, and Vertue peremptorily answering in the ne^
gative. Peck replied, "I'll have a scraping from it, how-*
ever : and let posterity settle the difference."
In 1742, Mr. Peck published his last work : ^^FourDis*^
courses, viz. 1. Of Grace, and how to excite it. 2. Jesus
Christ the true Messiah, proved from a consideration of
bis miracles in general. 3. The same proved* from a con^
jsideration of his resurrection in particular. 4. The he^
PECK. ^39
cessitjr and advantage of good laws and good magistrates :
as deiiyered in two visitation and two assize^sermons.'*"
At this time he bad in contemplation no less than nine
different works; but whether he bad not met with encou-
ragement for those which he had already produced, or
whether he was rendered incapable of executing themb^
reason of his declining health, is uncertain ; none of them^
however, ever were made public. He concluded a labo*
rious, and it may be affirmed, an useful life, wholly de-
voted to antiquarian pursuits, Aug. 13, 1743, at the ao-e
of sixty<^one years. He was buried in the church of Godeby^
with a Latin inscription. There are two portraits of him ;
one^ in his *< Memoirs of Milton ; the other prefixed to the
second edition of his " Desiderata Curiosa,". inscribed^
** Francis Peck, A. M. natus Stanfordias, 4 Maii, mdcxcii.'*
By his wife, the daughter of Mr. Curtis of Stamford, he had
two sons, Francis, a clergyman, who died in 1749, rector
of Gunby in Lincolnshire; and Thomas, who died young;
and a daughter, Anne, widow (in 1794) of Mr. John SmaU
ley, farmer at Stroxton in Lincolnshire.
. The greater part of Mr. Peck's MSS. became the pro-
perty of sir Thomas Cave, bart. Among others, he pur-
chased 5 vols, in ' 4to, fairly transcribed for the press, in
Mr. Peck's own neat hand, under the title of ^' Monasticoit
Anglicanunu'' These volumes were, on the 1 4th of May,r
1779, presented to the British Museum, by the last sir
Thomas Cave, after the death of his father, who twenty
years before had it in contemplation to bestow them on that
excellent repository. They are a most valuable ^nd almost
inestimable collection, and we hope will not be neglected
by' the editors of the new edition of Dugdale. Mr. Peck's
4>ther literary projects announced in the preface to his
"Desiderata," and at the end his " Memoirs of Cromwell,'*
are, 1. "Desiderata Curiosa," vol. IIL Of. this Mr. Ni-
^bolfi has a few ttcattered fragments. 2. " The Annals of
i^Canford continued." 3. " The History and Antiquities
of the; Town and Soke of Grantham, in Lincolnshire."
4. "The Natural History and Antiquities of Rutland."
5. ** The Natural History and Antiquities of Leicester*
•hire." The ; whole of Mr. Peck's MSS. relative to this
work, were purchased by sir Thomas CaVe, in 1754, whose
grandson, with equal liberality and propriety, presented
them to Mr. Nichols for the use of his elaborate history ot
that county. It appears from one of Mr. Peck's MSS. on
UO P t C K.
Ldcestershire, that he meditated a ebaptef on appariticXfi^
in which he cordially believed. 6. *^ The Life of Mr. Ni«^
chokia Ferrar, of Little Gtdding^ in ihe county of Hiin-f
tittgdon, gent, oommonly called the Protectant St. Nicho-^
}as, and the pious Mr. George Berber t*s Spiritual Brother^
done from original MSS." This MS. of Ferrar is novir in the
possession of Mr. Gilchrist of Stamford^ before meotioaed^
who informs us that there is nothing in it beyond wiiatoiay '
be found in. Peckard's Life of Ferrar. 7. ** The Lives of
William fiurton, esq. author of the Antiquities of Leices-*
tershire^ and bis brother Robert Burton, B. D. stu^nt of
Christ-church, and rector of Seagrave, in Leicestershire,
better known by the name of Democritusf jun.** Mr. Ni-»
cbols had also the whole of this MS. or plan^ which was
merely an outline. 8. " New Memoirs of the Restoratidii
of King Charles the Second (which may be considered aisor
as an Appendix to secretary Thurloe's Papers)> containing
the copies of Two Hundred and Forty*-six Original Letters
and Papers, all written annis 1658, i659y amd 1660 (none
of them ever yet printed). The whole comtnu^MCated by
William Cowper, esq. Clerk of the Parliament." In 1731^
Mr. Peck drew up a curious ** Account of the Asshebys and
De la Launds, owners of Blo^ham, in the county of Lia^
coin," a MS. in the British Museum. Mr. Gilchrist has
a copy of Langbaine's Lives, carefully intei'lined by him^
whence it should seetti that he meditated aci enlargemetit
of that very useful volume. Mr. Peck also left a great
many MS sermons, some of which are in the possession of
the same gentleman, who has obligingly favQured us witb
some particulars of the Stamford antiquary.*
PECKHAM (John), archbishop of Canterbury in thi
reign of Edward I. was born in the county of Sudsex, aboiA
1240, and educated in the monanery at Lew^ whence
he was sent to Oxford, and became a minorite friar. Him
name occurs in the registers of Merton-cdlege, which wa*
founded in his time, but not with suiBdient precision to
enable us to say that he was educated there. He was^
however, created D. D. at this university, and read publie
lectures. Pits says he was professor of divintly, &nd after-
wards provincial of his order in England. H« appears X^
have been twi<se at Paris, where he also read l<;ctures wi^K
great applause. He went from Paris, after bis seooiul
■ • a
/ .4 . , . •
^ Nichols's L«icefitershire-^Bd Bowj[«v.-— WartoD'tf Miltoi^ f » 545* ;
vidty to Lyons, where he obtained a canonry in the ta*
tfaedral, which Godwin and. Cave inform usvwas held with
the archbishopric of Caiiterbnry for two centuries after.
Faller says it was a convenient half-way house between
Canterbury and Rome. He then went to Rome, where
the pope appointed him auditor or chief* judge of his pa*
lace, but Leland calls the office which the pope bestowed
upon him that df Palatine lecturer or reader, ** lector, ut
vocant, Palatinus.** In 1278, this pope consecrated hint
archbishop of Canterbury, on Peckham's agreeing to pay
his. holiness the sum of 4000 marks, which there is some
xeasoB to think be did not pay ; at least it is certain he
was so slow in veikiitting it, that the pope threatened te
excommunicate kim. - ,
On his anivai in Snglaud, he summoned a convocation
at Lambeth, reformed various abuses iif the church, and
punished several of the clergy for holding pluralities, or
for being ndn*residents; nor did he spare the laity, of what-*
ever rank^ if found guilty of incontinence. In 1282 he
went 1x1 person to the prince of Wales, then at Snowdon^
m order to bring about a reconciliation between him and
r the king (Edward I.) but was unsuccessful, and therefore^
ivhen on his return he passed through Oxford, he excom^
Bfiunicated^the prince and his followers. He died at Mort-
lake, in 1292, and was buried in Canterbury cathedral^
Bear the remains of St. Thomas a Becket. Godwin repre*
sents him as a man of great state and outward pomp, but
easily accessible and liberal, except to the Jews, whom he
persecuted severely. He founded a college at Wingham^
ID Kent, which at the dissoldtion had an annual revenue of
i 84/. Wood, in his *^ Annals,*' makes fiequent mention of
I , Peckham's attention to the interests of the university of
I Oxford; and in some of his regulations he showed his taste
and learning in censuring certain logical and grammatical
absurdities which prevailed in the schools, and appears to
have always promoted discipline and good morals. Tan-
ner enumerates a great number of his works on divinity,
which show him accomplished in all the learning of his age.
' These remain, however, in manuscript, in our different ii«
braries, except some of his letters published by Whartpn^
s^nd his statutes, institutions, &e. in the ^' Concil. Mag.
Brit et Hib. vol. II." Two only of his woifks were pub-
lished, separately, and often reprinted; viz. hb '* Collec-*
ianea Bibliorum libri quinque," Colon. l^iS, 1691 '^ Paris,
Vol. XXIV. R
242 P E t! Q: U E T-
15 \4 ;:ancl bU.^VPer^p^ctiva Comiminis," Venice, 1504 j
Colon. 1592,. Norioib, 1542, and Paris, 1556, 4tQ.^
PECQUET (John), a learned anatomist, and a natire
of Dieppe, a considerable author of the seventeenth cen-
tury, has rendered bis name famous by his discovery of
the tborticic duct, and the receptacle of the chyle ; with
wbicb, however, some alledge that Bartbolomeus Eusta*
Hcbius was acquainted before him. But tfae world is obliged
to Pecquet for shelving, beyond $iU contradiction, that the
lacteal vessels convey the chyle tp this receptacle ; and for
proving that il| is^ thence carried, by particular vessels,
through the thorax, almost as high as the left isboulder,
and there thrown into the left subclavian vein, and so di-
rectly carried to the heart. He died at Paris, in February
1674. The work in which be published the discovery was:
entitled ^* Experimenta nova Anatpmica, quibus incogni-
tum bactenus Chyli Receptaculum, et ab eo per Thoracem
in Ramos usque subclavios Vasa lactea delegnntur ;'' to
which was subjoined a dissertation, *^ De Circulatione San*
guinis et Chyli Motu," 1651. It was reprinted in 165-4,
together with' an essay ** De Thoracis lacteb,'' in answer
to Riolan ; and many subsequent editions have appeared.*
PEDRUSI, or PEDRUZZI (Paul), a learned anti-
quary, was born of a noble family at Mantua, in 1 646.. He
entered himself among the Jesuits, and became distirirt
guished for his deep knowledge of history and antiquities.
His private character too was such as made him beloved bj^
every person who knew him., He was chosen by Rannuncio,
duke of Parma, to arrange bis rich and curious cabinet of
medals, of which, in 1694, he began to publish an account
under the title of " I Csesari in oro raccoiti nel Farnese
Musseo o publicati colle loro congrue iiiterpretazioni ;'* and
be continued his labours till his death, Jan. 20, 1721. This
work, in its complete form, consists of ten vols, folio, and
bears the title of ^< Museo Farnese ;'' but is not held in so
much estimation on the continent as to bear a high price. '^ :
PEELE (George), an English poet, wbp flourished in
the reijgn of queen Elizabeth, was a native of Devonshire
He was first educated at Broadgate^s Hall, but was some
time afterwards made a student of Christ Church college,
Oxford, about 1573, where, after going tbcough all the
* Tanner. — Cave," — Whiirton's Anglia Sacra. — Archaeologia, vol. X.
• £loy,-*Di6t. Hiat de Medicine. » Moreri.— Diet. Hist»
P E E L E. 24i
• » t
several forms of logic and philosophy, and taking all the
necessary steps, he was admitted to his master of arts degree
in 1570. After this it appears that he removed to London,
became the city poet, and had the ordering of the pageants.
He lived on the Bank-side, over against Black-friars, and
maintained the estimation in his poetical capacity which he
had acquired at the university, which seems to have been
of no inconsiderable Vank. He was a good pastoral poet ;
and Wood informs us that his plays were not only often
acted with great applause in his life-time, but did also
endure reading, with due commendation, many years after
his death* He speaks of him, however, as a more volu-**
minous writer in that way than he appears to have beet)^'
mentioning his dramatic pieces by the distinction of tra-
gedies anil comedies, and has given us a list of those which
be says he had seen ; but in this he must have made some
mistake, as he has divided the several incidents in one of
them, namely, his " Edward I.'* in such manner as to
make the " Life of Lleweliirt," and the " Sinking of Queen
Eleanor,'' two detached and separate pieces of themselves;
the error of which will be seen in the perusal of the whole
title of this play. He moreover tells us, that the last*
mentioned piece, together with a ballad on the same sub-
ject, was, in his time, usually sold by the common ballad-
mongers. The real titles of the plays written by this
author, of which five only are known, are, L ** The Arraign-
ment of Paris," 1584, 4to. 2. *' Edward the First, 1593,"
4to. 3. " King David and Fair Bethsabe," 1599, 4to. 4.
" The Turkish Mahomet and Hyren the Fair Greek.'* 5,
** The Old Wives Tale," a comedy, 1595, 4to.
\ Wood and Winstanley, misguided by former cataloguesi
have also attributed to him another tragedy, called ** AW
pbonsus,' emperor of Germany." But this, Langbaine
assures us, was written by Chapman, he himself having th«
play in his possession, with that author's name to it.
About 1593 Peele seems to have been taken into the pa-
tronage of the earl of Northumberland, to whom be dedi-
cated in that year, ** The Honour of the Garter, a poem
gratulatorie, the Firstling, consecrated to his noble name.**
He was almost as famous for his tricks and merry pranks as
Scoggau, Skelton, or Dick Tarleton; and as. there are
books of theirs in print, so there is one of bis called
^* Merrie conceited Jests of George Peele, gent, sometime
student in Oxford; wherein is shewed the course of bia
R 3 '
94^ !^ E £ L E;
life, how lie lived/* &c. 1627, 4to« These jesU, as tbey
«re called^ might with more propriety be termed the tricks
of a shanper. Peele died before 15^8, of the coiisequence»
of his debaucheries* Oldys says he left behind htm a wife
and a daughter. He seems to have been a person of a
very irregular life ; and Mr. Steevens, with great proba-
bility, supposes, that the character of George Pieboard, in
VThlft Puritan,** was de#igaed as a, representative of George
l^eelQ. 8eei a> note on that cpqi^ily^ as publ^hed by VU^
li^aloaeJ ? - . ..
P£GQ£ (8AMtJSL},,an'emio€tntaj^d.|abpriousaotiqQaryy
descended. fifom aa , ancient family in. Derbyshire, was the
son of Christopher Peigg^ a wpolieu-dir^per, and was bom
at Che;$'terfield» Nov. j», 1704* He was Emitted a peo«-
sipner of Sl,^ John's cc^lege, XanU)iridge, May 20, 1722^
and in Novembi^rMV^as ^elected. a schQlar.itpoD Lupton's
finindalion. In Jan. 1 725 he took bis degree of B. A. and
in Mar(;h;172l$ was,el^te.4 U>t a fellowsdiip,. wbiob he^ did
00^ bold long, owing^tQ a-singular circumstaupe. His feU
low ; competitor, was Mr^ Michael Bui^ton, whp^
supeiior righjt as being a-k|in jto the. fpwder of tb^ fellow
ship, hut this cjaimwaa-set ailid^, p\ying to his b^ing de-
ficient in.liteiratMre. He now artfqlly applied, to the coli^
l^ge ibr ,a testimp^Qial, that b^ might receive orders, and
vndfertaE;^ some cure ia tbc^ vicinity of Cambridge ;,and thia
hwif^ unadvisedly. granted, h^ immediately Appealed: ta
the visitor {Dr.Tbov^as Greene, bishop of Ely), represent-
ing tbi|t, as. the college had, by the testimonial, thought
h|.m qualified for prdination^. it could, not, injustice, defsm
him unworthy of becoming a fellow of « the. society. Tha
9Ptisequei;i.ce^was,.tba|; the visitor found .hims^elf relnctantly
obliged to ^jept Mr.Pegg^ and Burton took pos$es$ioo, o.f
%\j^ fellov^ship*. The visitor, however, recomm^nfled Mx*
^^gg^ in sapb a manpier to the muster and seniors of the
college, that h^ was .from that, time coi^sider^ as(an bo^
oorary member pf the bpdy of f<ello;is;s {(anyufim fiocius)^ and
kept his seat ^t their table and in the (^ba,pi^l, .b^ing placed
la. the siti^atioq^.of a f/ellawncommoner. .Feeling, yiet more
the indignity of i;h€^ trick i^layed upon tb^< Qurton, thejf
^bose /Mr. Pe^ge tp,a Platt-f^Howship in ,17;2^^, ...
: plassiqarcriticiaip. being onje of his^ earliest studies, itia
fought that he bad before this time meditated^ )an editioQ
> }Vtog. Dram.— Warton's HJit o^ Pbistrjr. — Atb. 6x. vtfK I. new e<li
tUrkUker«nfei;'ran.'4i:^»QdUi. < •
P E G G K. ir4*
t>f Xeaopbdn's " df ropeedia^* antl ^* Anafcasis/* ifrttm a cal-
lation of thera withf the DaportMS; in theilibrjify bf Ettort,
to convince the world that he had not been unjustJy pre-
ferred to Burton ; biit this undertaking was pr6bably pre*,
vented by the appearance of Hutcbinson^s edition. HaV-
ing t&ken the degree of M, A. in July 1729, he was or-
dained deacon in December, and prieistin February follow*
ing, on both occasions by Hr. Baker, bishop of Norwich.
His first clerical employnyent \vks accurate to the ReV. Dr.
John Lyncb, at Sandwich, in Kem. This he held fr^m
Lady Day 1730, to Midsummer 1731, when 'he' removed
to Bishopsbour^ne, another living belongiiijrito Dr. Lyn«b,
who at the end of the same year procured fof him th^ liv*
ing of Gddmersham. , • '
Being now possessed of ai living, and of 'some indepencK
cnt personal property iirherited from his mother,- be ihar*
ried, in April 1732, miss Anne Clarke, the only daughter
of Benjamin Clarke, esq. 6f Stanley, near Wafcefidd^ in
Yorkshire. While he resided in Kent, which was for th^
space of twenty years, he made hifnself universally ac*
ceptable by his general knowledge, his agreeable conver-
sation, and his vivacity. Having an early propensity to the
study of antiquities as well as of the classics, he here laid
the foundation of what in time beeame a consriderabie cot«
lection of books, and his cabinet of coins grew in propor^
tion ; by which two assemblages, so scarce among country
gentlemen in genera;!, be was qualiBed to pursue those
collateral studies, without neglecting bis 'parochial duties,
to which he was always assiduously attentive! Here, bow-
ever, the p'lacid course of his life was irtterrapted bythe
deatth of Mrs. Pegge, whom he lamented Vrith unfeigned
sorrow; and now » meditated on some lAode of removing
feimself, without disadvantage, to his native country, either
by obtaininfg a preferment tenable with bis present vicarage,
or by exchanging this for an equivalent. - Having been in«-
doced to reside for sometime at Surrenden, to superintend
the* edutatidti 'of Sir Edward 'Dering*s son, that baroneC
obtained for him the perpetual curacy of Brampton, near
Chesterfield, in the gift of the dean of Lincoln ; but the
parishioners insisting th^t they had a right to the presenta-
tion, law proceedings took place, before the termination^
of which in favour of the dean of Lincoln, Mr. Pegge was
presented by the new dean of Lincoln, Dr. George, totlm
lectofy of Whittington, near Chesterfield. He way ao«
U6 .P E G G E.
cordingly inducted Nov. 11, 1751, and resided here up-
wards of forty-four years without interruption. About a
fortnight after, by the interest of his friend sir Edward
J)ering with the duke of Devonshire, he was inducted into
the rectory of Brtnhill, or Brindle, in Lancashire, on which
be resigned Godmersham. Sir Edward also obtained for
bim in the same year a scarf from the marquis of Harting-
ton (afterwards the fourth duke of Devonshire) who was.
then called up to the house of peers by the title of baron
Cavendish of Hardwick. In 1758 Mr. Pegge was enabled^
by the acquiescence of the duke of Devonshire, to ex-
change Brinhill for Heath, alias Lown, which lies within
§even miles of Wbittington ; a very commodious measure,
as it brouglit his parochial preferments within a smaller
distance of each other. The 'vicarage of Heath he held till
his death. His other preferments were, in 1765, the per-
petual curacy of Wingerworth ; the prebend of Bobenhull,
in the church of Lichfield, in 1757; the living of Wbit-
tington in Staffordshire, in 1763 ; and the prebend of Loutb^
in Lincoln church, in 1772. Towards the close of his life
)ie declined accepting a residentiaryship in the church of
Lichfield, being too old to endure, with tolerable conve-
"nience, a removal from time to time. His chief patron
^as archbishop Cornwallis, but he bad an admirer, if liot a
patron, in. every dignitary of the church who knew him ,
and his protracted life, and his frequent and almost unin-
terrupted literary labours, made him very generally known.
In 1791, whet) on a visit to his grandson, sir Christopher
Pegge, of Oxford, he was created LL. D. by that univer-
sity. He died, after a fortnight's illness, Feb. 14, 17 96,
in the ninety-second year of his age, and was buried, ac-
cording to bis own desire, in the chancel of th^ church of
Whittington, near Chesterfield, where his son placed a
mural tablet of bl^ck marble^ over the east window, viith
a shprt inscription.
' Dr. Pegge's manners were those of a gentleitian of libe-
, r^l education, who had seen much of the world, and bad
formed them upon the best models within his observation.
Haying in bis early years lived in free intercourse with
, many of the. principal and best-bred gentry in various parts
of Kent, he ev^r after preserved the same attention, by
associating with superior company, ^nd forming honoura«
ble attachments. In his avocations from reading and re«
tiremei^t, few qien cou(d relax with npore ease and cheeri\
P; KG G R J47
fulness, or better understood the desipcrt in loco: and as he
did not mix in business of a public nature, he appeared to
most advantage in priTate circles ; for he possessed an
equanimity which obtained the esteem of his friends, and
an a£Fability which procured the respect of his dependents.
His habits of life were such as. became his profession and
istation. In his clerical functions be was exemplarily cor-
rect, performing all his parochial duties himself, until the
failure of his eye-sight rendered an assistant necessary ; but
tbat did not happen till within a few years before his death.
As a preacher, his discourses from the pulpit were of the
didactic and exbortatory kind, appealing to the under*
standings rather than to the passions of his auditory, by
expounding the Holy Scriptures in a plain, intelligible^
and unaffected manner. Though he had an early propen-
sity to the study of antiquities, he never indulged himself
much in it, as longas more essential and professional oc^
cupations had a claim upon him; for he had a due sense
of the nature and importance of his clerical functions, and
had studied divinity in all it^ branches with much attention.
As an antiquary, by which character chiefly be will
hereafter be. known, he was one of the most laborious of
bis time. He was elected a fellow of the Society of Anti-
quaries in 1751, tbe year in which the charter of incorpon
ration was granted ; and when their " Archaologia" began
tp'be published, he contributed upwards of fifty meqDoirs^
many of which are of considerable length, being by much
the greatest number hitherto contributed by any individual
member of that learned body. He also wrote seven curi-
ous memoirs for the " Bibliotheca Topographica Brit." and
many hundred articles in the Gentleman^s Magazine from
the year 1746 to 1795. His principal signatijres were Paid
Gemsege^ (Samuel Pegge), and Tl jRow, (the rector of
Whittingtpn), and sofmetimes Z. E, the final letters of his
name. Numerous as these articles are, there is scarcely
one of them w.hich does not convey some curious informa**-
tion, or illustrate some doubtful point in history, classical
criticism, or antiquities; and if collected together, with
some kind. of arrangement, might form a very interesting
;ind amusing volume, or volumes. .
His independent publications on numismatical, antiqua*.
rian, and biographical subjects wer^ also very numerous:
i. ^' A Series of Dissertations on some elegant and v^ery
ipiluable , Anglo- Saxon . Repaains/? )175$> 4to» 2k VMe-
U9 P E G G E.
moirs of Rbger de Wesebam, dean of Lineolii| nher^
vards bishop of Lichfield^ add tbe principal fayou rite of
Robert Grossetete, bishop of Lincoln/^ 1761| 4to. 3^
'< An Essay on the Coins of Cunobelin : in an epistle to
the right rev. bishop of Cariide (Dr. Lf ttelton), president
of the society of antiquaries," 1766, 4to. 4. " An assem-
blage of coins fabricated by authority of the archbishops of
Canterbury. To which are subjoined two Dissertations,'*
1772, 4to. 5. " Fitz-Stephen's Description of the city of
London,'' &c. 1772, 4to. 6. <« The Forme of Cury. A
roll of ancient English cookery, compiled about the yeat
1390, temp. Rich. II. with a copious index and glossary,**
1780, dvo. The original of this curious n>U was the pro-
perty of the late Gustavos Brander, esq. who presented it
afterwards to the British Museum. Prefixed to thJ0
publication is his portrait, engraved at the expence of
Mr. Braivden 7. ^' Annates Elise de Trickenham, mo^
nachi ordinis Benedictini. Ex Bibliotheca. Lamethana.'*
To which is added, '< Compendium compertorum ; eir
bibliotheca ducis Devonise," 17S9, in 4to. Both parts
of this publication contain copious annotatioins by the
editor. The former was communicated by Mr. Nichols,
to whom it it inscribed, << ad Johannem Nicolsium, eele-
berrimum typographum ;" and the latter was published by^
permbsion of the duke of Devonshire, to whom it is dedi^
cated. 8. << The Life of Robert Grossetete, the celebraUM
bishop of Lincoln," 1793, 4to. This has very justly been
considered as the cktf^d^csuvre of the author. . Seldom has
research into an obscure period been more successful. Jt
is a valuable addition to our literary history. 9. ^^ An his«
torical account of Beauchief Abbey, in the county of
Derby, from its first foundation to its final dissolotibfi,^^
1801, 4to. 10. HAnonymiana; or Ten centuries of ob*
servations on various authors and subjects," 1809, 8vd^ a
very entertaining assemblage of judicious remarks artd
anecdotes. It is needless to add that these two last public
cations were posthucnous.
In the way of his profession. Dr. Pegge published, in
1739,; a pamphlet on a controversy exbited by Dr. Sykes;
entitled ^< The Inquiry into the meaning of Demoniacs in
the New Testament ; in a Letter to the author," 8vo. ^ He
afterwards published two occasional sermons, and thr^e^
small tracts fof the use of bis flock, which he distributed
among them gratis, 6u the subjects of coufirmatioRi th#
P E G G E- U^
church catecbisiDy and tbe' Lord's Prajeh -TUe late I>iL
Farmer attriboted to Dr. Pegge, a pamphlet firinted in
1731, and entitled ^^ Remarks on the Miscellaneous Obser-*
vattons upon Authors ancient and modern. In several let^
ters to a Friend.'' A short address to the reader says, that
** These letters are now made public, in order to stop the
career, and to curb the insolence, of those Goths and
Vandals the minor critics of the age, the Marklands, the
Wades, and the Observators.^' From this we should sup-
pose tbe work to be ironical.
Dr. ]^egge left many MSS. a considerable part of which
are in the possession of his grandson. While vicnr of God'^
mersbam, lie collected a good deal relative to the college
at Wye, in that neighbourhood, which he thought of pnb^.
lishing, and engraved the seal, before engraved in Lewis'^
seals. He had *^ Extracts from the rental of the royal
manor of Wye, made about 1430, in the hands of Daniel
earl of Winchelsea ;" and " Copy of a survey and tental
of the coj^lege, in the possession of sir Windham Knatdi->
bull, 1739." He .possessed also a MS ^^ Lexicon Xeno^
pboaticum" by himself; a Greek Le:tioon ill MS.; aa
*^ £nglidi Historical Dictionary," in 6 vols. fol. ; a French
and Italian, a Latin, a British and Saxon one^ in oife v6»
lume each ; all corrected by bis notes ; a *^ Glossarium
Generale ;" two volumes of collections: in English history ;
collections for the city and church of Lincoln, now in Mr;
Gough's library at Oxford; a *^ Monasticon Cantialium,"
2 vols, folio; and various other MS collections, which afford
striking proofs of unwearied industry, zeal, and judgment.*
P£GGE (Samuel), son of the preceding, was born in
173 1. He studied law, and became a barrister of the Mid-**
die Temple ; one of tbe grooms of his majesty^is plrivy-cham«*
ber, and one of the esquires of the king^s' household. He
was, like his fatther, a frequent contributor to the Gentle-
man^s Magazine. He ^as also author of ** Curialia ; or an
historical acccnint of some brahcfaai of the Royal Houses
bold,'* part I, 1782 ^ part II, 1784, and part III, 17^1.
He had been several years engaged in preparing the re-i*
maining numbers of the ^^ Curialia'' for tbe press ; the ma-r
terials for which, and also his vei*y amasing *' Anecdotes
of the English Language,'' he bequeathed to Mr. Nichols,
who published the ^* Anecdotes?' in 1 803, 8vo, a second
edition in 18L4; and the ibuith and fifth numbers of tfair
< Life by hif Son ia Gent. M»f . toI. UCVl,«HiBd in Nicholi 'i Bowyer.
130 P E G G E-
^^ Curialia*' in 1806« He also assisted Mr. Nichols in
publishing his father's '^History of Beauchief Abbey,"
and wrote bis father's life, to which we xhave referred in
the preceding article. He died May 22, 1800, aged sixty-*
seven, and was buried on the west side of Kensington
church-yard. By his first wife, he had one son, Christo-
pher Pegge, M. D. F. R. S. knighted in 1799, and now
Tegius professor of physic at Oxford. '
PEIRCE (James), an eminent dissenting minister, dis-r
tinguished for his zealous defence of the principles of non-
conformity, and a no less zealous latitudinarian in opinion,
was born in 1673, at Wapping in London> of' reputable
parents. By his mpther, who died last, when he was
about seven y^ars old, he, with a brother and sister, both
older than himself, was committed to Mr. Matthew Mead,
the famous dissenting minister at Stepney, as his guardian,
at whose house he lived for some time after his mother^s
death, and was taught by the same tutors Mr. P^^ad kept
for his own sons. He was afterwards, by Mr. Mead's direc«
tion, put to pther grammar-schools, and at last sent to
Utrecht in Holland, where he had his academical institu-
tion, and studied under Witsius, Leydecker, Grsevius, Leu^r
den, De Vries, and Luyts, and was well known to the
celebrated Mr. Hadrian Reland, who was then his fellow
student, and afterwards when he was professor corresponded
with Mr. Peirce. The latter part of his time abroad Mr,
Peirce spent at Leydeh, where he attended Perizouius
and Noodt especially, hearing Gronovius, Mark and Span-
heim, occasionally ; and with some of these professors in
both universities be afterwards held a correspondence.
After he had spent above Ave years in these two places, he
lived privately in England, for some time at London,
among his relations, and for some time at Oxford, where
he lodged in a private house, and frequented the Bodleian
library. After this, at the desire of his friends, he prea9hed
an evening lecture on Sundays at the meeting-house in
Miles-lane^ London, and occasionally in other places, until
he settled at Cambridge, where he was treated with great
respect and civility by many gentlemen of the university.
In 1713 he was removed to a congregation at Exeter,
vvhere he continued till 1718, when a controversy arising
among the dissenters about the doctrine of the Trinity^
P E I R C Er 251
ffom which some of them were at this time departing,
three articles wer^ proposed to him, and Mr. Joseph Hal-
let, senior, another dissenting minister in Exeter, in order
to be subscribed ; which both of them refused, and were
ejected from their congregation. After this a new meeting
was opejied March 1^, 1613-9, in that city, of which Mr.
Peirce continued minister till his death, which happened
March 30, 1726, in the 53cl year of his age. His funeral
sermon was preached April the 3d following by Mr. Joseph
Hallet, jun. and printed at London, 1726, in 8vo; in
which he was restrained by Mr. Peirce himself from bestow*
iug amy encomiums on him ; but Mr. Hallet observes in a
letter, that ** he was a man of the strictest virtue, Exemplary
piety, and great learning ; and was exceedingly communis
native of his knbwledge. He would condescend to con-
verse on subjects of learning with young men, in whom he
found any thirst after useful knowledge ; and in his dis-.
^oursing with them would be extremely free, and treat
them as if they had been his equals in learning and years.'*
• His works have, been divided into four classes. Under
the philosophical class, we find only his ^* Exercitatio Phi-^
losophica de Homoeomeria Anaxagorea,'' Utrecht, 1692.
3ut be was more voluminous in the controversy between
the church of England and the dissenters. Of the latter,
he has been esteemed, a greaf: champion. In their defence
be published, L " Eight Letters to Dr. Wells," London,
1706 and 1707. - 2. *' Consideration on the sixth Chaptec
of the Abridgment of the London. Cases, relating to Bap-
tism and the sign of the Cross," Loiidoii, 1708. 3. " Vio-
diciae Eratrum Dissentientium in AngliV London, 1710,
8vo. 4. "An Enquiry into the present duty of a Low
Churchman," London, 1711, 8vo. ^. " Vindication of the^
I)issenters," London, 1717, 8vo. 6. "A Letter to Dr., occasioned by bis late treatise concerning the
Nonjurors' Separation," &g. London, 1717, 8vo. 7. '* Pre-
face to the Presbyterians not chargeable with King Charles's
death," Exeter, 1717, in 8vo. 8. "Defence of the Dis<^
senting Ministry and Ordination," in two parts, London,
1718, 8vo. 9. " The Dissenters' Reasons for not writing
in behalf of Persecution. Designed for the satisfaction of
Dr. Snape, in a letter to him," London, 1718, 8vo. 10.
^^ Interest of th.e Whigs with relation to the Test- Act,'*
I^ndon, .1718, 8vo. 11. ^^Reflections on Dean Slier-
Ipck's Vindication of the Co/poration and Test Acts,'*
fi52 P E I R C E,
London, 1718, 8vo. 12. <* Charge of misrepresentationi
miantained against Dean Sherlock/' London, 1719, 8voc
13. ^< Loyalty, integrity, and ingenuity of High Cbureh
and the Dissenters compared,*' London, 1719, 8vo. — R6^
lative to his controversy at Exeter, which produced bin
ejectment, were published by him, 1. ^* The Case of the
Ministers ejected at Exon,'' London, 1719, 8va 2. ** De->
fence of the Case,'' London, 1719, 8vo. 3. ^'Animadrer-*
sions on the true Account of the Proceedings at Salter's
Hall: with a Letter to Mr. Eveleigh," London, 1719, 8vo»
4. ** A Second Letter to Mr. Eveleigh, in answer to hk
Sober Reply," Exeter, 1719, 8vo. 5. " A Letter to a
Mibscribing Minister in Defence of the Animadversiolis/*
&c. London, 1719, 8vo. ,6. ** Remarks upon (be Accouot
^ what was transacted in the assembly at Exon," London^
1719, Bvo. 7. " An Answer to Mr. Enty's Defence of tU^
Assembly," Lorrdon, 1719, 8yo. 8. **The Western In-
otiisition," London, 1 720, 8 vo. 9. " The Security of Truths
manner to Mr. Enty," London, 1721, 8vo. 10. .V Inqai-'
Sftion-^bonesty displayed,"' London, 1722, 8vo. — On the
doctrine of the Trinity he published, 1. ** A Letter to a
Dissenter in Exeter," London, 1719, 8vo. 2. <^ Plain
Christianity defended," in four parts, London, 1719, nw,
9vo. 3. ** Thirteen Queries propounded to the Rev. Mr.
Walrond, in an appendix to the Innocent yindicated,'*
London, 1719, 8vo. There was an Answer to these que^
ries printed in 1721, under the title of *' An Answer lo
soiAe Queries printed at Exon, relating to the Arian Con*
? overly," and ascribed to Dr. Daniel Waterlaod. Mr.
eirce had some thoughts of writing a reply, bnt changing
his purpose, Mr. Joseph Hallet, jun. wrote a defence of
them, printed at London in 1736^ 8vo, with this tide:
*^ The Truth and Importance of thfe Scripture Doctrine of
the Trinity and Incarnation demonstratM : in a defence of
the late learned Mr^ Peirce's thilrteen Queries^ and a Reply
to Dr. W ^'s, and a gentleman's Answer to tbem," &g.
4. ^^Propositions relating to tbe ControVe^y <5oncernuig
the Trinity, in a Letter to the Rev. Mr. Enty," London^
1720, 8vo. 5. '< An Answer to a pamphlet, entitled Text«
of Holy Scripture compared, &e." London, 1721, 8va 6^
<< A Reply to Mr. Enty's late piece, entitled Tmth and
Liberty consistent,'^ &c. London, 1721, 8vo.**-His nsost
valuable works, however, are bis commentaries on the
Scripture ; L <* A Paraphrase and Notes on the Episde of
P E I R C E. 253
St. Paul to tbe Colossians. With an Appendix upon Epbes^
iv. 8/' London^ 1725, 4to. 2. *^ A Paraphrase and Notes
<m the Epistle of St. Paul to the Philippians/^ Lond. 1725^
4to. 3. << A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistle to the
Hebrews/* 1727, 4to. Theological: 1. " An essay in
fiiTonr of giving the Epcharist to Children,'* 1728, Svo*
2. '* Fifteen Sermons, and a Scripture Catechism,** 1728,
«vo. »
PEIRESC (Nicolas Claude Fabri p^), a very learned
Frenchman, was descended from an ancient, and nobl^
family, seated originally at Pisa in Italy, and born in 1580^
His father, Renaud Fabri, lord of Beaugensier, sent ^ioiL
at ten years of age to Avignon, where he spent five yeara
on his classical studies in the Jesuits' college, and wi^s re« ^
moved to Aix in 1595, for the study of philosophy. In the
mean time, he attended the proper masters for ds^npip^
riding, and handling arms,all which he learned to perform wijtb
expertness, but rather as a task, than a pleasure, for even at
(bat early period, he esteemed all time lost, .that was not
employed on literature. It was during this period, that biy
father being presented with a medal of the emperioi^ Ar-
cadius, which was found at Beaugensier, Peiresc beggp^l
to have it : and, charmed with decyphering. the characters
in the exergue, and reading tbe emperor^s name« in. that
transport of joy be carried the medal to bis uncle ; who for
his encouragement gave him two more, together with s^ome
books upon that subject. This incident seems ta hs^ve iied
him first. to the 3tudy of antiquities, for which he became
afterwafds so famous. In 15^6, he.fyassent to finish. bis
course of philosophy uqder the Jesuits at Tournoiu vvhernl
he also ati^died mathematics aqd cosmography,. Ira being
necessary in the study pf history, yet all this without^ rer
laxing from his application to antiquity, in which he was
much assisted b^ one of the professors, a dcilful medallist>i
nor from the study of belles lettres in general. So .n^utb
labour and attention, often protracted .till midnight, conr
•iderably impaired hi9 constitution, which was not origir
lially yery strong. In 1597, his uncle, from vjrbom he had
gceat expectations, sen)t him to Aix, where be entered
|ipoo the law ; and thp following year be pursued the same
study at Avignon, uqder a private master, whose name was
]Peter David ; who, being well skilled likewise in antiqui-
I tMti9VT0X,jyi9tu Mtgmn% rol. IL-^Gea. Diet,
854 P E I R E S C.
ties, was not sorry to find bis pupil of the same taste, anq
encouraged him in this study as well as that of the law.
Ghibertus of Naples, also, who was auditor to cardinal
Aquaviva, much gratified bis favourite propensity, by a
display of various rarities, and by lending him Goltzius^s
" Treatise upon Coins." He also recommended a visit to
Rome, as affording more complete gratification to an anti-
quary jhan any part of Europe. Accordingly, his under
having procured a proper governor, he and a younger bro-
ther set out upon that tour, in Sept. 1599; and passing
through Florence, Bologna, Ferrara, and Venice, he fixed
his residence at PaduaL, in order to complete his course of
law. He could not, however, resist the temptation of go-
ing frequently to Venice, where he formed an acquaint-
ance with the most distinguished literati there, as Sarpi,
Molinus, &c. in order to obtain a sight of every thing cu-
rious in that famous city. Among others, he was particu-
larly caressed by F. Contarini, procurator of St. Mark, who
possessed a curious cabinet of medals, and other antiqui-
ties, and found Peiresc extremely useful and expert id
explaining the Greek inscriptions. After a year's stay at
Padua, he set out for Rome, and arriving there in OctI,
1600, passed six months in viewing whatever was remark-
able. After Easter he gratified the same curiosity at Na*
pies, and then returned to Padua about June. He now
resumed his study of the law; and at the same time ac-
iquired such a knowledge of Hebrew, Samaritan, Syriac,
and Arabic, as might enable him to interpret the inscrip-
tions onr the Jewish coins, &c. In these languages he
Availed himself of the assistance of the rabbi Solomon, who
was' then at Padua. His taste for the mathematics was
also revived in consequence of his acquaintance with Ga-
lileo, whom he first saw at the house of Pinelli at Rome ;
and he began to add to his other acquisitions a knowledge
of astronomy and natural philosophy. From this time it
was said that ^^he had taken the fae)m of learning into hi»
hand, and begun to guide the commonwealth of letters."
Having now spent almost three years in Italy, he re-
turned to France in the end of 1602, and arrived at Mont-
pellier in July, where he heard the law lectures of Julius
Pacins, until he returned to Aix, about the end of 1 603,
at the earnest request of his uncle, who having resigned to
him his senatorial dignity, had, ever since the beginning
of the year, laboured to get the king's patent. The de-
P E I R E S C. »5ir
gree of doctor of law being a necessary qualification for
that dignity, Peiresc kept the usual exercise, and took
that degree Jan. IS, 1604 ; on which occasion he made a
most learned s()eech, upon the origin and antiquity of the
doctoral ornaments.
In 1605, he accompanied Du Vair, first president of the
senate at Aix, who was very fond of him, to Paris ; whence^
having visited every thing curious, he crossed the water,
in company with the French king's ambassador, in 1606,
to England. Here he was very graciously received by
kipg James ; and having seen Oxford, and visited Camden,
sir Robert Cotton, sir Henry Saville, and other learned
men, be passed over to Holland ; and after visiting the
several towns and universities, with the literati in each, he
went through Antwerp to Brussels, and thence back to
Paris, returning home in Sept. l606, on account of some
family affairs.
Soon after this, he made a purchase of the barony of
Rians, which he completed in 1607 ; and in the same year,
at the solicitation of his uncle, having approved himself
before that assembly, he was received a senator on the 1st
of July. In the following year his uncle died. In 1616,
he attended Du Vair to Paris; where, in 1618, he pro-
cured a faithful copy, and published a second edition of
** The ^cts of the Monastery of Maren in Switzerland.'*
This was in defence of the royal line of France against the
title of the Austrian family to the French crown by right of
succession ; and, upon this, he was nominated the same-
year^ by Louis XIII. abbot of Guistres in Guienne. He
rdntained in France till 1623, when, upon a message from
hii father, now grown old and sickly, he left Paris, and
arrived at Aix in October. Not long after he presented to
the court a patent from the king, permitting him to con*-
tiquein the function of his ancient dignity, and to exer-
cise the office of a secular dr lay person, notwithstanding
that, being an abbot, be had assumed, the person of a
churchman. The court of parliament^ not assenting to
this, decreed unanimously, that, being already admitted
into the first rank^ he shoyld abide perpetually in it; not
returning, as the custom of the court was, to the inferior
auditory,, in which trials are usually had of criminal cases.
He. obtaittctd also, a rescript from the pope, to license (lim
t<^ be present at the judgment of capital causes, as even in
the higher auditory some select cases of that nature w^re*
256 P E I R E S C.
eustomarily heard : but he never made use of this lioeneei
always departing when they came to rote, without voting
himself* In 1627, be prevailed with the archbishop of
Aix, to establish a post thence to Lyons, and so to Paris
and all Europe ; by which the correspondence that he
constantly held with the literati every where, was much
facilitated. In 1629, be began to be much tormented ^ith
complaints ineident to a sedentar}' life ; and, in. 1631, liav*
ing ooQ^leted. the marriage .of .his nephew Claude with
Margaret D'Alries, a noble lady of the county of Avignon,
he bestowed upon him the barony of Rians, together with
a grant of his senatorial dignity, only r^erviug the func-
tioD to himself for three; years. The parliament pot agree*
ing jbo this, he pt'ocured, in 1635, letters^patent from the
king, to be reistored, and to exercise the oflSce for five
years longer, which he did not outlive, for^ being seized
June 1637, with a fever, he died, on the 24th of that month,
in his fifty-seventh year.
A very honourable funeral was provided for him by his
nephew. Claude, in the absence of his brother, who was
then at Paris ; but who, returning shortly to Province,
hastened to perform the funeral rites, and to be present at
the. obsequies. He also procured a blo<:k of marble from
Genoa, from which a monument was made and erected to
bis memory, with an epitaph by Rigault. As he had been
chosen in his life-time a member of the academy of the
Humoristi at Rome, his eulogium was pronounced by John
James Bouchier, of that learned socieiy, in the presence
of cardinal Barberini, his brother Autonio, cardinal Benti-
VQglio, and several other cardinals, and such a multitude
of celebrated and learned men, that the hall was scarce
able io.cootain them. Many copies of' verses, in Italian,
Latin,, and Greeks were recited; which were afterwards'
printed together, with a collection of funeral elegiest in
forty languages, under the title of ^^ Panglossia.*' Peiresc
was, ill his person, of a middle size^ and of a thin habit ;
his forehead large, and his eyes grey ; a little hawk-nosed,
bis checks tempered withered ; the hair of his head yellow,
as also his beard, which he used to wear long ; his whole
countenance bearing the marks of uncommon courtesy and
aflability. In his diet he a£Eected cleanliness^ and in all
things about him ; but nothing superfluous or costly. His
clothes were suitable to his dignity ; yet be never wore
flUkt la like manner, the rest of bis house was adorned
p E I R E s G ayr
liccoTding to bis condition^ and very well furnished.; hvtt
he neglected bis own chamber. Insteaci of tapestry, there
bung the pictures of his chief friends and of famous men^
besides innumerable bundles of commentaries, transcripts,
notes, collections JFrom books, epistles, and such like papers*
His bed was exceeding plain, and his table continually
loaded and covered with papers, books, letters, and other
things 3 as also all the seats round about, and the greatest
part of the floor. These were so many evidences of the
turn of his mind^ which made the writer of his eulogium
compare hiin to the Roman Atticds; and Bayle, consider-
ing his universal correspondence and general assistance to
all the literati in Europe, called him ^' the attorney-general
of the literary republic." The multiplicity of his engage-,
ments prevented him from finishing any considerable wprk ;
but he left behind him a great number of M3S. oh local
history and antiquities, mathematics and astronomy, thia^
inedallic science, languages^ &c. Of the writings of thig
scholar there have been published 48 Italian letters, ad-
dressed to Paul and John Baptist Giialdo^ in the ^^ Lettero
d'uomini illustri;" a considerable nurpber of letters among
those of Camden, and a long and learned dissertation on
an ancient tripod found at Frejus., in the ^^ M6m. de Litei'a'i-
ture et de I'Histoire," by Desaialets, in 173 1. It is re-
markable> that though Peiresc bought more books thaa
any nab of his time, yet the collection which he left was
hot large. . The reason was, that a^ last as he purchased,
be kept continually making presents of them to learned
men to whom he knew they would be useful. Biit the de-
struction of a multitude of his papers after his death, by
feome of bis near relations, is mentioned by the learned
with indignation and regret; they were applied to the
vile uses of heating the oven and boiling the pot. Gas- ,
sendi, another ornament of Finance, has given us his life in
detail, in elegant Latin, one of those delightful works,
which e;chibit a striking likeness of a great and good man
at full letigtb, and shew every feature and fold of the dra-
pery in the strongest and clearest light. ^
PELA^GIUS (the Heresiarch), was born in Great Bri- -
tain in the fourth century, and is said to have been abbot
of the naopastery of Bangor. His real name is said to be
i vita i Gassendo, Ha|piie> 1655, 4to.<^Gen. Dict/^Moreri.— Bungny'g Lift
•fOrotiut, &c« X
Vol. XXIV. S
^58 P E L A G I U S.
Morgan, which signifying in the Celtic languages sea bom,
from MdVy sea, and gan born, was translated into IliXayios^'
i^ Latin l^elagius. For the greater part of his life, he was^
distinguished among his brethren both for piety and learn-"
ing, -but towards the close of bis life, he went to Rome,'
and began to teach certain doctrines in that city abotit the
year 400, which occasioned no small disturbance in the
church He absolutely denied all original sin, which he
held to be the mere intention of St. Augustine ; and taught^
that men are entire masters of their actions, and perfectly;
free creatures; in opposition to all predestination, repro-
bation, election, &c. He owned, indeed, that the natural
power of roan nee Jed to be assisted by the grace of God,-
to enable him to work out his own saltation ; but, by tfatd*
grace, he only meant outward assistance, vis. the d6c-
trineB of the law, and of the gospel. Though, when press*-
ed by those words of St. Paul, " Deus est eniiln, qui opera-^
tur in nobis,'* &c. he owiJed that it is God, in effect, tbalf
makes us will what is good, when he warns and excites us^
by the greatness of the glory we are to obtain, and by the
promises of rewards ; when he mak^s us love him by re^
dealing his wisdom, &c. These ar^ Pelagius^s own words,
as cited by St. Augustine*; who confutes him, and shears,
thatj, besides these exterior graces," there are required
other real and interior ones. He owned, that the will of
man is indeed aided by a real grace ; but he added, that
Jhis grace is not absolutely nieeessary in order to live well i
but that it only helps us to do well with the more ease,
Julian, one of his adherents, went farther yet ; and'owned
that the assistance of grace was absolutely ■ necessary t<^
enable us to do perfect works. In effect, the grand doc-
trine of the Pelagians was, that a man might accomplish'
all the commands of God by the mere power of nature;
knd that the gifts of grace were only necessary to etiable
him to act well more easily, and more perfectly.
As the morals of Pelagius had long been irreproachable,
he found it easy to gain a crowd of followers ; and tbe
heresy spread so much, that it 'became necessary for him
to quit Rome, in the year 409, going to Sicily, and accom*
panied by Celestius, his chief disciple and fellow-tabourer^
and, as is said, his countrynlan. They continued. in Sicily,
till the report of a conference, held at Carthage betweea
the orthodox and the donatists, induced them to go to
Africa : but Pelagius did not stay long-there ; and, after
P £ L A 6 I U S. 059
, »
his cJepaftune,. Celestias being accused of denying origin*
nalsin by Paulinufr, was cpndemned by a council held aft
Carthage in the year 412, under Aareliuft, primate of
Africa. Upon this, he repaired to his friend Pelagiuty
who bad retired to Palestine.
Here they were well received by John bishop of Jerusa*
leiii, the enemy of St. Jeromi and well looked- op by the
better sort of people. Count Marcellinus, being desiroui
to know in what their doctrine, .which was much talked of,
consisted, appiied • to St. Augustin, bishop of Hippo, for
tnforiaatioil ; and Pelagias, fearing to engajge for«i
midable tan antagonist, wrote the bishop a letter foil of
protestations of the purity of his failh, and St Augustia
seems always unwilling to believe that Pelagius had fallen
into terror until the year 414, when Pelagius resolved tq
undertake his treatise of the natural strength of man, in
support of his doctrine of free-will; which, however, htt
iliM expressed in ambiguous terms, but not so as to de* >
teive either Augustine or Jerome, who wrote against (liuit
In Palestine, his doctrine was approved in a council held
at Diospolis in the year 415, consisting of fourteen bisbopK
Theodore of Mopsuestia was one of Pelagius's most power*
ful frietids in the east, a man of profound erudition and
great reputation ^ who, though he wrote zealously against
aU heresies, fell into that of Pelagius, as 'also of Nesto^
rius. On the other hand, the African bishops held a
council, according to custom, in the year 416, at Car^
thage, and decided that Pelagius and Celestius ought ta
be anathematized, and communicat^ed tbeir judgment to
|he pope Innocent I. in order to join the authority of the
see of Rome to their own, and, prompted by St Augustine^
refute in a summary way the chief errors imputed to Pela*
gius, and conclude thus : '^ Though Pelagius and Celes^
tins disown this doctrine, and the writings produced against
them, without its being possible to convict them of falser
hood; nevertheless, we must anathematize in general
whoever teaoheth that human nature is capable of avoid*
ing sin, and of fulfilling the commands of God ; as he
•hews himself an enemy to his grace." About the' same
time a council was held at Milevum, composed of sixtyr
one bishops ; who, after the example of that of Carthage^
wrote to pope Innoeent, desiring him to condemn this
heresy^ wfaicb^ took away the benefit of prayer from adults^
and baptism from infants. ^Besides ti^^se twQ synoc^cal
% 2
J60 P E L A G I U S.
letters, another was written by St. Augastin, in the name
of himself and four more bishops ; in which he explained
the whole matter more at large, and desired the pope to
prder Pelagius to Rome, to examine him more minutely^
^ud know what kind of grace it was that he acknowledged ;
or else to treat with him on that subject by letters^ to the
end that, if he acknowledged the grace which the chufch
teacheth, he might be absolved without difficulty. .
. These letters were answered by Innocent in the year
417, who coincided in sentiment with his correspondents,
ftnd anathematized all who said that the grace of Grod ii
not necessary to good works; and judged them unworthy
of the comtnunion of the church. In answer to the five
African bishops, who had written to him on his being sus-
pected of favouring Pelagianism, be sajrs, ^^ He caR uei^
ther affirm nor deny, that there are Pelagians in Romte^
because, if there are any, they take care to conceal tbemr.
selves, and are not discovered in so great a multitude of
people.'' He adds, speaking of Pelagius, *'We oaopot
believe be has been justified, notwithstanding that, some
laymen have brought to us acts by which be pretends to
baye been absolved. But we doubt the airthenticity of
these acts, because they have not been sent us by t^e
council, and we have not received any letters from tjiose
who assisted at it. For if Pelagius could have relied on
bis justification, he could not have failed to have obliged
his judges to acquaint us with it; and even in these acts
be has not justified himself clearly, but has only sought to
evade and perplex matters. We can neither approve uor.
blame this decision. If Pelagius pretends he has nothing
to fear, it is not our business to send for him, but rather
his to make haste to come and get himself absolved. For
if he still continues to entertain the same s€lntiments, what*
ever letters he may receive, be will never venture to eK^
pose himself to oqr sentence. If he is to be summoned,
that ought rather to be done by those who are n^eareat to
bim* We have perused the book said to be written by him,
which you sent us. We have found in it many propositions
against the grace of God, many blasphemies,, nothing that .
pleased us, and hardly any thing but what displeased us^
and ought to be rejected by all the world.'*
Celestius, upon his condemnation at Carthage in the
year 41*2, had indeed appealed to this pope ;^but, ins^ad
of pursuing his appeal^L he retired into Palestiue. Pela? .
P E L A G I U S. 461
gius, however, who had more art, did not despair of bring-*'
iog Rome over to his interest, by flattering the bishop of
that city, and accordingly drew up a confession of faith,
and sent it to pope Innocent with a letter, which is now
lost. Innocent was dead ; and Zosioius had succeeded
him, when this apology of Pelagius was brought to Rome.
On the first notice of this change, C^lestius, who had been
driven from Constantinople, hastened to the west, in
hopes of securing the new pope's favour, by making him
hiSr judge, and Zosimus, pleased to be appealed to in a
cause that had been adjudged elsewhere, readily admitted
Celestius to justify himself at Rome. He assembled his
clergy in St. Cleuiem^s church, where Celestius presented
him a confession of faith ; in which, having gone through
all the articles pf the Creed, from the Trinity to the resur-
rection of the dead, he said, '^ If any dispute has arisen on
questions that. do not concern the faith, I have not pre«
tended to decide 4;.hem, as the author of a new doctrine ;
but I offer to your examination, what I have frooi the
source of the prophets and apostles ; to the end that, if I
have mistaken through ignorance, your judgment may
correct and set me right." On the subject of original sin,
he continued, '^ We acknowledge that children ought to
be baptized for the remission of sins, agreeably to the rule
of the universal church, and the authority of the gospel ;
because the Lord bath declared, that the kino^dom of bea-
' yen cap be given to those only who have been baptized.
But we do not pretend thence to establish the transmissioa
of sin from parents to their children : that opinion is widely
different from the catholic doctrines. For sin is not born
with man; it is man who commits it after he is born: it
docs not proceed from nature, but from will. We there-^
fore acknowledge the first, in order not to admit of several
baptisms; and take this precaution, that we may not de-
rogate from the Creator.*' Celestius having confirmed by
word of mouth, and several repeated declarations, whlit
was contained in this writing, the pope asked him, whe«
ther he condemned all the errors that had been published
under his name ? Celestius answered, that he did con-
demn them in conformity with the senteiice of pope Inno-
cent, and promised to condemn whatever should be con^
demned by the holy see. On this Zosimus did not hesitata^
to coddemn Heros and Lazarus, who hsnl taken upon then)
19 be the chief prosecutors of the Pelag;ian doctrine Df
46a P E L A 9 I U S;
deposed tkem from the episcopal office^ and^^KcooimQiii*
eated them; after which he wrote to Aurelius, and the
other bishops of Africa^ acquainting them with what he
had done, and at the same time sending them the a^ti of
his synod.
Soon after this, Zosimus received a letter from Praylum
bishop of Jerusalem, successor to John, . recommending tp
^im Pelagius's affair in affectionate terms. This letter was
accompanied by another from Pelagius himself, togethei:
with the confession of faith before mentioned. . In thi4
tetter Pelagius said, that his enemies wanted to aspe^^ie hi^ : /
. chfiracter in two points: first, that he refused ,t9 baptize
infants, and promised them the kingdom of heaven, withr
9Ut the redemption of Jesus Christ; seoondl}!, that he re*
posed so much confidence in free-will, as to refuse the as-
sistance of grace. He rejected the first of these errors, -a^
Oianifestly contrary to the gospel ; and upon the article of
grace he said, ^' We have our free-will either to sin or nol
to sin, and in all good works it is ever aided by the 4i^i°4
assistance. We say, that all men have free- wilt, as w«ll
Christians as Jews and Gentiles : all of them have it by
nature, but it is assisted by grace in none but.ChristiauAi
|n others this blessing of the creation is naked and unas*
sisted. They shall be judged and condemned ; because
having free-will, by which they might arrive at fai^b, and
merit the grace of God,- they make an ill use of this liberty^
The Christians will be rewarded ; because they, by making
1^ good use of their free^wili, merit the grace of the Lor<{^
and observe his commandments.'* His confession of faith
)¥as like that of Celestius* On baptism he said, /< We
bold one single baptism, and we assort that it ought to be '
administered to children in the same form of words as to
adults." Touching grace he said, ^* We confess a free-
yvill: at the same time holding, that we stand continually
in need of God's assistance ; and that those are as weU
pnistaken, who say with the Manicbee^, that man cannot
Ikvoid sinning, as those who say with Jovinian, that> man
cannot sin*" He concluded with these words: ^VSucb^
blessed pope, is the faith which we have learned in th^
patholic church, the faith which we have always held, i^nd
ftill continue in* If any thing contained therein shall,no(
have been. explained clearly enough, or not with aoffic^nt
paution, we de^iff that you would correct it.$ ypu.wbp
the faitb^ and the see of Peter. If you apprpve of
P E L A G I U S. 2S3
.my confession of faith, whoever pretends to attack it, will
shew either his ignorance or his malice, or that he is not
orthodox ; but he will not prove me an heretic."
For some time this defence answered its purpose, and
Zo^imus wrote a second letter to Aurelius, and to all the
bishops of Africa, informing them that he was now ^atis^
fied with Pelagius and Celestius*s confession of faith, and
persuaded of their sincerity. Aurelius, however,' and hi&
.brethren, were more surprised than daunted at this letter^
and firmly maintained the judgment they had given, and
"which had been confirmed by Innocent I. At the h^ad of
their decrees they addressed a second letter to pope Zosi-
mus, in these terms : ** We have ordained, that the sen-r
.tence given by the venerable bishop Innocent shall subsist^
until they shall confess without equivocation, that the grace
of Jesus Christ does assist us, not only to know, but also
,to do justice in every action ; insomuch, that without it we
can neither think, say, or do any thing whatever, that be-
longs to true piety." They added, "That Celestius^s
having said in general terms, that he agreed with Innocent's
^letters, was not satisfactory in regard to persons of inferior
understandings; but that he ought to anathematize in cleafr
terms all that was bad in his writings, lest many should
believe that the apostolical see had approved his errors,
Vather than be persuaded that he had reformed theAn." The
]bi$hop of Africa likewise reminded pope Zosimiiis of his
predecessor's decision, relattng to the council of Dios-
polis ; shewed him the artifice made use of in the confes-
sion of faith which Pelagius had sent to Rome; and refute4
after their manner the cavils of the heretics : and, as Zosi-
mus had reprimanded them for having too easily giveii
credit to th^ accusers of Celestius, they justified themselves
at his expence ; by shewing, that he himself had been too
precipitate in this affair. They also declared plainly, that
'this cause arising in Africa, and having been judged there,
Celestius could have no right to appeal from thence, nor
the pope to take cognizance of it : to which they added a
protest, to prevent Zdsimusfrom attempting to pronounce
any sentence by default, in favour of Celestius and Pela-
Zosimus, either through a persuasion that these heretics
had dealt insincerely with him, pr finding it prudent to
yield to the necessity of the occisision, upon the receipt oif
this letter^ issued out a formal conden^nttion of the Pela-
26^ P E L A G I U S.
giansy 4n4 applied also to Honorius, requesting him 0^
qause all heretics to be driven put of Rome { in compliance
with which, the emperor gave a rescript at Raveona,^
April 41^1 directed to the pretorian prefect of Italy,
who, in consequence, issued his ordinance jointly with th^
pretorian prefect of the east, and the prefect of Gaul, pur-
porting, that all such as should be convicted of this error
should suffer perpetual banishment, and that all their pos-
sessions should be confiscated. The pope also vigorously
prosecuting his design to extirpate the friends of Pelagius,
caused all the bishops to be deposed who would not sub-
scribe the condemnation of the new heresy, and drove
them out of Italy by virtue of the laws of the empire. At-
ticus, bishop of Constantinople, likewise rejected their
deputies. They were driven from Ephesus ; and Theodo-
tus bishop of Antiocb condemned them, and drove Pela-
gius thence^ who was lately returned from Palestine, where
he ha^d taken refuge from the emperor's rescript. We have
no certain account of him after this ; but there is reason to,
believe, that he returned to England, and spread his doc-
trine there; which induced the bishop of Gaul to send
thither St. Germain of Auxerre, in order to refute it.
However that be, it is| certain that Pelagian heresy, as it
is called, spread itself both in the east and west, and took
so deep root, that it subsists to this d^y in different sects,
who all go by the general name of Pelagians, except a
more moderate part who are called Semi-Pelagians.
This Heresiarcb wrote several things, anaong wht9h are,
f? A Treatise upon the^ Trinity;" " A Commentary on St.
Paul's Epistles," which oddly enough has been annexeil
to those of St. Jerom, and was long thought tti be written
by him, although a decided Anti-Pelagian; " A Book of
Eclogues, or Spiritual Maxim?;" several letters, among
which is one addressed to a virgin, named Demetrias,
which is printed in the works of JSt. je'rom; several pieces'
in his own defence ; and a (reatise on free-will. The His-
tory of Pelagianism by Jansenius^ in his treatise called
** Augustine," is thought the best.* '
PELL (John), an eminent English mathematician, de-
scended from an ancient family in Lincolnshire, was born.
at Southwyke in Sussex, March i, 16J0; and educated in
crammar-learning at the free-school, then newly founded,
1 Dopin.— *Ca?e, vol. I.^Mosheim and Milnet»*Ch. ^Ist.
P E! L L. 5?65
rt Steyning in that county. At thirteen, he was sent to
Tjrinity college in Cambridge, where he pursued bis stu-
fdies with unusual diligence, but although capable of un-r
dergging any trials, and one of the best classical scholars
of his ag^, he never offeired hiniself a candidate at the
flection of scholars or fellows of this cbllege. After taking
the degree of B. A. in 1628, he drew up the " Descrip-
tion and Use of the Quadrant, written for the use of a
friend, in two books;'* the original MS. of which is still
extant among his papers in the Royal Society ; and the
same year he held a correspondence \vith Mr. Henry
Briggs on logarithms. In 1630 he wrote *« IV^odus suppu-
tandi Ephemerides Astronomicas (quantum ad motum soils
attinet) paradigmat^ ad an. 1630 accommodato 5" and " A
Key to unlock the Meaning of Johannes Trithemius, in his
Discourse of Steganography ;" which key Pell the sanie
year imparted to Mif. Samuel Hartlib and Mr. Jacob Ho'r
imedae. The same year, he took the degree of master of
arts at Cambridge, and the year following was incorporated
in the university of Oxford. In June he wrote " A Letter to
Mr Edward Wingate oq Logarithms;" atid, OcL S, 1631,
** Cbmmentationes in Cosmographiam Alstedii." July 3,
1632, he married Ithaiparia, second daughter of Mr. Henry
Seginolles of London, by whom he had four sons and foi^r
daughters. In 1633 he finished his " Astronomical History
of Ubservations of heavenly Motior^s and Appearances ;"
and his ** Ecl^pticus Prognostica ; or foreknower of th^
Eclipses ; teaching how, by calculation, to foreknow and
foretell all sorts of Eclipses of the heavenly lights/' lA
1634, he translated ^« The everlasting Tables of Heavenly
Motions, grounded upon the observations of all times,
and -agreeing with them all, by Philip Lansberg, of Ghent
in Flanders ;'* and the same year he committed to writingj^
^* The Manner of deducing his Astronomical Tables out of
the Tables and axioms of Philip Lansbferg." In March
1635, he wrote "A Letter of Remarks on Gellibrand'$
Mathematical Discourse on the Variation of the Magnetic
Needle; and, June following, another on the same subr
ject. Such were the employments of the first six years of
Mr. Pell's public life, during which mathematics entirely
engrossed his attention. Conceiving this science of the
utmost importance,' he drew op a scheme for a mathema-
tical school on an extensive scale of utility and emulatiop^
which ws^s much approved by Des Cartes, Uut sq censure^
a66 PELL.
by Mersenne in. France, that our author was obliged to
write in its defence. The controversy may be seen in
Hooke's Philosophical Coliectionsj and with PelPs ^* Idea
of the Mathematics.^'
Mr. Pell's eminence, however, in mathematical know- ■
ledge, was now so great, that he was thought worthy of a
professor'9 chair in that science ; and, upon the vacancy
of one at Amsterdam in 1639, hit William Boswell, the
English resident with the States-general, used his interest,
that he might succeed in that professorship; which was not
filled up till above four years after, 1643, when Pell was
chosen to it. The year following he published, in two
pages 4to, *' A Refutation of Longomontanus's Discourse,
De vera circuli mensura," printed at Amsterdam in 1644«
In June 1646, he was invited by the prince of Orange to
be professor of philosophy and mathematics at Breda, in
the college newly founded there by bis highness, with the
offer of a salary of 1000 guilders a year. This tie ac-
cepted, but upon his removal to Breda, he found that he
was re quired to teach mathematics only. His '* Idea ,Ma*
theseos," which he had addressed to Mr. Hartlib, who in
1639 had sent it to Des Cartes and Mersenne, was printed
'1650 at London, 12mo, in English, with. the title of '^Ab
Idea of Mathematics," at the end of Mr. John Dury's
^* Reformed Library- keeper." On the death of the princ^
of Orange, in 1650, and the subsequent war between thf
jCnglish and Dutch, he left Breda, and returned to Eng*
land, in 1652; and, in 1654, was sent by Cromwell as his
agent to the protestant cantons in Switzerland, his instruc-^
iions being dated March 30th of. that year. His first
speech in Latin to the deputies of Zurich was on the I3th
of Jun^; and he continued in that city during most of his
employment in Switzerlafnd, in which he bad afterwards
the title of resident. Being recalled by Cromwell, be toot
bis leave of the cantons in a Latin speech at Zurich, the
23d of June, J 658; but returned to England sp short a
time before the usurper's death, that be had no opportu-
nity of an audience from him. Why Cromwell eraployecl
him does not appear, but it is thought that during his re*
sidence abroad, he contributed to the interests of Charted
IL and the church of England ; and it is certain that, aftejr
the restoration, he entered into holy orders, although aJt
an unusually advanced period of life. He was ordaine^
deacon March 31, 1661, and priest in June following, by
PELL. 9tf
{Sanderson, bishop of Lincoln; and, on the i6th of that
pipntb, instituted to the rectory of Fobbing in Essex^ giveii
\xim by the king. On Dec. the 5th foUowingi h^ brought
into the upper house of convocation the calendar reformed
hy him, assisted by Bancroft, afterwards abp. of Canter-*
bury. In 1^63, he vras presented by Sheldon, bishop o^
Loudon, to the rectory of Laingdon in Essex ; and, upon '
the promotion of that bishop to the s^e of Canterbury in
%he next month, became one of his grace's domestic chap*
kins. He was then doctor of divinity, and expected, as
Wood tells us, ** to be made a dean ; but being not a per*
son of activity, as others who mind not learning are, could
never rise higher than a rector.*' The truth is, add^
Wood, '^ be was a helpless man as to worldly affairs; and
bis tenants and relations dealt so unkindly by him, that'
they defrauded him of the profits of his rectory, and kept
bim so indigent, that he was in want of necessaries, even
ink and paper, to bis dying day." He was for some tim^
confined to the King*s-bench prison for debt; but, ^^
March 1682, was invited by Dr. Whistler to live in tbt
college of physicians. Here he continued till June fol*
lowing, when he was obliged, by his ill state of health, t^
remove to the bouse of a grandchild of his in St. Margaret'f
church-yard, Westminster. .From this too he was agak|
removed, for we find that he died at the house (in Dyo(
street) pf Mr. Cothorne, reader of the church of St. Giles's
in the Fields, Dec. the 12th, 1685, and was interred bj
the charity of Busby, master of Westminster school, an^
Sharp, rector of, St. Giles's, in the rector's vault undef*
Ihat church. Besides what have been mentioned. Dr. Peli
was the author of, 1. ^^ An Exercitation concerning Easter,'*
1644, in 4to. 2. ** A Table of 10,000 square numbers,?
&c. 1672, folio. 3. An Inaugural Oration at his entertnf
upon the Professorship at Breda. 4. He made grea|
alterations and additions to ^^ Rbonius's Algebra,*^ printed
at London 1668, 4to, under the title of >^ An Introduce
tion to Algebra; translated out of the High Dutch into
English by Xhoiiias Branker, much altered and augmented
by D. P. (Dr. Pell).'' Also a Table of odd numbers, leaf
than. 100,000, shewing those that are incpmposite, &.a
supputated by the same Thomas Branker. 5. His Contro-
versy with Longomontanus concerning the Quadrature ojf
the Circle, Amsterdam, 1646, 4to. He likewise wrote a
Bemonstratibn of tb^ 2d liod 10th bbbks of Eutlid; which
piece was in MS. in the library of lord Brereton iri
Cheshire : as also Archimedes's Arenarius, and the great*^
est part of Diophantus^s six books of Arithmetic ; of which
author he was preparing, Aug. 1644, a new edition, with
a corrected translation, and new illustrations. He designed
likewise to publish an edition of Apollonius, but laid it
aside, in May, 1645, at the desire of Golius, who was en-
gaged in an edition of that author from an Arabic ma,nu»
script given him at Aleppo 18 years before. This appears
from the letters of Dr. Pell to sir Charles Cavendish, in
%he Royal Society.
Some of his manuscripts he left at Brereton in Cheshire,
where he resided some years^ being the seat of William
lord Brereton, who had been bis pupil at Breda. A great
many others came into the hands of Dr. Busby ; which Mr.
Hook was desired to use his ejideavours to obtain for the
society. But they continued buried under dust, and mixed
with the papers and pamphlets of Dr. Busby, in four large
boxes, till 1735; when Dr. Birch, secretary to the Roy^l
Socibty^ procured them for that body, froni the trustees of
Dr. Busby. The collection contains noi only Pell's nia-
theHiatical papers, letters to him, and copies of those from
him, &c. but also several manuscripts of Walter Warner,
the riiathematician and philosopher, who lived in the reigns
of James the First and Charles the First.
Dr. Pell invented the method of ranging the several
steps of an algebraical calculus, in a proper order, in sa
ttiany distinct lines, with the number affixed to each step,
and a short description of the operation or process in the
line. He also invented some mathematical characters.*
PELLEGRIN (Simon Joseph), an abb6, and an author
"by profession, of some celebrity at Paris, was borrt j^t
Marseilles in 1663, and became a religious of the order of
Servites. Being tired of this mode of life, he took some
voyages as chaplain to a vessel. On his return, he wrote
a poem called "An Epistle to the King on the glorious
Success of his Arms,-' which gained the prize in the
French academy in 1704. With this Epistle Pellegrin had
sent an Ode on the same subject, which proved the only
formidable rival to his Epistle, and for some time divided
the opinions of the academy. This singular success made
bim known at cQiirt. Madame Maintenon took notice of
1 Atb Qx^yol. Lr-^Bios. Brit.-^Martia'i 5io|;, P^l9S.T-)HvttOA's DicUo^aiy^
P E L L E 6 R I K. a^
hiai) and gained btm a brevet to be translated into th0
Order df Cluni. Peilegrin subsisted solely by the prizes
be gained in several literary academies, and his other lite-
rary, labours. He even kept a kind of shop, , where those
who wanted occasional verses, as epigrams, sonnets, ma-
drigals, &c were supplied at certain prices, according to
the number and goodness of the lines. This trade growing
slack, be began to write for the theatres, but here a new
obstacle arose. The cardinal de Noailles insisted that he
should either cease to write for the stage, or to officiate at
the mass. He would fain have had a dispensation on this
subject, but, .the cardinal being inexorable, he gave up
the mass, as least profitable. He would, however, havjs
felt che loss of the latter, bad not his friends procured him
a salary for writing the account of the theatrical enter-
tainments in the Mercure. Peilegrin deserved to be in
better circumstances, for a great part of what he earned
so laboriously was distributed among his relations : and hi^
disposition was singularly candid and modest. He was, at
the same time, negligent of his appearance, and had an
ipipediment in his speech ; circumstances which conspired
to plunge him in that neglect he so severely experienced.
He lived, however, to the age of 82 ^ and closed this long,
life on the 5th of September, 1745. His works are very
various ; poems of all kinds, sacred and profane ; version^
of the Psalms and other parts of Scripture; comedies,
operas, &c<; the general character of all which is, that,
they are seldom excellent in their plans, and that the ver-
sification is almost invariably flat and tedious. ^
PELLEGRINI (Camillo), an Italian historian and an-
tiquary, was born in 1598, at Capua, and educated at the
Jesuits* school at Naples. He entered into the clerical
order, but appears to have passed his whole tinie in the
researches of an historian and antiquary, which produced,
1. " L'Apparato alle Antichita di Capua," printed in 1651,
in which he minutely describes all the parts of Campagna
Felice, and relates its history and revolutions. 2. <^ His-
toria Principum Longobardorum,*' containing several his-
torical pieces not yet published, illustrated with learned
annotations and dissertations. . This was republished in the
collections of Burmann and Muratori, and with various
1 Moreri.— Diet. Hict^
if^ PELL t il 1 N. i
additions, at Naples, 1749, by Sig. Fr. Moria Pratilli. Pel*
legrini died at Naples in 1660, at tfae age of sixty-five. ^
* PELLERIN (Joseph), famous for bis collection of me-
dals, and bis publications respecting" tbem, was for a long
time commissary-general, and cbief-clerk of the Frencfai
tearing. He united tbe knowledge of a man of letters mtii
all tbe activity of a man of business; but haying, afteif
forty years of service, obtained leave to retire, he thence-'
forth gave himself up entirely to the study of antiquities^
and wrote upon the subject after be was blind with age^
by means of an invention described in the last voiume of
his works. His cabinet of medals, which was purchased
by the king in 1776, was the richest ever formed by a pri-
vate individual ; and learned men of all countries highly
respected the collector of so valuable a treasure. He died
|n August 1782, at the surprising age of ninety -nine. He
enriched the science of medals by a valuable set of works
on that subject, forming altogether, with the supplements^
ten volumes in quarto, with many plates ; these were pub-
lished at different times from 1762 to 1778, and contain
judicious and learned explanations of the plates, which are
executed with great exactness and beauty. It is to Pelleriii
that we are indebted for the firbt plates of medals perfectly
representing tbe originals in every flaw and irregularity of
edge and impression, which is a most capital improvement,
and makes the view of siich plates almost equal to the coins
themselves. •
* PELLETIER (Bernard), a chemist of considerable emi-
nence, was born at Bayonne in 1761. He acquired the ru-
diments of pharmacy in his father^s house, and afterwards
studied the subject at Paris with such constant application,
that at a very early age he was familiarly acquainted with'che-
mical processes, and even with the exact state of th^ science.
At the age of twenty-one he published a set of experiments
on the arsenic acid, in which be explained the properties
of M acquer's neutral arsenical salt, and demonstrated the
real nature of Macquer^s process. In these observations be
bad been anticipated by Scheele, by Bergman, by tbe
Dijon academicians, and by Berthollet ; but it was no in-
eonsiderable merit in so young a man to have advanced aa
far in the subject as these mastery of the science.
* Moieri.— Landi Hist. Lit D'ftalie.
. * DujiL Hist. — pinkertoo*! Esiay oo Medals, preface.
P E L L E T I E R. «7f
Soon after, he published several observations on the crys-
tallization of sulphur and cinnabar, on the distillition of
phosphorus from bones, on deliquescent salts, on oxymu-^
riattc acid, on the formation of ethers, and particularly on
muriatic and acetic ethers. His success in these encou*
raged him to attempt the Analysis of the zeolite, at that
time a much more difficult task than at present, when the
mode of analyzing minerals has been reduced to a regular
system. In 1785 he undertook the analysis of pi umbago,
a labour in which he had been antici|>ated by Scheele, and
which was completed the year following, in the course o^
the celebrated experiments made upon iron and its com*
binations, by Berthollet, Monge| and Vandermonde. His
text object was the combination of phosphorus with the
metals ; the existence of which had been merely pointed
out by Margraif. To Pelletier we owe almost all the
knowledge concerning the metallic' phosphurets which we
s^t present possess. The next object of his researches was
aurum Musivum, a brownish yellow scaly powder some^
times used in painting. He demonstrated it to be a com-
pound of sulphur and the oxide of tin, and pointed out
several improvements in the method of preparing it.
In 1790, when the churches of France were stript of
their bells, and it was proposed to extract the copper from
them, Mr. Pelletier pointed out a method of scorifying the
tin, which constitutes the other ingredient, by means of
the black oxide of manganese. His first essays were made
in Paris, but be demonstrated in the foundery of Romilly
that his process succeeded also in the large way. Soon
after he analyzed the blue pigment manufactured in Eng-
land, and known in France by the name of cendres bleues
d*Angleterre, and gave a process for preparing it. No-
thing more was necessary than to precipitate copper from
nitrous acid by means of a sufficient quantity of lime. His
next set of experiments consisted in an examination of
strontian, and in a comparison of it with barytes. They
confirmed the previous experiments pf Dr. Hope and Mr.
Klaproth. He had formerly examined a small Specimen of
carbonat of strontian without finding in it any thing pe«
In 1791, on the death of Tillet, he was admitted a mem-
ber 6{ the academy of sciences, and on the abolition of the
academy» he was chosen one of the original members of
the national institute which was substituted in its place.
Its P E L L E t I E Ri
In 1792 be went to La Fere to assist at the trials of a ne^
kind of gunpowder. Being obliged to spend the greatest,
part of the day in the open air, in a cold raw day, hid
health, naturally delicate^ was considerably impaired. But
be bad gradually recovered almost completely, when he
fell a sacrifice to the science to which be had devoted the',
whole of his attention. He breathed at different' times^
and during long periods, oxymuriatic acid gas. Tbe con-^
sequence was a consumption, which wasted biro rapidly^
and at last carried him off on the 2 1st July 17:^7, in thei
thirty-sixth year of his age.
Short as the period of bis life was, the services which.
he rendered to chemistry were by no means inconsiderable.
His analyses are always precise, and his dissertations writ-
ten with that perspicuity which marks the clear thinker^
and the master of his subject. His fondness for the science!
was extreme ; be continued bis labours to the very last/
and even on bis death-bed spoke of them with satisfaction^
His constitution was always weak, and his character marked
'Wih timidity ; but his mind was remarkably active, and bis
conduct irreproachable.'
PELLETIER (Claude pe), one of the few who have
been able to unite attention to business^ with the love and
cultivation of letters, was born at Paris in 1630, and bred
to the law, but always in strict intimacy with Boileau^
Bignon, Lamoignon, and the other great men of his time»
He was first counsellor of the Chatelet, then in the parlia-
ment, afterwards president of the fourth chamber of re-^
quests, and next Pr^vot des Marchands." . To this place be
was nominated in 1668, and signalized his situation therel
by building a quay at Paris, which ,still retains bis name.-
Being much approved in this office, be was appointed in
1683 to succeed the famous Colbert in that of controller-
general of the finances. He held this place only six yearsy
8kfter which be resigned it, and in 16;[)7 retired from court
entirely, to lead a life of meditation and devotion. He
died ih August 1711, at tbe age of eighty-one. Though
the life of Pelletier was so much occupied by business, he
either produced or was concerned in several publications.
1. Extracts and Collections from the fathers, the eccle-
siastical writers, and from scripture, made with great judg-
ment, in several volumes, 1 2mO. 2. Editions of the/'Come»
I Mem. d0 riott, Nation, in Bald>iria*8 Lit, Journal; -
P E L L £ T t E R. Uf 3
Tbec^gus^^* and *^ Comes^ Juridicus^*' of PeteirPhbow^ Who
Iras his maternal great grandfather. 3. '< Comes Seneecutis/*
and 4. " Comes Rusticus/' both in 12mo, aiYd writterf in
imitation of the former works of Pithoiii, consist chiefly of
the thoughtii of various authors. 5. The best edition of the
Body ofCanoiiLawy in Latin, with* the notes^of Pefter^and
Francis Pitboa^ in 9 vdts. fol. 6. 'An edition of the Obser*
Vations of Peter Pithou on the Code and on the Novelliae. '
P£LLETIER (Jaqves), a celebrated French physician,
born at Mans in 1517^ was eminent also as a schoi^ir, and
became principal of the colleges of Bayeux and Man» at
Paris^ where he died in 1582. His writings have not re*
tained all the estimation whidh tiiey possessed in his ttdje;
but th^y are fidmerous. 1. Commentaries on Euclid, written
in Latin, 8vo. 2. <* De dimensioiie circuli," Basil. 1563,
fol. ' 3.^' Disqubitfones Geometriccb,'' Lugd. 1567^ 8vo,
^itfa sonie other works of this kind. 4; ** Dialogue de
POitografe ^ prononciacion Fran^oase,-^ Lyon, 155 5 ^^^vo,
in which, as may be se^n by the title, he proposes to write
words as th<^y are pronounced; a theoretical improvement^
bat attended with • too many difficulties in practice to bo
itidopted in any country. Mr.^ James Elpbinston' made
similar attempts, with similar success, in England. 5. Two
W three collections of Very bad poetry.' 6. A description
of Savoy. 7. A translation of Horace's Art of Poetry. 8.
A French Aft of Poetry written in* prose. He published
alao on his own profe^ort, 9. A small treatise in Latin, on
the Plague. And 10. ^ Concdrdance of several passages
in^ Galen^ with some detached treatises, 1 559, one vol. 4to. '
PELLICAN (Conrad), a learned German divine and
reformer, was born Jan. 8, 1478, at RufFach, in- Alsatia.
His family name was Kursiner, or Kirsner, but the name
'Pellican, which means the same thing in Latin as Kirsner
in German, and is in neither Very significant, was given
him by bis maternal uncle. Pellican began his studies at
RufFach in his sixth year, and under an excellent master,
'#ho inspired him with a love for literature-; yet his diffi-
culties ^ere many, as, among other> hindrances, he was
obliged to #rite down every thing taught him, printing
being then in its infancy, and no elementary treatise bad
issued from the press. His maternal uncle already men-
1 Mofferi.^I>ict. Hint
S Nicerop, vol. XXI.— Diet. Hist*— Eloy Diet. Hist. de. Medicine.
Vofc. XXIV. T
if* P E t L I C A K.
tioned, who lived at Heidelberg, and bad often been rector
of tbe university, hearing of the progress bis nephew mad# .
in his studies, 9ent for bioi to that seminary, where, he
applied to the belles lettres and logic for about sixteep
months, which was probably as long as his uncle could
afford to maintain him. He returned therefore in Sept.
1492 to his parents, who were poor, and qould giv« Upa
little support, but got some employment as assistant ^
a schoolmaster, and had, what was then of great import-
ance to him, the power of borrowing books from the con«
vent of the Cordeliers. His frequent visits for this purpose
brought on an acquaintance with those holy fathers^ who
conceived a very high opinion of Pellican, now in his six-
teenth year, and appear to have found little diifficulty in
persuading him to enter their order, whi^h accordingly be
did in January 1493, but against the consent of bis rela-
tions. He then commenced his theological studies, and in
the following year was admitted to tl^e order of subdeappo.
In 1496, at the request of his uncle, he was sent to Tabi|i-
gen, and recommended to Paul Scriptor, a very learned
professor of philosophy and mathematics, under whc^m be
profited much, and wbo*conceived a great affection for hif
pupil. In 1499, meeting with a converted Jew, who was
now one of his own order, Pellican expressed his wish t6
learn Hebrew, and with the assistance of this Jew accom-
plished tbe elementary part, although not without great
difficulty. Melchior Adam mentions his enthusiastic. jojf'
on receiving tbe loan of a part of the Bible in Hebrew.
Reuchlin, who came to Tubingen in 1 500, gave Pellicaii
some assistance in this language ; and with this, and other
helps, certainly very difficult to be procured at that time^
and by indefatigable industry, he at length acquired such
knowledge of it, as to be accounted, after Reuchlin, the
first Hebrew scholar in Germany.
In 1501, in bis twenty-third ynaff he was ordained priest,,
and the following year he was appointed to teach theology
in the convent of bis order at Basil, and he likewise gavj^
lectures on philosophy and astronomy. After remaWiing
here for six years, be was in 1508 sent to Ruflieu^h to teach
the same branches, and had Sebastian Munster for one of
bis pupils in Hebsew and astronomy. In 1511 he .wiu
chosen guardian of the convent of Pfortzheim, where he
taught theology until 1514, when Caspar Sazger, provln*
cial of his order, engaged him as his secretary ^jmd as yiis
P E L L I C A N. 275
office required his attendance on the provincial in all his
journeys, Peliican had many opportunities of becoming ac-
quainted with the learned of his time, and particularly of
transcribing from the libraries whatever might add to his
stock of oriental and biblical literature, which appears now
to have been the fixed object of his studies. On his return
frOm Rouen, where he had been to assist at a chapter, he
stopped three months at Basil, with leave of the provincial,
to superintend an edition of the Psalter in four languages,
which Froben had then at press.
M elcbior Adam is rather prolix * in his account of Pelli-
can*s journeys with the provincial, little of which is interest-
ing. It appears to have been in 1519 that be was ap-
pointed guardian at Basil, and where he met with the wri-
tings of the illustrious Luther, which, some say, converted
him to the protestant faith ; but it would be more correct
to say that they served to confirm him in certain sentiments
which he had for some time entertained, and was now so
little afraid of avowing, that in 1522 he was accused of
Lutheranism in a chapter of his order. By what means he
defended himself we are not told, but it was with such suc-
cess, that he obtained permission for some of the ablest of the
students and preachers to read the works of Luther. The
following year the provincial Sazger paying a visit at
Basil, the professors of the university and some of the ca-
nons tendered complaints against Peliican and others, as
being Lutherans, and contributing to the circulation of
Luther's works. Sazger was for deposing them, but the
senate would not admit of it, and said that, if he obliged
Peliican and his friends to leave the city for this cause,
they, the senate, would take care to s,end every one of the
order after them. Sazger took the hint, and left Basil,
where Oecolampadius a;nd Peliican being put into the situ-
ation of those professors who had been their accusers, Pelii-
can entered on a course of lectures on the Bible, which
formed the foundation of the commentaries he afterwards
{published in several volumes folio, from i533 to 1537.
Peliican continued professor at Basil until 1526, when
Zuinglius invited him to Zurich in the name of the senate
of that city, to teach Hebrew. Although be had been
for three years explaining the Hebrew Bible, yet he was
4F He H Qot altogether to blame, however. The life given by Mclchior wm
imtttn by Peliican himself, and is upon the whole a rery interesting one.
T 2
276 PEL Lie A N.
modest enough to doubt his abilities for this ofBcd^and^wotifd
have declined it had not his friends represented to him how
much inore effectually he might promote the reformation
at Zurich than at Basil, where he was already in some
danger from the enemies of the new principles. Accord-
ingly he consented, and at Zurich threw off the clerickt
dress be had usually worn for thirty-three years ; and, at
was generally done by the reformers, entered into tb^
married state with a lady, who died ten years after (in 15Z^,
when he married a.second time). He continued toexecuti
the office of professor of Hebrew at Zurich until biff death,
April 1, 1556, in the seventy-eighth year of bts^age.
Pellican was a man of extensive learning, and j[)artrcti-i^
larly an able biblical critic. His skill in the languages^
and his critical talents, made his services of great impon*
ance in the publication of various works. Amerbach, the
f)rinter, employed him on the works of St. Augustine pub*
ished in 1506, in 9 vols, folio; and he executed many trans«
lations, particularly of the Bible, orparttf of it, theChaldee
{)araphrases, &c. His works are said to have been pub^
ished together in 7 volumes, folio; but, although they may
amount, including his commentaries, to that number, there
IS no such collective edition.'
PELLISSON-FoNTANiER (Paul), a French academi-
cian, and a man of genius, was descended from an ancient
and distinguished family, and born at Beziers in 16^4.
His mother, who was left a widow very young, brought
him up in the protestant religion, and sent him toCastres
to learn the belles lettres of Morus, or More, a learned
Scotsman, who was principal of a college of the protestants
at that place, and father of the famous Alexander More.
At twelve years of age he was removed to Mbntaubon to
study philosophy ; and thehce to Toulouse, where he ap-
plied himself to the law. ^e. acquired a' good knowledge
of the Latin, Greek, Spaniel, and Italian languages ; but
his love for the belles lettres did not make him neglect the
law, which he studied so diligently as to publish, when he
was not qutfe one-and-twenty, ** A Commentary upon. the
Institutes of Justinian,'* Paris, 1645, 12tno. Some little
time after he went to Paris, where the celebrated Conrart,
to whom he had been recommended by the protestanis of
Castres, introduced him to the gentlemen of the. academy
1 Melcbior Adam."— Chaufepie.
P E L L I S. S ON, 271
ffho asteiiibled at bis hou^ ; but Pellisson soon returned to.
Castres, tbe residence of bis family, and applied himself
to the business of the bar. He had excited the admiration
of all about himi and was going on in a most flourishing
way, when the small-pox seized him, and disfij^ured his
countenance so much that his friend mademoiselle dq
Scudery told him he had abused the common liberty of
men to be ugly. Having come to Paris a second time, he
bad contracted a friendship for this lady, and for nianjr
years, it is said, they did not fail either to see pr write tq
each other erery day. In 1652 he became secretary to the
king; and the same year read his '^ History of the French
Academy, from its establishment in 1635 to 1652," to that
society, who were so well pleased with it that they decreed
bim the first vacant place in the academy, and that, in the
meat) time, he should be empowered to come to all their
meetings, and give his vote as an academician; with a
proviiOy however, that the like favour could not hereaft^s
be granted to any person, up6n any consideration whatever^
This work of Pellisson, which has always been reckoned a^
master-piece, was printed at Paris, 1653, in. 8vo.
Fo^iquet, the celebrated superintendant of the finances,^
who well knew his merit and talents, made him his first clerk
and confidant in 1657 ; and Pellisson, though niuch to his
injury, always preserved the sincerest attachment to him*
Two years after, he was made master of the accounts a^
Montpelicr, and had scarcely returned from that place to
Paris, when the disgrace of his patron Fouqiret involved
him in much trouble, and in 1661 he was «ent to the^
Bastile, and confined there above four year^. Though a
very strict watch was set over him, he found means to cor-
respond with his friends, and even with Fouquet bioiself^
from whom he also received letters. He used hia utropst
endeavours, and employed a thousand arts to serve this
minister ; and he composed in his behalf three famous
pleadings, which, Voltaire says, ^^ resemble thgse of the
Roman orator thcj most of any thing in the French, lan-
guage. They are like many of Cicero^s orations ; a mix*
ture.of judicial and state affairs^ treated with an art vovi
of ostentation, and with all the ornaments of an affecting
elo(|Uence." In the mean time, the public was so con-
vinced of his innocence, and he was sp esteemed in tb^
micist of his misfortunes, that Tanaquil Faber dedicated his
fditaon of . Lacretitts tp him; and. the very day 4bat Imve
«7S P E L L I S S O N;
was given to see him, the duke de Moiitausier, and dtheir
Persons of the first distinction, went to visit him in the
iastile. He was set at liberty in 1666; and, two years
after, had the honour to attend Louis XIV. in his first ex-
{^edition against the United Provinces,- of which he wrote
e history. In 1670 he abjured the protestant religion, for
which, it is said, be was prepared, during his imprisoh-
ment, by reading books of controversy. Voltaire says,
*' he had the good fortune to be convinced of his errors^
and to change his religion at a time when that change
opened his way to fortune and preferOient.** He took the
ecclesiastical habit, obtained several benefices, and the
place of master of the requests. The king settled on him
a pension of 6000 Hvres; and, towards 1677, entrusted
him with the revenues of some abbeys, to be employed in
converting the protestants. He shewed great zeal in this
Work; but was averse to harsh measures. He published
^^ Reflexions sur les differens de la Religion ;'^ a new edi*
cion of which came out in 1687, augmented with an ^* Aii-
iwer to the objections from England and Holland,*' in the
same language. He employed also his intervals of leisure,
for many years, in writing a large controversial voiume
upon the sacrament ; but did not live to finish it, and the
world has probably lost little by it. What he wrote on
religious subjects does little credit to his pen. Eved when
he died^ which was on Feb. 7, 1693, his religion was a
matter of dispute ; both papists and protestants claiming
him for their own, while a third party thought he had no
other religion than what he found necessairy at court. He
wrote some other works than those mentioned, lioth in
prose and verse, but they have not been in request for
many years. A selection, indeed, was published lately
(in 1805), at Paris, somewhat in the manner of the com-
pilations which appeared in this country about thirty years
ago,- under the name of " Beauties.'' *
PELLOUTIER (Simon), an historical writer, was born
Oct. 17, 1694, atLeipsic, but his family were originally of
I^yons. Being appointed preceptor to the prince de
Montbelliard's son, with whom he spent the years 1712
and 1713, at Geneva, he had ab opportunity of atteiKling
Messrs. Turretin and Pictet'^ theological lectures ; and M.
. Lenfaat, whose pupil he also was, consecrated him to' the
1 den. Pict.«*»NiccfM, vol. IL and X^-JUfift. Hitt,
^rvice of the altar. He became pastor of the French
•church at Berlin, counsellor to the Upper Consistory,
member, and librarian of the academy, and died 1757, aged
sixty-three. His << Histoire des Celtes,'' printed in Hol-
land, 1740, and 1750, in 2 vols. 12mo, was reprinted at
Paris, 1770, 8 vols. 12mo, or 2 vols. 4to, and is esteemed
a work of accuracy and merit'
PEMBERTON (Henry), a learned physician, mathe-
matician, and mechanist, was born at London, in 1 694^1
After studying grammar at a school, and the higher classics
under Mr. John Ward, afterwards professor of rhetoric at
Oresham college, he went to Ley den, and attended^ the
lectures of the celebrated Boerhaave, to qualify himself for
the profession of medicine. Here also, as well as in Eng-
land, he constantly mixed with his professional studies
those of the best mathematical authors, whom he contem-
plated with great effect From hence be went to Paris, to
perfect himself in the practice of anatomy, to which be
readily attained, being naturally dexterous in all manual
operations. Having obtained his main object, be returned
to London, enriched also with other branches .'of scientific
knowledge, and a choice collection of mathematical books,
both ancient and modern, from the sale of the valuable li-
brary of the abb£ Gallois, which took place during his stay
in Paris. After his return he assiduously attended St.
Thomases hospital, to acquire the London practice of
physic, though he seldom afterwards practised, owing to
his delicate state of health. In 1719 he returned to Ley-
den, to take bis degree of M. D. where he was kindly en^
tertained by his friend Dr. Boerhaave. After his return to
London, he became more intimately acquainted with Dr.
Mead, sir I. Newton, and other eminent men, with whom
be afterwards cultivated the most friendly connexions.
Hence he was useful in assisting sir L Newton in preparing
a'liew edition of his *^ Principia,*' in writing an account of
bis philosophical discoveries, in bringing forward Mr. Ro-
bins, and writing some pieces printed in the 2d volume of
that gentleman'^s collection of tracts, in Dr. Mead's *' Trea-
tise on the Plague,*' and in his edrtion of Cowper on the
Muscles, &c. Being chosen professor of physic in Gre-
sbam-college, he undertook to give a course of lectures on
chemistry, which was improved every time he exhibited it,
I Diet HisU
28Q P E 1^ B E R T O N.
and was publisned in 177 1^ b^y bis friend Dr. Jan^es WUspo* ,
In this situation too,: at the request of the college of pby- , .
siciaiis, .he revised and reforiii^^ their pbarmacopcsiay in ft
new ajid muqh improved edition, After a long and labo^
ripus, life, spent .in improving science, and assisting its
cultivators, Dr. Pemherton^died ip 1771,. at seventyrscvea.
years'ofage. . ,
Besides the doctor^s writings aboverfnentioned, be wrote
numerous other pieces^ a^.,, 1. '* Epistoli^ ad Amicuni de^
Cotetiii iqventis;" dempnstrating Cotes's celebrated tbeor
T^ai, and showing how his tbeprems by ratios and Ipga- .
ritbiyis may be done by the. circle and hyperbola. 2, ".Ob»r
servations on Poetry," especially the epic, occasioned by
Gloyer's " Leonidas.'' 5. "A plan of a Free. State, witji ..
a 'King at the head :" not published. . 4. "Account of tl\€^
aiicient ode printed in the. preface to West's Pindar"- 5*
" On the Dispute aboMt Fluxions; in the 2d vol, of Robins*
works. 6. " On the Alteration of the Style and Calendar-"
7* ^^ Oq reducing the. Weights and Measures to one stan-
dard.? 8., " A Dissertation on Eclipses. 9. " On the .
Loci.Plani,'* &c. His nupnerous communications to th^
Royal Society, . on a variety of interesting subjects, extend,
from, the 32d to .the 62d vol., of the Philos. Trans. He alfso
carried on a lopg controversy w^th Phili^letbes Cantabri^
giensis, i. e^ Dr. Jurin, in ** The Works of the Learned,*!
\Qh. for 1737, 1738, aijd .1739.
After his death, many valuable pieces were, found* anK)ng-
his papers, viz. A short IJistory of Trigonometry, from
Menelaus to Napier. A Comment on ^n English transla^
tion of Newton's Principia. , Demonstrations of th^ Sphe^ *
rics and Spherical Projections, enough to compose a
trjeatise pn t,hose subject^r, ,' A Dissertation on Archimedes^- '
Screw, Improvements in Gauging. In a* given latitude
to iind the.point of the-'Ecliptip, that ascends the slowest^
To 6nd when the Obtique Ascension differs .most frofn.tUe
arch to which it belongs. On the principles: of Merca* .
tor^s and fiddle-latitude sailing. .To. find the Heliacal:
Rising, of a Sta^ To compiite the Moan's Parallax. To,
dete^niine. the Course of a Comet in a Parabolic Orbijt*.
And others, all neatly perfor^edr Op, the w^ole," Dr^
Pemberton appears to have been a ql^ai^ .and industripus,. *
author^.. bpt his writings ^are too diffuse and la^O||red«^ , ,
1 Button and Shaw'f AbridfuaeDt «f ^f Pbilof« TraMaeCionf .
P E M B L E, 281
Pil^MBLE (Willum), a learned divine, was born, ac-
cording, to FuUer, in Sussex, but more probably at Ecer-,
ton,.in Kent, in 1591, and was educated at Magdalen-
college, Oxford, on one of the exhibitions of John Baker,'
of M^ayB^ld, in Sussex, esq. Wood informs us that having
completed his degree of hachelpr by determination, in.
11^13, \^e removed to Magdalen-hall, where he became a
npted reader and tutor, took the degree of M. A. entered
into orders, was made divinity reader of that house, be*
came ^ famous preacher, a well-studied artist, ^ skilful
linguist, a good orator, an expert mathematician, and an
ornament to the society. '< All which accomplisbmei^tSt'*
he adds, *f were knit together in a body of about thirty-
two, years of age, which had it lived to the age of man,
migljt have proved a prodigy of learning.^' As be was a
zealous Calvinist^ be may be ranked among the purit^Q^^,
bu( l^e was not a nonconformist. He died while on a visit
to bis tutor, Richard Capel, who was at this time minister
of 'E^stipgtpn, in Gloucestershire, in the thirty-second
y^ar of his age, April 14, 1623. H,is works, all of which
we^r^ separately printed after his death, wer^ collected in
1 vol. foi. in 1635, and reprinted four or five times; bu(
this volume does not include his Latin works, ^^ De forma-
rum prigine ;" ^' De Sensibus internis,*' and ^' Enchiridion
Qratoriuau^' J^isbQp Wilkins includes Pemble*s Sermons
in tbe list of the best of his age.^
, PENA (Jo^n), a celebrated matbematiciati, who de-r.
spenxlecl from an illustrious family of Aix, was. born ^t.
Moustiers, in the diOcesp of Riez, in Provence, in 1530«
He studied the belles lettres tender Ramus, but is said to
baye afterwards instructed h^s master in mathematics, which,
SjcieiiQe he taught with great credit in the royal college at.
Pai^s, ^e died A^g* 23, 1560, aged thirty. M. Pena,
left a Latin translation of Euclid's *^ Catoptripa,"' with a
curioqs preface, ajud alsp employed his pen uppn that geo-
metrician^ other works^ and i^pon an edition of the ^^ Sphe-
rica" of Theodosius, Greek and Latin, Paris, 155.8, 4ta, &c.*
. PENGELLY (Sin Thomas), a learped j^idge, was born,
in I^oorfields, May 16, 1675, and, as the anonymous au-
t^pv 9f bis life says, was baptii^d by the name of Thomas^
app.of. Xhoi^^^ P^pgelly ; ^ui others have, suppose^ that^
he was a natural son of Richard Cromwell the protector.
f Atb. Ox. vol. I.— FttUcr'i WorOiifs. , « MorarU««^Dict, Hitt.
2$2 P E N G E L L Y.
For this supposition we find lio other foundation than tb4t
Cromwell, who lived very privately in the neighbourhood,
bad known Mr. Pengelly from bis youth, afterwards kept
up a friendship with him, and died at his seat at Cheshunt,
in August 1712. Mr. Pengelly was brought up to the bat^
and becoming eminent in his profession, was made a ser-^
jeant May 6, 1710; knighted May 1, 1719, and in June
following appointed bis majesty's prime Serjeant at law, on
the decease of sir Thomas Powis. He sat as member for
Cockermouth, in Cumberland, in the parliaments called
in 1714 and 1732. He was made chief baron of the ex-
chequer Oct. 16, 1726, on the death of sh* JefFery Gilbert;
and bis conduct on the bench corresponded with the higb
reputation he had acquired at the bar. He died of an in-
fectious fever, caught at Taunton assizes, April 14, 1730.
He excelled in profound learning, spirit, justice, iind ge-
nerosity, arid dared to offend the most powerful, if he
thought their conduct reprehensible. He was a florid, yet
convincing orator, an excellent judge, a pious Christian,
and an accomplished, sprightly companion. By a humane
codicil in his will, dated in 1729, be left a considerable
part of his fortune to procure the discharge of persons con-
fined for debt, which was accordingly done by his executor
Mr. Webb. There is a copy of this will published in bis
life, but the name of his residuary legatee is for some rea-
son omitted. The anonymous history of Oliver Cromwell,
first printed in 1724, has been supposed to have been
written by him, but this is doubtful. It has been also at-
tributed to Dr. Gibson, bishop of Londoi^.^
PENINGTON (Isaac), a writer of considerable estima-
tion among the people called Quakers, was the son of' an
alderman of London during Cromwell's time, who was lord
mayor in 1642, and Appointed one of the judges on the
trial of the king. For this he was at the restoration pro-
secuted, and died in the Tower. ^ Isaac the son, was bom
about 1617, and in his education is said to have bad the
advantages which the schools and universities of bis country
could give ; but what school or university had the honour
of his education, is not mentioned. From his father's sta-
tion, we are told, be bad a reasonable prospect of rising in
the world, but chose a life devoted to religrion and retire-
1 Some private pasiag et of the Life of Sir Thommt Penfelly, 1733, Sto.*—
NobVfSttppkmenttoQraDger* ' • . *
P E N I N G T O N. 28S
iB€nt; and, as he has himself said, received impressions of
piety from his childhood. He is represented by himself
and his sect, as one who passed much of the early part of
bis life in a state of spiritual affliction, perceiving in him-
aelf, and in the world at large, a want of that vital religion
and communion with the divine nature, which he believed
the holy men of ancient time to have possessed. What-
ever he read in the Scripture, as opened to his under-
standing, he determined fully to practise, and was con-
tented to bear the reproach, opposition, and suffering
which it occasioned. It appears also, that he met with
opposition from his relations, and, among the rest, from
bis father ; but ha declares that his heart was preserved in
tove to them amidst all he suffered from them. On his first
hearing of the Quakers, he thought them a poor, weak,
and contemptible people, although, while his judgment
Seemed to reject them, the conferences which he occa-
Monally had with them, seemed to increase his secret at-
tathmfent. At length, in 1658, he became fully satisfied
respecting them, partly through the preaching of George
Fox; and became himself an unshaken and constant as-
«erter of their peculiar tenets, as a minister and author.
He married about 1648 Mary Springett, a widow, whose
daughter, by her former husband, became the wife of Wil-
liam Penn. . He resided on his own estate, called the
Grange, at Chalfont, in Buckinghamshire. It does not
appear that he travelled much as a minister ; for of six im-
prisonments which he suffered, during the reign of Charles
II. five were in his own county. The first was in 1661,
when the nation was alarmed on account of the fifth mo-
narchy men, which occasioned much disturbance to the
meetings of Dissenters. He was taken from a meeting
in his own family, and committed to Aylesbury gaol,
where, although a weakly man, he was kept for seventeen
weeks (great part of which was in winter) in a cold room
without a fire-place, by which means he became unable to
turn himself in bed. In 1664, he was again taken out of
a meeting, and remained a second time prisoner in the
same gaol for nearly the same time. In 1665, he was
taken up at Amersham as he was attending the corpse of a
friend to the burial-ground of the Quakers. The concourse
of that people who walked after it in the street, seems to
have been construed into a conventicle, for he was com-
mitted to Aylesbury gaol for one month only, on the Con*
?8* P ? N I N 9 T 0 N.
^ Tenticle- Act, in order to baBishment. 1% is remarkable
^hat the justice, because it was not then convenient tq
4 lend bim from Amersham to Aylesbury, dismissed him tn
i his word to come again the next day but one, when he ac-
cordingly came, and was committed : as did on the same
occasion 'several other Quakers. The same year he was
' arrested in his hous,e by a soldier without a warrant, and
.^ carriecj beforie a deputy-lieutenant, by whom he was again
sent to his old quarters at Aylesbury; and, though the
pestilence was suspected to be in the gaol, and no crjmQ
was laid tp Bis* charge, he was kept there till a pqrsoi^
{ died of it. . After about nine months* confinement be was
; discbargeid ; but when he had been at home about three
j weeks, a party of soldiers came and seized bim in bed^i
i carrying bim* again to prison at Aylesbury. The coldjj
\ damp, and uhbealtbiaess of the room, again gave him 4
I fit of illn&ss, which lasted some D)onths. At length he was
brought by Habeas Corpus to the bar of the |Cing*s-bencb,
and (with the wonder of the court that a inan should be so
|on.jg; imprisoned for nothing) he was discharged in 166S«
ptirihg one of these imprisonments his estate was seized|
I and his wife and family turned out of hU house,
♦ In ,1670, he was imprisoned a sixth time. He was visit-
* ing some of bis friends, confined at that time in Reading-
gaol ; on which he was taken before a justice and conQned
there himself. Etiwood relates, that during this con6ne<r
ment, which lasted a year and nine months, he incurred a
premupire, as did many of the Quakers. For being from
time to time examined at the assizes, it was common to
tender them the oath of allegiance, which they refusing,
from their scruple to swear at all, they became criminals
in thd view of the law when they went out of court, how7
ever innocent they might have been on their coming in.
It seems probable, that the political principles of the fa;
ther had some share in occasioning the sufferings of the
son ; who, from his writings, appears to have been of a
meek and quiet spirit. He died at Goodnestone-courr^
Sussex, in 1679, being about sixty-three years of age.
Ellwpod says, that his disposition was coii^rteous and ^m-
hle; his ordinary discourse cheerful and pleasant, neither
morose nor light, but innocently sweet, anid tampered
with suph a serious, gravity, as rendere^d his conversatioi^
both delightful and profitahle. His pumeipys wntibgt
wercf collected into, o^e Yo}^mct (blip^ and published 1681 \
P E N 1 N G T ON. S85
lePterwftrds reprinted in two volumes 4to, and next in 4 vols.
tvQ, Some select pieces have also been reprinted, and
lately^ tome of bis letters, 179^, in octavo; niany of them
ire dated from Aylesbury. They breathe a spirit 6f ge-
nuine philanthropy, but, being deepiy tinctured with tnys*
ticism, have been more sought for by such as are fond of
that species of writing, than by other readers. *
PENN (William), afterwards sir William Penn, knt.
kdmiral of England, and one of the conimanders at the tak-
ing of Jamaica, was born at firistol in 1621, of an anciei^t
family. He was addicted from his youth to maritime affairs;
&nd before he had reached his thirty-second year, went
throogh the various promotions of captain ; tear-admirat of
Ireland ; vice-admiral of Ireland ; admiral to the Straits ;
Vice-admiral of England ; and general in the first Dutch
war, and commander in chief under the duke of Vork, ih
the signal victory over the Dutch in 1665, on which oc-
casion he was knighted. On his return he was elected into
parliament for the town of Weymouth ; in 1660, commis-
sioner of the admiralty and navy, g(dvern6r of the fort and
town of Kinsale, vice-admiral of Munster, and a member
of that provincial council. He then took leave of the sea,
but still continued his other employments till 1669 ; when,
through bodily infirmities, he withdrew to Wanstead in
"Essex, and there died in 1670. Though he was thus en-
jgaged, both under the parliament and king, he took no
part in the civil war, but adhered to the .duties of his pro-
fession. Besides the reputation of a great and patriot
officer, he acquired credit for having improved the naval
service in several important departments. Qe was the au-
thor of several little tracts on this subject, some of whicb
are preserved in the British Museum. The monument
erected to his memory by his wife in Radclilfe church, Bris-
tol, contains a short account of his life and promotions.
But in Thurloe*s State Papers there are minutes of his pro-
ceedings in America, not mentioned on his monument,
which he delivered to Oliver Cromwell's council in Sept.
1655. He arrived at Portsmouth in August, and thence
Wrotfe to Cromwell, who returned him no answer: and,
"^Bpolihis first appearing before the council, he was commit-
ted to the Tower, for leaving his command without leave,
to the hazard of the army; but soon after discharged.*
' ' ' '
^ ^ Pemi's and Elhrood's Tfistinonief!, prefixed to liisATOr^. ,|
"^ 'Biog. Brit,— CUrkson's Life of TViiltam PeoD.'
2S6 P E N N.
PENN (WiLUAM), the son of the preceding^ was bom
in the parish of St Catherine, near the Tower, of London^
Oct 14, 1644. He was sent to school at Chigwell in Es-*
sex, which was near his father^s residence at Wanstead ;
and afterwards, in his twelfth year, to a private school on
Tower^hill ; and he had also the advantage of a domestic
tutor. Penn relates, in a conference he had with some
religious persons on the continent,, that '^ the Lord/* as he
expresses it^ ** first appeared to him about the twelfth year
of his age ; and that, between that and the fifteenth, the
Lord visited him, and gave him divine impressions of him«
self.'* Wood informs us, that during the time of Penn's
residence at this school at Chigwell, ^' being retired in a
chamber alone, he was so suddenly surprized with an in-?
ward comfort, and (as he thought) an external glory in the
room, that, he has many times said how from that time
he had the seal of divinity and immortality ; that there was
a God, and that the soul of man was capable of enjoyidg
bis divine communications." It appears, that before this
time, he had been impressed by the preaching of one
Thomas Loe, a quaker, but no particulars of the <;ircum*
stance are known ; it is however incidentally mentioned^
that it Was by the same person that be was afterwards
confirmed in his design of uniting himself with that sect
In 1 660, he was entered a gentleman-commoner at Christ-
church, Oxford ; where, although he is said to have taken
great delight, at the times of recreation, in manly sports^
he, with some other students, withdrew from the national
forms of worship, and held private meetings, where they
both preached and prayed among themselves. This gave
great offence to the heads of the college, and Penn, at the
age of sixteen, was fined for nonconformity ; but, having
theii a degree of that inflexibility, where he thought him-«
self right, which he shewed on subsequent occasions, he
not only persisted in his religious exercises, but in his zeal
joined a party who tore i;i pieces the surplices of every
student whom they met with one on : an outrage so fla-
grant, that he was expelled from the college.
On his return home his lot was not more easy. His fa<*
ther, observing his delight to be in the company of so*^
ber and religious people, such as in the gay and licentious
reign of Charles IL was more likely to prevent, than to
promote, his rising in the world, endeavoured by severity
to divert him from his purpose. Penn, as he relates liim«
P E N N. 287
9dfy was whipped, beaCeOi and finally turaedoutof doors,
in. 1662. The father, however, either relenting, or hoping
to gain his point by other means, sent his son to Paris, in
company with some persons, of quality who were tra-
velling that way. In France he continued some time^
and returned so well skilled in the language, and in the em-
bellishments of a polite behaviour, that he was joyfully re-
ceived by his father. During his residence in Paris he was
assaulted in the street one evening by a person with a
drawn sword, on account of a supposed affront ; but,
among other accomplishments of a gay man, he had be-
come so good a swordsman as to disarm his antagonist. la
one of his writings he very rationally condemns this bar-
barous practice, reflecting how small a proportion the I
omission of a piece of respect bears to the loss of life ; |
which in this case might have been consequent upon the
After his return from France, he was admitted of Lin-
coln's Inn, with the view of studying the law, and continued
there till the memorable year 1665, when the plague raged
in London. In 1666, his father committed to him the care
of a considerable estate in Ireland, which occasioned him.
for a time, to reside in that kingdom. At Cork he was
informed, by one of the people called Quakers, that Tho-
mas Loe, whose preaching had affected him so early in life^
was shortly to be at a meeting in that city. To this meeting
he went. It is said that Loe, who preached in the meetings
began his declaration with these words : ^* There is a faith
that overcomes the world, and there is a faith that is over-
come by the world.** The manner in which Loe eplarged
upon this exordium is not known ; but the effect was the
conviction of young Penn, who afterwards constantly at-
tended the meetings of the Quakers, notwithstanding all
obstacles. The year after his arrival in Ireland he was,
with many others, taken from a meeting at Cork, and car-
ried before the mayor, by whom he was committed to prU
son; but was soon released, on application to the earl of
Orrery. This was his first imprisonment, at which time he
was about twenty-three years of age; and it tended to
strengthen the ties of his union with a people whom he
* believed to suffer innocently. His father, understanding
his attachment to the Quakers, remanded him home ; and
tl|oagh there was yet no great alteration in his dress, yet
his serious deportment evincing the religious state of his
288 P E N N.
mind, confirmed the fears of his iatfaer, and gavtft 6ccas!<Hli
to a species of conflict between them not easily descrifaled*
The father felt great affection for an accomptish^d and
dutiful son, apd ardently desired the promotion of his tern*-
poral interests, which he feared would be obstructed l)y thi^
Way of life he had embraced. The son was sensible of the
duty he owed to his parent, and afflicted in believing that he
eould not obey him but at the risk of his eternal welfarie. At
length the father Wauld have compounded with* the son,
and suffered him to retain the simplicity of his manners to
fitll'othersj if tre would Consent to be uncovered before the
khig,' the duke (afterwards James II.), and himself. Pbnn
desired time to ct!>n$ider of this requisition ; and having
iemplbyed it in fksting and supplication, in order, as he
conceived, to kiiow the divine will, he humbljj^ signified td
hiK hxhet that he corfld not comply with it. Afteir thi^, th6
father being utterly disappointed in his expectations, could
no fon^el" endure the sight of his son, and ^'second time
llrove him from his family. In this seclusion he comforted
farmis^If with the protnise of Christ, to those who teav^
fcotfse dr parents for his sake. His support, outwardly, wai
tlre*charity of his friends, and some supplies privately fent
him by Ijis mother ; but, by degrees, his father, becoming
bontinced of bis integrity by his perseverance; permitted
bim to Veturn to the family ; and, though lie did riot give
kim open countenance, he privately used his interest to get
him released, when imprisoned for his attendance at the ^
Quakers' meetings;
Irt 16i58, he first appeared both a,s a minister arid ari
Author among the Quakers. We shall riot pretend t6
gi^e the titles of all his numerous tracts, tirs first pVece
has this title, which is very characteristic of the man :
** Truth exalted, in a short but sure testimony gainst aB
those rfeligions, faiths, and worships, that have' been formed
and followed in the darkness of apostacy; and for 'that
glorious light Which is now risen and shines forth in the life
and doctrine of the despised Quakers, as the alone good
old way of life and salvation ; presented to princes, priests,
and people, that they may repent, believe, and obey; By
William Penn; Whom Divine love constrains, in an holy
cdntehipt, to trample on Egypt's glory, not' fearing the
king^s wrath, having beheld the majesty of tim who is invi-
sible." The same year, on occasion of a flispute with Tho-
mas Vincent, a Prgjfbytcrian. Penn wrote Ms •* Satidy
P E N N. Ma
loiiiidatk)!! shakin ; which ooctsioned biiii to be imprbonedf
a second dme in the Tower of London^ where be remaiDedf
abotti seven months; and from whieb he obtamed his re*:
kfase abo^ 6j anotber book entitled ** Innooency with hei
open faee,'^ in which . be vindicated himself from the
thsagei which had beeo east on bifm for theiormer treatise.
In the Tower abo be wrote his faxdoua ^^ No Gross no
Grown/' or ratfaeri probably^ tbe first edition of it» of
which the title was different It may be esteencied bis
master^piece^ and contains a strong picture of Ghris^t
^« morality* The copnplete title is, ^^ No Gross, no
Grown ; a Diseotijrse, shewing the nature and discipline
ef.the llojy Cross of Ghrist; and that the denying of Self^
and daily bearing of Gbiist^s Gross, is the alone w^y to
tke R^t and KMi^dam of God» To which are added, the
living and dying testimoniea of many persoojs. of fame and
learniflg, botb of ancient and modem times, in fa/vour of
tbis treatise^'* It baa gone ibroogb several editions, and
bas been laAely tranalated into Freneh« After fats release^
be again visited keiand, where bis time was employed^ m^
enlj in hi$ iiithev's business, but in bis own function as si
mi4iister among dae QaalpeKs, and in applieations to the
government fbir tbeiar relief from suffering; ini which appli*
cation he succeeded so well, as to obtain^ in 1*670, an order
of council for their general release from prison. Thor same
year be returned to London,, and experienced that aoffering
fron» which his influence bad rescued bis. finendis in Ire«
bmd. The Goafventicle^ci came out this yeu-, by whieh
tbe meetings of Dissenters were forbidden under severe
pena/itiee. The Quakers, however, believing, it their reli«
gioui duty, eontinoed to meet as usual ; af d when some*
ttmea forcibly kept out of their meeting-houses^ ihey as^
sembted ds near to tbeoa as tbey could in the streiet. Ait
one of these open and public meetings in' Grecechurcb*
s^eet^ Peaa preached, for wbicb be wa&>commitiied to
Kewgate^ bis third imprisonment ^ and at t:be next sesaioa
at tl^ Old Bailey^ togeiber with William Mead,, woi'.iii*
dic^ted for ^^ being present at^ and preaching to kn uadaavful^
seditious^ and riotous assetefaiy/' He- plealded hia own
Cause,^made a long and* vigoroua defence) though mon^^eed
and iH tc^oted by the recorder^ and was' finally acquitted
by the jury, wbo first brought, in &. verdict) of ^< Guilty of
•peaJiing in Graeeehurch^s<)reet ;^' and when that was not
afdtoitted, ^ verdiet of ^ Not guiky.'* He was, never tbe».
Vol. XXIV. U
290 P E N N-
Ies8| detained iii Newgate, and the jury fined. Tbe trial
was soon after published, under the title of ^' The Peofile'9
ancidnt and just liberties asserted, in the Trial of WiUiaoi
Penn and William Mead, at the Sessions held at the Old'
Bailey in London, the 1st, 3d, 4th, .'and 5th of 'September,
167a, against the most arbitrary procedure of that Court.^
This trial is inserted in his works, and at once affords a,
proof of ills legal knowledge and firmness, . and of the op-
?ression of the times. The pretence for the detention of
enn in Newgate was for his. fines^f* which were imposed oti
bim cfor what wks, called contempt of c6urt : but he i/^aar
liberated by his father's prirately paying these fines. . His
paternal kindness now seems to have returned, and flowed
abundantly; for he died this year, ftiUy reconciled to his
sou, ,and left him in possession of a plentiful estate : it isf
said, about 1,500/. per annum. Tenn, in his ^^No Gross,'
ho Crown,'* p. 473, edit xiii. 1789), bas collected ^ome of
bis father's dying expressions ; among which' we find tbia
remarkable one, in the mouth of a man wbo'had so much
opposed the religious conduct of his son :---«^ Sou William^
let nothing in this world tempt you to wrong your. C6n-
science : I charge you, do nothing against your conscience;
So wi)l you keep peace at home, wh^cfa will be a feast to
you in a day 6f trouble." . . . i
. Near this time he held a public dispute at Wycombe, in
Buckinghamshire, with a Baptist teacher, concerning- the
universality of (he divine light. He also, wrote a letter ta
the vice-chancellor of Oxford, on account of the abuse
which his friends suffered there from the junior scholars.
And during his residence this wiater at Penn, in Buckings-
hamsbire, he published his *^ Seasonable Caveat against
Popery,*' though it was the religion of tbe queen and of the
heir- apparent. This has been brought to prove the unrea«-
«pnableness of the clamour that was; aftervvards raised
against bim, that he favoured Popery: an aspersion to
ivhich Burnet gave some ear, but which Tiilotsbn retracted.
Near the close of the year, he. was led to his fourth impris-
onment. A seijeani and soldiers waited at a meeting
Vtitil he stood up and preached ; then the seijeant arrested
tiim, and he was led before the lieutenant of the Tdwer^
by whom, on the act for restraining, nonconformist^ from
inhabiting in corporations,, he was again con^mitted^ for
six miontfas, to Newgate; During his confinement, • lie
wrote sereral treatises^ and also addressed tbe pairliaot^ent^
ft E N Ni. «9l
^Jbtch WIS then about £o take meatures* for enforcing 4b€
Conventicle Act with, greater seveiity. Shortly after the
ireleaseofPeoD from this imprisoDineDt, he travelled) in. the
exercise of his mioifttry, in. Holland and Germany., j^eyir
particulars of this jpur^iey ve. preserved ; but it is a,lliuied
to^n the account of .a subsequent one which he plublished.
in 1672, be married Gulielma Maria Springett, whose
rather having been killed at tbe siege of Bamberi in the
civil wars, and her mother having married Isaac PeniqgtQti
of CbaUbnt, Bucks, in his fiimily (which was a plaqe.of
l^neral resort for Quakers in that'oou^ty) Guliel^ma bad
her education, and probably became acquainted, with
Penn. After bis.marriage he resided at Rickmansworth,
in Hertfordshire. The same year he wrote several contro*
versial pieces ; and, among the rest,'One against IVtuggleton.
In this employment, about ibis time) be seems, to baye
spent much of bis leisure In 1674, be ventured, to write
to the king, complaining of the severity of some justices,
and -Others, to. the Quakers ;• and some time after, he pre-
sented to the king, and to both houses of. parliament, a
Ibook entitled >VThe continued Cry of the oppressed ^ for
J^istice ;. giving .an .account of the cruel: and unjust pro-
ceedings against the- persons^ ,and estates of many of the
people called^ Quakers^" In 1675 he; held a public dispute
near Rickmansworth, with the famous Richard .Baxter* •.
In, 1677, in company .with ^Geprge ¥oj^ and Robert
Barclay, he again set sail on a religious visit to the Conti*
nenL He travelled by Rotterdam, Leyden, apd Ha^rlepi,
to Amsterdam, at which place, bearing of a persecution of
the Quakers at Dantzick, he wrote to tbe king of Poland
an expostulatory letter on their behalf. He .then». after
aoQie further stay ,at Amsterdam, proceieded by Ospabrug
to Herwerden> or Herford, the residence of the princess
Elizabeth, daughter, of the king of Bohjemia, ,^d. grand-
daughter of James L . . .
it may not^be amiss to mentipa, tnat tjae m^nqer in which
the ministers of the people called Quakers/tranrel in^he
husiness of their ministry is simply this *m Having a vie^
of the country, in which they believe themselvea4iTinely
required to niinister, they prpcejBid from place vtp ; place,
according as their minds feel disposed, by the touches of
the same influence which they conceived, to have,driS.w|i
|bem from their habitations. Their employment is visiting
^ meetings, and often the families of their friends ^ a^d
'^ "■ • ' ■ ■ ' u:2 > • • .
ftom^times appdintifig UMihrd pMtt irieetkgii lor Ite-irtfer^
ttiatioti ef peF9<»ns ef 'O^et docietlces, whom 'iilafo they Visit,
fit their dirty dr incliiiiMlon kiftftd th^m. Tbi» seems to tei¥^
b«6en the case with Penli and his eomfNfr^tomi whose pnii-
* cipal busiaeds at Herv^erdea wa^ iti- liisitiyig the prihces*
and her family. I^ie ri^eiT^ thefll wi^H gi*eikt rtodiHfe^,
and they remained fi^t day» at hertowtf, iti wfaieh iimp
Ibey had many ^ligio^te i^p6rtfmitfe^> botb fer worship
tod conf&c^nte^ with her and iii ber bdto^, trne of which
was open to theiul^abirtaDts d^the t^wti. Oh keai4nj^ iter-
werden, b^ to^l 4 eiremt in Gfef^marty, l>y OAi*iM, Prttnc*
fort^ Ghri>she}m, Maiibeim, Merrtas, Ocloghe (eaHcid by
bim8etfCui|ei>>) Mulbein^ Wesd^ Cte^, atidNim^uen;
and re^raed t^ Amstterdani io less than a fftohtb after h'^
had left it. Aft^fr sts^ying ^kbout three days^ h'6 again left
tt, and went by fiorn> Woreiim, fiarfin^en, L^feehwardebj
LippenhiiS) Gf oningen, Embden, and Bi^6n, to his bospi-
table frieiid the princess Elizab^h at Berw^den^ whence,
after anbdiet stay ef about (avtv d^ys, ^ ^i^^ofid circah
brought hirfn to Aimsterdahti ; and^ fi^din lioHi^nd he f^ttirnelf}
borne, by Harwich tiid London, tobfs wife and ^famify sit
Weraai^ngfrui^st, in Strss*^x. We eefnd^udes the iiirratitis of
hh joutfiey in theise \vprdi : <• t had tbtit erettitig i^it. of
liit^ reiurh) a siveet'oMibting atAongthem, rn #fafdh^(S6d**
blesfiied power iinade to tritly glad t^getht^r : and I c*rn sayi
truly blessed are tbey'trtk) feiwi cheerfully give tip *to serve
tbe Lord. Great ^>H be ^tbe ihereiase ^ti6 giroiVtb of th^it
treacittrey wbick i»hatl nev^cil^. 1?6 Plim that 'was, and ts^
aad is to cohie; the ^^ririA, h^}' Uess^, righteous,
powerful, andfaitbftrt Ofee; btgtery, 'hoiioAr, tod praise,
dociiln<i6n, and a kingdom, fbr i^Vet and evtir. Amen."-*-**
Jtlainy remarkable ^ircit^ina(fetnce^ otiettrlh bis aifccon'nt oTtfie
j^^urney, partietilbi^ tbei^eflf^ood sensibility and cohlfritidti
^4811^ eirinefed by the j^ihbdsa, aftild by ber iWend stnii
companion^ Anna Maria, countess of Hdn^si Baft ive mmtt
refer tc^Ptenti'sbWn kbcbdMtv^'Wbic4l is in Vh wotkst, and
ako^fepariE^lji^ ^taiYt. At l^etim^ofMs t^ttrrti, and be«
ibvehifei ejfrterirtg 6i> ttiis jWney^, hi* re^d^bce was*tWeJr-
loiiighurst, in j^ssex^ an n&stsite, "probably, of his wife*^;
Ab4fut the tiknfe of bis return -frbro the tsbntinexit, Wft
feietvds the Quakers;, ainofi^ b^er tnethods^ cised at thH
time to liarass tbcHin, #er6 vexed bj Idws wliiefb bad been
ttiade agadni9t Papists, and peniihies of twenty pound's 'i
moiitbjor tvro-^third»of tb^ijr estates (Stat. &i wid i^a Mir.)
^«bf Qwdbin ciiencji H9i»s^ of P«i4(iaoa^ot,i audi Wns (wioei
4ilM»«d ta tpeak cm tfaeir l»elialf| kl ii|[ cq<l(aM(t^| probaUj;
^ tti^ . CosKQoag, fof a bitt for Ibe jfeii^ Of the Quakers sqqi^
ilM pMsed tbut bD«f9 ; bul| before it b^ p«a«Qd tbe Qtb?v
Imtifi^, it was set atidle fa^ a prai?9gAti(Hi of patHafloefit
, In l<SBi> king Cbarios,, in ^ofi9«|era|tiQia ^ the «ervic8a
«f bit faib^r^ • Se adnMraii, «iid Qif a d§bt due lo him frQBft
ibo^owaat his deatki.wJudi ib»t ext^^t^aat tnwar9hba4
vo olfaer raeam «f payings ^ranteil to Peao a provio^^ iff
Vorth America^ lying on ite W«4t ai^e .Of tbe I>eUwitre»
called ihe Now Nelberia^da ; bttft, on this^ Qc<|aBipfi^ dono*«
pnaated by tbe king» Jo tespect.lo the gratH^ee^ PenuiyU
vnmtu PeoB teon after publisdml W aepoMnt of the pto^
vidoe^ vvith tbe kUig'a potent, det^^ibing the coup try aad
iteipiiiKlOoe, a)nd ptfapoftitigoany terois of Bettlemeot to such
aa onight be incUhed to go tbitboif. Ho ai^o ^nt a tetter
to ffaie nattTie Indians^ tfiforming ibom of bit dewe to bojld
bid possessioB, not only fay ibe king's grants but with their
ponseot awd leve^ acknowledging the iDJiuHioo wbicb bad
beeif-done them by EordpeHoai arid assuring- tbem of btl
poaicsable inteotiioiidi He fthea drew up» in twenty-foot
ertieles^ ^'The ffandaniefttal ConstittttiOfi of Paansyl*
▼jiiija ;'' and tbe Mbiring year bo pnbUsbed the '^ Frame
of G<M»ernflMmt of PennayUaoia*'' This baying all tbe
attraetloni of a popoltMP forib, and pvofoinirig ulhlimited
freedom to all religbus SO.cts; and, wbat wa^^ mofd of aU
agreeable to them, an emancipation from the expenees of
an eslabltshed religion, mapy single . pf^fsons, end som^
fiuniliei;, went to the new province. They sooa begon to
clear and imfiiof e their lands^ and to build ^ city, wbi^h
Peooi keying in view the priomple of. brotherly Ioto^
which is the strength of civil society^ ni^med Pbiladelphioi
CiomniimoBers irere abio appointed to treai^ !l^itb the In<f
dians;.a]id| in.l6i% he v&iMl bis dewly-acqoired terri<^
•toiy. At this time be parsed about two yei^rs in the pro<t
viace, adjusting its ipterior concerns^ and ef.i»^li^ing a
frickidly correspondence with bis neigbbMrs ; but fojund iti
at tbe same time, necessary to vindicaie biotself, in a spi^
riled letteri from .die accusation of ambition and die desire
of irealtk Tbe fbUowing^ y^tet, 1693, be gave a more full
description of Pesuisylvaiiia, in *^ A Leuer axldressed to the
Goiteiiaee ^f the Free Society of Traders to that province^
residing in Lmukn/^ Ho.j||&n):ionsi^bat two general
39« FE^N N.
assembliigs'tiad been beld; and mtb i^och concord and :dif^
patchy that they sat but three weekft, and at^eaatt seventjr
laws were passed, without one dissent in any materiat
point. He also informs the traders, tlmt the assembly^ ha<l
presented him with an impost on certain goods imparted
and exported; which impost, after bis acknowledgmenta
of their afFectioti, he bad freely remitted. He also says,
after mentioning the establishment of com*ts of justice, that
to prevent law- suits, three peace-makers htA beeii ch^seti
by every co>inty-court,'in the nature of common arbrtratorii;
Before he left tbe provin(;e, he addressed an epistle of
caution to his friends of the same religious persuasion set^
tied in it; feminding them of the conspicuous station iit
which they were then placed ; being transplanted from op*
pression, not only to liberty, but to power ; and beseech-*'^
ing them to improve the opportunity which God had noW
{)ut into thei^ bands. Having thus settled his infant co;^
ony, hereturned to his wife and family in England iu'lS84;
Not many months after the return of Penn from faia
colony, Charles 11. died, and the respect which Jan^es H;^
bore tolhe late admiral, who had recommended his son t0
bis care, together with that monarch's personal acquaiflt^^
ance with Penn himself, procured for him a free access at
court. He therefore, made use of the opportunity, thus
afforded him, of soliciting relief for his persecuted. firiendi^
tbe Quakers, fifteen hundred of whom remained prisoners
at the decease of Charles II. All this was ineritorioiis j
but the r^st of Penn^s conduct seems not quite consistent;
The nation, at this time, was justly alarined, as welt know^
ing the king's inclination to popery; but Penn's bi6gra«>
phera teli us, that he had no such fears. He bad long been
intimate with the king, and had given credit to the protesi^
tatioiis which James had repeatedly made, of his intention
to establish liberty of conseience. On his accession, there^
fore,.Peiltt took lodgings at Kensington; and his: ready
s^nd frequent reception at court, drew on him the suspicion
of being himself a Papist ' Burner, as was hinted before,'
so far leaned to this opinion, as to mention it in bis biso*
tory, and to declare that Penn was intimate with Petre
the Jesuit, and employed by James IL in H6liahd,'*]h
1686. Burnet also adds the following description of Pernios
character: ** He was a talking vain man, who had. long
been in the king's favour. He bad sudi an opinion of his
own faculty of persuading^ that he thought none coiild
suail ' befoi^ 4l^ though he was siiigtilar in that opbion ;
fbrlie4Mi3 a tedious luscious way, that was dot apt to over-
<toaaea inaii*s reason, though it might tire his patience.'*
Burnet, therefore, was evidently no friend to Peun. But
miich of this t^diousness and egotism may 'be proved from'
P«nn*s works. TUlotson bad the same suspicions as Bur-
net ; and having mentioned them publicly, Penn, by let-
ter, inquired of him, if he had really spread the report of
his being a. Papist? In this letter Penn has these words,
ampng others : ** I abhor two principles in religion, and
pity them that own them : obedience upon authority, with-
out conviction ; and, destroying them that differ from me for
God^s sake/' Tillotson, in reply, mentions the ground of his
suspicion ; namely, that he had lieard of Penn's correspond-
ing with some persons, at Rome, and particularly with Jesfuits j
but professes his particuli^r esteem of Penn's parts and tem-^
per, and says not a word of his intimacy «^tb Petre, who was
in England ; which, had it subsisted, as both were public
fiaen at court, Tillotson must have known. In reply, Penri
declared; that he held no correspondence with any Jesuit,'
priest, or regular, in tbo world, of the ^Lomish communion^
and «v.en that he knew not one any where ; declaring him^
eelfto be a Christian whose creed was the Scripture. In
conclusion, Tillotson declared himself fully satis6ed, . and^
as in that case he had promised, he heartily begs pardon
.of Penn. The correspondence may be seen at length in
Penn's Works*. In this year, 1686, he published <<A
PerjBuasive to Moderation .to Dissenting Christians, &c»
bumbly submitted to the kinjg and his great council ;" sooa
* / ' ' •
* Theq«estioaofPemi*«iQcliiiati<Mi Tbe king, by admittiog him At court,
to popery is scarcely worth contend* and flattering and caressing him, bad
Ifig; but bir friends who have iaboared turned Che pialn meek qojier into a
this poin^ so mino^y, seem much less downvigbt man of !the world. ' Perhaps
successfbl in TiBdicating his consist- in all the annals of courtly, trick and
imcyin other matters. .That Peon was artiac# there caonbt be found an ia-
not a papist is admitted ;. hot he xe- stance more striking than Penn's in-
joiced in that toleration of king James terview with the president and fellows
' If. the object of which was the exten- of Magdalen college,' as related ii(
fioo of popery and papists into all our Wilmot*s Life of bishop Hough. The
Siblic eitablishmenls, schools, and se- fellows seem indeed to have £pU the
ioarjes, that it might ultimately be mortification of applying to Peon, a^
the predominant reliigion. If Penn did a mediator with the king^ but it is to
, not see tbia^Kmsequenceof king James!*s their honour that none of his artful
measures, he. most have been the dupe bints prevailed, and that they left him
ofa man of far less capacity than him- with the same inclination to sufiWr ia
*U^'i and the truth appears to have the cause of oonscifnce, which bad
^9 that>he.»a« the dope^ either of the been the boast of him and his sect,
i, or of his own vanity and interest. ^
%H 1^ E N N^
pardon $ wbipfa wm fotiow^ ^e Oiext; y«»r) ^^jr .^m sias^
peiiabG^ of tbie petial laif^. P^i^n presented at) fuld^resA of
Ibe Quakers on thi$. occasion. He alsp weote a* boc^ ^li
#€ca3i<>n of ^e ol^e€^ip0$ rawed i^gAinst tbe repeal <>f peo»l
laws and ^est; rad, ibe clamour ftgaia^t hipa eo»tkmMi(^
be w^ i)rg0d tp i^ttidtcat# himiielf from i^ by one^^f hm
friends, Mr. Popfie^ mareiary to tbe Pkuitei^ooTofiiQe^
V^bijsh be <&1 in «*longf»ply« ^a|;ed 16^. But %e bi4
How t;o cope with inore powerful opponf nts tbai) 4ruoiottr<«
Tbe revoiuiiion took pUcOr i^nd an ia4imal(& ^f Jav^es i«as of
eouQse a auspected pevtoo* As bo was walkv^ ,h) Wbke^r
ballf be was ^Ofsmoned befem ibe .eoimoili tfa^ sitting!
and, iboof^ votfaiag wU proved mgsimi )uIb» be Ym» boiml
|o ^appear ibe &tU day of tbo: fol^wing tor ff^i hu% bekig
continued 1^ ^be neist 'on (the ^ame bail, ho was. thiaa dia^
okarged in^ipiso oooi^: notbang^tHig laid to kis obarg^»
In i£e beginning of 1^90^ lie f99» again broiigbt befiofo
tbe couBciJ, and aAouiod of ^inreapoodiQg wi^b Ja»«iSt
fhey required baU ^f ^afi ^la^fore; but ke ^a^poaM ^
^be king kinsaei^ wbo> $fier a long oontoeaeO) inclined
to acquit kioi ; neirartkeless, M tbe iosi^aoe of aoipe of ike
oounctl^ be ¥Mt»»i5eooad: Mmekoki a wbite ro baU^ <biufi #(
length disekafgerf,. <Sk¥)ii after lijbifw io ike ^%ini» year, be
wa3 <chaM|red i^iib odfaering to. die ^ngwee of tbe killgdoaq^
but proo? ^aUjtti^ be was ia^m cfeased b^ ibe coiu^ of
King^^beocb. fieiog now» a^ be tbofight;^ ^ likerty^ -bt
prepared to go Again io PenQsyl^Mia» and pubUsbed pm^-
poaals,for «iiotk^ ^dttiiemwt tberis ; bilt.^ii toy^e wal
prevented by another accusation, supported by the oath
df otife Ifl^IKat^ Fulte^ (a man wl^m tbe parimnkem after-
wards declared tp/he a cheat and impostor) ; Mpon wbiicb ^
warrant was granted lor arresting kim, and he uMpmiAy
js^seapied it, at hi^ retufu ft-om the burial of George Fo^.
Hitherto he kad sucoessfuUy defended kimself; but noiw^
Hot choosing to expose his character to tbe oaths of a pnfO^i
Sigate man, he withdrew f«>0Qi^ public notiice, tUl tbe k^tier
part of 1693 ; when, through the aiediation of bis frteaFdi
jat court, he was once more adoditted to plead b!s own clause
before the king and council ; and he so levaooed kis kuio«r
cence, that he was a foprth time acquitted. He e^aptoy^
himself in his reUrements in writing. Tbe most geoeralljr
known production of hfs 'seclusion^ bears the ti«ie ^
Fruits of Solitudoi in Reflections and Maxims relatiog
to 4M Msdiict of 4mi»m life;** And «nt>tter'iiot' ks9 valued
^f hi9 met it bk ^< Key, Ac. to discern the diiFereiice be^
tween ibeiselifiofi .prole^aed by ibe peeple cnUed Q»aker$»
m4 ^e pervei^itty &c. ef ihetr eiWermries, Ac/* : wbiob
baft :gfme #mnigh, ttpnabe editions at least Not long afteir
liiiB «estoliation to #ocfttfty, he loal Ms wile, which affected
tarn so misbhi that he seid all bis other troubles were nth*
tbtegiflkeefiipatisoe of ibis; e«dlbe published a short tuQ^
counts ber cfaarioter^ dybig^expresMons^ tod pioua end.
T'he'foUowi'fig year, be s^^peared as the eulogist of George
FoUi ta m loeg fMefece to Fex*8 Jouitiai, then fmblished*
Ttbe pr^iee, giiriiig a aummary account of .the people
wbeoi Fox bad been ae nraob the ineaos of imiting, has
beetfi aevAml times primed s^paralelyv under tbe title of
f < A l>vief AcoemH: of tbe rise and .progtess of the people
caUed 42uakera/* It has passed through mftay edit^otw in
^a^sbi two in French^ and has been translated into Ger-»
nan hy A. -F. Wenderbern* Tbe same year he travelled
a»ia minialer in aoove of tbe western counties $ and. in the
liei^ me find bim tbe public ad^rocate of the. Qoafcers to
perliettient, before wbooi a bQI waa then dqieodiirg for
4beir eese in die case of oatbt^ In tbe early pkrt of i 696^
be flMirried a aecond wife^ and soon aifoer lost his- eldest son^
S^ageitt 3Pemi, who appi^ars, from the character given
to Uin by bis father^ to have been a Itopefvil atid pioiis
yeswg frnTO) just ooomig of age. Tbe same year he added
eee ^nere to bis abort tracts despriptifre of Quakerism,
under tbe title of ^'Prioiiti^e Christiufiity revived," &c.
and now began bis paper controversy with the noted
Qewge Keidiy who from a champion of Qoakerismi and
Umb itttilnate «f Barclay, bad become one ef its violent op^
pouents. Keitb'a severest sract accuse Penn and fail
btwlbr^ irf^hstsm. in Ifidf, a bill depending in parUa«
ttiBiMt egaiost blaspfaeasy, be presented to the House of
QeeT% ^ A Caudoe requiaite in the coasideratioH of that
Bill;** u^erefai beedvimd that the teitii .migbt besode^
fitted^ as to prevent malidoos prodecutiona under that pre-^
leace. BkitdMe bill was dropped. , In 169^^ be travelled as
m> preaicber in Ireland^ and the following winter resided at
Briatol. la 1699^ he again sailed for bis pnmuce, with
las wile and fkmilyv intending to inake it bis future resi«
den^e^ but^ during bis abvmcei an attempt was made \o
Undermine proprietary goverlimeot^, tinder colour of ad*
wneieg <the 4itig*s piefogaitive. A bUl for libe purpes^waa
29fi PE NiN:
brought into pafliMient, biit the tneii^tt're vihM po^pobed^
ttntil his return, at the intercession of his frieiidi ; who
atso gave him early infonnatibn of the hostiie pt^eparatibns^-
amd be arrived in England the latter part of 1701. After
his arrival, the' measure was laid aside,: and Penn once
more became welcome at court, by the death of king Wil«
Ham, and the consrequent accession of queen Anne. Oti
this occasion, he resided once more at Kensington, and
afterwards at Knightsbridge, till, >ia 1706, be removed to
a convenient house about a mile from Brentford. Next
year he was iuv-olved in a law-suit with the executors of a
person who had been bis steward ; and, though many
thought him aggrieved, his cause was attended with such
circuniisUtnces, as prevented his obtaining relief, and he
was driven to change his abode to the rules of the Fleet,'
until the business was accommodated; -which did not hap^
pen ' until the ensuing yean It was probably at this time,
that he raised 6,600^. by the mortgage of his province.
After a life of almost constant activity and- employment^-
he found, at the age of sixty-five, that the infirmities ol
age began to visit him, and to lessen his abilities for tra<^
veiling with his wonted alacrity; yet, in the y«ar 1T09,
be visited the west of England, and some counttea nearer
bis residence in the metropolis. But at length, in 1710,
finding the air near the city not to agree with bis declining
constitution, he took a handsome seat at Rushcombj near
Twyford, in Berkshire, at which 'he continued to reside to
the time of his decease. In 171 2, be had, at distant tindesj
three fits, thought to be of the apoplectic kind. The last
of these impaired his understanding and memory, so. much
as to render him unfit for public action afterwards. His
friend, Thomas 'Story, an eminent Quaker^ who had beea
the first recorder of the corporation of Pfaiiadelphia, made
bim annual visits after this time, to his death. In 17 IS
and 1714, he found him cheerful,- and able ta relate past
transactions, but deficient in utterance, and recollection
of the names of absent persons. In 1715, bis ibemory
seemed further decayed ; but both in this, and the foriiier
year,' Story relates, that he' continued to* -utter in the
Quakers* meeting at Aeading, short, but sound and sen-
sible expressions. This year he also tried, but without
benefit,, the effect of the waters at Bath. In ]7.i€, 'he
aeemfed glad to see his. friend, and at parting with him an^
another, he said, ** My ;iove is with you» The .I^ord pr&p'
P E N N. 99$
serre jtm, and renmember me in tbe everbttiag coVtoMt.**
In Uify -lie scarce^ knew fab old acquaintan^) or could
i9alk> without leading. His decease was on the .30th. of
Jiily>'17l8, and his. interment the 5tb of the next, ii^ontb,
at'iordan, near BeacenafieAdy Bujckioghamshire. Without
attempting to draw up ar^ular.ofaaracterof WiUiam.PenUp
it must be evident from bis woAs, that . he was a iban (d
abiiitiea; aodyfnom his conduct through iife, that, he was
a man:of tbe'^pnsest cohscieooe. This, without acqedlng
to.biftoptiiioo8 iu religioo, we are perfectly willing to allow
smd to dadare J i
.P£NNANT (Thomas), an eminent traveller, naturalist^
and antiquary, was born June 14, 1726*, at Downing,, in
Flintshire, the. seat of his family for several generations.
He .was. the son of David. Pennant, and his mother was tbe
daagliter.of'Riofaard MyttonQf..HaUtoo..^ He was educated
first: * at ^;Wrexham, then .at Mr. Croft^s school at Fulbam,
and .last at .Ctueen's.and O^Lel . colleges, Oxford, where,
however, he took no degcee, but was qompliooented with
diat-vf : LL. D« in the year 1771, long after be bad left the
university. .... j
A present of the ornithology of Francis Willougbby,
made to him at the age of twelve, gave him a taste, for that
fitudy^ andta love for natural history in general, which be
afterwards pursued with j constitutional ardour,, and great
reputation ; to such small matters do. men. of talents some*
times owe their prevailing bias,. In 1746-7, he made a
toiur: into: Com wall^ where he contrapted a strong passion
fox minerals and fossils. The first production of bis which
appeared tu pnot, though unknown to.himself, was an abr
ataract of aletter which be wrote to his uncle, John Mytton,
esq« on an earthquake which, was felt at Downing, April 2«
dl7.i&0; ,: This. appeared'!^ tbe Philostopbical Transactions.
Inrl7^4, be wtts. elected a fellow*of tbe Society of Antir
quaries,: an booonr? which he resigned in 1760.; Accord;^
* «To,pra?eQt al) disputes about to Miss Jenny Parry, of Merton, in
ttie place and time of my birth, " be it this pdrish; who, to her dying day»
fcntWn thai^I wflia bum .<m Juife 14, . nerer . failed tefling »e, <* Ab, y(^
1736, old style, in the room .bow called rogue ! I remember you when you had
the yellow room ; that tbe 'celebrated ' not a shirt to your back.*'
Itri. Clayton, of ahrewsbnry, ushered Pennsat's Hist, of Whitefgnd
fa^ intO'-the wwld, %od delivered me , : . ^^^ Holywell.
' ^.']^>je aepouDt, now altered in some jmrts,. was drawn up for the last edition
pi this Dictionary.— A very elaborate life lias lately been published^ by Mir.
<nkiiist>n, in S'rols.' etO.^>i«8ee also Bior. Brit.<*-^nd Life prefixed to bit Wori»,
a'las, 3 Toll, folio.
!i>g 40 fais own aceosmt^ Iki^ foreti|^ at this fime ipm snialk
^^I bad)^' sajsJae^ ^'married a most amiahlewtrwUyVi^f
circoinstances M^ere very narrow, my worthy father; btiog
dlive, and i vainly thought my faappihesi wcnsid h^^VB bteh
^^manent, and that I never ahould hame he&k called aga^n
lirom my tetire^tient to amuse myself in toWn^ or to be of
toe to the society.'*
Pt«vk>U8 to thii resif^tion, however^ m 1754^ be viaitM
Ireland ; \m% such was the oonviviality of .the eouiitry) that
fate jooTQal proved as meagpre ^s his ent^rtahmreot was
plentiful, '* so it never was a dish fit to bb offered to tfas
|>uUick.'- In 1756, be published in the ^'. Philosophical
Transactions/' a paper on severai coralloid bodies he had
4:oiiected at Coali]rrook-dale, in Shropshire* In 17i7, aft
the, instance of the ceiebratcd Linnssu^^ he was elected df
the Royal Society, at Upsal, which he calls the first and
greatest of his Kterary honoun/* He kept «p a.corre«-
«pondence with Linnaeus, till age and infittfiities' obliged
the latter to desist.
In i 761, he began his << British Zoology," wfaidh^ wiicfa
completed, consisted of 132 plates on imperial paper, att
engraved by Mazel. Edwards, the celebfated omithor
logist, conceived at first a little jealousy on this attemipl^
lynt it very soon subsided, and they contracted a great tti^
tamacy, which ended only with the death of Mr. Edward
He devoted the profits of the '* Bntidi Zoology" to the
'Welsh charity school, in Gray's inn-bne, London, and
supported the far greater part ol the e^enoe ; but he lost
Considerably by it, and the school did ndt gain so much as
it might if the work had been printed in a quarto, instead
4>f a large folio siee. But he confesses be ivas at that time
inexperienced in these affairs.
In 1765, he made a abort tiowe to tiie epnlinent, whirls
lie enjoyed the company of the celebrated Bttfbii,^ who
publicly acknowledged his &vouraUe sentiments of Mtk
Pennant's studies in the fifteenth volume of his ^^ Natural
.iHistory." They had afterwards a dispute on branches o^
their respective studies, but, adds our author, ^^ our blows
were light, and I hope that neither of us felt atiy material
it^ary." At Ferney he visiteql Voltaire, who happeJ>ed tp
be in gdod humour, and was very entett^ining ; bfft in his
'attempt to ^peak English^ satisfied the visitors that he ^as
perfect master of the oj^ths and curses wb^ch disgrace ihi^
' Dtfriog iHAb tour, Mr. Pennant visited Itlso bistron Halter,
the two Gesneriy the poets, and Dr. Trew, a venerable
patron of natural history, who resided at Nuremberg. At
the Hague, he met with Dr. PaHas, and this meeting gave
the to hn " SjmopMs of Quadrupeds,'* and the second edi*
tion, tinder the name of the ** History of Quadrupeds,'' a
work received by the naturalists of different parts of Europe
in a manner uncommonly favourable. Mr. Pennant had
proposed this plan ^o Pallas, but owing to the latter being
promoted at the court of Petersburgh, it ultimately de«
▼olved on himself. In 1767, after his return, he was
elected fellow of the Royal Society. In 1768, his British
Zoology was published in two volumes, 8vo, and the book*
teller gave Mr. Pennant \00L for permission to do so, which
he immediately vested in the Widish charity-school.
In 1769, he added a third volume, in octavo, on the
reptiles and fishes of Great Britain. In the fifty-eighth
▼oiume of the Philosophical Transactions, was published
his account of a new species of Pinguin, brought by cap*
tain Macbride, from the Falkland islands. In the same
year, in conjunction with sir Joseph Banks, and Mr. Leten^
who had been a governor in one of the l>Qtch islands in
the Indian ocean, he published twelve plates of Indian
Zoology, but chat work was afterwards discontinued. In
the spring of this year, he^acqaired one whom he calk ^
treasure, Moses Griffith, to whom the public are indebted
for numberless scenes and antiquities, and who accom-
panied Mr. Pennant in all his journeys except that of the
present year, which was his first tour into Scotland. " I
had,** says he, **th« hardiness to venture on a journey ta
the remotest part of North Britain, a country almost as
little known to its southern brethren as Kamtschatka. I
brought home a favourable account of the land. Whether
it will thank me or ho I cannot say, but from the report I
have mad«, and shewing that it might be visited with safety^
H has ever since been inondit with southern visitants." This
J ear, also, be was elected fellow of the Royal Academy at
In 1770, he published 103 additional plates to the Bri-
tish Zoology, with descriptive additions ; and in 1771, he
|irinted, at Chester, his ** Svnopsis of Quadrupeds,** irt
erne yoluine, 8vo. In May of the same year, he was Ho-
notfred bV the university of Oxford, with the degree of
doctor or laws, conlferred in full convocation. About th^
close of the year^ be gare to the public his ''Tomr itt
Scotland," in one 8vp volunae^ oroameDted, as all h^ works
are, with plates. A candid accoui;it of that country was
80cb a novelty, that the impression was instantljr bought
up, and in the next year another waa printed, and a&; soon
sold. In this tour^ as in all the succeedinir, he laboured
earnestly to conciliate the aflFections of the two nation^ so
wickedly and studiously sc^t at variance by evil^desigiiiqg
people; and he received several yety flattering letters on
the occasion. In the Philosophical Transactions of this
year, he has an (Recount of two new species of tortoises.. ;
On Allay 18, 1772, he began the loo^st^of his journey^,
in our island. This was his ^' Second Tour in Scotland^
and Voyage to the Hebrides.*' "My success," he ob-
serves on this occasion, ^^ was equal,to my hopes : I pointed
out every thing I thought would be of service totbexoun-
try : it was roused to look into its advanti^es ; societies
have been formed for the improvements of the fishieries,
and for founding of towns in .proper places : ,to all whicb^
I sincerely wish the most happy event; vast sums will, be
flung away;. but incidentally numbers will be benefited,
and the passionsof patriots tic)£led« I confess that my own
vanity was greatly gratified by the compliments paid tome
in every corporated town. Edinburgh itself presented me
with its freedom, and I returned rich in civil honours." . .
In 1773, be pablishe^ the. 8vo edition of "Genera. of
Birds,'* and performed a topr through . the north of Eng*
land,, where his companion Mr. Griffith made a great
many drawings of antiquities, &c. several of which were
afterwards used by Mr. Grose, in his <* Antiquities of Eng*
land," In this tour he contracted 'an, acquaintancfi ..with
Mr. Hutchinson, the historian of Durham, in a singular
manner,, which we shall give in his own words : ^^ I. was
mounted on the famous stones jn the church^yard of Pen«-^
rith, to take a nearer view of them, and see whether the
drawing I had procured, done by the rev. Dr. Tod, had the
least foundation in truth." Thus engaged, a person. of
good appearance, looking up at me, observed ^^ what fine
work Mr. Pennant had made with those stones.^' I saw he
|iad got into a horrible scrape ; so, unwilling to make bad
worse, I descended, laid bold of his button, and told hiai>
*<.! am the man !" /After his confusion' was over, I 'made ^
short defence^ shook bim by the hand, and we Uecame
from that moment fast friends." An account ofbiurtof
pt;k n a Jiir sos
(bis }&tirriey, Mr. Pennant left in m8ni]9<;ripfy HloStrBled
Witb drawings by Mr.GrliBth. Mr. Pennant performed all
his joarneys on horseback, and to that be aitdbnted.bis
healtby old age. He considered the absolate resijcnatibn
of one^s person to the luxury of a carriage, to forebode a
▼ery short interral between tbat^ andthe vehicle which is
to convey us to our last, stage.
- In 1774, he published a third edition, with additional
plates, of his *} Tour in Scotland,^* in 4to, and his Voyage
to the Hebrides in the same size. In the same year, he
visited the Isle of Man, and journeyed through various parts
of England. In 1775, appeared his third and last volnme
(^ the ^'Tour in Scotland,*' perfomied in 1772. These
tburs have been translated into German, and abridged inr
French. In 1777, he published a fourth volume of the
*^ British Zoology,'* containing the vermes, the crustacecus
and iestaceotts ^nimah of our country.
After several journeys over the six counties of North
Wales, in which be collected ample materials for their
history, he published the first volume of them in. the form
of a tour in 1778; and. in 1781, the second, under the title
of ** A Journey to Snowdon." In the same year a ,new
edition appeared of. his *' Synopsis of Qaadr upefds,"- in
2 vols. 4to, with considerable improvements. The liberties
which the country gentlemen, in the character of deputy*.
Ueiitenahts,' and inilitia-officers,' now and then took with
their fellow*subjects, urged him about this time to publish
** Free Thoughts on the Militia Laws."
/ In this year, 1781, he was elejcted an honbrairy member
of the'society of Antiquaries at. Edinburgh. In tte Philo-
•opbicfti Transactions of the same year, was published his
history 'of the Turkey^ which he made appear was a bird
pleeuliar to America, and unknown before the 4iscQvery of
that continent : also a paper on earthquakes felt in Flint-*
ibire. In 1782, he published his "Jodmey-ftom Chester
lb London." In 1783, he was elected a miember ^of the
Societas Physiographica, at Lund, in Sweden. In 17B4>
appeared his " Letter from a Welch Freeholder to his Re^
presentative." The same year he published his ** Arctic
Zoology,- two volumes, quarto, containing the classes of
quadrupeds and birds. This work gave occasion to bis
being honoured,' in. the year 179^^1, by being elected mem r
ber: of the American Philofophiual Society ' at . PWla-
delpbia. , :/ : ii
SM t K K N A N T.
In M»j ]r7 94, fa& was deciei membeir . of the fiayni
Aeademy of Sciences at Stockbolfli.; ancl in J^nuaiy llSi^^
an bonorapy member of the Edinburgli Socictjr for pm^
noting' of uainral koo«ledgc ;. of the Sbciety of Asniqiia-t
vie» at Pevtb ; and tiope Agnculiural Socitty at Odiasn^ in
Hampslure. In i797^ be publisii«d. a Sappleinent to tile
Arctic Zoology. As in 1777^ be bad again narfiedi htt
dfacofitinued lifs temrt until tbe spving^ lilBI^ whitn .be- vi-
sited tbe dockyardf, and tra^itlled by brad ffem Ba^tfo^
following die coast tor the Landla^cndL
' Besides tbese greater works, of eeraflMhor, he att seirerii
times gttTe the public seme tribes, which he eoliect^d some
years ago, and printed foe the amusenient of his frieadii^
shirty eopies at a pvivute ptess^ Tbe prindpai' wba hitt
^ History of tbe Patagoniaaa ;^* wipiefa, wkb seihe etfaenl^^
he gave to- the pobiic, along wkbbia ^^Xitarary lifa/^: ^
In 1790, he published bis ^* Aceowit of Lmdodv'^ tto
antiquities of wbioh be had studied with gi^BJtimi&tktiiMU Of
this work be saysy ^^^ I had so o£te» walked sdoNMit ihei^e^
yal pans of London^ 'with* my note4iai^ in toy faan<^ that
I could not help formiRgconskieKableeoliectiioaa a#iliatf^
rials. Tbe. publk veeeii«ed this work wiib cbe^utaMist avi^
dky. It went through thvee lanrge impiisssiQiis in sdbadf
two years and a baH/' Maay addbtioiM' wete wade ta» tfal|
second edition. ;. ."
In 1793, be published hi^ Hfe, under «fae indiioMest tidai
ef << Tbe Li^emry Life of tJm kte Thomas IPeriiianty £a^;
by himself." In the advertkeaieiit be states^ febat/tbe tir^
aaination of bis aatfaorial esctftence took fAfice aa Mctreb 1,
1791. He came to life again, bowewer^in 1197, andfMibf^
Kshed «^Tbe History of tbe pasqsbea of Whiiefof^ and
Holywell ;'' and in the last year of bis Ufe, he gave «b#
public hia ^* View of Hindostan," 2 itob.. 4«e^ tot whielf
he thus aecount^: ':* A few yeavs aigo> i gsew fmi of im^
ginartf iowrs, and determvned on one la €liiae» inofe seited
to my years^ Okore genial then that lo the' frozen nonb* i
sdH found, or fancied that I founds aih|ii>^S' to direct «y
pen^ I determined on aToyage to India,^ fonoed ewacetij^
on the plan of the introdnetion to tim^ Arctic Zeolegy^
which comoiences at auch pa»t^ pf tfae^M^Mth' as ac« aceea*
sible Co mortala« From Londoit' 1 follow^ the eeasia^a^tttfaera
to part of our Iskuid, and fit)Oi> Calais, along' the' oataine
8bore» of Europe, Afeica, .and Asia, ^iV Vhvfo attained!
those of New Guinea. Respecting these I have caileqjMdl
F E N N A N T» $o#
frv€ffy ifi|6rioitiotv. possible frofn books anci^t^ i(n4 iqo^
^ern ; from tt^e most autbeqtic^. and ffom living traveller^
g>i tbjS mofC respectable characters of my time* I i^ingU
PAtijral history^ accounts ot' the .coasts, climates, and every
tbing wbich I tbougbt could instruct or amus^. They are
jffritt^a ott imperial quarto, and, when bound, make a fQlid
of no inconsiderable size : and are illustrated, at 9. va^t ^y»
pence, by prinu taken from booksy or by charts and
maps^ and by drawings by the skilful hand of Moses Grif«-
fiib, and by presents from friends. With th^ bare pos*-
sfbiitty of tbe volume relative to India, none of these booka
are to be printed in my life^time ; but to resto^myshelv^s^
the amusement of my advancing age.'' Of these inaniih
fciripjta there were in all twenty«*two .volumes oHgiciaUy ;
but Mr. Pennaiftt, as we have roentioued, printed in bis
}ife^tifne that which relates to India. We may add,, in his
l^wn wordsi f^ Happy is the age that could thus beguile its
Deetiitg jbours, withoiiit injury to atiy one ; andy with th^
addition of years^ continue to rise in its pursuits.''
r His useful life at last terminated, Dec. 16^ 1798, when ba
left a private character in all respects irreproachable^ as a
900, husband, and father. He had great public spirit, and
fooctered himself eminently useful in his county. In his
political principles he was a whig of the old school. His
fortune, as w^l as time^ was liberally devoted to learned
psniuits. He mwrried first, in 1759, the sister of the late
Thomas Falconer, esq, of Cheater, and of Dr. Falconer of
Bath, by whom he had a son, David, and a daughter ; and
tecoodly, in 1777, to miss Mostyn, sister to the late sir
&oger Moatyn, who survives him.
^ ¥^w men have so unceasingly devoted themfeielves to th^
pfomotion of useful knowledge. Or published so many vo*
iumes, especially on subjects of natural history; Hia
iiw)fks have been so generally read, and are in such .high
esteem with the public, that it would be unnecessary in
diis place to enter into their respective merits. It is ael*
dom that works so expensive run through so many editions ;
bat Mr. Pennant had the happy art of relieving the dullest
subjects by ei|livening and amusing digressions -.-and his
tours and bis account of London are distinguished, by a
fund of anecdote, an easy familiarity of style,, and that
pleasant turn for research which engages the reader^s atp
tention because it agreeably refreshes his memory, and sup«i>
{dies hnn with information at a< small expeiice of trouble.
$0* r^ E N N A N T-
{D^ lobtkson said of him, when some objeetions vrtre •
inade to his tours, that " be had greater variety of inquiry
than almost any man ; and has told us more than perhaps
pt\e in ten thousand could have done, in the time that he
took.'^ In 1800, bis Son published the third and fourtb
volumes of << The Outlines of the Globe,*' the title which
Mr. Pennant gave to bis imaginary tours, and wbicb were
the continuation of his " View of HindoStan." Thi«
work was accompanied by an elegant tribute to his memory
by his affectionate Son, who also published, in the follow-
ing year, Mr. Pennant's last work, left by him nearly fi<*
liished for the press, entitled ^' A Journey from London to
the Isle of Wight," 4to. }
PENNI (John Francis), a native of Florence, where b«
was born in 1488, was called II Fttttate, or the Steward^
from having been* intrusted with the domestic concerns c^
Kapbael, and soon became one of his •prHici|>al assistants;
He more than any other* helped him in the execution of
the cartoons of th^ Arazxi; and in the Loggie of the Vati^^
can painted the histories of Abraham and Isaac. After the
death of his master be executed the fresco of the corona*
tion in the stanza of Constantine* The upper part of the
Assumption of the Virgin, a work of Raffaellesque grace,
at Monte Lupi, in Perugia, is ascribed to him, thougti
Vasari gives it to Perino del Vaga: the under* part witk
the Apostles is painted by Julio. Of the works which \m
performed alone, no frescoes, and so few oil-pictures re^
main, that they may be considered as the principal raritiea
of galleries. Facility pf conception, grace of •execution^
and a singular felicity in landscape, are mentioned as hik^
characteristics. Penni wished much to unite himself with
his coheir Julio, but being coldly received by him at
Mantua, went to Naples, where bis works and pripcipleA
might have contributed much toward the » melioration of
style, had he not been intercepted by death in 1528, ior
bis fortieth yean He left at Naples, with his copy of the
Transfiguration, a scholar of considerable merit, LiofHtnh.
Malaies$€Lf or Grazia^ of Pistoja. He had a brother Luca%
who having a close connection with Perino del Vaga, wfaa
bad married his sister, worked with that master (seeP£R<t^
^iTO) for some years at Genoa, Lucca, and other cities «f
Italy, with great credit. Afterwards be went to/limgland^
J Literary Lifs— Hlstpry of Whiteford.;— Outlines of tbe GloVe.
trtd wiasi employed by king* Henry VITI; for wtiom he
painted severaV designs; and was also engaged by some df
the merchants of 'London ; but at last be almost entirely
quitted t^e pendl/ devoting all his time and application t6
engraving, as some say, but Mr. Fuseli maintains that b4
«nly famished designs for engravers.* . '"
- PENROSE (Thomas), an English poet, was the son 6t
the riev. Mti Pet)K>se, rector bf Newbury in Berkshirei a
ittmn of high character and abilities, descended from an
aaeient Cornish (ami ly, who died in 1769. He was bora
in 1743, and being intended for the church, pursded hiik
studies at Christ-churchy Oxford, ' until ' the summer of
1762, when his eager turn for the naval and military pro*
fessidn overpowering.his attXchoient to his real'interest, he
laft bis college, i and embarked in the unfortunate expedi<i
idoo againsi Nova Coldnia, in South America, under tb#
cOmmaad'of captain Mac Aamara. - The irsue was fatal; the
dive, thettargest vessel, was' btiriU, and although th#
Ambuscade escaped (on board of which Mr. Penrose, acting
as^lieutenant of marines, was wounded), yet the hardships'
which he- afterwards sustained in'a priee sloop, in whicb
lie was stationed, utterly ruined his constitution/
. -Returning to England, with ample testimonials of bit
gallantry and good behaviour, he finished at Hertford-col*
lege, Oxford, : his course of studies;' and having takeh
cvders, accepted the curacy of Newbury, the income of
which, by the voluntary subscriptions Of the inhabitants;
was considetuble augmented. After he had continued in^
tibat station about trine yearrs, it seemed aS' if the clouds Of
disappointmem, whiteh had hitherto overshadowed his pro^
fpects, and tinctured his poetical essays with gloom, wertf
elearing away ; for he Avas then presented by a frietid, who
Jtnew his worth, and honoured his abilities, to the rectory
of Beckington and Standerwick, in Somersetshire, wortli
near 500/. per annum. This came, however, too late ; for
the state of Mr. Penrose's health was tiow such as left little
liope> except in the assistance of the waters of BristoK
Thither be went, and there he died in 1779, aged thirty*
•ix. In 1768 he married miss Mary Slocook of Newbury^
by whom he had one child, Thomas, who inherits bis fa«
dber*« genius, taste, and personal worth. He was edd-
<;ated at Winchester and New-college, Oxford, of which
he is now B. C. L^
> PilkiiigtoD, by Fottliif
X 2
' «
,-■ • I
. Mr. Pj^nme vras retp«<^ fior bis elctensi vie eniditton;^' ajk
'iisired for bis eloq^enc^ and equally beloved and esteemed
for bis social qualities. By the poor^ towards whom bm
(Was libeml to bis utmtist ii[bility, he i/»as venerated in th«
btgbest degree. In oriitory and composition ^is talents
were great. Hrs pencil w%m as i;eady as bis pen, and on
fi^bl^ct^ of humour bad tmcommon merit. lu 178 1 a eol-
jkction of bis '^Poems'* was published by bis fnend anl
jee^Iatipn James Peter Andrews, esq. wboprefixed theabove
ftccouDt of Mr. Penrose. They are dist^guisbed hj ez^
quisite ft»ding^ and taste. Hie thoughts ar^ pathetic ao4i
pati^ral, and bcr seems possessed of a great portion of die
fire a0d feetiiig of Collins. Siicb poems as '^Tbe Carousal
sfOdin/' ^ Madness'' and «'The Kield of Battle,'* af«
ainong tbe rare prodiiptioris of modern genius. 'That thesd
l^aems are so litde k|iow» is unaeccmiiiable. Mr. Penrose
pvblisbed two oeeasioiial smroioos of considerable^ merit. *
. PENRY (JoBK), or AP HENRY, coomoidy known by
^is assumed name of Martm Miar^prdkie^ or Mar^priesi^
ivas bora iii 151^9 la Wales, and stodied first at Peter*
bpuse, Caipbridge, of wbith be was A. B. in 1584, and
afterwards at Oxford, in which latt^ university be took tbc^
degree i>f master of arts, and was ordained a priei^ After-
wards, mating with some dts^tisfinetion, as it is said, and
being yeiry warm in his tem)>er, be changed his religion,
and became an Anabaptist, or ratber a Brownist He was
|iencefor#sird a viruleot eftcmy to the church «f England;
a«d the bierarcby df liiat communioa, as appears usuffi^
(pieittly by bis coatse Itbell, In wbicsb be has sbewO' bis
apleeii to « gi'eat degme# At length, after be' had con-
cealed himself Sot aome yeaarst be was apprehended at
^ixoprtey^ afid triisd aa tbe KingfsnBench, befiore sir John
Popham, chief •justice jmd the rest of the judges, wfaieii
be Mias iitd^Mid and condenmed for Mouy, fer papema
^ndr kl bis pockety purpoitiilg to be a petition to the
qUeen^ and. was eJtecttt!Ddl, acicOiMliBg to J^uller, ^t r^SlX,
Thomas Wateptogs, in'l$93. .1)1 appears, that some vio-
laHceHM/as put upon the laws, even as they then stood, tb
jfem a c8pitaI\accnsatioQ 4^iost him. For .bils libels .hS
cduld nott be accused, the legal time Sot such an accusal
tioo baring elapsed, befdre be was taken : itbe piapers i^oa
^ Poems a< above. The editor of the last edition of Johiuoa's Poets was r^
IvetaHily oUi5«4 lo omit Fcof ose^ from being iuia1>le to procure a copf •
- »,
jfcbich be was coDTidted^ contained only an impUed dcniak
of tUe^ queen^ft absolute authoriijf to make^, eoact» decneeji
and ordain laiv9;.and impliad, merely, by' aFOiding la usa
tbosei termS) according i to the veiy . y(ford$ . o( th^ lord'^^.;
keeper PuckeViiig. His execotion. was therefore in, a higb,
degree unjust. > His chief publications kre,; \i '^ Martin
Mari-prelatfi^'^l^ tract, that gave so nisich offence*. -S^
'^ Theses MarttniansB,'' dvo. . 3. >^ Avvievr .of publioke
Wants, and Disorders ia, the serrtce of God, ir> a PeiUioa
ta the: high court of Pariiement/' 15HS^ Svo* i. ^^^Ain
Exhortation to the. Govtcnora and People of 'Wales, to
labour earnestly to havetbe/preacbingof the GospelpiaiUod ^
aoDoiig thenii^'t 15B<8,iBvxK ('5. ^^Reformation no Knenrifi ^
to hex Majesty and the Statc^'M^i^Q, 4to. *^6» V Sir 8i- -^^^^-'^-'^
B|on.Syttod^s<Hue<and Cry Cor:.tbe Apprebehsion of ypun^
Martin M